
AEW Dark 3/24/20 Results: Jake Hager, Dustin Rhodes, Joey Janela, SCU, Shawn Spears & More In Action

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Jake Hager w/Sammy Guevara vs. Joe Alonzo

The match begins with Hager cornering Alonzo before landing strikes to the back, Alonzo fights back and he nails Hager with a drop kick to the knee. Hager recovers and he nails a leaping Alonzo with a wheelbarrow suplex, Guevara interferes and he kicks Alonzo in the head. Alonzo fights back and Hager nails him with a uranage, Hager locks Alonzo in an arm triangle choke and a tap out follows.

Winner: Jake Hager w/Sammy Guevara

Matt Sells & Jon Cruz w/Skyler Moore vs. The Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) w/Brandi Rhodes

The match begins with Rhodes dropping Cruz with a shoulder tackle, Rhodes drops Cruz again before wrenching away on his arm. Marshall tags in and he double teams Cruz with Rhodes for a near fall, Cruz fights back and he tags Sells into the match. Marshall immediately drops Sells with a right before tagging Rhodes in, Rhodes and Marshall double team Sells for another near fall. Marshall tags back in and he works with Rhodes to attack Sells’ arms, Cruz interferes and that distraction allows Sells to hit Marshall with a palm strike. Sells corners Marshall before kicking away at him, Cruz tags in and he attacks Marshall with more strikes. Sells tags back in as Cruz nails the arm of Marshall with a middle rope double stomp, Moore interferes while Rhodes argues with the referee. Sells tags back in and he nails Marshall with a neck breaker for a near fall, Cruz tags back in and Marshall fights back against both opponents. Rhodes tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Rhodes then hits Cruz with an atomic drop and bulldog. 

Sells interferes and Rhodes nails him with a power slam, Marshall tags in and he works with Rhodes to land an assisted cutter in Cruz for a three count.

Winners: The Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) w/Brandi Rhodes

Shawn Spears & Robert Anthony w/Tully Blanchard vs. SCU (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) 

The match begins with Anthony tagging into the match before working on the arm of Kazarian, Kazarian gets free and he works on the arm of Anthony. Kazarian gets free and he nails Anthony with a few arm drags before wrenching away on his arm, Spears tags in and Kazarian drops him with an arm drag before tagging Daniels in. Daniels works over Spears’ arm before landing a leg lariat, Spears fights back and he corners Daniels before landing a few strikes. Spears then slams and stomps on a downed Daniels, Kazarian tags in and he nails Spears with a spin kick. Anthony interferes and he gets double teamed by SCU, SCU then double teams Spears for a near fall. Daniels tags in and he nails Spears with a snap mare, Kazarian tags in and he lands a slingshot leg drop of Spears for a near fall. Daniels tags back in as Anthony interferes and he gets Kazarian out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade, Spears then hits a distracted Daniels with a spine buster. Spears throws Daniels out of the ring so Anthony can work him over, Anthony tags in and he attacks Daniels with more strikes.

Anthony then hits Daniels with an inverted flapjack for a near fall, Spears tags back in and he works over Daniels on the arena floor. Spears then drops Daniels back first on the ring apron, Anthony tags back in and he attacks Daniels with more strikes. Daniels fights back and Anthony nails him with multiple slams for a near fall, Anthony keeps Daniels down while holding him in a chin lock. Spears tags back in and Daniels rolls him up for a near fall, Daniels then nails Spears with a flat liner. Anthony tags in and Daniels tags in Kazarian a short time later, Kazarian quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Spears interferes and Anthony nearly takes him out before Kazarian does, Kazarian then hits Anthony with a springboard leg drop for a near fall. Spears accidentally hits Anthony and Kazarian attacks him, Anthony recovers and he nails Kazarian with a death valley driver for a near fall. Spears hits the ring and Daniels interferes to prevent a double suplex, everybody eventually drops each other with clotheslines.

Anthony accidentally takes out Spears with a clothesline before getting double teamed by SCU, Spears gets angry and he heads backstage with Blanchard. SCU then hits Anthony with the Best Meltzer Ever for a three count.

Winners: SCU (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian)

After the match, Shawn Spears attacks Robert Anthony.

Suge D vs. Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford

The match begins with D rolling up Sabian after Sabian kissed Ford for a near fall, D then hits a charging Sabian with a monkey flip. D then gets Sabian in a headlock and Sabian gets free before nailing D with a right, Ford interferes and she drop kicks D while Sabian distracts the referee. Sabian returns and he stomps away on a downed D before choking him in the corner, Ford interferes again and she chokes D. Sabian corners D before landing a head kick, Sabian drops D next before landing a knee strike for a near fall. Sabian corners D again before kicking him and landing chops on him, D fights back and Sabian nails him with a springboard head kick while he was on the ring apron. Sabian then hits D with an elevated twisting neck breaker for a near fall, Sabian looks for a German suplex and D fights back before landing a right. D then trips up Sabian before landing a roaring elbow strike for a near fall, D goes to the top rope and Sabian kicks him in the head to drop him. 

Sabian then hits D with a release German suplex, Sabian follows up by landing a side Russian leg sweep and a grounded octopus hold to force a tap out.

Winner: Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford

Brandon Cutler vs. Colt Cabana

The match begins with Cabana tripping up Cutler before landing a follow up arm drag, Cabana continues chain wrestling Cutler before landing another arm drag. Cutler looks to work on Cabana’s arm before dropping him with his own arm drag, Cutler and Cabana have a back and forth until Cutler drops Cabana to work over his arm. Cutler keeps Cabana grounded while wrenching away on his arm, Cabana gets free and Cutler drops him with a right. Cabana recovers and he drops Cutler with an up kick, Cabana then knocks Cutler out of the ring after landing a head scissors takedown. Cabana goes looking for Cutler and Cutler nails him with a suicide dive, Cutler gets Cabana back in the ring and he misses a springboard cross body attack. Cabana misses a flying apple and he still manages to land the Superman a short time later for a three count.

Winner: Colt Cabana

Corey Hollis & Mike Reed vs. Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss

The match begins with Janela working over the arm of Hollis, Hollis gets free and he works over the arm of Janela. Janela gets free and he wrenches away on Hollis’ arm, Kiss tags in and he works over the arm of Hollis. Janela tags back in and he lands an elbow strike to the back of Hollis, Kiss tags back in and he double teams Hollis alongside Janela. Kiss corners Hollis while landing a few strikes, Kiss then drops Hollis before landing a kick to the face. Janela tags back in and he throws Hollis into Kiss’ behind, Janela then hits Hollis with a release German suplex. Kiss tags back in and he lands a few kicks on Hollis, Hollis trips up Kiss and Reed interferes to land a knee strike. Reed tags in and he attacks Kiss with some strikes, Reed corners Kiss before landing shoulder thrusts and a short arm clothesline. Kiss fights back and Reed trips him up before tagging Hollis in, Hollis holds Kiss down while applying a bulldog choke. Kiss gets free and Hollis nails him with a springboard head kick for a near fall, Reed tags back in and he nails Kiss with a right.

Kiss fights back and he manages to tag Janela into the match, Janela quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Hollis interferes and Janela nails him with a death valley driver onto Reed, Kiss tags in and he double teams Reed alongside Janela. Janela then hits Reed with a top rope elbow drop, Kiss then hits Janela with a middle rope split leg drop for a three count.

Winners: Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss

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