
AEW Dark 2/11/2020 Results: Dark Order vs. Jurassic Express, Plus Riho & Hikaru Shida In Action

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dark. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– Tony Schiavone welcomes everybody to AEW Dark while going over the card for tonight’s show.

Riho vs. Shoko Nakajima

The match begins with Nakajima getting Riho down in a headlock before getting caught in a head scissors, Nakajima gets free and she gets Riho back in a headlock. Riho gets free and she exchanges some drop kicks with Nakajima, Nakajima knocks Riho out of the ring before nailing her with a suicide dive. Nakajima gets Riho back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Nakajima controls Riho by nailing her with some knee strikes. Nakajima corners Riho before stomping away on her, Nakajima follows that up by slingshotting Riho into the bottom rope for a near fall. Nakajima keeps Riho down while landing a rolling neck breaker, Nakajima holds Riho down while applying a modified full nelson. Riho eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission hold, Riho fights back and Nakajima nails her with another neck breaker. Riho recovers and she drops Nakajima before landing a double stomp, Riho goes to the top rope and she nails Nakajima with a cross body block for a near fall.

Riho sends a charging Nakajima into the ropes before missing a 619, Nakajima knocks Riho into the ropes before landing a 619 of her own. Nakajima looks for a northern lights suplex and Riho escapes to get into a striking exchange with Nakajima, Nakajima ends the exchange by getting Riho in a guillotine choke. Riho counters with a northern lights suplex for a near fall, Riho then hits Nakajima with a top rope double stomp for another near fall. Riho charges at Nakajima and they exchange rolls ups afterwards for a few near falls, Nakajima then hits Riho with a northern lights suplex for another near fall. Nakajima goes to the top rope and she misses the senton attempt, Riho then hits Nakajima with a series of double knee strikes for a three count.

Winner: Riho

Jimmy Havoc vs. Sonny Kiss

The match begins with Havoc backing Kiss into the corner before letting him go free, Havoc drags Kiss to the mat before applying a front headlock. Kiss gets up and Havoc wrenches away on his arm, Havoc gets Kiss down while still working over the arm. Kiss fights back and he rolls up Havoc for a one count, Havoc shakes hands with Kiss before punching him in the face. Kiss fights back and he nails Havoc with a hurricarana, Kiss corners Havoc before slapping him in the face. Havoc fights back to nail Kiss with a back elbow strike and running forearm strike, Havoc keeps Kiss cornered before landing a running drop kick. Havoc drags Kiss out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade and ring post, Kiss fights back and he attacks Havoc with some chops. Kiss goes for another chop and he winds up nailing the ring post, Havoc tries breaking the arm of Kiss afterwards. Havoc then throws Kiss shoulder first into the ringside edge, Havoc also smashes the hand of Kiss into the ring steps.

Havoc gets Kiss back in the ring and he wrenches away on his arm, Kiss fights back and Havoc nails him with an arm drag into the corner followed by a suplex into the corner. Havoc holds Kiss down while biting his injured hand, Kiss fights back and Havoc follows him to the top rope. Kiss knocks Havoc off the ropes and Havoc still gets him off with a death valley driver for a near fall, Havoc immediately gets Kiss into a Fujiwara Arm Bar. Kiss gets free and he nails Havoc with a few strikes followed by a dropsault, Kiss then hits Havoc with a single arm belly to belly suplex. Kiss corners Havoc before landing a rolling axe kick for a near fall, Kiss goes to the top rope and he lands on his feet during the moonsault attempt. Kiss then hits Havoc with a spinning jaw breaker, Kiss is sent to the ring apron before he kicks Havoc in the head. Kiss goes for a slingshot leg drop and Havoc gets his knees up, Havoc gets Kiss in an arm bar and a tap out follows.

Winner: Jimmy Havoc

– Luther appears and he says that he is the mutant set on destroying the world, Luther calls out Jimmy Havoc before singing London Bridge Is Falling Down. Luther says Havoc should get ready because it is soon to play ball.

Hikaru Shida vs. Cassandra Golden

The match begins with Golden cracking Shida with a few strikes before applying a headlock, Shida grounds Golden before getting her in a headlock. Golden gets free and a hair pulling session breaks out between the two, Golden then hits Shida with a knee strike and hair toss. Golden corners Shida before landing a running hip attack for a near fall, Shida fights back and she nails Golden with a knee strike followed by a back breaker. Shida looks for a suplex and Golden blocks it before eating another knee strike, Golden recovers and she hits Shida with a front suplex. Golden then hits Shida with a side slam, Golden climbs the ropes and she nails Shida with a Vader Bomb for a near fall. Golden follows up by applying the full nelson to Shida, Shida gets free and she exchanges roll ups with Golden until Shida lands a forearm strike. Shida then hits a cornered Golden with a knee strike followed by a judo throw, Shida goes to the top rope and she lands a missile drop kick for a near fall.

Golden fights back and she drops Shida with a hair pull, Golden then hits Shida with a leg drop for a near fall. Golden gets Shida up and Shida eventually nails her with an enziguri, Shida then hits Golden with a falcon arrow and knee strike. Shida follows up by hitting Golden with a running knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

Dark Order (Player Uno & Stu Grayson) vs. The Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Marko Stunt)

The match begins with Stunt nailing a charging Grayson with a drop kick, Grayson misses a charge in the corner and then Stunt nails him with a springboard elbow drop. Grayson recovers and he drops Stunt with a running forearm smash, Stunt recovers and he tags Boy into the match. Boy nails Grayson with a head scissors takedown, Boy then drops Grayson with a hip toss before landing a thrust kick and running drop kick. Grayson leaves the ring and Uno attacks both opponents from behind after making a blind tag, Uno drops Boy before landing a top rope swanton bomb for a near fall. Boy fights back and Uno cracks him with a few more strikes, Uno corners Boy before landing an avalanche. Grayson tags in and he nails Boy with a uranage for a near fall, Uno tags back in and he rakes the back of Boy. Boy fights back and Uno rakes his back a short time later, Uno then hits a downed Boy with a leg drop. Grayson tags back in and he nails Boy with a slingshot swanton bomb for a near fall, Uno tags back in and he nails Boy with an exploder suplex.

Grayson tags back in and he crashes with Boy as boy go into the air, Uno and Stunt are tagged into the match. Uno immediately drops a charging Stunt with a boot to the face, Grayson tags in and Stunt sends him into Uno. Stunt then hits Uno with a drop kick before nailing Grayson with a tornado DDT, Boy tags back in and he nails Uno with some elbow strikes. Boy then drops Uno with a lariat before taking out members of Dark Order with a suicide dive, Boy then hits Uno with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Stunt and Grayson are tagged into the match, Boy tags back in and he propels Stunt into Grayson so he can land a hurricarana. Boy then hits Grayson with a German suplex for a near fall, Uno tags in and he cracks Boy with a right. Uno then hits Boy with a modified ushigoroshi for a near fall, Grayson tags back in and Stunt tags in a short time later. Stunt gets crotched and Grayson nails him with a sit out power bomb, Uno tags in and Stunt is nailed with Fatality for a three count.

Winners: Dark Order (Player Uno & Stu Grayson)

After the match, Dark Order attack Jurassic Express until Luchasaurus and SCU make the save.

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