
AEW Dark 3/31/20 Results: Jake Hager Attacks Jon Moxley, Plus Sammy Guevara & Darby Allin In Action!

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– Tony Schiavone and Cody are the hosts for tonight’s show, they announce the AEW TNT Championship. Cody versus Shawn Spears and Sammy Guevara versus Darby Allin are announced as two of the opening round matches.

Sammy Guevara vs. Matt Sells

The match begins with Guevara scoring a takedown on Sells, Sells gets up and Guevara nails him with a drop kick. Guevara follows up by nailing Sells with a slam before slapping him right in the face, Sells gets angry and he drops Guevara before smashing his face on the mat multiple times for a near fall. Sells then nails Guevara with a running knee strike for another near fall, Guevara fights back and he drops Sells with a spinning head kick. Guevara corners Sells before landing a few strikes, Guevara then hits Sells with an enziguri and rolling cutter for a near fall. Guevara follows up by nailing Sells with a delayed vertical suplex for another near fall, Guevara holds Sells down while applying a chin lock. Sells fights back again and he cracks Guevara with a series of knee strikes followed by a neck breaker for a near fall, Guevara recovers and he nails Sells with a running knee strike and a modified Go To Sleep for a three count.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

After the match, Sammy Guevara gets the microphone to do some trash talking.

Shawn Spears vs. Shawn Dean

The match begins with Spears backing Dean into the corner before letting him go free, Spears starts working over the arm of Dean. Dean fights back and Spears drops him with a snap mare, Spears then drops Dean with a drop toe hold. Dean goes to work on the arm of Spears and Spears gets free by tripping Dean up, Dean then cracks Spears with a few strikes. Spears recovers and he nails a charging Dean with a clothesline, Spears corners Dean before landing a bunch of strikes. Spears then nails Dean with a back suplex after getting him out of the corner, Spears follows up by nailing Dean with a death valley driver for a three count.

Winner: Shawn Spears

Darby Allin vs. Preston Vance

The match begins with Vance attacking Allin with a release German suplex before the bell sounded, Vance knocks Allin to the arena floor and he follows him out there. Vance then rams Allin back first into the barricade and ringside edge, Allin fights back and he sends a charging Vance into the ring post. Allin follows Vance into the ring and Vance catches him with a slam as Allin leapt off the top rope, Vance then drops Allin with a pump kick to the face. Vance corners Allin next before attacking him with some strikes, Allin fights back and Vance cracks him with more strikes. Vance then nails a cornered Allin with a running forearm strike, Allin recovers and he knocks Vance out of the ring before landing a suicide dive. Allin gets Vance back in the ring before landing a middle rope moonsault for a near fall, Allin follows up by nailing Vance with a code red for a near fall. Allin goes for a springboard cutter and Vance counters with a cutter of his own, Vance then hits Allin with a pop up cutter for a near fall. Vance looks for a suplex and Allin fights back to land a stunner, Allin then hits Vance with a Coffin Drop for a three count.

Winner: Darby Allin

Jon Moxley vs. Faboo Andre

The match begins with Moxley backing Andre into the corner before attacking him with a ton of strikes, Andre fights back and he counters a Moxley suplex with an arm drag. Moxley gets angry and he levels Andre with a lariat, Moxley then hits Andre with a Gotch Style Pile Driver before applying the STF to force a tap out.

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match, Jake Hager attacks Jon Moxley from behind before locking him in an arm triangle choke.

– Tony Schiavone and Cody return to talk about Jake Hager’s attack on Jon Moxley, before previewing tomorrow night’s edition of AEW Dynamite.

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