
AEW Dark 2/18/20 Results: The Young Bucks, Kris Statlander, Big Swole & Best Friends In Action

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dark. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– Tony Schiavone welcomes everybody to AEW Dark before going over the card for the show.

Kris Statlander vs. Diamante

The match begins with Diamante slapping Statlander in the face, Statlander gets angry and she drops Diamante. Statlander backs Diamante into the corner before landing a few strikes, Statlander then nails Diamante with a clothesline. Statlander follows that up by giving Diamante a pair of wet willies, Diamante fights back and Statlander nails her with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Diamante fights back and Statlander nails her with an overhead kick, Statlander then hits Diamante with a knee strike that knocks her to the arena floor. Statlander leaves the ring and she press slams Diamante back into the ring, Statlander picks Diamante up and Diamante nails her with a code red for a near fall. Diamante goes for a roll up and Statlander counters with a release German suplex followed by a head kick, Statlander then hits Diamante with the Big Bang Theory for a three count.

Winner: Kris Statlander

The Hybrid 2 (Jack Evans & Angelico) vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) w/Orange Cassidy

The match begins with Trent scoring a takedown on Evans, Evans gets free before getting Trent in a hammerlock. Trent goes for a headlock next and Evans counters with a head scissors, Trent gets free and he works over the arm of Evans. Evans does some trash talking and Trent drops him with a chop, Evans fights back and Trent nails him with a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Taylor tags in and he double teams Evans alongside Trent, Angelico tags in and Taylor drops him with a shoulder tackle. Taylor knocks Angelico to the arena floor before tagging Trent in, Angelico attacks Cassidy and the Best Friends comes to Cassidy’s defense. Evans then hits Best Friends with a suicide dive before attacking Cassidy, Evans tags in and he nails Taylor with a springboard spinning head kick. Angelico picks up Trent and he drops him on top of Taylor, Evans then hits both opponents with a standing moonsault. Angelico tags in and he attacks Trent with some strikes, Evans tags in and he nails an elevated Trent with a top rope double stomp for a near fall.

Angelico tags back in and he kicks Trent right in the face for a near fall, Trent fights back and he nails Angelico with a tornado DDT. Taylor and Evans are tagged in by their respective partners. Taylor quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Taylor then power bombs Evans onto Angelico before landing a sit out power bomb on Evans for a near fall, Trent tags in and he catches a propelled Evans with a cutter for a near fall, Angelico hits the ring and he knocks Taylor out of it. Angelico then nails Trent with a knee strike, Evans follows up by nailing Trent with an assisted 630 for a near fall. Taylor and Angelico take their battle to the arena floor, Evans goes to the top rope and Cassidy interferes to crotch both opponents. Best Friends then hit Evans with a Strong Zero for a three count.

Winners: Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) w/Orange Cassidy

– Tony Schiavone is back and he tells us some future locations for AEW Dynamite.

Big Swole vs. Christi Jaynes

The match begins with Swole backing Jaynes into the corner before they separate, Jaynes then works over the arm of Swole and Swole does the same to her. Swole takes Jaynes down with a side headlock takedown, Jaynes gets free and she gets Swole in a headlock of her own. Swole gets free and she drops Jaynes with a shoulder tackle, Swole follows up by nailing Jaynes with a hip toss. Swole then wins a test of strength against Jaynes before landing a lariat, Jaynes avoids a charging Swole. Swole goes to the top rope and Jaynes lands an enziguri to knock her to the arena floor, Jaynes gets Swole back in the ring before kicking her in the back. Swole gets up and Jaynes drops her again before kicking her in the back, Swole fights back and Jaynes nails her with a knee lift. Swole recovers and she levels Jaynes with a headbutt, Swole then kicks Jaynes in the head before landing a springboard cutter. 

Jaynes fights back and Swole kicks her in the face, Swole then hits Jaynes with Dirty Dancing for a three count.

Winner: Big Swole

– Tony Schiavone returns to plug some AEW merchandise.

The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. QT Marshall & Peter Avalon w/Leva Bates

The match begins with Nick going to work on the arm of Marshall, Marshall does the same to Nick. Nick gets free and Marshall drops him with a springboard arm drag, Avalon gets on the microphone to mock what is going on in the ring. Avalon tags in and Matt tags in a short time later to double team Avalon, The Bucks get the microphone and they trash talk Avalon before double teaming him again. The Bucks then knock Marshall to the arena floor with a drop kick, Nick tags back in and they double team Avalon again. Matt then hits Marshall with a drop kick before hitting Avalon with an assisted spinning neck breaker, Marshall tags in and Avalon attacks Matt from behind. Avalon tags in and he nails Nick with a springboard drop kick, Avalon then mounts Matt before attacking him with strikes. Avalon follows up by nailing Matt with a leg lariat for a near fall, Avalon also decides to choke Matt on the middle rope. 

Bates interferes and she attacks Matt with a book, Marshall tags in and Matt attacks him with some strikes. Marshall recovers and he nails Matt with a back breaker for a near fall, Matt fights back and he nails Marshall with a missile drop kick. Avalon interferes to attack Nick before Matt nails him with a back body drop, Matt then hits Avalon with a series of northern lights suplexes. Marshall interferes and Matt nails both opponents with a double northern lights suplex, Nick tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Nick nails both opponents with a ton of strikes followed by a double bulldog, Nick then hits Avalon with a face buster before attacking Marshall with a moonsault. Nick gets Avalon in the sharp shooter and Avalon eventually gets to the ropes, Matt tags in and he nails Avalon with a spear. The Bucks then hit Avalon with Risky Business for a near fall, Avalon fights back against The Bucks before rolling up Matt for a near fall. 

Avalon tries cheating and Marshall prevents it from happening before getting attacked by Avalon, The Bucks then hit Avalon with a double super kick followed by a Meltzer Driver for a three count.

Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

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