
8/26/19 WWE Raw Results: WWE United States Title Match, The King Of The Ring Continues & Raw Tag Title Top Contenders Are Crowned

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Sasha Banks makes her way to the ring to start tonight’s show, a video package airs highlighting the feud between Natalya, Becky Lynch and Banks. Banks says everybody wants to know why she has been gone and where she has been, Banks says she has been gone for four months and all she heard was people calling her name. Banks says that she threw a fit and was crying at Wrestlemania, Banks says she took her ball and went home. Banks says she was relegated to a match at Wrestlemania and was defending titles she didn’t care about while Becky Lynch headlined the card, Banks says she went on multiple vacations with her ‘Mania paycheck. Banks says she returned at the perfect moment to attack Natalya, Banks says she took out Natalya and Lynch to become the center of attention. Banks says she is the standard of the women’s division, Banks says she deserves all of the glory she is getting.

Natalya interrupts and she runs at Banks as they brawl on the arena floor, Natalya grabs Banks and she throws her into the barricade. WWE officials make their way to the ring in an attempt to separate Natalya and Banks, Banks and Natalya are eventually separated.

– The Street Profits are backstage and they discuss what just happened between Natalya and Sasha Banks, plus they talk about what is still to come tonight.

King Of The Ring Opening Round
Ricochet vs. Drew McIntyre

The match begins with McIntyre knocking Ricochet across the ring, Ricochet lands a few strikes before McIntyre drops him with a chop. McIntyre then propels Ricochet across the ring, McIntyre follows that up by nailing Ricochet with more chops. Ricochet recovers and he sends McIntyre out of the ring, Ricochet misses a moonsault attempt and lands on his feet. McIntyre picks Ricochet up and he drops him on top of the barricade, McIntyre also drops Ricochet back first on the ringside edge as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see McIntyre in the ring and he is holding Ricochet in a bow and arrow stretch, Ricochet gets free and he attacks McIntyre with chops. Ricochet then drops a charging McIntyre with an enzaguri, Ricochet uses a drop kick to send McIntyre into the corner. Ricochet then lands a knee strike before using a missile drop kick to knock McIntyre out of the ring, Ricochet follows up by taking McIntyre out with a suicide dive.

Ricochet gets McIntyre in the ring and he follows him in there, Ricochet looks for a reverse rana and McIntyre counters with an inverted Alabama slam for a near fall. McIntyre lifts Ricochet up and Ricochet escapes, Ricochet catches a leaping McIntyre to land a northern lights suplex. McIntyre quickly recovers and he nails Ricochet with a suplex throw, Ricochet recovers to land a springboard clothesline and a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Ricochet goes to the top rope and McIntyre gets him down before knocking him to the arena floor with a forearm strike, Ricochet then nails McIntyre with an enzaguri. Ricochet leaps off the ring steps and McIntyre nails him with a Glasgow Kiss, McIntyre gets Ricochet in the ring and Ricochet nails him with a super kick. Ricochet drops McIntyre before landing multiple head kicks, McIntyre then hits Ricochet with a clothesline and sit out power bomb for a near fall. McIntyre gets Ricochet on his shoulders and he climbs the ropes, Ricochet gets free and he trips McIntyre up.

Ricochet then hits McIntyre with a middle rope Recoil, Ricochet goes to the top rope and he lands a 630 for a three count.

Winner: Ricochet

– Highlights are shown of Seth Rollins & Braun Strowman winning the Raw Tag Team Titles.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Braun Strowman & Seth Rollins, Rollins says that he is in quite a situation at WWE Clash Of Champions because he has to compete twice on that night. Strowman stares at Rollins’ WWE Universal Title before wondering who will challenge for that title, Strowman says he is challenging Rollins for the WWE Universal Title and Rollins accepts.

– The Miz grabs the microphone before the next match to talk about all of his accomplishments in pro wrestling, Miz says he wants it all and that includes becoming King Of The Ring.

King Of The Ring Opening Round
The Miz vs. Baron Corbin

The match begins with Corbin immediately cornering Miz while landing a plethora of strikes, Miz fights back to land some strikes of his own. Miz nails Corbin with a series of kicks before using a clothesline to knock him over the top rope, Miz misses a drop kick and Corbin drops him with a right on the arena floor. Corbin grabs Miz and he rams him back first into the barricade, Corbin gets Miz in the ring and Miz nails him with more strikes. Corbin recovers and he drills Miz with a clothesline for a near fall as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Miz nails a charging Corbin with a neck breaker. Miz then nails Corbin with a bunch of strikes, Miz backs Corbin into the corner while landing kicks and a few double knee strikes followed by a clothesline. Miz goes to the top rope and he nails Corbin with an axe handle smash for a near fall, Corbin shakes Miz off of him before landing Deep Six for a near fall. Miz gets a boot to the face of a charging Corbin, Miz looks for a Skull Crushing Finale and he winds up rolling up Corbin for a near fall.

Miz escapes and End Of Days to nail Corbin with a DDT for a near fall, Corbin gets to his knees and Miz attacks him with It Kicks. Corbin catches Miz in a roll up for a near fall, Corbin goes for a clothesline and Miz lands a Skull Crushing Finale for a near fall. Corbin rolls out of the ring and Miz follows him out there to throw him into the barricade, Miz gets Corbin back into the ring and he misses a springboard move. Corbin nails Miz with the End Of Days for a three count.

Winner: Baron Corbin

After the match, Baron Corbin puts on the crown and he holds the scepter, Corbin grabs a microphone and he says that he doesn’t care about what the WWE Universe thinks of him before promising to win the tournament.

– Dasha Fuentes interviews Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows, who questions how Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman earned a title shot while complaining about having to compete in Tag Team Turmoil tonight.

– Highlights are shown on Dominic stopping his father Rey Mysterio from retiring last week on WWE Raw.

Bayley vs. Nikki Cross

The match begins with Bayley and Cross exchanging a few blows, Bayley trips up Cross before applying a headlock. Bayley then nails Cross with a belly to back suplex, Cross rolls out of the ring and she trips up Bayley as she followed her out there. Cross then shoves Bayley midsection first into the ringside edge before getting her back in the ring, Cross applies the body scissors to a downed Bayley. Cross catches Bayley in a roll up for a near fall, Cross then drops Bayley after landing multiple knee strikes to the midsection. Cross picks up Bayley and she hangs her upside down in the corner before landing a series of strikes, Bayley falls out of the corner and Cross gets more near falls on her. Bayley fights back and she rolls up Cross for a near fall, Bayley then nails Cross with a suplex. Bayley then traps Cross in the ropes before landing a knee strike and neck breaker, Bayley follows up by nailing Cross with a spinning sidewalk slam. Bayley then hits Cross with a top rope elbow drop for a three count.

Winner: Bayley

– Dasha Fuentes interviews Braun Strowman, Strowman says that WWE Clash Of Champions is going to be a busy night for him. Strowman says he plans on defending the Raw Tag Team Titles and WWE United States Title at the event, while winning the WWE Universal Title.

Tag Team Turmoil For Raw Tag Team Title Shot At WWE Clash Of Champions
The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado, Kalisto & Gran Metalik) vs. Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler vs. The B-Team (Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas) vs. Heavy Machinery (Otis & Tucker) vs. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder vs. The Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson) vs. The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

Match #1: The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. The B-Team (Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas)

The match begins with Erik scoring a takedown on Axel, Axel gets up and he nails a charging Erik with a back elbow strike. Axel traps Erik in the corner while kicking away at him, Dallas tags in and he kicks away at a cornered Erik. Axel and Dallas exchange more tags until Erik takes them both out, Ivar tags in and he double teams Dallas with Erik. The Viking Raiders nail Dallas with The Viking Experience for a three count.

Eliminated: The B-Team

Match #2: The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

The match begins with Gallows knocking Erik off the ring apron, Anderson hits the ring to double team Ivar with Gallows. Gallows nails Ivar with an avalanche after Anderson landed a springboard head kick, The OC double team Erik on the arena floor until Ivar accidentally takes his own partner out with a dive. The brawl between both teams continues in the ring until the referee disqualifies them both.

Eliminated: The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) & The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

Match #3: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler vs. Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik) w/Kalisto

The match is joined in progress after a commercial break and we see Metalik tag in to nail Ziggler with a back elbow strike, Metalik then hits Ziggler with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Roode interferes and Dorado uses a rana to knock him out of the ring, Ziggler then knocks Dorado out of the ring. Ziggler cracks Metalik with a super kick for a three count.

Eliminated: Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik) w/Kalisto

Match #4: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler vs. The Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson)

The match begins with Dawson backing Ziggler into the corner before taking him down with a headlock, Ziggler gets free and he chain wrestles with Dawson. Ziggler gets Dawson in a headlock before tagging Roode in, Roode attacks Dawson from behind before cornering him to land more strikes. Dawson responds with strikes of his own before landing a back body drop, Ziggler tags back in and Wilder makes a blind tag to nail Ziggler with a springboard shoulder tackle, Dawson tags in and he lands a top rope knee drop for a near fall. Wilder tags in and he works with Dawson to slingshot Ziggler into the middle rope for a near fall, Wilder holds Ziggler down while applying a modified bear hug. Ziggler gets free and Wilder nails him with a shoulder thrust into the midsection, Dawson tags in and he traps Ziggler in the ropes before landing a few strikes. Dawson the nails Ziggler with a slingshot suplex for a near fall, Ziggler fights back and he makes the tag to Roode. Ziggler accidentally knocks Wilder into Roode before landing a fame asser, Dawson then drills Ziggler with a brain buster.

Roode returns to hit Dawson with a Glorious DDT for a three count.

Eliminated: The Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson)

Match #5: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler vs. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder

The match began during the commercial break and we see Hawkins taking care of both opponents before tagging Ryder into the match, Roode interferes and Ryder throws him out of the ring. Ziggler nails Ryder with a super kick for a three count.

Eliminated: Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder

Match #6: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler vs. Heavy Machinery (Otis & Tucker)

The match begins with Tucker attacking both opponents on the arena floor before getting Ziggler in the ring, Tucker nails Ziggler with a springboard cross body block for a near fall. Tucker gets Ziggler in a suplex position as Otis tags in, Otis finishes the suplex on Ziggler for a near fall. Tucker tags back in and he nails Ziggler with a slingshot swanton bomb, Roode interferes and he knocks Tucker out of the ring. Roode tags in and he throws Tucker into the barricade and ring steps, Roode gets Tucker in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Roode then nails Tucker with a knee drop for another near fall, Ziggler tags in and he attacks Tucker with more strikes. Ziggler then hits Tucker with a neck breaker before applying a chin lock, Ziggler releases the hold and Tucker eventually propels him into the ring post. Roode and Otis get tagged in by their respective partners, Otis quickly cleans house against the opposing team. Otis then hits Roode with an avalanche, Ziggler interferes and Otis nails him with a flapjack followed by a double avalanche.

Otis then nails a downed Ziggler with the Caterpillar, Roode shocks Otis with a roll up for a near fall. Otis recovers and he nails Roode with a power slam for a near fall, Tucker tags in and Ziggler nails him with a super kick. Ziggler then hits Otis with a Zig Zag onto Otis, Roode then nails Tucker with a Glorious DDT for a three count.

Eliminated: Heavy Machinery (Otis & Tucker)

Winners: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler

– A video package airs the recent attacks against Roman Reigns, followed by the revelation of who the mystery attacker is.

Sasha Banks vs. Natalya

The match begins with Natalya taking Banks down before landing a bunch of strikes, Banks kicks Natalya out of the ring before missing a baseball slide drop kick. Natalya grabs Banks and she drives her into the barricade, Natalya then hits Banks with multiple suplexes on the arena floor. Natalya gets Banks in the ring before landing some more strikes, Natalya corners Banks before landing more strikes. Banks fights back and Natalya nails her with a release German suplex for a near fall, Banks tries rolling out of the ring before smashing the injured arm of Natalya into the ring post. Banks then throws Natalya into the time keepers area and back into the ring post afterwards, Banks gets Natalya in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Natalya fights back and Banks goes back to attacking her injured arm, Banks misses a double knee strike and Natalya rolls her up for a near fall. Banks escapes a sharp shooter attempt and she gets Natalya in the Bank Statement to force a tap out.

Winner: Sasha Banks

After the match, Sasha Banks attacks Natalya again and she reapplies the Bank Statement.

– Dasha Fuentes interviews AJ Styles, who is unhappy that Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson lost in Tag Team Turmoil and then says he will beat Braun Strowman tonight.

Cedric Alexander vs. Cesaro

The match begins with Cesaro backing Alexander into the corner before taunting him, Cesaro then cracks Alexander with some European uppercuts. Alexander fights back and he takes Cesaro down with a head scissors takedown, Alexander then knocks Cesaro out of the ring with a drop kick. Alexander looks for a dive and Cesaro nails him with a European uppercut. Cesaro gets back in the ring and he nails Alexander with a gut wrench suplex for a near fall, Alexander fights back and he knocks Cesaro out of the ring with a springboard flat liner. Alexander then takes out Cesaro with a suicide dive before getting him back in the ring, Alexander nails Cesaro with a springboard clothesline for a near fall. Cesaro fights back and Alexander knocks him out of the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Cesaro wrenching away on the leg of Alexander. Cesaro picks Alexander up to land a few European uppercuts, Cesaro traps the leg of Alexander while twisting away on it.

Alexander fights back and he cracks Cesaro with a handspring enzaguri, Alexander then hits Cesaro with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Alexander goes to the top rope and Cesaro nails him with a drop kick to the injured leg, Cesaro then nails Alexander with a superplex for a near fall. Cesaro then applies the half crab to Alexander, Cesaro releases the hold and Alexander eventually nails him with a one man spanish fly for a near fall. Alexander looks for a Lumbar Check and Cesaro falls on top of him for a near fall, Cesaro reapplies the single leg crab to Alexander and Alexander fights his way free. Alexander catches Cesaro in a roll up before landing a spinning elbow strike, Alexander goes for a handspring enzaguri and Cesaro counters with an ankle lock. Alexander gets free and he nails Cesaro with a Lumbar Check for a three count.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

– AJ Styles is shown warming up backstage.

– Highlights are shown of recent WWE 24/7 Title changes during a Fox Sports celebration.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode, Ziggler says the he decided to team with Roode because he wanted success more than others in the locker room. Roode says there was nobody better to team up with than Ziggler, they then say that they will win the Raw Tag Team Titles at WWE Clash Of Champions.

– The Street Profits are back and they recap what has happened on WWE Raw as Braun Strowman walks by.

– A video package airs highlighting the transition of Bray Wyatt into The Fiend.

WWE United States Championship
AJ Styles (c) vs. Braun Strowman

The match begins with Strowman immediately tossing Styles out of the ring, Strowman exits the ring to nail Styles with multiple shoulder tackles. Strowman gets Styles in the ring and Styles starts fighting back, Styles goes for a Phenomenal Forearm and Strowman counters with a choke slams for a near fall. Styles goes to the ring apron and Strowman kicks him to the arena floor as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Styles getting Strowman in a sleeper hold. Strowman eventually backs Styles into the corner to get free, Strowman misses a boot in the corner and Styles nails him with a chop block. Styles follows Strowman around the ring while kicking at his injured leg, Styles then hits Strowman with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall. Styles nails Strowman with a forearm strike before applying a calf crusher, Strowman gets to a knee and he nails Styles with a headbutt to break the hold. Strowman then nails Styles with multiple shoulder tackles, Strowman goes for a power slam and Styles sends him into the ring post.

Styles uses a drop kick to knock Strowman into the official and the official falls out of the ring, Styles rakes the eyes of Strowman before landing a low blow. Styles exits the ring and he brings a chair back into it, Styles then attacks Strowman with multiple chair shots. Strowman catches Styles with a power slam before the rest of The OC interfere, Strowman grabs the chair and he attacks everybody with it. Styles fakes getting hit with the steel chair and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: AJ Styles, by DQ, still the WWE United States Champion

After the match, Braun Strowman goes back to attacking The OC with tons of chair shots. Strowman then hits The OC with multiple power slams.

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