
AEW Battle of The Belts 2 Results: Thunder Rosa vs Nyla Rose AEW Women’s Championship Match + More

Results for AEW Battle of the Belts 2, from Garland, Texas

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 4/16/2022 edition of AEW Battle of the Belts 2. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– The show began with Excalibur welcoming the audience to the broadcast, joined by Tony Schiavone and Taz, of the show, taped from Garland, Texas.

TNT Championship Match

Sammy Guevara (w/ Tay Conti) vs Scorpio Sky (c) (w/ Ethan Page & Dan Lambert).

The match began with Guevara attacking Sky in the corner, but Sky did a take-down on Guevara before hitting a series of punches on Guevara. Sky bit Guevara’s head before taunting the crowd. Guevara hit a chop, followed by a series of elbow strikes. Guevara hit a back suplex before hitting a series of punches on Sky. Guevara tried to suplex Sky, but Sky caught Guevara in the Fireman’s Carry Position. Guevara escaped the Carry before he and Sky exchanged strikes. Guevara did a dropkick on Sky before doing a kick-up and taunting the crowd. Guevara slammed Sky to the guard rail, but Sky dropped Guevara on the throat on the guard rail. Sky hit a body-slam on Guevara outside of the ring. Guevara did a Moonsault from the stairs onto Sky. Guevara tried to do a Canadian Destroyer on the apron, but Sky hit the TKO on the apron before the picture-in-picture break.

During the break, Sky sent Guevara into the ring-stairs with an Irish Whip outside. Guevara got back to the ring at the count of nine. Sky hit a series of strikes on Guevara in the corner, which sent Guevara out of the ring. After Sky sent Guevara back in the ring, Sky hit a side-back breaker on Guevara. Sky hit a second back-breaker on Guevara, and connected a third back-breaker before doing a back-stretch on Guevara’s back. Sky went for a fourth Back-breaker, but Guevara escaped and hit an inseguri kick on Sky. After a series of Lariats from Guevara, he hit a standing Spanish Fly on Sky for a near fall. Guevara hit a leaping mule-kick on Sky from the middle rope. Guevara went to the top rope, but Ethan Page pulled Sky out of the ring. Guevara hit a shooting star press on Page and Sky outside. Sky got Guevara on a Small Package for a near fall. Guevara hit a rope-assisted inseguri kick on Sky before hitting a Cody-Cutter on Sky for a near fall. Dan Lambert distracted the referee, which led to Guevara catching Sky with a O’Connor Roll for a near fall. Paige VanZant ran to ringside to attack Tay Conti. The referee got distracted by Conti and VanZant, which led to Guevara hitting a low-blow on Sky, followed by a GTH for the pinfall victory, with Guevara becoming a three-time TNT Champion. After the match, Conti and Guevara kissed, to the disgust of the commentators and the crowd.

Winner New TNT Champion: Sammy Guevara (w/ Tay Conti)

Ring of Honor World Championship Match

Dalton Castle (w/ The Boys) vs Jonathan Gresham (c)

The match began with Gresham and Castle adhering to the Code of Honor before locking up. Gresham twisted Castle’s arm before Castle went for a rope break. Castle tried to twist Gresham’s arm, but Gresham reversed it with a side-headlock takedown before Castle went outside to get ventilation from the boys. Castle got Gresham with a Kareline Gut-Wrench before slamming Gresham on the shoulder. Castle hit an elbow strike on Gresham before hitting a clothesline and a dropkick. Gresham did a hurranacarana on Castle off the middle rope. Gresham faked out a dropkick on Castle before hitting an actual dropkick. Gresham twisted Castle’s arm before transitioning to a ground side-headlock. Gresham transitioned to a scissors leg lock while stretching Castle’s fingers. Gresham transitioned to a hammerlock on the arm of Castle, but Castle escaped with an elbow strike. Gresham got Castle in a double arm lock before Castle went for a rope break, before cutting to the commercial break.

After the commercial break, Castle was ventilated again by The Boys outside, but Gresham went outside to try to get Castle back in the ring. Castle hit a Tijeras on Gresham outside. Castle and Gresham evaded each others strikes before Gresham hit a chop on Castle. Castle hit two overhead suplexes on Gresham before doing a deadlift fisherman’s suplex for a near fall. Castle got a gut-wrench on Gresham before transitioning into a guillotine. Castle went for a Bang-a-rang, but Gresham and Castle exchanged a series of pinfall attempts. Castle hit a big boot, but Gresham kicked up and hit an inseguri kick. Castle hit a lariat on Gresham. Gresham stomped on Castle’s foot, chopped Castle on the chest, and locked Castle on The Octopus Lock for the submission victory.

After the match, Satnam Singh came down the ring and choke slammed the boys before slamming Castle on the stairs. Jay Lethal hit the Lethal Injection on Gresham before Singh slammed Gresham to the ground. Lee Moriarty and Mat Sydal came in to the ring for the save of Gresham, but Singh took care of both wrestlers. Signh tried to hit a powerbomb on Sydal, but Samoa Joe came down the ring with a lead pipe to make the save. The segment ended with Joe and Gresham standing tall.

Winner & still Ring of Honor World Champion: Jonathan Gresham

AEW Women’s World Championship Match

Thunder Rosa (c) vs Nyla Rose

The match began with Nyla slamming Rosa to the ground before hitting a clothesline on Rosa. Rosa and Nyla brawled outside before Nyla chopped Rosa on the chest. Rosa slammed Nyla on the post before doing a ring-post-assisted Bulldog on Rose outside. Rosa hit a chop of her own on Nyla before slamming her on the guard rail. Rosa hit a top-rope missile dropkick on Nyla for a near fall. Rosa hit a series of elbow strikes on Nyla. Nyla hit a headbutt on Rosa. Nyla punched and kicked Rosa in the ring corner. Rosa low bridged the top rope, sending Nyla outside. Rosa went for a Senton on Nyla outside, but Nyla caught her with a powerbomb on the apron. Nyla hit a suplex on Rosa from the apron to the ground, then slammed Rosa into the ring-stairs.

Back in the ring, Rosa and Nyla exchanged a series of punches before Nyla got a shoulder breaker on Rosa for a near fall. Rosa did a Russian sweep on Nyla, followed by locking Nyla in a cross-face submission hold. Nyla escaped and both exchanged a series of strikes Rosa went for a Lariat. She hit another Lariat on Nyla, a dropkick, and was able to put down Rose with a stunner. Rosa did a lariat, double-knee strike on Nyla in the ring, corner. She did two low-dropkicks on Rose, and one sliding dropkick on Rose outside. Rosa did a tornillo splash on Nyla outside. Rosa got Nyla back in the ring and went for a diving crossbody on Nyla, but Nyla caught her. Nyla hung Rosa on the top rope and went for a guillotine knee drop, but Rosa evaded the move. Rosa went for another senton, but Nyla caught her in an attempt for the Beast Bomb. Rosa reversed the Beast Bomb to a Code Red for a near fall. Nyla hit a clothesline on Rosa for a near fall, followed by a chokeslam. Nyla went to the top for a splash, but she stopped herself and carried Rosa. Rosa evaded and ran the ropes, but Nyla caught her with a lariat for a near fall. Nyla hit a jackhammer on Rosa for another near fall. Nyla went for a senton on Rosa, but she landed on the apron. Rosa hit a roll-up on Nyla for another near fall. Rose caught Rosa with a World’s Strongest Slam for a near fall, but was caught by Rosa with a bridge pin for another near fall. Finally, Thunder Rosa hit a frankensteiner for the pinfall victory, retaining the AEW Women’s Championship to end the show.

Winner & Still AEW Women’s World Champion Thunder Rosa (c).

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