
1/8/2020 AEW Dynamite Results: Jon Moxley Makes A Decision, DDP Returns & An AEW Women’s Title Bout

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Kenny Omega & Hangman Page vs. The Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

The match begins with Page and Quen working over each others arms, Page then drops Quen with a shoulder tackle. Page keeps control by attacking Quen with a variety of strikes, Quen escapes Page’s grasp to land a dropsault. Kassidy tags in and he nails Page with a top rope double stomp before attacking Omega, Kassidy traps Page in the ropes while landing more strikes. Quen tags in and he double teams Page with Kassidy for a near fall, Kassidy tags in and Page lays them both out. Omega tags in and he double teams Kassidy alongside Page, Page leaves the ring as Omega nails Kassidy with a back breaker for a near fall. Page tags back in as Kassidy fights back against both opponents, Page ends that moments by nailing Kassidy with a knee lift. Omega tags in and Kassidy sends Page out of the ring, Kassidy then nails Omega with a slingshot flat liner. Quen and Page are tagged in by their respective partners, Quen quickly starts taking out both opponents with a series of suicide dives.

Quen gets Page back in the ring before landing a 450 splash for a near fall, Kassidy tags back in and he double teams Page alongside Quen for a near fall. Page propels a charging Kassidy to the ring apron, Kassidy goes for a springboard move and Page boots him in the face. Page catches a leaping Quen to land a fall away slam afterwards, Omega tags in and he double teams Private Party with Page. Page nails Quen with a high end German suplex before nailing Kassidy with a power bomb, Omega then hits Kassidy with a knee strike for a near fall. Quen returns and Omega nails him with a snap dragon suplex, Kassidy recovers and he drops kicks Omega in the knee. The Private Party then it Omega with The Silly String for a near fall, Quen tags in and he misses a shooting star press attempt. Page tags in and he nearly nails Omega with a Buckshot Lariat, Quen then shoves Page into Omega before attacking both with strikes. Omega and Page recover to work over Quen for a near fall, Omega tags back in and Kassidy breaks up a double team move from Page and Omega.

The Private Party then hit Omega with a Gin & Juice for a near fall, Page returns and he knocks Kassidy out of the ring. Quen attacks Page and Omega causes Quen to hit Page with an overhead kick, Omega recovers and he nails Quen with a V Trigger. Page and Omega then hit Quen with a Buckshot Lariat/V Trigger combination, Omega then hits Quen with a One Winged Angel for a three count.

Winners: Kenny Omega & Hangman Page

– Pac is shown attacking Michael Nakazawa backstage before demanding that Kenny Omega give him a rubber match, Omega heads backstage to see what’s going down.

– Brandi Rhodes joins the commentary team for the next match.

AEW Women’s World Championship
Riho (c) vs. Kris Statlander

The match begins with Riho attacking Statlander with a few strikes, Statlander recovers and she drops Riho with a shoulder tackle before eating a drop kick. Riho gets Statlander in a headlock and Statlander escapes before missing a handstand leg drop, Riho then drops Statlander with a middle rope hurricarana. Statlander blocks a 619 attempt before getting dropped with an arm drag, Statlander recovers and she nails a charging Riho with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a near fall. Statlander carries Riho around the ring before landing a slam for a near fall, Statlander keeps Riho down while applying a chin lock. Statlander lets Riho go free and Riho trips her up afterwards before landing a double stomp, Riho then hits a cornered Statlander with a running knee strike. Statlander recovers and she nails Riho from behind, Statlander gets Riho on her shoulders before face planting her to the mat below. Statlander follows up by hitting Riho with a scissors kick for a near fall, Statlander goes to the top rope and she misses a moonsault attempt.

Riho then hits Statlander with a northern lights suplex for a near fall, Riho goes to the top rope and Statlander follows her up there. Statlander then hits Riho with a stalling delayed superplex, Awesome Kong and Melanie Cruise make their way to the ring. Riho gets up and she exchanges strikes with Statlander, Statlander eventually drops Riho with a boot to the face. Riho fights back and Cruise knocks her to the arena floor while the ref was distracted, Cruise sends Riho into the ring post before eating a suicide dive from Statlander. Statlander follows that up by taking out Kong with a suicide dive, Rhodes comes to ringside and a person comes out from under the ring and he helps Kong attack Statlander. Statlander is thrown back in the ring and she attacks the mystery man with a dive, Riho goes back to the top rope and she misses a double stomp. Riho still manages to roll up Statlander for a near fall, Riho then hits Statlander with a crucifix bomb for another near fall. Riho misses a charge and Statlander nails her with a lariat followed by a Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Kong trips up Statlander and Riho pins her for a three count.

Winner: Riho, still the AEW World Women’s Champion

After the match, Awesome Kong hits the ring to attack Kris Statlander until Riho makes the save. Melanie Cruise hits the ring to attack Riho, Hikaru Shida comes out to help while Dr. Britt Baker watches from the crowd. Big Swole and Sonny Kiss also make their way out to the ring to help.

– A video package airs on Kip Sabian & Penelope Ford.

Christoper Daniels vs. Sammy Guevara

The match begins with Guevara working over the arm of Daniels, Daniels gets free and he gets Guevara in a headlock. Daniels releases the hold to nail Guevara with a shoulder tackle, Daniels gets Guevara down again while wrenching away on his arm. Guevara gets Daniels in the corner before landing a few strikes, Daniels recovers to nail Guevara with hip tosses and a slam. Daniels traps Guevara in the corner while landing some strikes, Guevara uses a ref distraction to nail Daniels with a right. Guevara follows up by landing a top rope double stomp for a near fall, Guevara lands another double stomp for another near fall. Guevara then hits Daniels with a Samoan drop for a near fall, Guevara keeps the pressure on Daniels by choking him on the middle rope. Guevara keeps Daniels down while applying a chin lock, Daniels fights back and Guevara nails him with a hook kick. Guevara goes to the top rope and he Daniels avoids a 450 splash, Daniels then hits Guevara with an exploder suplex.

Guevara and Daniels exchange some strikes in the middle of the ring, Daniels ends the exchange by dropping Guevara a few times. Daniels then hits Guevara with a blue thunder driver for a near fall, Guevara avoids the Angel’s Wings to land a running knee strike followed by a running shooting star press for a near fall. Guevara and Daniels exchange roll ups until both go down with a double clothesline, Guevara gets Daniels to the top rope and he follows him up there. Daniels gets Guevara off the ropes to land an enziguri, Pentagon Jr. comes out and he trash talks to Daniels while on the microphone. Guevara lays out Daniels with a series of kicks to the head for a three count.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

After the match, Dark Order males their way to the ring as Player Uno talks about Christoper Daniels on the microphone. Dark Order gets into the ring and Uno says the fans don’t believe in Daniels anymore, Uno offers Daniels a mask. Daniels throws the mask away before getting attacked by Dark Order, The Young Bucks and the rest of SCU comes out to make the save.

The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix) vs. Cody & Dustin Rhodes w/Arn Anderson

The match begins with Cody nailing Pentagon Jr with a few strikes, Cody looks for Cross Rhodes and Pentagon Jr escapes to tag Fenix in. Rhodes tags in and he goes through a bunch of reversals with Fenix, Cody and Pentagon Jr are tagged into the match. Fenix nails Cody from behind with a super kick, Pentagon Jr follows that up by stomping away on a downed Cody. Pentagon Jr starts attacking a standing Cody with some leg kicks, Cody fights back and he nails Pentagon Jr with a super kick. Rhodes tags in and he nails Pentagon Jr with a clothesline, Pentagon Jr recovers and he knocks Rhodes to the arena floor so Fenix can nail him with a suicide dive. Pentagon Jr then hits Rhodes with a top rope double stomp as he is thrown back in the ring, Pentagon Jr traps Rhodes in the ropes while landing some strikes. Fenix tags in and he attacks Rhodes with some leg kicks, Pentagon Jr tags in and he attacks Rhodes with leg kicks.

Fenix tags in as Rhodes falls to the arena floor, Fenix attacks Rhodes with more strikes before getting him back in the ring. Pentagon Jr tags in and he attacks Rhodes with more leg kicks, Pentagon Jr traps the leg of Rhodes in the ropes while nailing it with a thrust kick. Rhodes fights back and Pentagon Jr drops him with a leg kick, Fenix tags in and Rhodes nails him with multiple shots to the head. Rhodes then propels a charging Fenix out of the ring, The Lucha Brothers grab a chair and Anderson takes it away from them. Rhodes then nails a distracted Fenix with a spine buster, Pentagon Jr and Cody are tagged into the match. Cody quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Cody corners Fenix while landing a plethora of strikes. Cody looks for Cross Rhodes and Fenix fights his way free before landing a head kick, Fenix then hits Cody with a rolling cutter.

Pentagon Jr tags back in and Cody backs him into the corner before tagging Rhodes in, Fenix nails Rhodes with a missile drop kick before nailing Cody with a tightrope kick. Pentagon Jr then lays out Cody with a package pile driver, Rhodes fights back against both opponents before nailing Fenix with a destroyer. Cody returns and he nails Pentagon Jr with a Cody Cutter, Rhodes then hits Fenix with the Final Reckoning for a three count.

Winners: Cody & Dustin Rhodes w/Arn Anderson

After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews Cody and Arn Anderson interrupts to says that MJF doesn’t have the stroke to lay down some stipulations for Cody. Anderson says they will be talking this week about the potential match with MJF and they will get back to Schiavone about it.

– Alex Marvez interviews Lanny Poffo, who talks about being with the legends of Memphis Wrestling and meeting the AEW fans.

– MJF makes his way to the ring with Wardlow by his side, MJF grabs the microphone and he calls Cody a coward. MJF claims that Cody is afraid to face him, MJF says Cody has to the count of ten to come out and face him. Cody doesn’t comes out and MJF calls him a “little bitch,” Diamond Dallas Page comes out to confront MJF. DDP is talking while MJF is looking at his phone, DDP says he wants to address something that happened a few weeks ago with MJF and Wardlow. DDP says fans have been wondering if he is coming back for one more match, MJF interrupts and he insults DDP. The Butcher & The Blade are brought out by MJF to take care of DDP, MJF says DDP can either kiss his ring and leave AEW or he can get beaten up by The Butcher & The Blade while MJF gets frisky with his daughters. DDP nails The Butcher & The Blade with Diamond Cutters, The Bunny distracts DDP so MJF can kick him in the balls. Wardlow and MJF attack DDP until Dustin Rhodes and some AEW officials come out to help.

The Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt & Jungle Boy) vs. Orange Cassidy & Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)

The match begins with Taylor working over the arm of Boy, Boy gets free and Taylor drops him with an arm drag. Boy responds by nailing Taylor with a springboard arm drag followed by a drop kick, Stunt and Trent are tagged into the match. Trent easily shoves Stunt to the ground after some lock ups, Stunt gets Trent in a headlock and Trent gets free. Stunt creates space before nailing Trent with a middle rope hurricarana, Trent recovers and he quickly drops Stunt. Stunt mocks Trent before attacking him with a chop, Boy tags in and he double teams Trent with Stunt for a near fall. Everybody from both teams get in the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Taylor nail Boy with a falcon arrow for a near fall. Boy fights back and he drops taylor with a clothesline, Luchasaurus and Trent are tagged in by their respective partners. Luchasaurus quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Luchasaurus drops Trent with a Tail Whip.

Cassidy tags in and he attacks Luchasaurus with his striking combination, Luchasaurus fights back and Cassidy nails him with Stundog Millionaire. Boy tags in and Cassidy nails him with a drop kick, Cassidy also takes Luchasaurus out with a suicide dive. Boy returns and he attacks the members of the opposing team, Taylor propels Boy in the air so Trent can land a spear. Cassidy then hits Boy with a top rope splash for a near fall, Taylor tags in and Stunt nails him with a flat liner. Stunt then hits Trent with a destroyer, Luchasaurus picks up Stunt to throw him onto Trent and Cassidy. Boy shocks Taylor with a roll up for a three count.

Winners: The Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt & Jungle Boy)

– AEW World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring with Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager, Jon Moxley makes his way to the ring as Jericho gives him the proper introduction. Jericho says that January 8 is the night that Moxley will give his answer, Moxley says he has had a lot to think about this week and a lot of thought went into his decision. Moxley says Jericho doesn’t know about his goals and motivations, Moxley says he doesn’t want what Jericho was offering because he can’t be bought. Moxley says he came to AEW to run roughshod over pro wrestling and then he tells Jericho “yes,” Moxley says he came to dominate and The Inner Circle is who he wants to stand with. Moxley says he believes in his heart that Jericho is the greatest of all time, The Inner Circle grabs some bubble and they all start drinking it. Jericho hands the keys to the new car over to Moxley, Jericho talks about the success of The Inner Circle in NJPW and AEW.

Moxley ends the celebration to say he was just kidding and he isn’t joining The Inner Circle, Moxley says he wants the AEW World Heavyweight Title before laying out Jericho and Guevara with Paradigm Shifts.

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