
AEW Dark 6/16/20 Results: SCU, Dark Order, Penelope Ford, Lance Archer, Brandi Rhodes & More Compete

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dark. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy & Marko Stunt) vs. Jon Cruz & Capital Vices (Sin & Money)

The match begins with Money backing Boy into the corner before landing a few strikes, Boy recovers and he catches Money in a few roll ups for a few near falls. Stunt and Cruz are tagged into the match, Stunt drops Cruz with a hurricarana before landing a senton bomb. Stunt then nails Cruz with a drop kick, Money tags back in and Stunt drops him with a hurricarana before tagging Luchasaurus in. Jurassic Express triple team Money for a near fall, Sin interferes and Luchasaurus nails him with a knee strike followed by a head kick. Luchasaurus then hits Money with a wheelbarrow German suplex, Stunt nails Money with a splash before Boy tags in to land a swanton bomb. Capital Vice nail Boy with a double low blow after Cruz distracts the referee, Sin tags in and he nails Boy with a leg drop for a near fall. Boy fights back and he nails everybody with multiple head kicks, Stunt tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Stunt sets up for a choke slam and Sin interferes to attack him, Luchasaurus tags in and he lays everybody out with a variety of kicks. Luchasaurus nails Cruz with a choke slam and standing moonsault for a near fall, Sin goes after Luchasaurus and he eats a headbutt. Boy tags in and he nails Cruz with a tiger suplex for a near fall, Jurassic Express hit Cruz with their finisher for a three count.

Winners: Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy & Marko Stunt)

Brandon Cutler & Peter Avalon w/Leva Bates vs. SCU (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian)

The match begins with Avalon attacking Daniels while he was on the ring apron, Kazarian quickly hits Avalon with a few arm drags afterwards. Avalon gets free and he hits Kazarian with a few arm drags of his own, Daniels and Kazarian take turns landing strikes on Avalon before Kazarian lands another arm drag. Daniels tags in and Cutler gets a tag a short time later, Daniels gets Cutler in a headlock before working over his arm. Cutler gets free and he works over the arm of Daniels, Cutler follows up by nailing Daniels with a springboard forearm strike for a near fall. Daniels recovers to drop Cutler and tag Kazarian in, SCU double teams both Cutler and Avalon for a short time. Kazarian hits Cutler with a gut wrench suplex for a near fall, Daniels tags in and he nails a downed Cutler with an elbow drop for a near fall. Avalon interferes and he drops Daniels with a clothesline, Avalon tags in and he nails Daniels with a drop kick for a near fall. Cutler tags in and Daniels nails him with a few strikes, Cutler recovers and he nails Daniels with a jumping head kick followed by a bottom rope knee drop. Daniels is knocked to the arena floor and Avalon nails him with a dive, Daniels is thrown back in the ring and Cutler gets a near fall on him.

Avalon tags in and he gets into an argument with Cutler, Daniels causes Cutler to hit Avalon before tagging Kazarian in. Kazarian quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Kazarian nails Avalon with an inverted slam for a near fall. Avalon recovers and he nails Kazarian with a flapjack, Cutler tags in and he hits Kazarian with a springboard elbow drop for a near fall. Avalon tags in and Daniels gets a tag a short time later, Daniels hits Avalon with a middle rope stomp before Kazarian lands a cutter on him. Cutler interferes and SCU quickly takes him out, SCU nails Avalon with Celebrity Rehab for a three count.

Winners: SCU (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian)

Big Swole vs. Dani Jordyn

The match begins with Jordyn throwing the Burn Book at Swole, Swole then nails a charging Jordyn with a leg lariat. Jordyn trips up Swole before landing a few strikes, Jordyn mounts Swole and attacks her with more strikes. Jordyn corners Swole while landing even more strikes, Jordyn keeps Swole down while holding her in a chin lock. Swole gets free and she nails Jordyn with a headbutt, Swole follows up by hitting Jordyn with a springboard cutter. Swole then hits Jordyn with a GTS and Dirty Dancing for a three count.

Winner: Big Swole

– Leva Bates is interviewed backstage, Brandon Cutler and Peter Avalon interrupt while arguing with each other before agreeing to never team again.

Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts vs. David Ali

The match begins with Archer attacking a ring attendant, Ali attacks Archer with a strike and Archer kicks him across the ring. Archer stomps away on Ali before sending him face first on the mat below, Archer makes Ali kneel before landing multiple forearm strikes. Archer corners Ali while attacking him with more strikes, Archer follows up by nailing Ali with multiple avalanches. Ali fights back and he nails Archer with a few strikes, Archer catches a leaping Ali and he nails him with a uranage. Archer traps Ali in the corner while landing multiple kicks to the midsection, Archer then hits Ali with a choke slam throw. Archer follows up by hitting Ali with the Blackout for a near fall, Archer applies the EVD Claw to Ali for a three count.

Winner: Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts

(Note: My internet connection briefly went out during the beginning of the next match.)

Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss vs. Shawn Dean & Musa

The match is joined in progress and we see Lance Archer approaching the ringside area while Jake Roberts tries talking sense to him, Musa and Dean are double teaming Kiss in the ring for a near fall. Dean holds Kiss in a chin lock while landing some strikes, Dean releases the hold before nailing Kiss with an avalanche. Musa tags in and Kiss finds a way to tag Janela in a short time later, Janela quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Janela nails a downed Dean and Musa with a double senton, Kiss tags in and he nails a corned Musa with a handstand axe kick. Janela nails Musa with a top rope hurricarana before Kiss lands a top rope splitting splash for a three count.

Winners: Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss

Brandi Rhodes & Allie w/Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall vs. Red Velvet & Kenzie Page

The match begins with Allie attacking Page with a forearm strike before the bell sounded, Allie corners Page before attacking her with multiple kicks. Allie gets Page out of the corner before landing multiple knee strikes on her, Page fights back and she cracks Allie with a few strikes. Velvet tags in and she cracks Allie with some strikes of her own, Allie recovers and she hits Velvet with a swinging neck breaker. Rhodes tags in and she double teams Velvet with Allie, Rhodes drops Velvet before landing a thrust kick to the head for a near fall. Velvet fights back and she nails Rhodes with a few strikes, Rhodes fights back and she drops Velvet with a right. Allie distracts Rhodes and Velvet shoves them into each other, Velvet then hits Rhodes with a leg lariat for a near fall. Page tags in and she double teams Rhodes with Velvet for a near fall, Page then hits Rhodes with a suplex for a near fall. Page keeps Rhodes down while holding her in a chin lock, Rhodes gets free and she nails Page with a jaw breaker. Allie stays down on the arena floor saying she has an ankle injury, Rhodes then hits Page with a few clotheslines and a sling blade. Velvet interferes and Rhodes nails her with a pump kick, Rhodes hits Page with a spear as Allie tags in to get a three count.

Winners: Brandi Rhodes & Allie w/Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall

Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard vs. Lee Johnson

The match begins with Spears working over the arm of Johnson, Johnson gets free and he gets Spears down while working over his arm. Spears backs Johnson into the corner before attacking him with strikes, Johnson tries fighting back and Spears nails him with a knee strike. Spears follows up by dumping Johnson out of the ring, Spears gets Johnson back in the ring and Johnson immediately nails him with a baseball slide drop kick. Johnson goes for a suicide dive and Spears nails him with an elbow strike, Spears the hits a trapped Johnson with a pump kick before dropping him back first on the ring apron. Spears gets Johnson back in the ring while ripping away at his face, Johnson fights back and he falls on top of Spears during a back suplex attempt. Johnson drops Spears again before landing a single leg drop kick, Spears gets up and Johnson nails him with a running European uppercut. Spears catches a leaping Johnson and he gets him in a sharp shooter to force a tap out.

Winner: Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard

Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs. Brady Pierce & John Skyler

The match begins with Grayson immediately attacking Skyler with shoulder tackles, Uno tags in and he double teams Skyler with Grayson. Uno drops Skyler with multiple chops and a back elbow strike, Skyler fights back and Uno nails him with more strikes. Uno pokes Skyler in the eyes next after a referee distraction, Grayson tags in and he kicks away at a cornered Skyler. Uno tags back in as Skyler fights back against both opponents, Pierce tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Pierce and Skyler hit Uno with a top rope stomp/neck breaker combo for a near fall, Grayson makes a blind tag and he double teams Skyler with Uno for a near fall. Pierce hits the ring and Grayson nails him with a uranage, Uno tags in and Dark Order hits Skyler with the Fatality for a three count.

Winners: Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson)

After the match, Brodie Lee comes out to congratulate Stu Grayson and Evil Uno.

Jimmy Havoc vs. Griff Garrison

The match begins with Havoc backing Garrison into the ropes while landing some strikes, Havoc then gets Garrison in a headlock. Havoc gets Garrison down while working over his arm, Havoc bends the arm of Garrison before stomping away on it. Havoc continues manipulating the injured arm of Garrison, Garrison fights back and Havoc goes back to work on his arm. Garrison tries fighting back and Havoc cracks him with a few strikes, Havoc then hits a charging Garrison with a double stomp. Garrison leaves the ring and Havoc follows him out there before throwing him into the barricade, Havoc goes for a chop and he winds up hitting the ring post. Garrison attacks Havoc with a few strikes before getting sent into the barricade again, Havoc gets Garrison back in the ring while ripping away at his face. Garrison fights back again and Havoc propels him into the corner, Havoc follows up by suplexing Garrison into the corner. Havoc gets Garrison down while choking him with his own hair, Havoc corners Garrison while choking him again. Havoc then hits Garrison with a death valley driver followed by a diving forearm strike, Garrison avoids the Acid Rainmaker to land multiple avalanches for a near fall. Garrison charges at Havoc and havoc kicks him in the face, Havoc hits Garrison with an Acid Rainmaker and elevated DDT for a three count.

Winner: Jimmy Havoc

Penelope Ford w/Kip Sabian vs. Skyler Moore

The match begins with Ford backing Moore into the corner before eating an arm drag, Ford goes for a kick and Moore blocks it before Ford gets to the ropes. Ford kicks Moore in the ankle before shoving her to the mat below, Ford then sends Moore face first into the top turnbuckle. Ford then chokes Moore on the middle rope while embracing Sabian, Ford then clotheslines Moore along the top rope. Ford corners Moore again before landing multiple shoulder thrusts to the midsection, Moore fights back and she rolls up Ford for a near fall. Moore cracks Ford with a few strikes and a gut wrench suplex for a near fall, Ford recovers to hit Moore with a handspring cutter. Ford then hits Moore with a fisherman suplex for a three count.

Winner: Penelope Ford w/Kip Sabian

Scorpio Sky vs. Robert Anthony

The match begins with Sky doing some work on the arm of Anthony and Anthony does the same to him, Anthony scores a takedown on Sky. Sky gets up and Anthony corners him before letting him go free, Anthony gets Sky down again while working over his arm. Sky gets free and he catches Anthony in a roll up for a near fall, Anthony gets Sky in a headlock and Sky gets free before applying a headlock of his own. Anthony gets free and Sky drops him with a shoulder tackle, Sky keeps Anthony down while working over his arm. Anthony gets free and he cracks Sky with a back elbow strike in the corner, Sky recovers and he drops Anthony. Sky then hits Anthony with a leaping back elbow strike for a near fall, Anthony recovers and he nails a charging Sky with a flapjack for a near fall. Anthony corners Sky next before landing a few strikes, Sky fights back and Anthony nails him with an elbow strike before applying a chin lock. Anthony releases the hold and he corners Sky before landing some strikes, Anthony keeps Sky down while applying a cobra clutch to him. Sky gets free and he nails Anthony with strikes followed by a few clotheslines, Sky then hits a ducking Anthony with a double stomp.

Sky avoids a swinging Anthony to land a drop kick for a near fall, Anthony fights back and he hits Sky with a death valley driver for a near fall. Anthony looks for a suplex and Sky counters with a small package for a near fall, Sky nails a charging Anthony with a boot to the face followed by a TKO for a three count.

Winner: Scorpio Sky

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