
9/9/2019 WWE Raw Results: King Of The Ring Semi-Finals, 4 Horsewomen Collide & A Steve Austin Beer Bash

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– “Stone Cold” Steven Austin comes to the ring for the contract signing between WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins and Brain Strowman. Austin grabs a microphone and says it is good to be back in Madison Square Garden, Austin talks about facing Bret Hart and other memories of MSG. Strowman makes his way out to the ring first, Rollins makes his way to the ring next after Austin refuses to shake Strowman’s hand. Austin shakes hands with Rollins before getting down to business, Rollins says he isn’t going to stab Strowman in the back before finally signing the contract. Strowman says he won’t turn on Rollins either before saying he’ll love being the WWE Universal Champion, Strowman then signs the contract. The OC interrupts and they mock what is going on in the ring, AJ Styles mocks Austin on the microphone. Styles questions if anybody really cares about Austin anymore, The OC comes to the ring as Styles tells Austin to stay out of the way. Styles claims that Rollins and Strowman won’t give Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows a rematch for the tag titles, Styles then calls Austin an asshole before The OC gets in the ring.

Rollins and Strowman eventually attack The OC and quickly clear the ring, Strowman attacks Anderson and Gallows on the arena floor. Styles knocks Rollins out of the ring before getting hit with a Stone Cold Stunner from Austin.

AJ Styles vs. Cedric Alexander

The match begins with Alexander jumping Styles as soon as the bell sounds, Alexander crushes Styles with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Styles rolls out of the ring and Alexander drills him with a clothesline, Alexander then throws Styles into the barricade. Alexander gets Styles in the ring and he lands shoulder thrusts in the corner, Alexander takes Styles down with a head scissors takedown before landing a drop kick for a near fall. Styles escapes a suplex attempt to nail Alexander with a forearm strike, Styles then attacks the injured shoulder of Alexander. Alexander recovers he knocks Styles out of the ring with a handspring enzaguri, Alexander then nails Styles with a suicide dive. Alexander gets Styles back in the ring and Styles rolls to the ring apron before attacking Alexander’s injured shoulder, Styles nails Alexander with a divorce court as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Styles wrenching away on the injured shoulder of Alexander, Alexander fights back and Styles kicks him in the injured shoulder.

Alexander fights back again and he nails Styles with some strikes, Alexander then nails a charging Styles with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Alexander follows that up by nailing Styles with an elbow strike followed by an eznaguri, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson attack Alexander to end the match.

Winner: Cedric Alexander, by DQ

After the match, The OC continue attacking Cedrick Alexander until The Viking Raiders make the save.

Sasha Banks and Bayley are backstage, Banks says that Charlotte and Becky Lynch are mad for what happened last week. Bayley says they are a stronger connection than Lynch and Charlotte.

– Charlotte and Becky Lynch are shown in their locker room.

– Brya Wyatt appears to say he is hostong a new episode on The Firefly Funhouse tonight.

Roman Reigns makes his way to the stage and he talks about how the WWE Universe helped him beat cancer. Reigns talks about visiting kids and other who were also battling cancer, Reigns then introduces a bunch of the kids who are battling the disease and brings them all on the stage.

Becky Lynch & Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley

The match begins with a brawl between both teams on the arena floor, Bayley and Banks quickly takeover by tossing Charlotte into the barricade. Lynch fights back and she nails Banks with an exploder on the arena floor, Lynch and Banks brawl in the ring until Bayley jumps Lynch from behind. Charlotte returns with a steel chair to clear the ring and we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see the bell ring and Lynch attempt to go after Banks. Bayley tags in and Lynch backs her into the corner before landing strikes, Lynch tosses Bayley out of the ring and she follows her out there. Lynch then tosses Bayley into the barricade multiple times, Lynch gets Bayley back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Charlotte tags in and she stomps away on a downed Bayley, Charlotte corners Bayley before landing a few strikes. Bayley recovers and she shoves Charlotte to the ground before tagging Banks in, Banks then kicks away and chokes a cornered Charlotte. Bayley tags back in and she double teams Charlotte with Banks, Charlotte fights back and she kicks away at a cornered Bayley.

Lynch tags in and she nails Bayley with a springboard thrust kick, Lynch gets knocked to the ring ring apron and Bayley uses a stunner to knock her to the arena floor. Banks attacks Lynch on the arena floor while the ref was distracted, Banks tags in and she gets Lynch in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Banks then hits Lynch with a suplex for a near fall, Banks gets Lynch by the ropes before choking her on the middle rope. Bayley tags in and Lynch quickly drops her with a reverse DDT, Charlotte and Banks get tagged in by their respective partners. Charlotte quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Charlotte then nails Banks with a fallaway slam. Bayley tries getting back in the ring and Charlotte knocks her to the arena floor, Charlotte then sends Banks into the corner. Charlotte follows up by nailing Banks with a neck breaker for a near fall, Banks recovers to get Charlotte in the Bank Statement. Charlotte gets free and she gets Banks in the Figure Eight, Bayley gets in the ring and she knocks Lynch into Charlotte to break the hold up.

Everybody rolls out of the ring and Banks nails Charlotte with a meteora on the arena floor as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Banks holding Charlotte in a straightjacket hold. Charlotte gets free and Banks nails her with a double knee strike for a near fall, Bayley tags in and she nails Charlotte with some chops. Charlotte fights back and Bayley drops her to prevent a tag, Bayley then holds Charlotte in a front headlock. Bayley corners Charlotte before landing a bunch of shoulder thrusts, Charlotte recovers and she nails Bayley with a knee lift before sending her into the ropes. Lynch tags in and she cleans house against the opposing team, Lynch then nails Bayley with a flying shoulder tackle. Lynch then nails Banks with an exploder suplex, Banks rolls out of the ring and Lynch takes her out with a dive from the ring apron. Lynch then drops Bayley with a few kicks, Lynch goes to the middle rope and Bayley gets her off before landing a knee strike. Banks returns to hit Lynch with a back stabber before eating a boot from Charlotte, Bayley then drops Charlotte. Lynch returns to take out Bayley and Banks with a double missile drop kick, Lynch lands a guillotine leg drop as Charlotte tags in.

Charlotte then hits Bayley with a moonsault for a near fall, Lynch and Banks brawl on the arena floor before Lynch throws her into the ring steps. Lynch gets Banks in a Disarmer until Bayley breaks it up, Bayley then drops Charlotte and Lynch with suplexes on the arena floor. Bayley gets Charlotte back into the ring before going to the top rope, Charlotte goes for a top rope elbow drop and Charlotte gets her knees up. Banks interferes and Charlotte drops her, Charlotte then rolls up Charlotte for a near fall a short time later. Charlotte then hits Bayley with a Natural Selection for a three count.

Winners: Becky Lynch & Charlotte

– The OC are talking backstage when Sarah Schreiber interrupts for some comments, AJ Styles says The OC runs this place. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler interrupt to make a deal with The OC to take out some common enemies tonight.

Rey Mysterio vs. Gran Metalik

The match begins with Mysterio and Metalik taking turns working over each others arms, Metalik gets Mysterio in a headlock and Mysterio escapes before eating a monkey flip. Mysterio and Metalik go through a ton of reversals and nobody gains an edge, Mysterio knocks Metalik in the ropes before missing a 619 attempt. Metalik catches Mysterio in a roll up for a near fall, Mysterio uses a rana to knock Metalik to the arena floor. Mysterio goes for a sliding splash and Metalik avoids it to land a super kick, Metalik then hits Mysterio with a suicide dive. Metalik gets Mysterio in the ring before landing a springboard swanton bomb for a near fall, Metalik slows things down by holding Mysterio in a chin lock. Metalik lets the move go so he can nail Mysterio with a few strikes, Mysterio recovers by sending Metalik face first into the middle turnbuckle. Mysterio goes to the top rope and he lands a seated senton, Mysterio then hits Metalik with a springboard cross body block. Metalik recovers and he nails Mysterio with a missile drop kick, Metalik places Mysterio on the top rope and he follows him up there.

Mysterio and Metalik exchange strikes on the top rope until Metalik takes him down with a super rana for a near fall, Mysterio recovers and he nails Metalik with a sunset bomb for a near fall. Mysterio knocks Metalik into the ropes with a middle rope rana, Mysterio then hits Metalik with a 619 and a top rope splash for a three count.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

– Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman and Cedric Alexander are shown talking backstage.

– The Street Profits are backstage and they talk about tonight’s main event before revealing the King Of The Ring semi-finals are next. They also talk about what went down in the women’s tag match earlier tonight before hyping up WWE Clash Of Champions.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Roman Reigns, Rowan and Daniel Bryan.

King Of The Ring Semi-Finals
Ricochet vs. Samoa Joe vs. Baron Corbin

The match begins with Ricochet attacking both opponents before Corbin rolls out of the ring, Joe attacks Ricochet from behind before landing a few strikes. Ricochet recovers to hit Joe with a rana followed by a drop kick, Corbin gets back in the ring and he nails Ricochet with a shoulder tackle. Corbin misses a charge in the corner and Ricochet kicks him in the face, Ricochet then hits Corbin with a springboard clothesline and a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Corbin rolls out of the ring and Ricochet nails him with an enzaguri, Ricochet takes out both opponents with multiple suicide dives as we go to commercial break. We return from the break to see Ricochet nailing Corbin with a baseball slide drop kick, Ricochet goes for a dive and Corbin catches him before propelling him into the ring post. Joe returns and he takes out Corbin with a suicide dive, Joe then drops Ricochet before getting Corbin back in the ring. Joe and Corbin have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Joe ends the exchange by nailing Corbin with a boot to the face followed by a senton for a near fall.

Joe and Ricochet have their own striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Joe ends the exchange by nailing Ricochet with a power slam for a near fall. Joe places Ricochet on the top rope and he follows him up there, Corbin returns Joe quickly drops him. Ricochet then knocks Joe off the ropes before getting off himself, Corbin quickly drops Ricochet with a clothesline before eating an enzaguri from Joe. Ricochet then drops Joe with a drop kick, Ricochet and Corbin have their own striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Corbin ends that one by nailing Ricochet with a boot to the face, Corbin looks for a choke slam and Ricochet rolls him up for a near fall. Corbin recovers to hit Ricochet with a power bomb and Deep Six for a near fall, Joe drags Corbin out of the ring and he gets him in a rear naked choke. Ricochet lands a shooting star press from the ring apron to break the choke up, Ricochet gets Joe in the ring and he goes to the top rope. Ricochet goes for a 630 and Joe avoids it to get him in the choke, Ricochet gets free and he nails Joe with a Recoil.

Ricochet goes back to the top rope and he nails Joe with a 630 splash, Corbin returns and he drags Ricochet out of the ring before throwing him into the crowd. Corbin then gets the pin on the downed Joe.

Winner: Baron Corbin

Lacey Evans vs. Natalya

The match begins with Evans backing Natalya into the corner before taunting her, Natalya slaps Evans before nailing her with a bunch of strikes. Natalya then nails Evans with a suplex before stomping away on her leg, Natalya then gets Evans in a modified cloverleaf until Evans gets to the ropes. Natalya then hits Evans with a discus clothesline for a near fall, Natalya looks for a sharp shooter and Evans gets out of the ring to avoid it. Natalya goes out of the ring and Evans drops her with a neck breaker on the arena floor, Evans gets Natalya on the ring apron before kicking her in the head multiple times. Evans then chokes Natalya with the ring skirt for a few moments, Evans also nails Natalya with a slingshot elbow drop for a near fall. Evans gets Natalya in the corner while stomping away on her, Evans follows that up by landing a bronco buster for a near fall. Evans slows things down by holding Natalya in a cobra clutch, Natalya gets free and Evans nails her with a clothesline. Evans goes for a double jump moonsault and Natalya gets out of the way, Evans goes for a spinning clothesline and Evans kicks her in the midsection.

Evans traps Natalya in the corner while smashing her head on the top turnbuckle, Evans then throws a tissue at Natalya. Natalya avoids a second bronco buster and Natalya gets her feet up, Natalya gets Evans in a sharp shooter and a tap out follows.

Winner: Natalya

– Firefly Fun House is up and we see Bray Wyatt welcoming everybody to the show, a rabbit pops up warning everybody of stranger danger. Wyatt thinks the stranger is Steve Austin and everybody wonders what Wyatt will do about it, everybody chants stranger danger until Wyatt quiets them all. Wyatt grabs a hammer and he bashes the clock that had 3:16 on it, Wyatt says you cannot blame a rattlesnake for doing rattlesnake things. Wyatt talks about how everybody made new friends on Raw tonight, Wyatt says friends forgive and The Fiend never forgets.

Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, Cedric Alexander & The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode & The OC (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

The match begins with Ziggler and Rollins working over each others arms, Rollins then drops Ziggler with an arm drag before tagging Ivar into the match. Ivar nails Ziggler with a knee strike before tagging Erik in, Erik slams Ivar onto Ziggler for a near fall. Styles hits the ring and a huge brawl breaks out between both teams, Strowman nails Ziggler with a choke slam as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Alexander working over Anderson in the corner, Anderson gains control to corner Alexander and land a bunch of strikes. Styles tags in and he stomps away on a downed Alexander, Alexander recovers and he nails Styles with a springboard flat liner. Styles recovers and he drives the injured shoulder of Alexander into the mat below, Gallows tags in and he nails Alexander with a bunch of strikes. Gallows then hits Alexander with a divorce court for a near fall, Roode tags in and he stomps away on a downed Alexander. Roode holds Alexander down while wrenching away on his arm, Roode gets multiple near falls on the downed Alexander.

Roode holds Alexander down while applying the Fujiwara arm bar, Alexander gets free and he nails Roode with an enzaguri. Rollins and Anderson get tagged in by their respective partners, Rollins quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Rollins nails Anderson with a falcon arrow for a near fall, everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. Strowman tags in and he takes multiple people out with running shoulder tackles, Strowman nails Anderson with a running power slam for a near fall as Rollins is pushed into Strowman as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Ziggler working over a cornered Rollins, Anderson tags in and he stomps away on a downed Rollins. Anderson holds Rollins down while applying a chin lock, Rollins gets free and Anderson nails him with a spine buster for a near fall. Anderson places Rollins on the top rope and he follows him up there, Rollins knocks Anderson off the ropes and Roode tags in. Rollins immediately nails Roode with a blockbuster, Ziggler tags in and Rollins nails him with a buckle bomb.

Styles tags in and Strowman gets a tag a few moments later, Strowman starts cleaning house against the opposition. Strowman nails Styles with an avalanche, Strowman goes for another avalanche and he crashes into the ring post. Erik tags in and he takes out the majority of the opposition, Styles eventually drops Erik with a pele kick. Ivar tags in and he nails Styles with a butt drop, Ivar takes everybody out with a dive as Alexander tags in. Alexander nails Styles with a Lumbar Check for a three count.

Winners: Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, Cedric Alexander & The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

After the match, Steve Austin comes out and he has a beer bash with the victorious team.

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