
AEW All In (8/27/2023) Results: MJF vs Adam Cole, FTR vs The Young Bucks & More Compete In London

Live results for the 8/27/2023 edition of AEW All In from Wembley Stadium in London, England, United Kingdom.

Welcome to the Fightful.com discussion & coverage for the 8/27/2023 edition of AEW All In airing live from Wembley Stadium at London, England, United Kingdom from BR Live, FITE TV (Internationally) & YouTube (PPV Internationally).

We will bring full results for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show. 


AEW All In (8/27/2023).

  • Zero Hour – FTW Championship Match: Jack Perry (c) vs. HOOK.
  • Zero Hour – ROH Tag Team Championship Match: Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher) (c) vs. MJF & Adam Cole.
  • Stadium Stampede Mach: Mike Santana, Ortiz & Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) vs. Best Friends (Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy), Eddie Kingston & Penta El Zero Miedo (w/ Alex Abrahantes).
  • Chris Jericho vs. Will Ospreay (w/ Don Callis).
  • Real World’s Championship Match: CM Punk (c) vs. Samoa Joe.
  • Golden Elite (Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi & “Hangman” Adam Page) vs. Konosuke Takeshita & Bullet Club Gold (“Switchblade” Jay White & “ROCK HARD” Juice Robinson).
  • AEW World Trios Championship Match: House of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews & Brody King) (c) (w/ Julia Hart) vs. “Badass” Billy Gunn & The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens).
  • AEW Women’s World Championship Match: Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Saraya vs. Toni Storm vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD.
  • Coffin Match: Swerve Strickland & Christian Cage vs. Sting & Darby Allin.
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Match: FTR (Dax Hardwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) vs. The Young Bucks (Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson).
  • AEW World Heavyweight Championship Match: MJF (c) vs. Adam Cole.

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Zero Hour

– Paul Wight, Kip Sabian, Anthony Ogogo & Renee Paquette hosted the Zero Hour proceedings, with RJ City doing interviews from the arena.

– Powerhouse Hobbs, alongside an army of security guards, was in the center of the ring to host a contract signing. Hobbs wanted Miro but stated that he would go back to the United States if he was not around. Miro then appeared to confront Hobbs in the center of the ring. Miro signed the contract for their match at AEW All Out. The two had a face-to-face in the ring before the two started brawling. Miro clotheslined Hobbs out of the ring before he laid out all the security guards in the ring. Miro then stated that at All Out, redemption would be coming at him, it would break Hobb’s spine & make him humble.

– Tony Schiavone was in the center of the ring to thank everyone in the crowd but was immediately interrupted by Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt & Karen Jarrett. Jarrett called Schiavone a slap nut & demanded he get out of the ring before running down on the crowd, stating that American Wrestling was better than British Wrestling. They were interrupted by Paul Wight, Anthony Ogogo & former ICW Champion Grado. Wight hit the Big Punch on Singh while Ogogo & Grado attacked Lethal, Dutt & Jarrett. Ogogo & Wight hit jabs on Jeff Jarrett before Grado hit Jarrett with his guitar on the head. 

ROH Tag Team Championship Match.

Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher) (c) vs. Better Than You BayBay (MJF & Adam Cole).

Aussie Open immediately attacked Cole & MJF before the match. Aussie Open picked up MJF & Cole on the outside before slamming Cole’s & MJF’s back on the outside. The match officially began with Davis getting a near fall on MJF before quickly transitioning into a headlock. MJF got out of the hold and poked the eyes of both Davis & Fletcher before attempting to tag in Cole, but Fletcher pulled Cole off the apron. This allowed Davis to slam MJF to the mat before hitting him with a senton for a near fall. Fletcher tagged in, MJF took him down immediately. MJF went for the Kangaroo Kick, but Davis laid him out. Fletcher went for a stomp, but MJF blocked it by lifting his knees on Fletcher’s lower parts. Davis tagged in, but MJF hit a drop toe-hold to send Davis into Fletcher in the corner before tagging in Cole.

Cole hit a pump kick on Davis, a series of lariats on Fletcher, and a Pump Kick on Fletcher before hitting a Backstabber for a near fall. Cole went for the Panama Sunrise, but Fletcher evaded before being caught with a vicious Thrust Kick from Cole. Cole & MJF went for the Double Clothesline on Fletcher, but Davis pulled Fletcher out of the ring. MJF went for a dive, but Fletcher & Davis laid out Cole & MJF. Davis & Cole hit the Dental Plan on MJF before catching him with an Assisted Cutter for a near fall. Aussie Open went for the double lariat, but MJF evaded before catching them with a Kangaroo Kick. MJF & Cole hit the Double Clothesline on Fletcher for the pinfall win.

Despite the win, MJF & Adam Cole had a brief staredown ahead of their match for the AEW Championship later today.

Winners & NEW ROH Tag Team Champions: Adam Cole & MJF.

– Mercedes Moné was seen on the crowd for the event. 

– Dr. Britt Baker DMD was interviewed backstage ahead of her match later today. She promised to win the championship and get the division back on track, starting by regaining the AEW Women’s Championship.

FTW Championship – FTW Rules.

Jack Perry (c) vs. HOOK.

Jim Ross joined Tony Schiavone, Taz & Excalibur in the broadcast team for the match.

The two brawled on the ramp to begin the match. The two made their way to Perry’s limousine. Perry & HOOK brawled on the roof before hitting HOOK with a Brainbuster onto the roof. HOOK rolled into the engine of the car, but Perry caught him with a Rolling Thunder on HOOK for a near fall. HOOK got back up and hit a Fisherman’s Buster on Perry into the windshield of the car for a near fall. The two finally made it into ringside, leading into Perry placing HOOK on the barricade before spiking him into the floor with a Draping DDT for a near fall. Back in the ring, Perry got a trash can on HOOK’s head before going for the Coast to Coast, but he dropped down and gave the middle finger to the crowd instead.

HOOK tried to get back into the match with a series of body shots on Perry, but Perry responded with Three German Suplexes & a Thrust Kick. Perry went for a lariat, but HOOK evaded and hit two Bridged German Suplexes and a T-Bone Suplex into the bottom turnbuckle for a near fall. Perry gauged HOOK’s eyes and hit the Tyler Driver 97 for a near fall. Perry went for a Moonsault on HOOK, but HOOK evaded and caught Perry with a lariat before crashing a trash can on Perry’s head. HOOK hit a series of crossface strikes before locking in the Redrum. This would lead to Perry tapping out, crowning HOOK a two-time FTW Champion. 

Winner & NEW FTW Champion: HOOK.

Main Card.

– Jim Ross, Excalibur & Nigel McGuiness (with more jumping in throughout the night) welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening contest of the main show.

Real World’s Championship Match.

CM Punk (c) vs. Samoa Joe.

The opening contest began with a staredown as the crowd chanted in favor of Samoa Joe. The two locked up before Joe went for a chop, but Punk evaded. The two locked up again before Punk got Joe in the corner and caught him with a chop. Punk hit two more chops and locked in a headlock on Joe. Joe hit a back suplex to break the hold, but Punk still held on. Instead, Joe rolled out of the ring before catching Punk on the apron and hitting him with a chop. The two brawled on the outside before Joe went for a move into the barricade, but Punk. rolled back in the ring. Joe caught Punk with a series of jabs before trapping him in the ropes and hitting three vicious chops & a headbutt on Punk. Punk got on the middle rope and hit a Diving Hurricanrana on Joe to send him to the outside. Punk went for a Crossbody on Joe to the outside, but Joe walked away to send Punk crashing to the floor.

Joe placed Punk on a chair before catching him with a Helluva Kick into the barricade. Punk went for another Hurricanrana on Punk off the apron, but Joe caught him and tossed Punk’s head into the bottom panel of the broadcast table, busting the Real World’s Champ open from the forehead. Back in the ring, Punk tried to get back some offense on Punk, but Joe caught him with a vicious Back Elbow to Punk’s bleeding head for a near fall. Punk hit a series of jabs on Joe, but Joe caught him with an Irish Whip into a back elbow and a Leaping Enziguri Kick on Punk in the corner. Punk tried to come back, but Joe hit an Atomic Drop, Running Boot & a Running Senton on Punk to neutralize Punk for a near fall. Joe hit a chop on Punk in the corner before going for the Muscle Buster, but Punk got out of the hold before catching Joe with a Roundhouse Kick. 

Punk hit the Con Cena Shoulder Tackles, the Cena Sideslam, and the Hulk Hogan Leg Drop on Joe to get the win, but Joe kicked out at one and powered up. Joe hit a series of jabs on Punk before hitting a Powerslam on Punk for an ear fall. After evading Joe’s Juji Gatame, Punk went for the Rising Knee Strike; however, Joe caught him with a Powerbomb before transitioning into the STF, but Punk reversed it with a pin before hitting another Roundhouse kick for a near fall. Punk locke din the Spinning Toe-Hold on Joe, a tribute to Terry Funk, but Joe reversed it with a Roll-Up for a near fall. Punk went for another Rising Knee, but Joe caught him with a Uranage off the corner. Joe put Punk on the top rope and caught him with a chop before going for an Avalanche Brainbuster, but Punk bit Joe’s head before hitting the Pepsi Plunge for the pinfall win & title retention.

Winner & STILL Real World’s Champion: CM Punk.

Golden Elite (Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi & “Hangman” Adam Page) vs. Konosuke Takeshita & Bullet Club Gold (“Switchblade” Jay White & “ROCK HARD” Juice Robinson) (w/ Don Callis, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn).

Page & Robinson began the proceedings of the match, with Page catching Robinson with a Shoulder tackle and a running boot. Omega tagged in and hit an axe handle on Robinson’s arm before he & Page took turns chopping Robinson in the chest & back. Ibushi tagged in, but Robinson backed up before tagging in White. The two former IWGP World Heavyweight Champions locked up before White hit a shoulder tackle, but Ibusshi got back up.

White slapped Ibushi in the face, but Ibushi shook it off before hitting a vicious roundhouse kick on White’s chest. Omega tagged back in before he & Ibushi hit the Roundhouse Kick/ Dunk combo. Takeshita came to the ring and tossed Ibushi to the outside, but Omega caught him with a Frankensteiner to send Takeshita to the outside. White & Takeshita were on the outside, but Omega caught the two with a Tope Con Giro to the outside. Austin Gunn briefly distracted Omega on the apron, allowing White to attack Omega on the mat before Robinson tagged in and stomped away at Omega. Takeshita tagged in and fired away with strikes on Omega. Everyone in the match entered the ring and brawled before Takeshita hit a vicious forearm and a leaping lariat on Omega. White tagged back in and locked in a headlock on Mega before stomping him in the chest. Omega caught White with a chop and a jab on White, but White responded with a Dragon Screw before hitting an ankle breaker, a tribute to Hiroshi Tanahashi. Robinson tagged back in and hit a Suplex on Omega for a near fall. Robinson & Omega exchanged jabs before Robison gauged Omega’s eyes, leading to Robinson hitting the Left Hand of God followed by a Leaping Senton for a near fall. Omega fought off Bullet Club Gold & Takeshita to try and tag in someone, but the Gunns laid out Page & Ibushi.

Page laid out The Gunns before finally tagging in. Page attacked White & Robinson both inside & outside of the ring before catching the two with a series of Topes Suicida. Back in the ring, Page caught White with a diving Lariat off the top rope for a near fall. Ibushi tagged in and hit a series of quick strikes and a chest kick before hitting a Moonsault press on White, but Takeshita caught him with a right hand. Omega& Ibushi tossed Takeshita to the outside before the two hit Stereo Triangle Moonsaults to the outside on White & Robinson. Page, Ibushi, and Omega took turns in hitting back elbows on White in the corner followed by Omega & Page hitting a pop-up German before Ibushi hit a Half-Dragon Suplex on White for a near fall.

Ibushi went for the Kamigoye, but White caught him with a Uranage. Takeshita & Omega tagged back in and laid in the strikes in the center of the ring before hitting a Snap Dragon on Robinson, a Snap-Dragon on White, and went for one on Takeshita; however, Takeshita evaded and connected Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Omega hit a series of knee strikes before hitting Takeshita with a Poison Rana for a near fall. Omega got Takeshita on the top rope, but Robinson attacked him. Omega hit the You Can’t Escape on Robinson before Page hit an Avalanche Blockbuster on Takeshita for a near fall. The Gunns were on the apron, but Page laid them out before catching them with a moonsault. White caught Page with a Half-Dragon, but Ibushi caught him with a knee. Robinson laid out Ibushi, but Omega caught him with a Dunk. Omega & Ibushi went for the Golden Trigger, but Takeshita evaded and caught Ibushi with the Jumping Knee. Takeshita was in the ring, but Page caught him with a Buckshot Lariat. Omega hit consecutive V-Triggers on White & Robinson, but Takeshita caught Omega with an Schoolboy oll-Up for the win.

Winners: Konosuke Takeshita & Bullet Club Gold (“Switchblade” Jay White & “ROCK HARD” Juice Robinson) (w/ Don Callis, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn).

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match.

FTR (Dax Hardwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) vs. The Young Bucks (Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson).

Nick Jackson & Dax Hardwood began the match locking up, with the two exchanging wrist locks before having a staredown. Wheeler tagged in and got a headlock before hitting a shoulder tackle on Nick, but Nick responded with a hip toss & a scoop slam. Matt Jackson tagged in and hit a double stomp on Wheeler, but Wheeler caught him with a Powerslam before he & Dax hit an Assisted Leg Drop for a near fall. The four exchanged strikes before The Bucks hit stereo dropkicks on FTR, followed by clotheslining to the outside. This was followed up by The Jackson Brothers attacking Dax & Cash before Nick Jackson hit a Corkscrew Dive on FTR to the outside. 

Back in the ring, Matt Jackson caught Wheeler with a Superkick before Nick caught him with a Swanton for a near fall. The Young Bucks dominated the proceedings of the match, with Matt Jackson hitting a Bret Hart elbow drop on Wheeler to taunt Cash Wheeler. Wheeler went for a Code Red on Matt, but Nick Jackson attacked Wheeler after making the blind tag. Wheeler tossed Nick Jackson to the outside before catching Matt Jackson with a back suplex. Wheeler tried to tag in Dax, but Matt Jackson caught Dax with a leaping Thrust Kick before spiking Wheeler with a DDT for a near fall. 

Wheeler tossed Nick Jackson into the corner, tossed Matt Jackson into the ring post & hit an uppercut on Nick before tagging in Dax. Dax hit a series of jabs on Matt, a lariat on Nick & a series of German Suplexes on Matt Jackson, but Matt Jackson responded with a series of Northern Lights Suplexes before Dax drilled Matt Jackson with another German Suplex. Dax got two pins on Matt Jackson before hitting a Twisting crossbody on Matt Jackson, but Matt responded by hitting a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall. Dax picked Nick Jackson up for a Powerbomb, but Nick evaded. Nick went for a springboard move, but Dax caught him and hit a Slingshot Powerbomb for a near fall. Dax & Cash locked in stereo Sharpshooters on The Bucks. Nick tossed Cash into the ring post to break the hold before attacking Dax and hitting a Moonsault on Cash to the outside.

Nick Jackson got Dax on the top rope and hit a Superplex on Dax, but Cash caught him with a Splash. Nick Jackson went for a powerbomb, but Hardwood rolled through before he & Wheeler hit the Spike Piledriver for a near fall. FTR went for the Shatter Machine, but Matt Jackson attacked Wheeler while Dax got a sit-down pin for a near fall. Nick hit a backslide before hitting a Superkick on Dax. The Bucks hit a series of Thrust Kicks on Dax before catching Hardwood with a Spike Piledriver for a near fall. The Young Bucks went for the Meltzer Driver, but Cash laid out Nick Jackson. Dax went for a Tombstone on Matt, but Nick caught him with a thrust kick to allow Matt to get a Victory Roll on Dax for a near fall. Wheeler hit a Spear on Nick Jackson before Dax & Cash hit the FTR Trigger followed by the Shatter Machine on Matt Jackson to get the pin, but Jackson kicked out.

Dax then hit a Thrust Kick on Matt Jackson before tossing Nick Jackson to the outside. Wheeler went for a Springboard 450 Splash on Matt Jackson, but Jackon evaded before hitting a Thrust Kick on Wheeler for a near fall. The Young Bucks got in the ring and hit the BTE Trigger on Wheeler for a near fall. Dax got in the ring, but the Jacksons caught Dax with the Shatter Machine before hitting Wheeler again with the BTE Trigger, but Wheeler still kicked out at two. The Jackson Brothers went for the Melter Driver again, but Dax intercepted Matt Jackson while Cash tossed Nick out of the ring, leading to FTR hitting Matt Jackson with the Shatter Machine for the pinfall win. 

FTR tried to shake The Young Bucks’s hands, but The Bucks left the ring after the match.

Winners & STILL AEW Tag Team Champions: FTR (Dax Hardwood & Cash Wheeler). 

Stadium Stampede Mach.

Mike Santana, Ortiz & Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) vs. Best Friends (Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy), Eddie Kingston & Penta El Zero Miedo (w/ Alex Abrahantes).

The match began with Kingston immediately attacking Castagnoli at the ramp while these brawled across ringside. Back in the ring, Santana & Ortiz locked eyes with Beretta & Taylor before exchanging punches as Kingston brawled with Castagnoli in the crowd area. Taylor hit a Tope Con Giro on Ortiz & Santana, but Yuta caught him with a chop. Beretta went for a Moonsault, but Ortiz caught him with a Trash can into the dome. Moxley gagued Beretta in the head with. branding iron, all while he was already busted open. Back in the ring, Ortiz & Santana went for. amove on Beretta, but Penta attacked them with a chair. Penta hit consecutive Slingblades on Santana & Ortiz while Yuta, Taylor, Castagnoli & Kingston brawled backstage. 

Moxley attacked Penta in the ring before hitting the Paradigm Shift on Penta. Moxley got the Skewers from the bag, but Penta caught him with a thrust kick & a chair shot before stabbing Moxley with the skewers in the forehead and spiking Moxley with the Made in Japan Driver to get the pin, but Moxley kicked out at one. Penta set two chairs up, but Santana caught Penta and hit a Powerbomb threw the two chairs before hitting him with a Piledriver into a chair. Orange Cassidy saw Moxley laying and went for a pin on Moxley, but Moxley kicked out. Cassidy hit the taunt kicks on Moxley, but Moxley pulled out a fork before stabbing Cassidy in the back of the head. Moxley started stabbing Cassidy in the head before hitting a Brainbuster on Cassidy into a chair. Moxley then got a barbed-wired board and gauged Beretta with the board before Ortiz came to the ring and hit Beretta with a Kendo Stick to the back. 

Meanwhile in the crowd, Kingston attacked Yuta with an umbrella to the mouth before hitting Yuta with a Suplex to the bar top, followed by him attacking a BCC Fan. Back in the ring, Trent was on the top rope, but Moxley slammed Beretta into a ladder before Santana & Ortiz hit a Powerbomb on Beretta into a ladder. After bringing in a barbed-wired board into the ring, Moxley hit a Release Suplex on Beretta into the board before Ortiz hit a Splash on Beretta for a near fall. Moxley then pulled Beretta into the outside before hitting Beretta with a Piledriver into the stairs. The BCC got Taylor & Trent on the ramp while Ortiz pulled a table from under the ring. A white van came in, which was revealed to be driven by Trent’s mom Sue. Moxley kissed Sue in the forehead, which was followed by Trent attacking Moxley with cookie sheets. 

Penta came back to the match and hit a Canadian Destroyer on Santana into a table. Best Friends hugged Yuta before attacking him, but Moxley & Ortiz made the sav. Yuta got a Screwdriver, but Taylor caught him with a Soul Food before hitting the Awful Waffle for a near fall. Claudio tossed Taylor to the outside, allowing Moxley to hit Trent with a Tope Suicida. Claudio got Cassidy and hit the Giant Swing on Cassidy. While that was happening, Moxley hit a suplex on Taylor into a stack of legos while Trent hit a Superplex on Ortiz through two tables. Cassidy got back up and hit three Orange Punches on Claudio to get the pin, but Claudio kicked out. Cassidy got black tape from under the ring before taping Broken Glass to his fist. Cassidy went for a Jab on Claudio, but Moxley caught Cassidy flush. Moxley went for a Body slam on Cassidy, but Cassidy caught him with a DDT into broken glass, but Claudio caught Cassidy wth an Uppercut. 

And then, the violence arrived. Eddie Kingston came back to the ring with a barb-wired chair and started swinging at Castagnoli before being stopped by Moxley. Kingston hit a series of backfists on Moxley & Claudio before spearing Moxley through the barb-wired board in the corner. This allowed Cassidy to come back to the ring and hitting a Glass-assisted Orange Punch on Claudio for the brutal, violent, and destructive pinfall win. 

Winners: Best Friends (Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy), Eddie Kingston & Penta El Zero Miedo (w/ Alex Abrahantes).

AEW Women’s World Championship Match.

Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Saraya vs. Toni Storm vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD.

The match began with the Outcasts attacking Baker & Shida, with Saraya & Storm hitting an assisted Powerbomb on Shida. Baker laid out Storm & Saraya by causing Saraya to hit a DDT on Storm off a neck breaker for a near fall. Saraya hit a Rising Knee Strike on Baker before Storm hit a Hip Attack on Baker in the corner. Storm & Saraya argued about who would get the pin on Baker, but Shida came to the ring. and slammed their heads before hitting them with a jumping knee into the corner, followed by suplexing Saraya into Storm. Storm hit a Hip Attack to send Shida off the apron, but Baker caught Storm with a Slingblade to send her to the outside. Storm tried to hit. a forearm strike on Baker, but she accidentally hit Saraya’s mom at ringside. 

This incident lead to Storm & Saraya arguing before the two exchanged strikes in the center of the ring. Storm took off a turnbuckle pad to hit a hip attack, but Ruby Soho came. to the ring to stop Saraya. Storm then hit a forearm strike on Soho, which led to Soho leaving the ring. Shida laid out Storm & Saraya, but Baker caught Shida with a Thrust Kick before hitting a Thrust Kick on Storm, who landed on Saraya for a near fall. Saraya locked in the PTO, but Baker caught Storm with a stomp for a near fall. 

Shida attacked Baker & Saraya before hitting a Falcon Arrow on Baker into Saraya before hitting Meteora on Saraya for a near fall. Shida saw this and hit the Katana on Shida, but Baker broke the pin locked Shida with the Lockjaw. Shida tried to break out of the hold before Saraya sprayed Storm in the face and hit the Knight Cap for the pinfall win.

Winner & NEW AEW Women’s Champion: Saraya.

Coffin Match.

Swerve Strickland & Christian Cage (w/ Prince Nana & Luchasaurus) vs. Sting & Darby Allin.

The four men began the match brawling before Swerve & Allin were tossed out of the ring. After Cage & Sting had a staredown, Strickland attacked Sting from behind. Allin got two jackets with thumbtacks while Sting attacked Prince Nana & Swerve with a cricket bat. Sting & Allin hit corner splashes on Swerve & Nana, but Cage came back to the ring and attacked Allin while Swerve attacked Sting. Swerve hit a Spear on Sting while Cage hit a spear of his own on Allin. While Swerve laid out Sting on the outside with a cricket bat, Cage taped Allin’s hands behind his back before tossing him into the corner. Cage went for a spear, but Allin evaded before hitting a Springboard Moonsault on Cage and a Tope on Swerve.

Outside of the ring, Sting hit a Spinebuster on Swerve, but Cage attacked Sting & Allin on the outside. Back in the ring, Cage attacked Allin’s back with a chair before Swerve got another chair. Cage went for the Con-chair-to- but Allin evaded and hit a Shotgun Dropkick on Cage. Swerve picked Allin up and went for a slam on Allin, but Allin reversed it with a Stunner before Sting hit a splash on Swerve. Sting saw the unbroken table and then decided to hit Swerve with a Senton through a table. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ring, Allin hit a dropkick on Cage off the top rope into a chair.

Allin & Sting try to close the casket on Cage, but Luchasaurus attacked Sting & Allin before tossing Allin into the coffin. Nick Wayne attacked Luchasaurus with a tiny skateboard, but Luchasaurus caught him with a headbutt before hitting chokeslam on Wayne through the skateboard before taking Wayne to the back. Sting slammed the heads of Swerve & Cage through the casket before Sting put Swerve over the casket. Allin went for the Coffin Drop on Swerve, but Swerve evaded to send Allin crashing into the coffin.

Back in the ring, Sting attacked both Cage & Swerve before locking in the Scorpion Deathlock on Cage, but Swerve attacked Sting with a chair. Sting stared down at Swerve and punched the chair into Swerve’s face, but this allowed Cage to hit Sting with a low blow with the cricket bat. Swerve then hit the Swerve Stomp on Sting. Nana & Cage brought the casket into the ring to ring before attacking Allin. Swerve got Sting in the casket before trying to close it, but Sting blocked the closure with the bat. Swerve hit a kick on Sting before placing Sting over the casket. Swerve got to the top rope and went for a 450 Splash, but Sting evaded while Allin laid out Cage with the TNT Championship on the outside. Sting got Swerve and spiked him over the casket before trying to close the casket, but Swerve blocked it with his bare hands. Sting pulled Swerve out of the casket briefly before Allin hit the Coffin Drop on Swerve. With nowhere to go for Swerve, Allin finally closed the coffin on Swerve for the win.

Winners: Sting & Darby Allin.

Chris Jericho (w/ Sammy Guevara) vs. Will Ospreay (w/ Don Callis).

The match began with a lock-up before Jericho hit a shoulder tackle on Spreay, but Ospreay got back up immediately. The two exchanged strikes before Ospreay hit a shotgun dropkick and a Sky Twister on Jericho to the outside. Back in the ring, Ospreay hit the Phenomenal Forearm on Jericho for a near fall. The two exchange strikes before dropping each other with boot kicks. The two exchanged strikes before Ospreay hit a vicious chop on Jericho to the delight of the crowd. Jericho tossed Ospreay into the apron before catching him with a Springboard dropkick to send Ospreay to the outside. Ospreay hit a back elbow on Jericho before climbing to the top rope, but Jericho intercepted Ospreay and hit a German Suplex into the apron. 

Back in the ring, Jericho hit a Delayed Vertical Suplex before getting the Lionheart Pin for a near fall. Jericho hit a knee strike on Ospreay into the ropes before hitting a chop. The two exchanged strikes again before Ospreay hit a Corkscrew Kick, an Atomic Drop, a chop & a Running Shooting Star on Jericho for a near fall. Ospreay booted Jericho in the face, but Jericho caught him with a chop before hitting an Avalanche Hurricanrana on Ospreay for a near fall. Jericho went for a Lionsault, but Ospreay blocked with his knees before placing Jericho on the top rope and hit a Hanging Shooting Star Press on Jericho for a near fall.

Ospreay went for the Os-Cutter, but Jericho caught it with a mid-air Code Breaker before hitting a second Code Breaker for a near fall. Jericho went for the Judas Effect, but Ospreay blocked it and hit the Os-Cutter on Jericho for a near fall. Ospreay picked Jericho for the Storm Breaker, but Jericho reversed it with a Hurricanrana before locking in the Walls of Jericho. Don Callis distracted the referee, but that accidentally led to Guevara attacking Ospreay with a bat. Ospreay got out of the hold and hit a thrust kick and a Spanish Fly on Jericho for a near fall. Ospreay went for the Hidden Blade, but Jericho reversed it with a Code Breaker before hitting the Os-Cutter, but Ospreay kicked out at one. The two exchanged strikes before Jericho hit a Low-blow on Ospreay, followed by the Judas Effect on Ospreay to get the pin, but Ospreay kicked out at two. Jericho went for the Liontamer, but Ospreay reversed it with a pin before hitting the Hidden Blade, a Liger Bomb, and the Storm Breaker for a near fall. Jericho got back up, but Ospreay caught him flush with the Hidden Blade before hitting the second Storm Breaker for the pinfall win.

Winner: Will Ospreay.

– Nigel McGuiness was in the ring to announce the attendance of the night, with it being 81,035 people. This makes it the largest paid attendance for a Wrestling event ever. 

AEW World Trios Championship Match – No Holds Barred.

House of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews & Brody King) (c) (w/ Julia Hart) vs. “Badass” Billy Gunn & The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens).

The match began with the six men brawling inside and outside of the ring, with Malakai Black hitting a Triangle Moonsualt on Caster on the outside. Bowens hit a Guillotine on Matthews into the top rope before slamming Black into the apron. Matthews hit a Tope Suicida on Bowens & Caster. King hit a Tope on them too. Billy Gunn went for a dive, but Julia Hart blocked the way. Gunn dropped Hart into the mat before Bowens hit Scissor Me Timbers on Hart. 

The House Black saw that and immediately regained control of the match, with Matthews & Black attacking Bowens & Caster. After Gunn tossed a chair into King’s head, Gunn came to the ring to confront Matthews & Black. Gunn hit a double lariat, a series of corner splashes, and tossed Matthews to the outside before hitting with a Slam for a near fall. Bowens hit the Arrival on Black as Caster climbed to the top rope, but Matthews tossed Caster out of the ring. King hit a lariat on Gunn, but Caster caught him with a dropkick. Matthews hit a Meteora on Caster, but Matthews attacked him with a series of strikes. Matthews, Black & King hit the Three-Headed Hydra on Bowens before going for the pin, but Caster broke the pin. 

King got a chain and tried to punch Bowens, but he accidentally hit Black. Caster clohteslined King out of the ring before Matthews got in the ring. Bowens, Caster & Gunn hit three Famousers on Matthews to get the pin, but Hart pulled the referee out of the ring. Black hit The End on Gunn, but Gunn kicked out. House of Black went for Dante’s Inferno, but Gunn evaded before Bowens & Caster hit King with the Arrival into the Mic Drop for the pin, but King kicked out at one. Bowens laid in a series of strikes on King before Gunn hit the Fam-Asser on King. This led to Bowens & Caster hitting the Arrival followed by the Mic Drop for the pinfall win.

The House of Black handed the belts to The Acclaimed before Gunn & The Acclaimed scissored in the center of the ring.

Winners & NEW AEW Trios Champions: Billy Gunn &The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens).

AEW World Heavyweight Championship Match.

MJF (c) vs. Adam Cole.

The main event of the evening began with Cole & MJF getting out of the ring and putting on their “Better Than You Baybay” t-shirts before the match in solidarity. The two locked up before the two exchanged headlock, head-scissor chokes & more moves before having a standoff. The two adhered. to the code of honor before the two ran the ropes, but MJF did the strut over Cole. Cole went for the Thrust Kick on MJF, but MJF ducked before Cole did a taunt. MJF went for another handshake, but he poked Cole in the eye instead. MJF apologized to Cole for that, but Cole responded with a slap, a lariat, a pump kick, and a Ushigoroshi on MJF for a near fall. Cole tossed MJF into the corner, but MJF evaded. MJF went for a corner splash on Cole, but Cole pulled the referee in before slamming MJF into the corner for a near fall. 

Cole locked in a Guillotine Choke on MJF, but MJF got out of the hold before Cole tossed MJF from the hair. MJF got back up and slammed Cole into the mat. The crowd demanded MJF to hit a Tope on Cole, but he stopped himself. That moment of hesitation was taken advantage by Cole, with Cole catching MJF with a Superkick for a near fall. Cole took off MJF’s t-shirt before gauging his eyes. Cole went for a superkick, but MJF responded with a lariat, a back elbow, a slam, a series of jabs, a bite to the forehead, and a vicious whip takedown on Cole to send him to the outside. Despite being hesitant, MJF hit a Tope Suicida on Cole to the outside. Back in the ring, MJF got a lateral press on Cole for the pin, but Cole kicked out. 

MJF hit a stomp on Cole’s arm before he & Cole exchanged pins. MJF went for a Liger Bomb, but Cole evaded before going for a leapfrog, but MJF caught him and hit a Bomb Breaker on Cole for a near fall. MJF went for the Panama Sunrise, but Cole caught him with a Thrust Kick before hitting the Heat Seeker for a near fall. Outside of the ring, Cole tossed MJF into the stairs before hitting a Sheer-Drop Brainbuster on MJF into the stairs. Depsite being out for the count of nine, MJF made it back in the ring at the count of nine. 

Cole got to the top rope and went for Panama Sunrise, but MJF rolled out of the ring. Cole met MJF out of the ring, but MJF slammed Cole into the apron. MJF got Cole on the broadcast table and went for a Tombstone, but he dropped Cole and stopped himself from going for the move. Cole responded by picking MJF up and hitting a Tombstone on MJF into the broadcast table. Cole got MJF back in the ring and went for a single leg-hook for the pin, but MJF kicked out. The two exchanged punches before Cole hit a Canadian Destroyer, but MJF landed on his feet and caught Cole with a Thrust Kick. The two ran the ropes before they laid each other out with a double lariat for a double pin, leading into a draw.

Cole asked MJF if they can have 5-more minutes, but MJF denied the challenge because MJF told Cole that they are going until they got a f**king winner at Wembley. After the match restarted, Cole accidentally attacked the referee. MJF got a chair in the ring as the two hot potatoes the chair before MJF placed the chair on his neck, which bamboozled Cole. As the referee saw this, MJF got a Schoolboy Roll-Up before hitting a Thrust Kick into the Heat Seeker to get the pin, but Cole kicked out at two. Cole got MJF and hit a Straight-Jacket German Suplex on MJF into the apron. Cole saw MJF on the outside and hit the Panama Sunrise into the floor before getting him back in the ring for the pin, but MJF kicked out. Cole went for the Panama Sunrise, but MJF pulled the referee into the move to lay out the referee again.

MJF pulled out his Dynamite Diamond Ring and tried to hit Cole, but he pulled the ring away. However, Roderick Strong appeared from behind and hit a low blow on MJF. Cole then hit the Panama Sunrise followed by The Last Shot to get the pin, but the referee was knocked out. The referee finally got up and went for the pin, but MJF kicked out. Cole got the AEW Championship and went to hit MJF with the belt, but he tossed the belt out of the ring. Roderick Strong was outraged and left the ring. As Cole shouted at Strong, MJF locked him in the Inside Cradle and picked up the win, retaining the title.

After the match, MJF tried to consulate Cole, but Cole kept ignoring MJF. MJF threw a rant at Cole before demanding Cole attack him from behind. Cole got the AEW Championship and Roderick Strong got back into the ring apron to tell Cole to attack him, but Cole dropped the belt and hugged MJF instead. Roderick Strong was crying on the ramp while being surrounded by Mike Bennett & Matt Taven. Adam Cole & MJF stood tall to end the broadcast. 

Winner & STILL AEW Champion: MJF.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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