
AEW All Out 2022 – House Of Black vs. Sting, Darby Allin, And Miro Result

House of Black outsmarted. 

Sting, Darby Allin, and Miro bested House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, & Buddy Matthews) at AEW All Out 2022 in trios action. 

The finish saw Sting spit mist into the eyes of Black, catch him off guard as he was going for the black mass. Allin capitalized by catching Black with the last supper pin. 

From Fightful’s coverage: 

House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews) vs. Miro, Darby Allin & Sting.

Miro and Black began the match locking up before Miro laid in punches and stomps before Brody King came to the ring and started brawling with him. Black hit about on Miro before hitting body shots on MIro. Miro hit an overhead suplex and running splash on Matthews. Matthews went for a crossbody, but Miro caught him and hit a Uranage on Matthews. Miro refused to tag Sting and Darby, but Matthews caught him with a chin breaker. Allin got a victory roll on Allin for. anear fall. Allin and Matthews continued to exchange strikes before Allin attempted a Code Red, but Balck caught him with a high kick. Black hit a running kick on Allin for a near fall. King tagged in and tossed Allin across the ring corners. King placed Allin on the top rope before hitting him with a chop and sent him to the outside. King tossed Allin onto the barricades before tagging in Black. Black hit a snap-mare kick on Allin before locking into a headlock, but Allin caught him with a forearm strike. Matthews tagged in and hit two chops on Allin and tried to leap over Matthews, but Matthews hit a pop-up knee strike on Allin. Julia Hart distracted the referee long enough to prevent seeing Miro’s tag. He sent Miro back into the corner. Allin tagged in Sting from out of nowhere. Sting attacked King & Matthews before hitting Stinger Splashes on Matthews and King. Sting tripped King into a senton on Matthews. King locked in a sleeper on King, but Sting hit a chin breaker on King. Black tagged in and confronted Sting in the corner. The two exchanged strikes before Sting locked in the Scorpion Deathlock. King and Matthews attacked Sting, but he still held on until Black locked in a knee bar. Miro pulled Black from his hair, but Matthews hit a kick on the apron on Miro’s face. Sting pushed King onto Matthews and Black before hitting a Scorpion DDT, which Allin followed by hitting the Coffin Drop on King for a near fall. Miro attacked all the members of the House of Black. Miro ran across the ring to attack Matthews, but Matthews got Sting’s bat and hit him in the abdomen. Allin hit a stunner on Matthews before hitting a Tope Suicida on Matthews to the outside. Sting misted Black, allowing Allin to pin Black with the Last Supper for the pinfall win.

Winners: Miro, Sting & Darby Allin.

According to those in the arena, House of Black hugged and Malakai bowed and blew a kiss to the audience after the match. This was not shown on television. 

Fans can find Fightful’s coverage of AEW All Out by clicking here. Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of all the action by clicking here. 

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