
1/27/2020 WWE Raw Results: 3 Title Matches, Lana vs. Liv, Edge Makes An Enemy & Riddick Moss Debuts

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts off with highlights from the men’s Royal Rumble Match.

– Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring after the highlight package, McIntyre says he is convinced the last 24 hours have been a dream. McIntyre says his Rumble win means that he is going to Wrestlemania, McIntyre says its time to make an announcement and he will challenge WWE Champion Brock Lesnar at ‘Mania. McIntyre says a lot of people are terrified of Lesnar and he wasn’t, McIntyre says he will beat Lesnar to win the WWE Title at ‘Mania. McIntyre says he wants to have a Claymore Party and he issues an open challenge, which is answered by The OC. The OC get the microphone and they argue over who should face McIntyre tonight, McIntyre says he will face both of them tonight.

Drew McIntyre vs. The OC (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

The match begins with McIntyre scoring a takedown on Anderson, Anderson gets up and McIntyre nails him with a chop followed by a suplex. Gallows tags in and McIntyre corners him before landing some strikes, Gallows fights back and he tags Anderson in. The OC go for the Magic Killer and McIntyre fights back against them both, McIntyre nails Anderson with a Glasgow Kiss and overhead belly to belly suplex. McIntyre then nails Anderson with a top rope clothesline, McIntyre follows it up by nailing Gallows with a Future Shock DDT. McIntyre then nails both of The OC with Claymore Kicks for a three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, Brock Lesnar attacks Drew McIntyre and he nails him with an F-5 before posing with his title belt.

– A video package is shown of Edge & Christian winning the WWE Tag Team Titles at WWE Wrestlemania 17.

– A video package airs highlighting MVP.

Rey Mysterio vs. MVP

The match begins with Mysterio getting MVP in a headlock, MVP gets free and Mysterio trips him up before the two exchange a few pin attempts. MVP gains control by nailing a charging Mysterio with the Player Boot, MVP stands over Mysterio while landing a few strikes. MVP traps Mysterio in the corner while landing more strikes, Mysterio recovers and he sends a charging MVP into the corner before landing an enziguri. MVP leaves the ring and Mysterio lands a hurricarana from the ring apron to send him into the barricade as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Mysterio cracking MVP with a few strikes. MVP fights back and Mysterio boots him in the face a few times, Mysterio goes to the top rope and MVP gets him off the ropes. Mysterio manages to send MVP into the corner with a hurricarana, Mysterio goes after MVP by landing more strikes.

Mysterio follows up on that by nailing MVP with an arm drag, Mysterio then hits MVP with a top rope seated senton and a middle rope moonsault for a near fall. MVP catches a leaping Mysterio to land a power slam, MVP then nails Mysterio with a Ballin’ elbow drop for a near fall. MVP sets up for a power bomb and Mysterio counters with a hurricarana, Mysterio then nails MVP with a 619 followed by a springboard splash for a three count.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Aleister Black vs. Kenneth Johnson

The match begins with Black nailing Johnson with some leg kicks, Black then scores a takedown on Johnson before landing a Black Mass for a three count.

Winner: Aleister Black

After the match, Aleister Black says he got eliminated in the Royal Rumble last night and he is the only person responsible for what happened last night. Black says he made a mistake by waiting for people to pick a fight with him, Black says he will now pick the fights with the Raw locker room.

– Highlights are shown of Seth Rollins & Buddy Murphy winning the Raw Tag Team Titles on last weeks Raw.

– Seth Rollins and Buddy Murphy make their way to the ring before the next match, Rollins says he was close to winning the Royal Rumble until he was eliminated by Drew McIntyre. Rollins tells McIntyre that the WWE Universe will eventually stab him in the back, Rollins says he did eliminate Samoa Joe and Kevin Owens from the Rumble Match. Rollins talks about winning the Raw Tag Team Titles with Buddy Murphy, Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe come out on stage. Owens says Rollins has been a jackass for the last few months, Joe wonders why Rollins is eager to fight tonight. Owens and Joe wonder where the AOP are, Rollins said he told AOP to stay backstage and they are shown backstage. AOP are eventually jumped and attacked by The Viking Raiders backstage.

– A video package airs showing Edge defeating John Cena to win the WWE Championship at WWE New Years Revolution 2006.

Raw Tag Team Championships
Seth Rollins & Buddy Murphy (c) vs. Samoa Joe & Kevin Owens

The match begins with Rollins working over the arm of Joe, Joe gets free and he nails Rollins with a right. Murphy tags in and Joe immediately nails him with a plethora of strikes, Murphy fights back and Joe drops him with a shoulder tackle. Owens tags in and he nails a cornered Murphy with a ton of strikes, Owens slams Murphy before landing an elbow drop for a near fall. Joe tags in and he drops Murphy before landing an elbow drop, Owens tags back in and he nails Murphy with a short arm clothesline. Owens drops Murphy with a hard Irish whip for a near fall, Joe tags back in and he attacks Murphy with more strikes. Joe then hits Murphy with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall, Owens tags in and he nails Murphy with more strikes. Owens then hits Murphy with a back breaker for a near fall, Joe tags in and Rollins makes a tag a short time later. Murphy and Rollins drop Joe with a double team back elbow strike, Rollins corners Joe while kicking away at him.

Murphy tags back in and Joe takes out both opponents, Joe clears the ring before he and Owens land suicide dives as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Rollins working over a downed Owens in the ring as we learn that Joe was taken backstage due to injury, Murphy and Rollins nail Owens with a double suplex after Murphy tags into the match. Murphy keeps Owens down while applying a chin lock, Owens gets free and he nails Murphy with a DDT. Rollins tags in and he misses a charge in the corner, Owens then hits Rollins with a top rope frog splash for a near fall. Murphy tags in and he nails Owens with a leg lariat after eating a few strikes, Rollins tags back in and he nails a cornered Owens with more strikes. Owens recovers and he nails Rollins with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Murphy tags in and he immediately gets Owens on the top rope before kicking him in the head. Owens fights back and he knocks Murphy off the ropes, Owens nails Murphy with a swanton bomb for a near fall.

Owens knocks Murphy back out of the ring before landing a suicide dive, Owens gets back in the ring and Murphy nails him with a knee strike. Rollins then hits an interfering Rollins with a stunner before Murphy rolls him up for a three count.

Winners: Seth Rollins & Buddy Murphy, still the Raw Tag Team Champions

– A video airs showing Edge winning the 2010 Royal Rumble Match.

– Charly Caruso interviews Becky Lynch, who says she is in a whole different league than the rest of the women’s division. Lynch says she has beaten them all and she will beat who she wants to next, Lynch says she will make sure Charlotte Flair never faces her again if they meet in the future.

WWE United States Championship
Andrade (c) w/Zelina Vega vs. Humberto Carrillo

The match begins with Carrillo nailing Andrade with a drop kick before stomping away on him, Andrade leaves the ring and Carrillo follows him out there to land more strikes. Carrillo grabs Andrade and he throws him into the barricade, Andrade recovers and he shoves Carrillo into the ring post. Andrade gets Carrillo in the ring and he lands a running knee strike for a near fall, Andrade corners Carrillo before landing a few kicks and other strikes. Andrade also decides to choke Carrillo on the middle rope, Andrade misses a running knee strike in the corner and he falls to the arena floor. Carrillo lands a drop kick before landing a suicide dive as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Carrillo going for a springboard arm drag and Andrade counters by slamming him. Andrade holds Carrillo down while looking for a pinning combination, Carrillo bridges and Andrade nails him with a power bomb.

Andrade corners Carrillo before missing a running double knee strike attempt, Andrade recovers to nail Carrillo with a power bomb before eating a head scissors takedown. Carrillo then hits Andrade with a springboard cross body block followed by a jumping head kick, Carrillo hits Andrade with a rolling moonsault for a near fall. Carrillo goes for another springboard move and Andrade trips him up for a near fall, Carrillo recovers and he nails Andrade with a series of head kicks. Carrillo then nails Andrade with a top rope moonsault and Vega breaks up the pin attempt to cause a DQ.

Winner: Humberto Carrillo by DQ, Andrade retains the title

After the match, Humberto Carrillo attacks Andrade before knocking him out of the ring and throwing him into the ring steps. Carrillo removes the padding from the arena floor and he nails Andrade with a hammerlock DDT on the exposed concrete floor.

– A video package airs showing Edge’s retirement speech in 2011.

– Charlotte Flair makes her way to the ring next before pointing at the ‘Mania sign, Flair reminds everybody that she won the women’s Rumble match. Flair then shows a video package highlighting her win from last night, Flair says she will challenge for a championship at ‘Mania and won’t reveal just who she’ll face yet. The Kabuki Warriors interrupt and Asuka congratulates Flair on her win, Asuka also says a bunch of stuff in Japanese. The Kabuki Warriors get in the ring and Asuka says she would’ve won last night if she was in the Rumble Match, The Kabuki Warriors attack Flair as we go to a commercial break.

Charlotte Flair vs. Asuka w/Kairi Sane

The match begins with Flair backing Asuka into the corner before Asuka gets her in a headlock, Flair gets free and a shoving contest breaks out with Asuka. Flair then attacks Asuka with some chops before landing a shoulder tackle, Flair then hits Asuka with a hip toss before kicking her in the face. Flair nails Asuka with an elbow strike to the head, Asuka fights back and Flair drops her with a springboard arm drag. Flair then decides to twist away on the arm of Asuka, Asuka gets free to trip up Flair and land a basement drop kick. Asuka keeps Flair down while attacking her with multiple kicks, Asuka misses a hip attack and then Flair nails her with a back breaker followed by a clothesline. Asuka fights back as Flair misses a knee drop, Asuka goes for a bulldog and Flair tosses her away before landing a basement drop kick. Flair starts focusing her attack on the leg of Asuka, Flair goes for the figure four and Asuka shoves her into the corner before landing a release German suplex.

Asuka goes to the top rope and she nails Flair with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Asuka looks for another German suplex and she winds up getting Flair in the octopus stretch. Flair gets free and she nails Asuka with a basement drop kick, Flair gets Asuka up before nailing her with a ton of chops. Flair gets Asuka on the top rope and she follows her up there, Sane distracts Flair and Asuka shoves Flair off the ropes and to the arena floor as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see a striking exchange between Flair and Asuka, Flair catches a leaping Asuka to land a back suplex. Asuka fights back and she nails Flair with a bulldog for a near fall, Asuka gets Flair to a knee before attacking her with strikes, Asuka goes back to the top rope and she misses a missile drop kick. Flair then knocks Asuka to the ring apron before getting draped on the top rope, Asuka gets in the ring and Flair boots her in the face for a near fall.

Flair goes to the top rope and she misses a moonsault attempt, Asuka then gets Flair in a modified octopus stretch. Asuka transitions to a triangle choke on Flair, Flair gets free after nailing Asuka with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Flair goes for Natural Selection and Asuka blocks it before landing a Code Breaker for a near fall, Asuka goes for the Asuka Lock and Flair tolls through for a near fall. Flair then nails Asuka with a spear for another near fall, Flair locks in the Figure Eight and Sane interferes by attacking her with an Insane Elbow.

Winner: Charlotte Flair, by DQ

After the match, Kairi Sane continues attacking Charlotte Flair, Flair fights back and she boots Sane in the face.

– The Street Profits are backstage and they talk about what has gone down on Raw, Kelly Kelly appears and she introduces herself to The Street Profits before they all dance.

– Mojo Rawley gets the microphone before the match to see he won’t be running and hiding with the 24/7 Championship, Rawley introduces Riddick Moss as the person to watch his blindside.

WWE 24/7 Championship
Mojo Rawley (c) w/Riddick Moss vs. No Way Jose

The match begins with Rawley nailing Jose with a chop block, Rawley then nails Jose with a running forearm strike. Rawley then hits Jose with his finisher for a three count.

Winner: Mojo Rawley w/Riddick Moss, still the WWE 24/7 Champion

After the match, a member of the conga line rolls up Mojo Rawley for a three count and he wins the 24/7 Championship. Moss distracts the revealed R-Truth so Rawley can nail his finisher again for the three count and win the 24/7 Championship.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Lana and Liv Morgan.

Lana vs. Liv Morgan

The match begins with Morgan backing Lana into the ropes before Lana slaps her, Morgan recovers and she corners Lana before landing an avalanche. Morgan then drops Lana and lands a kick to the back afterwards for a near fall, Morgan goes to the top rope and Lana shoves her off to the arena floor. Lana gets Morgan back in the ring and she nails her with a head kick for a near fall, Lana then hits Morgan with a suplex. Lana keeps Morgan down while applying a chin lock, Morgan gets free and she nails Lana with some clotheslines and a bulldog. Morgan then hits Lana with an enziguri, Morgan follows that up by nailing Lana with a double stomp for a near fall. Morgan then hits Lana with a springboard flat liner for a three count.

Winner: Liv Morgan

– Erick Rowan is shown backstage.

Erick Rowan vs. Branden Vice

The match begins with Rowan knocking Vice out of the ring with a drop kick, Rowan exits the ring to nail Vice with a running cross body block. Rowan gets Vice back in the ring before landing an avalanche, Rowan then hits Vice with a jackhammer. Rowan follows up by hitting Vice with the Iron Claw for a three count.

Winner: Erick Rowan

– A video package airs showing Edge’s comeback from last night.

– Edge makes his way to the ring for his first comments since returning at the Rumble, Edge is quickly overwhelmed with emotion. Edge says the reaction he has gotten since returning means a lot to him, Edge says he’s still got it after a chant from the fans. Edge talks about being forced into retirement nearly a decade ago, Edge says he has been working to make that “what if” disappear. Edge says he starting feeling better over the years and he wondered what if he came back home, Edge says he got back to work and had a second neck surgery. Edge says he got in the best shape of his life so he can return to the ring, Edge says he wants to end his career on his terms. Edge says he saw some familiar and new faces at the Rumble, Edge says he will see them down the road again. Edge says he knows his comeback may not last very long, Edge says he wants everybody to join him on the ride. Edge says he knows that he has gotten a little bit older, but he says that he has the grit to compete again.

Randy Orton interrupts and he makes his way to the ring, Orton and Edge embrace before Orton gets a microphone. Orton says he had a self-destructive personality when he was younger, Orton says that Edge helped Orton pull himself out of a hole many years ago. Orton welcomes Edge home before saying he is a brother to him, Orton asks Edge if rated RKO should reunite again and he nails him with an RKO afterwards. Orton leaves the ring before returning with a steel chair, Orton then attacks Edge with a chair shot. Orton then places Edge’s head in the chair before removing the chair a short time later. Orton then leaves the ring before returning with multiple chairs, Orton then smashes Edge with a one man Conchairto.

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