
1/8/2020 Impact Wrestling Xplosion Results: Tag Team Action & A Josh Alexander Interview

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Impact Wrestling Xplosion. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Matt Macintosh & Buster Jackson vs. Nikos Rikos & Gigolo Justin

The match begins with Macintosh wrenching away on the arm of Rikos, Rikos gets free and he gets Macintosh in a headlock. Macintosh gets free and he rolls up Rikos for a near fall before tagging Jackson in, Jackson does some work on the arm of Rikos before eating a right. Justin tags in and he attacks Jackson with a few strikes, Jackson recovers and nails Justin with a drop kick. Macintosh tags in and he double teams Justin with Jackson, Macintosh then hits Justin with a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Jackson tags in and he clears the ring before taking out his opponents with a dive as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Rikos make a blind tag and double team Jackson with Justin. Rikos keeps Jackson down while landing a few face washes, Jackson fights back and Rikos nails him with a gut buster for a near fall. Justin tags in and he double teams a downed Jackson with Rikos, Justin then hits Macintosh with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall.

Jackson fights back and he nails Justin with a hurricarana, Macintosh tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Macintosh traps Justin in the ropes before landing a sliding German suplex, Macintosh then hits Rikos with a moonsault on the arena floor. Macintosh follows up by leveling Justin with a series of kicks, Macintosh then hits both opponents with a double hurricarana. Macintosh nails Justin with a suplex for a near fall, Jackson and Macintosh work together to take care of Rikos. Macintosh nails Justin with a One Winged Angel for a three count.

Winners: Matt Macintosh & Buster Jackson

– Around The Ring w/Gabby Loren is up next and the guest is Josh Alexander, who says he isn’t actually from Toronto and is from a town north of Toronto. Alexander says he used to do a lot of motorsports in the past, Alexander says his favorite number is 11. Alexander says The Conjuring is his favorite horror movie series, Alexander says he is a huge Star Wars fan. Alexander says he worked years just to be comfortable doing promos, but the best thing he learned to do is hold a conversation and that helped his promo skills. Alexander says he would love to wrestle at an Impact Wrestling event in Japan.

– This weeks Classic Match Of The Week is Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett from TNA Genesis 2009.

– Highlights are shown of Ace Austin versus Petey Williams from a recent edition of Impact Wrestling, followed by a backstage altercation between Austin and Trey Miguel.

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