
AEW Dark 6/23/20 Results: Orange Cassidy, Jurassic Express, SCU, Brian Cage, Mel & More In Action

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Brian Cage vs. Robert Anthony

The match begins with Anthony attacking Cage with a plethora of strikes, Cage recovers and he nails Anthony with a clothesline. Cage then nails Anthony with a buckle bomb, Anthony goes to the ring apron and Cage superplexes him back into the ring. Cage then hits Anthony with the Drill Claw for a three count.

Winner: Brian Cage

SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Christopher Daniels) vs. David Ali & Musa

The match begins with Musa getting Daniels in a headlock, Daniels gets free and Musa drops him with a shoulder tackle. Musa and Daniels then exchange a few arm drags, Ali attacks Daniels from behind so Musa can gain control. Musa then hits Daniels with a power slam for a near fall, Ali tags in and he nails Daniels with a pump kick. Musa interferes and he nails Daniels with a top rope moonsault, Ali then hits Daniels with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Musa tags in and Kazarian immediately interferes to hit him with a leg drop, Daniels then hits Musa with a blue thunder driver. Kazarian and Ali are tagged in by their respective partners, Kazarian quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Daniels tags in and he double teams Ali with Kazarian, Musa interferes and SCU double teams him as well. Kazarian tags in and SCU nails Ali with the Best Meltzer Ever for a three count.

Winners: SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Christopher Daniels)

Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard vs. Pineapple Pete

The match begins with Spears getting Pete in a headlock, Pete gets free and Spears nails him with a shoulder tackle. Spears drags Pete to the mat below and Pete gets free to get Spears in a headlock, Spears gets free and he gets Pete in another headlock. Pete gets free and he nails Spears with a cross body block and roll up, Spears gets angry and he leaves the ring. Spears returns and he backs Pete into the corner before landing a few strikes, Spears then hits Pete with a back breaker. Pete fights back and he nails Spears with a few strikes, Spears recovers to catch a leaping Pete and land a spine buster for a near fall. Spears follows up by nailing Pete with a blue thunder driver for a near fall, Spears loads his glove and he hits Pete with it for a three count.

Winner: Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard

Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts vs. Griff Garrison

The match begins with Garrison nailing Archer with a few strikes, Archer recovers and he levels Garrison with a pounce. Archer keeps Garrison down while choking hook near the ropes, Archer then hits Garrison with a strike too the back of the head. Archer traps Garrison in the corner while nailing him with more strikes, Garrison fights back and Archer nails him with a ripcord uranage for a near fall. Archer traps Garrison in the corner before kicking him in the face, Archer keeps Garrison cornered while landing more strikes. Garrison fights back again and Archer nails him with the Blackout, Archer then hits Garrison with the EVD Claw for a three count.

Winner: Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts

After the match, Lance Archer nails an unidentified wrestler with a choke slam. 

Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vs. Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss

The match begins with Reynolds working over the arm of Janela, Janela gets free and he works over the arm of Reynolds. Reynolds then attacks Janela with a few strikes, Janela recovers and he nails a charging Reynolds with an arm drag followed by a back suplex. Kiss tags in and he double teams Reynolds with Janela for a near fall, Reynolds finds a way to corner Kiss before tagging Silver in. Silver quickly attacks Kiss with a plethora of strikes, Kiss fights back and he nails Silver with a discus elbow strike. Janela tags in and he double teams Silver with Kiss for a near fall, Janela gets Silver up before landing more strikes. Reynolds interferes and that allows Silver to nail Janela with a drop kick, Silver corners Janela while landing some more strikes. Reynolds makes a blind tag and he nails an elevated Janela with a cutter for a near fall, Reynolds then drops Janela with a hard Irish whip before landing a knee drop for a near fall. Reynolds keeps Janela down while applying a modified chin lock, Janela gets free and Silver interferes to drop him. Silver tags in and he attacks Janela with a series of kicks, Janela fights back and he manages to tag Kiss into the match. Kiss quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Reynolds interferes and Janela kicks him in the face.

Janela goes for a suicide dive and Silver blocks it, Silver and Reynolds then hit Janela with a double suicide dive. Silver then hits Kiss with a spinning sit out power bomb for a near fall, Reynolds tags in and Reynolds interferes to hit Dark Order with a double blockbuster. Janela and Kiss then hit Dark Order with double missile drop kicks, Kiss then hits Reynolds with a top rope split leg drop for a three count.

Winners: Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss

Mel vs. KiLynn King

The match begins with Mel backing King into the ropes, King fights back and she backs Mel into the corner before working over her arm. King looks for an arm drag and Mel shoves her to the mat below, Mel then smashes King face first into the mat. Mel corners King and she attacks her with a few strikes, Mel follows up on that by tossing King across the ring. King looks for another arm drag and Mel stomps away on her, Mel then hits King with a running boot to the face. King fights back and she nails Mel with a kick to the head, King finally nails Mel with the arm drag before landing forearm strikes. King then hits Mel with a running European uppercut, King traps Mel in the ropes while landing more strikes. King then drops Mel with a cross body block, King goes to the middle rope and Mel avoids the missile drop kick. Mel then hits King with a sit out choke slam for a three count.

Winner: Mel

Scorpio Sky vs. Lee Johnson

The match begins with Sky working over the arm of Johnson, Johnson gets free and he does the same to Sky. Sky scores a takedown on Johnson before applying a front headlock to him, Johnson gets up and Sky hits him with a shoulder tackle. Johnson gets up and he exchanges a few strikes with Sky, Sky then nails a charging Johnson with a knee strike and drop kick. Sky keeps Johnson down while landing elbow drops and knee drops, Sky follows up by nailing Johnson with a back breaker for a near fall. Johnson fights back and he drops Sky with a clothesline, Johnson then hits Sky with a blue thunder bomb for a near fall. Sky fights back against Johnson and Johnson nails him with a few strikes, Johnson then catches Sky in a roll up for a near fall. Sky recovers and he hits Johnson with a TKO for a three count.

Winner: Scorpio Sky

Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt & Jungle Boy) vs. Luther, Max Caster & Serpentico

The match begins with Caster shoving Stunt to the mat, Stunt gets up and he attacks Caster with a bunch of strikes. Stunt follows up by nailing Caster with a series of kicks, Stunt traps Caster in the corner before landing multiple drop kicks. Boy tags in and he double teams Caster with Stunt, Boy then hits Caster with a face wash for a near fall. Boy follows up by hitting Caster with a slam and knee strike for a near fall, Serpentico tags in and Boy nails him with a hurricarana. Serpentico recovers and he lands a hurricarana of his own on Boy, Boy recovers and he nails Serpentico with a drop kick. Luchasaurus and Luther are tagged in by their respective partners, Luther lands a strike on Luchasaurus before tagging Serpentico in. Luchasaurus clobbers Serpentico with a knee strike followed by a face first slam, Luchasaurus then hits Serpentico with a wheel barrow suplex. Caster tags in and Luchasaurus attacks him with strikes, Boy tags in and he double teams caster with Luchasaurus. Stunt tags in and he lands a splash on Caster from Luchasaurus’ shoulders, Boy interferes and does the same before Luchasaurus lands a standing moonsault. Stunt then double teams Caster with Boy for a near fall, Luther tags in and he nails Stunt with a belly to belly suplex for a near fall. Luther then rips away at the face of Stunt before landing a suplex for a near fall, Stunt fights back and Luther nails him with a clothesline.

Luther drags Stunt to the ropes before choking him along the middle rope, Caster tags in and Stunt nails him with an enziguri. Luchasaurus tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Luchasaurus nails Caster with a head kick and Extinction for a near fall. Luther interferes and Serpentico convinces him to leave the ring, Jurassic Express triple teams Caster to land a triple choke slam. Boy locks Caster in the STS to force a tap out.

Winners: Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt & Jungle Boy)

Peter Avalon w/Leva Bates vs. Orange Cassidy w/Best Friends

The match begins with Avalon attacking Cassidy with a few strikes before getting him down with a headlock, Avalon then works over the arm of Cassidy. Avalon then takes Cassidy down with a takedown, Cassidy gets up and he escapes the grasp of Avalon a short time later. Cassidy then nails Avalon with a drop kick, Avalon goes to the ring apron and Cassidy leaves the ring to hit on Leva. Avalon drops Cassidy with a baseball slide drop kick followed by a dive, Avalon gets Cassidy back in the ring to hit him with more strikes. Avalon then hits Cassidy with a flapjack for a few near falls, Avalon follows up by nailing Cassidy with a leg lariat for a near fall. Avalon corners Cassidy before landing a butterfly suplex for a near fall, Cassidy fights back and he sends Avalon into the top turnbuckle before leaping over him. Cassidy follows up by nailing Avalon with a tornado DDT for a near fall, Cassidy goes for a top rope high cross body and Avalon rolls through for a near fall. Cassidy then hits Avalon with a superman punch for a three count.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

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