
AEW Dark 5/19/20 Results: Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara, Hikaru Shida, Private Party & More In Action!

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Hikaru Shida vs. Dani Jordyn

The match begins with Shida getting Jordyn in a headlock, Jordyn gets free and she exchanges shoulder tackles with Shida until Jordyn goes down. Jordyn recovers and she catches Shida with a hip toss, Shida fights back and she nails Jordyn with a back breaker. Shida leaves the ring before nailing a trapped Jordyn with a running knee strike, Jordyn fights back to kick Shida in the head and then land a rope assisted DDT for a near fall. Jordyn then catches Shida in a bridging arm bar, Jordyn releases the hold and she exchanges forearm strikes with Shida. Jordyn misses a thrust kick and Shida nails her with a running knee strike, Shida follows up by landing a missile drop kick for a near fall. Shida then nails Jordyn with an enziguri before eating a release German suplex, Shida recovers and she hits Jordyn with a knee strike for a near fall. Shida hits Jordyn with another knee strike and a falcon arrow for a three count.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

QT Marshall vs. Clutch Adams

The match begins with Marshall backing Adams into the corner before eating a shot to the midsection, Marshall fights back and he drops Adams with a right. Marshall then focuses his attack on the arm of Adams, Adams gets free and he lands a knee strike followed by multiple strikes to the midsection of Marshall. Marshall recovers and he nails Adams with a few strikes before landing a suplex, Adams then sends a charging Marshall out of the ring. Marshall gets back in and Adams lands a knee left to the injured midsection, Adams then stomps away on a downed Marshall. Adams follows up by dropping Marshall on the top rope for a near fall, Marshall fights back and Adams whips him into the corner. Marshall back body drops a charging Adams out of the ring and onto the entrance ramp, Marshall then clotheslines Adams back into the ring. Marshall also cracks Adams with a few jabs and a flat liner, Adams recovers and he backs Marshall into the corner. Adams follows up by slamming Marshall face first into the mat below, Marshall recovers to hit Adams with a cutter for a three count.

Winner: QT Marshall

Marko Stunt vs. Jason Cade

The match begins with Cade backing Stunt into the corner before eating a bunch of strikes, Stunt knocks Cade out of the ring. Cade gets back in and Stunt lands a drop kick, Cade then rolls up Cade before landing a leg lariat for a near fall. Stunt avoids a charging Cade before landing a springboard elbow drop for a near fall, Cade recovers and he sends Stunt neck first into the top rope. Cade then corners Stunt before landing a ton of strikes, Stunt fights back and Cade levels him with a forearm strike. Stunt fights back again and Cade nails him with more strikes before landing a hard Irish whip into the corner, Stunt lands a few strikes and Cade drops him again. Cade misses a charge in the corner and Stunt misses one a few moments later, Stunt gets to the top rope and Cade trips him up before landing an elevated DDT for a near fall. Stunt recovers to hit Cade with a poison rana and hurricarana, Cade leaves the ring and Stunt nails him with a suicide dive. Stunt gets Cade back into the ring and Cade goes to the middle rope, Stunt gets Cade off the ropes with a power bomb before landing a 450 splash for a three count.

Winner: Marko Stunt

Jimmy Havoc & Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford vs. Lee Johnson & Musa

The match begins with Sabian working over the arm of Johnson, Johnson gets free and he works over the arm of Sabian. Sabian gets Johnson down and he rolls him up for a near fall, Sabian gets Johnson in a headlock and Johnson gets free before applying a head scissors. Sabian gets free and he goes back to work on the arm of Johnson, Havoc tags in and he attacks Johnson with a bunch of strikes. Havoc corners Johnson before stomping away on him, Havoc then nails Johnson with an exploder suplex. Musa tags in and Havoc drops him with a right to the face, Havoc stomps away on a downed Musa before tagging Sabian in. Sabian gets Musa in a headlock and Musa gets free before eating a leg lariat, Musa fights back and he nails Sabian with a hurricarana followed by a drop kick. Johnson tags in and he double teams Sabian with Musa, Johnson then hits Sabian with a drop kick for a one count. Musa tags back in and Sabian rakes his eyes after a Havoc distraction, Havoc tags in and he wrenches away on Musa’s head. Sabian tags in and he double teams Musa with Havoc, Sabian then wrenches away on the head of Musa.

Havoc tags in and he attacks a cornered Musa with some strikes, Sabian tags in and he kicks Musa in the head. Musa fights back and Sabian levels him with a knee strike, Havoc tags in and he double teams Musa with Sabian. Havoc nails Musa with a suplex before biting his ear, Sabian tags in as Musa fights back against the opposing team. Johnson tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Johnson nails Havoc with a heel kick to the head for a near fall. Havoc nails Johnson with an Acid Rainmaker and package DDT for a three count.

Winners: Jimmy Havoc & Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford

Rey Fenix vs. Shawn Dean

The match begins with Fenix working over the arms of Dean, Dean gets free and he works on the arm of Fenix. Dean then transitions to a headlock against Fenix, Fenix gets free and Dean nails him with a drop kick. Fenix gets angry and he levels Dean with a spinning head kick, Fenix mounts Dean while landing a bunch of strikes. Fenix goes for an arm bar and Dean gets to the ropes, Fenix traps Dean near the ropes before landing some chops. Dean escapes a brain buster attempt to hit Fenix with a knee strike, Fenix goes to the middle rope and Dean knocks him to the arena floor before landing a suicide dive. Dean gets Fenix up and he attacks him with some chops, Fenix fights back as Dean gets in the ring. Fenix nails Dean with a head kick followed by a rolling drop kick, Fenix traps Dean in a submission hold before letting it go a short time later to land a head kick. Fenix goes for a dive and Dean counters with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Fenix recovers and he nails Dean with a super kick and springboard head kick. Fenix then hits Dean with a sit out muscle buster for a three count.

Winner: Rey Fenix

Luther vs. Jon Cruz

The match begins with Luther attacking Cruz with a ton of strikes, Cruz fights back and he attacks Luther with strikes of his own. Luther recovers to nail Cruz with a pop up knee strike and pump kick, Luther corners Cruz before landing strikes to the back. Luther follows up on that by nailing Cruz with a clothesline, Luther then chokes Cruz on the middle rope. Luther also dumps Cruz out of the ring before slamming him onto the barricade, Luther gets Cruz back in the ring before ripping away at his face. Luther follows up by nailing Cruz with a back breaker, Luther then corners Cruz before choking him again. Cruz fights back and Luther quickly drops him, Luther then hits Cruz with an inverted suplex before applying a camel clutch to force a tap out.

Winner: Luther

Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. Ryan Rembrandt & Mike Reed

The match begins with Quen scoring a takedown on Rembrandt, Quen gets Rembrandt in a front headlock and Rembrandt gets free before eating a drop kick. Kassidy tags in and he double teams Rembrandt with Quen, Reed interferes and he gets double teamed as well. Kassidy cracks Rembrandt with more strikes, Reed interferes and Kassidy nails him with a penalty kick from the ring apron. Rembrandt then drops Kassidy neck first on the top rope, Rembrandt then hits Kassidy with a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Rembrandt keeps Kassidy down while wrenching away on his arm, Reed tags in and he nails Kassidy with a modified Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Rembrandt tags back in and he double teams Kassidy with Reed for a near fall, Reed tags in and Quen gets a tag a short time later. Quen quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Quen clears the ring before taking everybody out with a dive. Kassidy tags back in and he nails Rembrandt with a rolling stunner, Kassidy then hits Rembrandt with an assisted sliced bread for a near fall. Reed interferes and Private Party nails him with Silly String, Kassidy then hits Rembrandt with a springboard x-factor before landing a top rope senton for a three count.

Winners: Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

Sammy Guevara vs. Alan Angels

The match begins with Guevara getting Angels in a headlock, Guevara scores a takedown on Angels a short time later. Angels gets up and he works over the arm of Guevara, Guevara gets free and he does some arm work on Angels. Guevara follows up by nailing Angels with a drop kick, Angels fights back and Guevara nails him with multiple strikes. Guevara follows up by landing a suplex on Angels for a near fall, Angels escapes a suplex from Guevara to get him in a cross face. Guevara gets free and Angels nails him with a drop kick, Guevara recovers and he nails a leaping Angels with a knee strike. Guevara follows up on that by choking Angels on the middle rope, Angels fights back and Guevara cracks him with more strikes. Angels catches Guevara in a roll up before eating a lariat, Guevara follows up by nailing Angels with a delayed vertical suplex. Angels fights back and he gets into a striking exchange with Guevara, Angels ends the exchange by nailing Guevara with a spinning head kick. Angels follows up by nailing Guevara with an enziguri and head kick, Angels then hits Guevara with a springboard drop kick. Guevara recovers to hit Angels with a knee strike and GTH for a three count.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

Darby Allin vs. Serpentico

The match begins with Allin taking Serpentico down with a headlock, Serpentico gets up and Allin keeps him in a headlock. Serpentico gets to the ropes to break the headlock from Allin, Serpentico starts working over the arm of Allin before getting him down. Allin recovers and he nails Serpentico with a springboard arm drag, Serpentico fights back and he cracks Allin with a right before knocking him out of the ring with a knee strike. Serpentico exits the ring and he throws Allin into the ring steps, Serpentico gets Allin back in the ring before landing a slingshot double stomp for a near fall. Serpentico then drags Allin’s face across the top rope before landing a springboard cutter for a near fall, Allin uses a ref distraction to attack Serpentico with a ton of strikes. Serpentico fights back and Allin meets him on the top rope, Allin nails Serpentico with a superplex for a near fall. Serpentico fights back again and Allin propels him to the arena floor, Allin then hits Serpentico with a Coffin Drop on the arena floor. Allin gets Serpentico back in the ring and he hits him with The Last Supper for a three count.

Winner: Darby Allin

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