
AEW All Out 2020 Match Ratings From Sean Ross Sapp

Joey Janela (w/ Sonny Kiss) defeated Serpentico (w/ Luther)

  • I’m just adding Serptentico to our official roster at this point
  • Excalibur talking about the struggles of wrestling in a mask was a really cool touch.
  • Janela gets knees up on a Swanton and does a seated Black Hole Slam that I loved. Also a Fisherman’s Buster Superplex. Wow.
  • Janela wins with a flying elbow drop.
  • This isn’t much by the way of stakes, but it’s a Joey Janela match, so it’s going to be good. It was.

Private Party defeated Dark Order (Silver & Reynolds)

  • I will watch anything John Silver does at this point. He and Reynolds have been really entertaining.
  • This is another solid match to put on the Buy In. Two tag teams with some buzz about them, even though Dark Order is on the ascent and Private Party are kind of treading water.
  • There was a good deep armdrag in this match.
  • Private Party gets some great offense in, but there was a heaving, spinning powerbomb that should have finished the match.
  • That spinning powerbomb John Silver just did was one of the craziest moves I’ve ever seen and I never wanna see anyone kick out of it.
  • Quen kicks out of a ton of offense, and Private Party win with Gin & Juice. That was a fire match.

Tooth And Nail Match
Big Swole defeated Dr. Britt Baker DMD (w/ Reba)

  • Reba is waiting on Big Swole and yells for Britt. Swole is hilarious and says she should have been ready.
  • Swole finds some chattering teeth.
  • Baker hits Swole with her diploma.
  • Reba tries to attack Swole with a water flosser.
  • Swole wheels Baker into a bunch of boxes as Britt yells for Reba, who shows up and helps.
  • Reba’s undying allegiance to Dr. Britt Baker DMD is great.
  • A DDT on top of a GATOR!! The vehicle, not an animal.
  • Reba gets sent into a dumpster, but passes Britt a crutch.
  • Baker does a swinging neckbreaker ON THE FLOOR.
  • Britt Baker tries to drill AND INJECT SWOLE.
  • Reba screams that Swole stabbed Britt after the syringe went in. Amazing.
  • Anesthesia!!! Baker loses.

Young Bucks defeated Jurassic Express (w/ Marko Stunt)

  • Jungle Boy gets worked over heavily, and Nick superkicks Luchasaurus to prevent the tag, then mocks Jungle Boy.
  • Marko, complete with crutch, yanks Nick off the apron.
  • Luchasaurus sits up like Undertaker, and kip up and flips up not like the Undertaker.
  • Bucks are working heel here, and it’s really good. They catch Jungle Boy with a powerbomb on the apron.
  • Matt Jackson attacks Marko Stunt.
  • Young Bucks did an outstanding Doomsday Device apron kick move.
  • A lot of back and forth, but Bucks win with the BTE trigger.
  • The Young Bucks have been stars for years and tonight felt like a star re-making performance. A lot of character work and story within the confines of this match to re-establish them as a major threat. They were so smarmy and acted like jerks.

Top Contender Match
Casino Battle Royale
Lance Archer wins

  • I love the mini-interviews for each of the Casino Battle Royale entrants.
  • Hager, Blade, Daniels, Fenix, Trent out first.
  • Kazarian is next. Will Hobbs, Chuck Taylor, then Santana & Ortiz.
  • The entrances one after the other works WAY better than all five at once for the Casino Battle Royale. Kudos to them making the change.
  • I would have Will Hobbs toss some people. Will Hobbs is well liked by those I’ve spoken to in AEW. Great to see him in here. He tosses out Blade.
  • Hager eliminated Daniels.
  • Billy Gunn. Penta. Brian Cage. Ricky Starks.
  • Cage tosses Billy Gunn immediately, then Daby Allin comes out and eliminates Fenix.
  • Shawn Spears joins commentary instead of entering. Eddie Kingston, Butcher. Sonny Kiss. Lance Archer are next.
  • Sonny Kiss eliminates Hager. Cage eliminated Sonny, and Hager beats the latter up.
  • I like that Santana and Ortiz and Best Friends feud continues here. The former LAX toss Chuck. Trent tosses Santana. Archer helps the remaining fellas out.
  • Matt Sydal is the joker. Matt Sydal showed up as the 21st entrant and promptly fell on the back of his head during a shooting star press attempt.
  • Darby Allin eliminated Ricky Starks, and Starks beats him up. Starks gets the body bag for Allin. Cage puts Darby Allin in a body bag full of thumbtacks and throws him over the top rope.
  • Sydal does a modified Del Rio stomp. That move sucks. His performance has not been good.
  • Hobbs gets some shine with a spinebuster onto tacks on Sydal. Archer pounces him though.
  • Hobbs SLOWLY falls onto the apron. Archer gets he and Cage outta there.
  • It’s down to Eddie Kingston and Lance Archer.
  • Butcher, Blade and Jake Roberts all try to get involved.
  • Archer wins with a chokeslam to the outside.
  • Jim Ross calls Lance Archer Lance Hoyt.

Broken Rules Match
If Matt Hardy Loses, He Leaves
Matt Hardy defeated Sammy Guevara

  • Matt Hardy is by the football field. Hardy has to run away from a golf cart.
  • They end up on a platform and Sammy spears Hardy off of it onto a table.
  • Aubrey Edwards stops the match.
  • Normally I don’t like non-finishes. This made the whole match, though.
  • Matt Hardy WILL NOT DIE.
  • Sammy gets knocked off a truss through a stage. The stage setup looks really lame. The fall was good though.
  • Sammy loses.
  • This gets rec’d for the Hardy bump alone.

AEW Women’s Championship
Hikaru Shida (c) defeated Thunder Rosa to retain the title

  • This is such a great showcase for Thunder Rosa. She looks like a star.
  • Rosa hits some HEAVY strikes.
  • Shida tries to launch herself off a chair, but Rosa does it herself.
  • Rosa does an OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE into a backbreaker.
  • Rosa gets a pendulum swing into the buckle.
  • Shida had a couple of spots that Rosa had to wait on.
  • Rosa counters the Stretch Muffler with a headscissors takeover.
  • Rosa is being showcased big time. Shida will land the occasional strike, but Rosa lands big ones.
  • Shida’s Meteora to the outside is a good touch. Fireman’s carry backbreaker. What a beauty!!
  • The running knee wins it for Shida.
  • Hikaru Shida and Thunder Rosa beat the brakes off of each other.

Matt Cardona, Nightmare Family & Scorpio Sky (w/ Brandi Rhodes & Allie) defeated Dark Order

  • This match isn’t clicking for me early. This feels like a run of the mill Dynamite match. That’s not a bad thing, but on a PPV, this and the Battle Royal show you how much talent they have without a lot going on. It picked up quick.
  • Grayson has an amazing apron swanton.
  • Dustin Rhodes on PPV in 2020 is something I can still get behind.
  • Brandi Rhodes pump kicks Anna Jay for trying to get involved.
  • Scorpio Sky is fired up, and he has a star quality about him.
  • “Did Anna Jay have a wardrobe malfunction, or is that wishful thinking in my book?”- JR. What does that add?
  • Brodie powerbombs the crap out of Cardona.
  • QT does an insane tope con hilo.
  • Lee wants Cabana to pin Dustin, but he misses a moonsault instead. Rhodes rolls up Colt for the win.
  • This was really good.
  • Brodie Lee scolds Colt Cabana. Evil Uno consoles him.
  • Dustin Rhodes is told he’s getting a TNT Championship shot Wednesday.

AEW World Tag Team Titles
FTR (w/ Tully Blanchard) defeated Hangman Page & Kenny Omega (c) to win the titles

  • Omega and Page try to get on the same page.
  • Page does a nice rebound lariat outside
  • This match needs a crowd. A hot one.
  • Powerbomb by Dax, German suplex by Cash, jacknife pin by Dax.
  • Cash Wheeler’s splash out of the Powerplex never looked better.
  • Dax brainbuster. Omega Tiger Driver 98.
  • FTR go at Omega’s legs.
  • The crowd isn’t going for the nearfalls and have been DEAD since the Hardy spot. Even the crowd at ringside is dead.
  • They wake up to chant for Page and his huge dive.
  • Multiple fans in attendance messaged me noting that the humidity is taking a toll on the energy levels in Jacksonville for All Out. Sad to see with the matches that followed the Hardy spot.
  • Inverted powerbomb/bulldog combo on the floor by FTR.
  • Spike piledriver on Page, but he kicks out. Omega was stopped from getting the tag.
  • Another spike piledriver gets it done.
  • This needed a hotter crowd. Really good.Needed a better crowd.
  • FTR leave a beer in the ring.
  • Omega teases attacking Page, but doesn’t do it. He lets Page fall in the ring. Omega angrily leaves with Young Bucks.

Orange Cassidy defeated Chris Jericho

  • “Do you think he was lazy or he just wanted to shove it up his butt…..his ass?” – Tony Schiavone. This killed me.
  • Codebreaker right out of the gate.
  • Cassidy gets powerbombed on the platform and through the table.
  • Jericho’s foot landed in, but they’ve reiterated many times that isn’t enough.
  • Nasty looking Codebreaker counter to a flying Orange Cassidy. Production really helped him out there.
  • Jericho teases a Razor’s Edge into the pit, but Cassidy superman punches him in.
  • Okay.

AEW World Championship
Jon Moxley (c) defeated MJF (w/ Wardlow) to retain the title

  • MJF’s get up rules.
  • Lance Archer is looking on with Jake Roberts.
  • MJF doesn’t want to wrestle outside the ring. Moxley doesn’t care and drags it outside.
  • MJF screams to the ref.
  • MJF is working over Moxley methodically. This is very slow paced. The ol’ slow paced main event.
  • Moxley doing the John McClane shoulder pop is something.
  • MJF gigged.
  • Moxley can’t use the Paradigm shift, so instead he uses an X Plex, cradle piledriver and a Bossman Slam.
  • MJF stomps out Moxley’s arm. Nasty!
  • MJF is on his knees and spits in Moxley’s FACE
  • Armbar is applied on Moxley. Mox gets to the ropes and MJF holds on as long as possible.
  • The Heatseeker hits for two. He tries another but is hit with an Air Raid Crash.
  • MJF has perfected the art of kicking out at 2.99999.
  • MJF cracked Moxley in the nutsack.
  • MJF hits Cross Rhodes, and Excalibur telegraphs the kickout with “WE HAVE A NEW WORLD CHAMPION!”
  • Wardlow tries to toss MJF brass knuckles. Moxley hits Paradigm Shift with the ref’s back turned.
  • Very clever.
  • Moxley wins and flips off Archer.

Rating Guide
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones that may change upon a second viewing, or sitting on the match for a period of time. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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