
AEW Dark 5/5/20 Results: Colt Cabana, Sammy Guevara, Kip Sabian, Penelope Ford & More Appear

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dark. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– Tony Schiavone & Cody welcome everybody to AEW Dark while previewing the card.

10 w/Brodie Lee vs. Ryan Pyles

The match begins with 10 nailing Pyles with a clothesline, 10 then corners Pyles before dropping him with a chop. 10 follows up on that by nailing Pyles with a release German suplex, 10 corners Pyles again while landing more strikes. 10 then nails a cornered Pyles with a running forearm strike before dumping him out of the ring, 10 leaves the ring to nail Pyles with more strikes. 10 gets Pyles in the ring and Pyles tries fighting back, Lee gets angry and he nails the ring post with a chair to distract Pyles. 10 nails Pyles with a boot to the face followed by a spine buster for a three count.

Winner: 10 w/Brodie Lee

Sammy Guevara vs. Shawn Dean

The match begins with Guevara talking on his phone before Dean rolls him up for a near fall, Dean then nails Guevara with a drop kick followed by an arm drag. Dean misses another drop kick attempt and Guevara nails him with a knee strike, Guevara gets Dean up before landing more knee strikes. Guevara does some squats before nailing Dean with a Samoan drop for a near fall, Dean fights back and he nails Guevara with a delayed vertical suplex. Dean then nails Guevara with a rolling knee drop for a near fall, Guevara recovers and he hits Dean with a rip cord headbuttt. Guevara follows up on that by choking Dean on the middle rope,  Guevara keeps Dean down while stomping away on him. Guevara also nails Dean with a running double stomp before applying a chin lock, Dean gets free and he nails Guevara with a few strikes. Dean then drops Guevara with a few back elbow strikes and a DDT, Dean misses a charge in the corner and Guevara cracks him with a leaping knee strike. Guevara then hits Dean with a burning GTS for a three count.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

Colt Cabana vs. Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford

The match begins with Sabian and Cabana giving each other some shoves and slaps, Cabana then drops a charging Sabian with a shoulder block. Sabian and Cabana go through a series of reversals until Cabana lands a slap, Sabian leaves the ring and Cabana follows him out there to land a few strikes. Cabana gets Sabian back in the ring and he causes him to miss a springboard enziguri, Cabana then focuses his attack on the arm of Sabian. Cabana drops Sabian and he wrenches away on his ankle, Cabana goes back to working over the arm of Sabian. Sabian fights back and Cabana drops him with a shoulder tackle, Cabana goes to the ring apron before nailing Sabian with multiple elbow strikes. Ford distracts Cabana and Sabian nails Cabana with a springboard enziguri, Sabian knocks Cabana to the arena floor and he follows him out there. Sabian gets Cabana back in the ring before Ford refuses to kiss him, Sabian gets angry and he attacks Cabana with a ton of strikes. Sabian keeps Cabana cornered before landing a step up head kick, Sabian drops Cabana before landing a penalty kick for a near fall. Sabian also decides to choke Cabana along the middle rope, Sabian and Cabana have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Cabana misses a charge in the corner and Sabian nails him with a springboard drop kick for a near fall, Cabana fights back and Sabian nails him with more strikes.

Sabian gets Cabana in the corner before choking him along the top rope, Cabana fights back and he lands a double up kick to a leaping Sabian. Sabian comes forward and Cabana attacks him with some strikes before rolling him up for a near fall, Cabana then hits Sabian with more strikes and a splash for a near fall. Sabian fights back and he misses a slingshot swanton attempt on Cabana, Cabana then hits Sabian with a Flying Apple. Cabana goes to the middle rope and Ford gets in the ring to distract him, Sabian nails Cabana with a low blow before rolling him up for a three count.

Winner: Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford

– Tony Schiavone & Cody preview tomorrow night’s edition of AEW Dynamite.

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