
1/29/2020 AEW Dynamite Results: MJF Looks For Revenge On The Young Bucks & Britt Baker Hates JR

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Jon Moxley makes his way to the ring to start the show, Moxley says the fun and games with Chris Jericho ended when he was stabbed in the eye. Moxley says Jericho is the final obstacle to get to the top of the mountain in AEW, Moxley talks about what kind of man that Jericho is. Moxley says all the money in the world doesn’t mean nothing if he has no code to stand by, Moxley calls Jericho a coward and a bully. Moxley promises to take Jericho out and take the AEW World Championship at AEW Full Gear, Moxley says that he knows that he has to defend himself against The Inner Circle attacks and he challenges Jericho to take a beating like a man tonight. Jericho interrupts and he makes his way out onto the stage, Jericho says all Moxley earned and deserves was the spike to the eye. Jericho says he saw Moxley’s mother backstage and he may give her a call in the future, Jericho says he told Moxley’s mother that it was his fault for what happened to him.

Jericho turns down the opportunity to fight Moxley tonight, Jericho then brings out the rest of The Inner Circle. Moxley says that its not five against one because he has everybody in the arena backing him up, Moxley leaves the ring and he heads towards The Inner Circle. Jericho then brings out a bunch more backup, they all head towards Moxley and Moxley drops Ortiz with a Paradigm Shift on the arena floor. Moxley goes after The Inner Circle and a has brawl breaks out as a bunch of officials try breaking it up, Moxley then nails a member of the security team with a Paradigm Shift before heading into the crowd.

– A video appears showing MJF and Wardlow meeting The Butcher, The Blade and The Bunny at a butcher’s. MJF hans them an envelope full of money and The Young Bucks name was written on it.

– MJF and Wardlow go to the announce table before the next match.

The Butcher & The Blade w/The Bunny vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

The match begins with Butcher shoving Matt to the ground a few times, Butcher then drops Matt with a shoulder block. Nick tags in and The Bucks double team Butcher, Blade tags in and Nick trips him up before Matt lands a slingshot leg drop. Nick tags back in and he exchanges tags with Matt as they work over Blade’s arm, Blade fights back and he misses multiple charges in the corner. Matt tags in and Blade gets double teamed again, Butcher interferes and he nails both of The Bucks with a double clothesline. Matt fights back and he leaves the ring before Butcher chases him back in, Nick and Blade are tagged into the match. Nick lands multiple strikes on Blade before nailing Butcher with a super kick, Bunny interferes to knock Nick off the ring apron. Butcher and Blade take out their opposition on the arena floor, Blade gets Nick in the ring before tagging Butcher in.

Butcher nails an elevated Nick with a leg drop before throwing him into the corner, Butcher drops Nick with multiple hard Irish whips into the corner. Blade tags in and he chokes Nick before tossing him out of the ring, Bunny interferes and she attacks Nick. Nick is thrown back into the ring and Blade gets a near fall on him, Butcher tags in and he lands more strikes on a cornered Nick. Blade tags back in and he double teams Nick with Butcher, Blade then hits Nick with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Nick fights back and he causes Blade to crash into Butcher, Matt tags in and he quickly starts cleaning house against the opposition. Matt nails Blade with a sliced bread before nailing Butcher with a super kick on the arena floor, Matt then hits Blade with a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Nick tags in and he nails an elevated Blade with a swanton bomb for a near fall, Butcher returns and The Bucks nail him with super kicks. The Bucks nail Blade with a Meltzer Driver for a three count.

Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

After the match, The Butcher & The Blade attack The Young Bucks until Kenny Omega makes the save while Hangman Page follows with a beer before nailing The Blade with a Buckshot Lariat.

Nyla Rose vs. Big Swole

The match begins with Swole avoiding Rose before landing a few strikes, Swole then drops Rose with a drop kick followed by a flat liner. Rose recovers and she nails Swole with a clothesline, Swole responds by knocking Rose to the arena floor after landing a leg lariat. Swole goes to the ring apron and Rose knocks her to the arena floor, Rose grabs Swole and she shoves her into the barricade. Swole fights back and Rose causes her to crash into the ring post as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Rose missing a charge in the corner. Swole then nails Rose with a knee strike before applying a guillotine choke, Rose gets free and Swole drops her with a bicycle kick. Swole gets Rose up before landing a series of kicks, Swole then nails Rose with a headbutt. Swole goes to the ring apron before nailing Rose with an enziguri, Swole follows up by landing a springboard cutter on Rose for a near fall. 

Swole goes for a sunset flip and Rose defends before eating another flat liner, Rose recovers to nail a charging Swole with a spear. Rose then hits Swole with a Beast Bomb for a three count.

Winner: Nyla Rose

Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford vs. Cody w/Arn Anderson

The match begins with Sabian nailing Cody with a shotgun drop kick followed by a gut buster, Cody eats a few strikes before nailing Sabian with a pump kick. Sabian leaves the ring and he shoves Anderson, Sabian gets back in the ring and he gets Cody in a headlock. Cody gets free and he nails Sabian with a drop kick, Sabian leaves the ring and he drags Cody out of it as well. Cody accidentally hits Ford during a striking exchange with Sabian, Cody goes to check on Ford and Sabian nails him with a penalty kick. Sabian gets Cody back in the corner and he nails him with a plethora of strikes, Sabian then drops Cody with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Sabian follows that up by choking Cody on the middle rope, Sabian then goes down while claiming a knee injury. Sabian reveals it was a ruse and he nails Cody with a springboard tornado DDT as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see both competitors down. Cody gets up and he nails Sabian with a clothesline followed by some more strikes, Sabian gets free and Cody nails him with a power slam.

Cody takes off his weight lifting belt and Ford takes it from him, Cody then hits Sabian with a Disaster Kick for a near fall. Anderson argues with the ref after Ford throws her boot into the ring, Anderson gets in the ring and he tosses the boot into the crowd. Anderson bumps the referee and the referee throws him out of the ringside area, Sabian distracts the referee so Ford can nail Cody with a hurricarana on the arena floor. Sabian then hits Cody with a suicide dive, Joey Janela comes out and Sabian takes a swing at him. Cody then hits a distracted Sabian with a suicide dive, Cody goes for a springboard move and Sabian trips him up before landing an elevated neck breaker for a near fall. Sabian grabs Cody and he gets him on the top rope before following him up there, Cody fights back and he knocks Sabian off the ropes. Sabian recovers and he nails Cody with a head kick, Sabian goes back to the top rope and he eventually knocks Cody off the ropes. Sabian goes for Deathly Hollows and Cody escapes the land a Cody Cutter, Cody then hits Sabian with multiple Cross Rhodes for a three count.

Winner: Cody

– Tony Schiavone interviews Dr. Britt Baker, who says that she and Schiavone are a dream team after what went down last week between them. Baker goes right back to calling Schiavone Mr. Starbucks before taking the microphone from him, Baker tells Jim Ross to never interrupt her when she is speaking again. Baker says that Ross collects a large paycheck while the wrestlers do all the work, Baker insults Ross further while saying he cannot even get the wrestlers names right. Baker says she is here every week while AEW Women’s Champion Riho isn’t, Baker then diagnosis Schiavone with gingivitis.

– Lexi interviews Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks, The Bucks say they needed the win in a bad way. The Bucks say they may get a tag team title shot in the future, Hangman Page shows off the name plates for the tag titles while giving The Bucks their own name plates. Omega announces that he and Page will tag with The Bucks next week.

SCU (Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian) w/Christopher Daniels vs. The Hybrid 2 (Jack Evans & Angelico) 

The match begins with Angelico getting Kazarian in a headlock before working over his arm, Kazarian gets free and he nails Angelico with an arm drag. Kazarian drops Angelico while applying a headlock, Kazarian goes for a roll up on Angelico before getting him in another headlock. Sky tags in and he drops Angelico before landing a basement drop kick, Kazarian tags back in and he nails Angelico with a suplex for a near fall. Sky tags back in and he drops Angelico before raking his eyes, Angelico fights back and Evans tags into the match. Kazarian argues with the referee while Sky gets double teamed, Sky fights back and he nails Evans with a double stomp. Kazarian tags in and he drops Evans for a near fall, Kazarian nails Evans with a release German suplex after a head kick from Sky. Sky tags back in and he attacks the arm of Evans, Evans fights back and Angelico interferes to drop Sky neck first on the top rope. Evans nails Sky with a spinning head kick for a near fall, Angelico tags in and he double teams Sky with Evans.

Angelico knocks Sky to the arena floor so Evans can work him over, Angelico gets a near fall on Sky after he is thrown back in the ring. Sky fights back and Angelico nails him with a drop kick, Evans tags in and he works over a cornered Sky. Sky fights back again and Evans drops him for another near fall, Angelico tags back in and he gets a near fall on Sky. Evans tags back in and Sky drops him with a suplex, Kazarian tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Kazarian nails Angelico with a drop kick before nailing Evans with a neck breaker, Angelico fights back and Kazarian nails him in midair with a leg drop. Kazarian then hits Angelico with a cutter for a near fall, Evans interferes and he gets Sky to the arena floor. Evans and Angelico nail Kazarian with an elevated springboard double stomp for a near fall, Evans goes for a suicide dive and Sky takes him out. Sky tags in and SCU hits Angelico with SCU Later for a three count.

Winners: SCU (Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian) w/Christopher Daniels

After the match, Dark Order appears on the big screen and they say that The Exalted One wants them to attack Christopher Daniels friends and family since he didn’t join them. 

– A video package airs featuring Pac, who says he wants revenge on Jon Moxley for defeating him last week. Pac also says he cannot stand the arrogance of Kenny Omega, Pac says everything will happen between them on his timetable and that begins next week.

The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Santana & Ortiz) w/Jake Hager & Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin & Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

The match begins with Jericho hitting Allin with a few strikes, Allin responds by nailing Jericho with strikes and a drop kick. Allin then hits Jericho with a springboard arm drag, Ortiz tags in and Kassidy tags in a short time later. Ortiz quickly pokes Kassidy in the eyes before landing a few strikes afterwards, Kassidy fights back and he nails Ortiz with a spinning head kick. Quen tags in and he double teams Ortiz with Kassidy, Ortiz fights back and he nails Quen with a missile drop kick. Santana tags in and he slams Quen before landing a knee strike, Jericho tags in and he attacks Quen with strikes of his own. Ortiz tags back in and he rips away at the face of Quen, Santana hits the ring and Quen causes him to hit Ortiz with a spear. Kassidy tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Kassidy catches Ortiz in a few roll ups for a few near falls. Jericho tags in and he knocks Kassidy to the arena floor with a springboard drop kick, Santana and Ortiz work over Kassidy on the arena floor.

Kassidy is thrown back in the ring and Jericho works him over before tagging Santana in, Santana nails Kassidy with an enziguri for a near fall. Santana follows up by nailing Kassidy with some suplexes, Ortiz and Jericho tag in as well to nail Kassidy with an assisted suplex. Kassidy fights back and Jericho quickly slows him down by landing a clothesline, Santana tags back in and he nails Kassidy with a back breaker for a near fall. Ortiz tags in and he triple teams Kassidy with Santana and Jericho, Ortiz then hits Kassidy with a splash for a near fall. Santana tags in and Kassidy takes him and Ortiz out, Allin tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Allin nails Santana with a code red for a near fall, everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. Jericho makes a blind tag and Allin nails him with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall, Kassidy tags in as everybody gets taken out with dives. Kassidy nails Jericho with a swanton bomb for a near fall, Jericho nails Kassidy with a Judas Effect for a three count.

Winners: The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Santana & Ortiz) w/Jake Hager & Sammy Guevara

After the match, The Inner Circle attacks Darby Allin and Private Party, Sammy Guevara grabs the skateboard and he attacks Darby Allin with it. Jon Moxley comes out with a baseball bat and he attacks The Inner Circle with it. 

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