
AEW Collision (6/24/2023) Results: Swerve vs Tanahashi, CM Punk Teams with FTR & Ricky Starks, More.

Results for the 6/24/2023 edition of AEW Collision.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 6/24/2023 edition of AEW Collision on TNT.

We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on https://Twitter.com/Fightful and http://Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show. 


AEW Collision (6/24/2023).

  • CM Punk, Ricky Starks & FTR (Dax Hardwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. The Gunns (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) & Bullet Club Gold (“ROCK HARD” Juice Robinson & “Switchblade” Jay White).
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana).
  • Brody King (w/ Julia Hart) vs. Andrade El Idolo.
  • Women’s Owen Hart Cup Tournament – Quater Final Match: Willow Nightingale vs. Nyla Rose.
  • Christian Cage will address the situation regarding the TNT Championship.
  • Sting & Darby Allin will reveal their partner for their six-man tag team match at Forbidden Door.
  • We’ll hear from Miro.
  • Powerhouse Hobbs in action

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

– After dueling promos between the team of CM Punk, Ricky Starks & FTR (Dax Hardwood & Cash Wheeler) and the team of The Gunns (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) & Bullet Club Gold (“ROCK HARD” Juice Robinson & “Switchblade” Jay White), Kevin Kelly & Nigel McGuiness welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening segment. 

– Tony Schiavone was going to open the show by interviewing Sting & Darby Allin, but Minoru Suzuki & Chris Jericho came to the ring instead. Jericho called out Sting & Allin, asking Sting who did he think would team up with him and Allin that would be tougher than Suzuki and that would intimidate “Le Suzuki Gods”. Jericho then interrogated Schiavone to see who was Sting’s partner, but Sting & Darby Allin came to the ring to make the save and reveal their partner. Allin called out Guevara and told Guevara that if he aligned himself with Jericho & Suzuki he would kick his ass. Allin said that their partner would kick Jericho’s ass like how he did back in the Tokyo Dome. That former foe of Jericho was revealed to be the leader of Los Ingobernables de Japon, Tetsuya Naito. Naito confronted Jericho in the ring, but Jericho left the ring as he was bamboozled.

– Miro cut a promo, saying that he had been on exile for over a year. Miro said that he now renounces his gold, his god, and his god as he was now godless. 

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana).

Tanahashi & Swerve began the match locking up before Swerve backed Tanahashi into the corner. The two locked up again before Tanahashi locked in a wrist lock on Swerve, but Swerve backed Tanahashi into the corner, but Tanahashi responded with a Crossbody on Swerve before playing air guitar. Tanahashi hit a dropkick on Swerve’s knee before going for a corner splash, but Swerve evaded and hit a Schoolboy Roll-Up into the Tijeras to send Tanahashi to the outside. Tanahashi played Air Guitar on the apron, but Swerve saw the opportunity and kicked Tanahashi before hitting a knee strike. Tanahashi sent Swerve to the outside and went for a Tope, but Swerve tripped Tanahashi into the apron sleeve before catching him with a Penalty Kick off the apron.

During the break, the two brawled on the outside, the two brawled on the outside before Swerve speared Tanahashi into the barricade. Back in the ring, Swerve got a Lateral Press on Tanahashi to get the pin, but Tanahashi kicked out at two. Swerve caught Tanahashi with a Diving Uppercut off the top rope into Tanahashi’s neck before hitting the Griddy Dance followed by knee drop on Tanahashi’s neck for a near fall. The two exchanged forearm strikes before the two pulled each other’s magnificent hair. Tanahashi caught Swerve with a forearm strike followed by a series of strikes on Swerve before hitting a Scoop Slam into a Sommersualt Senton on Swerve for a near fall. Tanahashi went for a Sling Blade, but Swerve evaded and caught Tanahashi with a Rolling Flat Liner on Tanahashi for a near fall. Tanahashi evaded Swerve before hitting a Dragon Screw, followed by the Sling Blade on Swerve for a near fall. Tanahashi climbed to the top rope before going for the Frog Splash, but Swerve blocked it with his knees before going for an Inside Cradle on Tanahashi, but Tanahashi kicked out at two. Swerve went for a pump kick, but kicked Tanahashi’s knee instead before hitting the Swerve Kick. Swerve attempted the Swerve Stomp on Tanahashi, but Tanahashi evaded before hitting a Sling Blade. Tanahashi climbed to the top rope, but Tanahashi tripped. Swerve tried to take advantage of the mishap, but Tanahashi dropped him with a jab off the top rope before hitting the Frog Splash for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi.

– After the match, AEW World Heavyweight Champion MJF cut a promo from the titantron, saying that he would embarrass Tanahashi in Forbidden Door. MJF said that he made a deal with Tony Khan to have the AEW Title as the Opening Match of the Pay-Per-View because he was not interested in watching “jabronis from Japan” and promised to beat Tanahashi. 

Brody King (w/ Julia Hart) vs. Andrade El Idolo.

Andrade & King began the match locking up before King backed Andrade into the corner before he went for a chop, but Andrade evaded and locked in a headlock. The two collided with shoulder blocks before Andrade hit a Sliding Kick on King. Andrade hit a Boot Kick on King before catching hi with the Tijeras and doing the “Tranquilo” pose on the ropes. Andrade tossed King off the ring before demanding Hart to get out of here. King & Andrade brawled on the apron before Andrade pushed King into the Ring Post. Andrade saw the opening and hit an Asai Moonsault off the top rope on King to the outside. Back in the ring, Andrade went for a pin on King, but King kicked out at one. Andrade worked on King’s knee before going for a Fireman’s Carry on King, but King dropped his weight to block him. Andrade hit a series of chops on King, but King responded by placing Andrade on the top rope before sending Andrade crashing to the outside with a vicious chop. 

During the break, King tossed Andrade into the barricade before catching him with a vicious chop and tossing him again into the barricade. Back in the ring, the two continued to exchange chops before King dropped Andrade into the bottom turnbuckle, followed by a snap-suplex. King hit a suplex on Andrade before hitting a Running Senton on Andrade. Andrade & King fired away with vicious chops before King swung away with a double-chop on Andrade. King locked in a wrist lock on Andrade while adding pressure on Andrade’s pectoral, but King evaded the hold. King responded by placing Andrade into the apron and catching him with Three Beats of the Battering before going for a Sleeper, but Andrade responded with a Stunner onto the top rope. Andrade caught King’s leg and hit a Dragon Screw onto the apron. Andrade hit a Crossbody, a Dragon Screw & a Running Forearm on King.

Andrade caught King with a lariat into the corner before hitting a Running Meteora for a near fall. Andrade went for a Hammerlock DDT, but King slammed Andrade into the corner before catching him with a forearm. King got Andrade and hit a Death Valley Driver on Andrade into the Bottom Turnbuckle before hitting a Cannonball on Andrade. King went for the Gonzo Bomb, but Andrade hit a Chop Block before going for the Figure Four on King, but Hart distracted Andrade with the mask. King saw the distraction and went for a Lariat, but Andrade evaded and hit the Spinning Back Elbow. Andrade locked in the Figure Eight on King, but Matthews attacked Andrade, giving Andrade the Disqualification win. After the match, Matthews & King hit the Dante’s Inferno on Andrade as Malakai Black watched from the titantron.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo.

– Tony Schiavone interviewed Christian Cage & TNT Champion Luchasaurus in the ring. Cage was serenaded by the Toronto Crowd, but Cage said that his being back in Toronto worsen his mod because the city breeds losers, and because of that, the city was filled with losers. Cage declared that there would be no more Open Challenges and that every challenger would have to earn their shot at the belt. 

– There was a video vignette to promote The Owen Hart Tournament, featuring Dustin Rhodes, Satoshi Kojima, CM Punk, Roderick Strong, Powerhouse Hobbs, Ricky Starks, Dustin Rhodes & Samoa Joe discussing their involvement in the tournament. 

Women’s Owen Hart Cup Tournament – Quater Final Match.

Willow Nightingale vs. Nyla Rose (w/ Marina Shafir).

Willow & Rose locked up to begin the match. The two collided with shoulder blocks before Willow hit a shoulder tackle on Rose. Rose locked in La Magistral on Rose for a near fall before catching her with chops and punches in the corner, but Willow responded with a Cartwheel Enziguri Kick on Rose before hitting a vicious chop on Rose. Willow caught Rose with a shotgun dropkick to send Rose to the outside. Willow confronted Shafir on the outside, which allowed Rose to attack Willow on the outside. 

Back in the ring, Rose slammed Willow into the corner before trying to poke Willow with her nails, but Willow blocked it before Rose dropped Rose with a forearm strike. Rose locked in a modified arm bar on Willow before biting Willow’s fingers and hitting a knee drop on Willow’s shoulder before stomping away at Willow in the corner. During the break, Rose hit an elbow drop on Willow before locking in an Elbow Torque on Willow. 

Back from the break, Ros went for a leg drop on Willow, but Willow evaded before hitting a boot kick on Rose. Willow rolled under Rose before slamming Rose with an Irish Whip into a Hip Attack, A corner lariat, and a Shotgun Dropkick on Rose for a near fall. Willow went for a Death Valley Driver on Rose, but Rose evaded and hit a Suplex into a Facebuster on Willow for a near fall. Nyla fired away on Willw in the corner before getting Willow up and attempting the Beast Bomb, but Willow floated over Rose. Rose fired away with Clubbing Blows on Willow, but Willow responded with the POUNCE on Rose before hitting Rose with the Doctor Bomb for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Willow Nightingale.

– After the match, The Outcasts (Saraya, Toni Storm & Ruby Soho) surrounded the ring to try to attack Willow Nightingale, but Skye Blue came to the aid of Willow with a Steel Chair. The Outcasts ran out.

– Scorpio Sky was interviewed backstage by Lexy Nair, his first TV Appearance in over a year. Sky reintroduced himself to the crowd before saying that he had achieved his previous success as a shadow of himself, but now he was happy to show everyone who he really is. 

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Jeremy Prophet.

Absolute domination from Powerhouse Hobbs, who beat down Jeremy Prophet withing two minutes before slamming him with a vicious Spinebuster for the pinfall win.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs.

CM Punk, Ricky Starks & FTR (Dax Hardwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. The Gunns (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) & Bullet Club Gold (“ROCK HARD” Juice Robinson & “Switchblade” Jay White).

As CM Punk was serenaded by boos from the Canadian crowd, Jay White & CM Punk began the match before Juice Robinson tagged in. Punk got a wrist lock on Robinson and locked in a headlock before catching Juice with a shoulder tackle. Dax Hardwood tagged in and locked up with Juice before hitting Juice with a Shoulder Tackle & a body slam on Juice, but Juice responded with an upkick and a body slam. Dax locked in a headlock on Juice, but Juice reversed it with a Back SUplex before hitting a Leaping Senton on Dax. Austin Gunn tagged in, but Dax caught him with two chops before hitting a suplex on Austin. Cash tagged in and hit a Slingshot Shoulder Tackle on Austin before hitting him with an uppercut & a chop on Austin Gunn. Ricky Starks tagged in and locked in a Wrist Lock on Austin Gunn before walking on the top rope and hitting the Old School on Austin Gunn. The Gunns double-teamed Starks before White tagged in and demanded CM Punk to tag in. CM Punk tagged in and locked up with White before White backed up the Pepsi Man into the corner. Pepsi Phil & Switchblade exchanged chops and evaded each other’s finishers before White tossed Punk to the outside. Juice & The Gunns attacked Punk o the outside before everything broke down on the ringside floor. 

Back in the ring, White flicked off Punk before tagging in Colten Gunn. Colten flexed his muscles to CM Punk, but Punk responded by locking in a wrist lock on Colten before catching him with a Boot into a Hulk Hogan Leg Drop on Colten for a near fall. Dax & Juice tagged in and exchanged fiery chops in the center of the ring before Juice hit a boot kick on Dax. Juice climbed to the top rope, but Dax met him there and caught him with a chop. Dax & Juice exchanged headbutts & chops on the top rope before Dax hit a Superplex on Juice, followed by Dax & Cash hitting a Doomsday Powerbomb on Juice to get the pin, but White broke the pin. Colten tagged in and hit an Irish Whip into a corner splash on Cash. Cash hit a Catapault on Colten before hitting a lariat on him for a near fall. Punk & Cash hit a Back Breaker/ Elbow Drop combo on Colten for a near fall. CM Punk hit a neck breaker on Colten before going for a pin, but Colten kicked out before hitting a chop on Punk. Colten caught Punk with a lariat before Austin tagged in and fired away with stomps on CM Punk. White tagged back in and hit a vicious chop before hitting a Dragon Screw on Punk. Robinson tagged in and targetted Punk’s injured leg before Austin Gunn tagged in and stomped Punk in the abdomen. The Gunns and Bullet Club Gold continued to beat down Punk in the corner before the Picture-in-Picture Break. 

During the break, they continued to beat down CM Punk on the outside before White got Punk back in the ring and hit a snap-mare into a waist lock on Punk. Punk got back up, but White caught him with a Forearm Shiver before locking in the Waist Lock yet again. White broke the hold and slammed Punk into the corner before hitting him with a series of shoulder blocks & a chop. Punk dropped White off the top rope before Punk hit a crossbody on White. White & Punk exchanged chops before Punk tried to tag in someone, but White caught him with a chop block before catching Punk with a chop. White went for an Irish Whip, but Punk caught him with an Irish Whip before hitting a RIsig Knee Strike on White, a lariat on Juice, and a neck breaker on White. The Gunns attacked everyone on Punk’s team before Juice tagged in. Juice went for the GTS on Punk, but Punk blocked before hitting Juice with a Roundhouse Kick before Starks tagged in. Starks came in like a fireball, laying out everyone on his sight before hitting a Tornado DDT on Austin Gunn for a near fall. White & Robinson attacked Starks, but FTR tossed Bullet Club Gold to the outside before they brawled there. Starks hit a Back Drop on Juice before hitting a Blue Thunder bomb on White for a near fall. White got a Schoolboy on Starks, but Starks kicked out. White went for the Blade Runner, but Starks evaded and hit a Brainbuster on White for a near fall. Dax hit a Piledriver on Robinson, but The Gunns caught Dax with eh 3:10 To Yuma. Cash tossed Austin to the outside before Military Pressing Colten to the outside and hit a Tope Suicida on everyone. CM Punk went for a dive to the outside, but White caught him with a Uranage before hitting a Uranage on Starks too. Starks hit a series of spears on The Gunns & White before going for a second spear on White, but White evaded before Juice caught Starks with a fistful of Quarters. White saw the opening and hit Blade Runner on Starks for the pinfall win. The Gunns, Robinson & White put their “Guns Up” and stood tall to end the broadcast. 

Winners: Bullet Club Gold (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, “ROCK HARD” Juice Robinson & “Switchblade” Jay White).

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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