
AEW Dark 5/26/20 Results: 10 Matches & The First Count Out Win In AEW History

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dark. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds) vs. Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) w/Brandi Rhodes

The match begins with Reynolds working over the arm of Marshall, Marshall gets free and he tags Rhodes in. Marshall and Rhodes double team Reynolds with a double side Russian leg sweep, Rhodes nails Reynolds with an arm drag before sending him shoulder first into the top turnbuckle. Marshall comes in and he nails Reynolds with a spinning splash, Allie appears in the crowd as Marshall nails Reynolds with shoulder tackles and a top rope clothesline. Silver tags in while Marshall is distracted and he attacks Marshall, Silver gets Marshall back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Silver then nails Marshall with a leaping back elbow strike, Reynolds tags in and he kicks away at a cornered Marshall. Reynolds nails Marshall with an arm trap clothesline for a near fall, Silver tags back in as Marshall fights back. Reynolds and Silver recover to double team Marshall for a near fall, Silver keeps Marshall down while attacking him with more kicks. Marshall responds by nailing Silver with an exploder suplex, Reynolds tags in and Rhodes gets a tag a short time later. Rhodes quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Rhodes nails Reynolds with a bulldog before hitting Silver with a power slam.

Marshall tags in as Rhodes nails Reynolds with a destroyer, Marshall then hits Reynolds with a cutter for a three count.

Winners: Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) w/Brandi Rhodes

Michael Nakazawa vs. Brandon Cutler

The match begins with Cutler getting Nakazawa in a headlock, Nakazawa goes for his oil and the referee takes it from him. Cutler throws another oil away and Nakazawa rolls him up for a few near falls, Cutler recovers and he nails Nakazawa with a springboard forearm strike for a near fall. Cutler then hits Nakazawa with a side Russian leg sweep before landing an elbow drop for a near fall, Cutler gets Nakazawa up while attacking him with some strikes. Nakazawa fights back and he nails Cutler with a spear, Nakazawa misses a charge in the corner and Cutler nails him with multiple head kicks for a near fall. Cutler looks for a suplex and Nakazawa avoids it, Nakazawa looks for his oil and Cutler nails him with a suplex for a near fall. Cutler corners Nakazawa before landing a bunch of strikes, Nakazawa fights back and he lands strikes of his own. Nakazawa ends the exchange by landing a running back elbow strike, Cutler fights back and he attacks Nakazawa with some kicks. Cutler then hits Nakazawa with a swanton bomb for a near fall, Cutler gets Nakazawa in a torture rack before dumping him out of the ring. Cutler then hits Nakazawa with a slam on the staging, Cutler follows up by nailing Nakazawa with a springboard elbow drop.

Cutler also nails Nakazawa with a slam on the arena floor, Nakazawa shoves Cutler into the barricade and he beats the count into the ring to win the match.

Winner: Michael Nakazawa, by count out

After the match, The Librarians come to the ring and Peter Avalon mocks Brandon Cutler. Cutler grabs the microphone and he says he’ll get a win before Avalon does in AEW.

Peter Avalon w/Leva Bates vs. Jungle Boy w/Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt

The match begins with Avalon working over the arm of Boy, Boy gets free and he works over the arm of Avalon. Avalon gets Boy in a headlock and Boy gets free before applying a headlock of his own, Avalon gets free and Boy nails him with a hurricarana. Boy follows up by hitting Avalon with a springboard arm drag and a missile drop kick, Avalon leaves the ring and he gets into a shoving match with Boy. Bates gets in between them and the distraction allows Avalon to shove Boy into the ring post, Avalon gets Boy back into the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Avalon then nails Boy with a suplex for a near fall, Avalon corners Boy before attacking him with more strikes. Avalon misses a charge in the corner and Boy rolls him up before eating a leg lariat, Avalon keeps Boy down while holding him in a head scissors. Boy gets free and Avalon stomps away on him before choking him in the corner, Boy fights back and Avalon nails him with a slam. Avalon goes for a top rope moonsault and Boy gets out of the way, Boy then cracks Avalon with strikes and a clothesline. Avalon recovers and he nails Boy with a pump kick, Boy gets to the ring apron and Boy nails him with a springboard DDT for a near fall. 

Avalon catches Boy in a small package from out of nowhere for a near fall, Avalon then hits Boy with a flapjack and sliding flat liner. Avalon follows up by hitting Boy with the Martinis for a near fall, Bates looks to interfere and Avalon nearly crashes into her. Boy catches Avalon in the SGS to force a tap out.

Winner: Jungle Boy w/Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt

Christopher Daniels vs. Serpentico

The match begins with Serpentico going to work on the arm of Daniels, Daniels scores a takedown on Serpentico before getting him in a headlock. Daniels focuses his attack on the arm of Serpentico, Serpentico gets free and he exchanges more headlocks with Daniels. Serpentico then drops Daniels with a shoulder tackle, Daniels recovers to drop Serpentico with an arm drag. Daniels keeps Serpentico down while working over his arm, Serpentico gets free and he nails Daniels with a jumping knee strike. Daniels fights back and he nails Serpentico with a leg lariat followed by a back body drop, Daniels then hits Serpentico with an exploder suplex. Daniels looks for the Angel’s Wings and Serpentico backs him into the corner before landing some strikes, Serpentico drops Daniels before landing a slingshot double stomp for a near fall. Daniels gets up and Serpentico attacks him with more strikes, Daniels recovers to hit Serpentico with an STO and a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Daniels then hits Serpentico with a uranage and the Best Moonsault Ever for a three count.

Winner: Christopher Daniels

Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss vs. John Skyler & Brady Pierce

The match begins with Pierce backing Kiss into the corner, Kiss gets free and he nails Pierce with a right. Kiss then nails Pierce with a spinning back kick to the midsection, Janela tags in and he nails the arm of Pierce with a top rope axe handle smash. Janela then drops Pierce with a running back elbow strike, Skyler interferes and Janela still manages to nail Pierce with a running corner clothesline. Kiss tags in and he nails Pierce with a handspring axe kick for a near fall, Janela tags back in and Skyler makes a blind tag a short time later. Skyler nails Janela with a spear followed by some strikes, Pierce tags in and he double teams Janela with Skyler. Pierce goes for a middle rope moonsault and Janela gets out of the way, Kiss and Skyler are tagged in by their respective partners. Kiss quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Kiss nails Skyler with a leg drop for a near fall. Pierce interferes and Kiss sends him out of the ring, Janela tags in and he nails Pierce with a suicide dive. Kiss sends Skyler into the ropes so Janela can crack him with a right, Janela nails Skyler with a top rope elbow drop for a three count.

Winners: Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss

Kip Sabian & Jimmy Havoc w/Penelope Ford vs. Tony Donati & Faboo Andre

The match begins with Havoc attacking both opponents before the bell sounds, Havoc corners Andre before biting him. Sabian tags in and Andre nails him with a drop kick, Havoc tags back in and he attacks Andre with a bunch of strikes. Andre fights back and he nails Havoc with a hurricarana, Andre then hits Havoc with a middle rope cross body block. Havoc recovers to hit Andre with an elbow strike, Sabian interferes before tagging into the match. Sabian corners Andre before kicking away at him, Havoc tags back in and he bites Andre in the forehead before sending him out of the ring. Ford interferes and she attacks Andre while the ref was distracted, Sabian tags in and he double teams Andre with Havoc. Havoc tags back in and he double teams Andre with Sabian, Havoc keeps Andre down while choking him with his won hair. Andre fights back and Sabian tags into the match, Donati tags in a short time later and he cleans house against the opposing team. Donati nails Sabian with a German suplex for a one count, Havoc interferes and Donati sends him out of the ring. Donati then hits Sabian with a suplex for a near fall, Sabian recovers and he hits Donati with a rope assisted spinning neck breaker.

Havoc tags in and he nails Donati with a death valley driver, Sabian tags in and he nails Donati with a top rope double stomp. Sabian and Havoc nail Donati with their finisher for a three count.

Winners: Kip Sabian & Jimmy Havoc w/Penelope Ford

Wardlow w/MJF vs. Grim

The match begins with Wardlow nailing Grim with a power slam, Grim fights back and Wardlow nails him with multiple shoulder thrusts followed by a pop up uppercut. Wardlow keeps Grim down while stomping away on him, Grim fights back again and Wardlow quickly drops him before landing more strikes. Wardlow misses a charge into the corner and Grim nails him with multiple avalanches, Grim goes to the middle rope and Wardlow gets him off with a release German suplex. Wardlow goes for the F-10 and Grim escapes before eating a corner spear, Wardlow then hits a falling Grim with a knee strike and the ref calls for the bell as Grim is knocked out.

Winner: Wardlow w/MJF

After the match, Wardlow hits Grim with an F-10.

Colt Cabana vs. Lee Johnson

The match begins with Cabana trapping the arm of Johnson, Cabana then drops Johnson with a spinning hip toss. Johnson looks for a takedown on Cabana and Cabana quickly drops him, Cabana catches Johnson in a roll up for a near fall. Cabana stands on the hand of Johnson while stretching both arms out, Cabana catches Johnson in a few more roll ups for a few more near falls. Johnson gets up and he attacks Cabana with a few strikes, Cabana fires back and he drops Johnson with a chop. Johnson recovers and he nails Cabana with a drop kick, Cabana recovers to hit Johnson with a Flying Apple and multiple strikes. Cabana gets Johnson in the Billygoats Curse to force a tap out.

Winner: Colt Cabana

Penelope Ford w/Kip Sabian vs. Kilynn King

The match begins with King working over the arm of Ford, Ford gets free and she does some damage to the arm of King. Ford nails King with an elbow strike before eating a shoulder tackle, King then hits Ford with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall. Sabian interferes and that allows Ford to attack her from behind, Ford corners King while stomping away on her. Ford follows up on that by choking King on the middle rope, Ford then nails King with a suplex for a near fall. Ford again chokes King while arguing with the referee, King fights back and Ford nails her with some more strikes. Ford keeps King cornered while choking her again, King fights back again and she lands a missile drop kick. King misses a charge in the corner and Ford nails her with a handspring elbow strike, Ford then hits King with a handspring cutter for a three count.

Winner: Penelope Ford w/Kip Sabian

Best Friends (Trent & Chuck Taylor) w/Orange Cassidy vs. Shawn Dean & Alan Angels

The match begins with Taylor catching Dean in a hammerlock, Dean gets free and he drops Taylor with a shoulder tackle. Taylor recovers to hit Dean with an arm drag and drop kick, Trent tags in and Dean gets double teamed. Angels tags in and Trent scores a takedown on him, Angels gets angry and he attacks Trent with some strikes. Angels then nails Trent with an enziguri before eating a clothesline, Trent then hits Angels with a rope assisted northern lights suplex for a near fall. Dean distracts Trent and that allows Angels to hit him with a springboard drop kick, Dean tags in and he cracks Trent with some strikes. Dean corners Trent before landing a running knee strike, Angels tags back in and Dean propels him onto Trent for a near fall. Dean tags in again and he attacks a trapped Trent with more strikes, Dean misses a charge into the corner and Trent nails him with a tornado DDT afterwards. Angels interferes and Trent nails him with a side suplex, Taylor tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Taylor nails Angels with a knee strike before nailing Dean with a dive, Trent then hits Dean with a spear on the arena floor. Angels fights back and Taylor nails him with a power bomb, Trent tags in and Best Friends hits Angels with a Strong Zero for a three count.

Winners: Best Friends (Trent & Chuck Taylor) w/Orange Cassidy

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