
12/4/2019 AEW Dynamite Results: Jon Moxley vs. Joey Janela II & Kris Statlander Shocks Hikaru Shida

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Dustin Rhodes & The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. The Inner Circle (Sammy Guevara, Santana & Ortiz)

The match begins with Rhodes getting Guevara in a headlock before nailing him with a shoulder tackle, Rhodes then drops Guevara with an arm drag before tagging Matt in. Nick tags in as Guevara gets triple teamed for a near fall, Santana and Ortiz hit the ring and a brawl breaks out between both teams. The Young Bucks take out Santana and Ortiz with super kicks, Guevara is then nails with a triple super kick. Matt leaps off the top rope and he lands on the Inner Circle, Rhodes and Nick follow with dives of their own a short time later. Matt gets Guevara in the ring and Guevara nails him with a pump kick, Matt recovers and he nails Guevara with multiple northern lights suplexes. Santana interferes alongside Ortiz and they all attack Matt, Santana and Ortiz then nail Matt with a double buckle bomb. The Inner Circle then nail Matt with a series of triple team moves, Guevara finally nails Matt with a swanton bomb for a near fall.

Ortiz tags in and he works over Matt before tagging Santana in, Santana gets Matt in a suplex position before tagging Ortiz in and he holds Matt in the suplex. Guevara tags in and Matt escapes his grasp before nailing him with a super kick, Rhodes and Santana are tagged in by their respective partners. Rhodes quickly cleans house against the opposing team, Rhodes takes out all of his opponents with power slams. Rhodes then leaps off the top rope and he takes out the opposition, Rhodes then nails Santana with a destroyer for a near fall. Ortiz hits the ring and Rhodes dumps him back out of it, Rhodes looks for Shattered Dreams and the referee blocks it. Ortiz attacks Rhodes with the flapjack as the refs back was turned, Guevara tags in and he nails Rhodes with a 630 for a near fall. Guevara misses a charge into the corner and Nick tags in, Nick nails Guevara with a double stomp and a ton of head kicks.

Matt hits the ring and he nails Guevara with a spear from out of nowhere, The Bucks nail Guevara with a double splash for a near fall. Ortiz hits the ring and is quickly sent back out before eating a super kick from Nick, Santana then takes out Nick with a dive as Guevara attacks Matt. The Inner Circle nail Matt with a diving knee drop power bomb for a near fall, Guevara grabs his cell phone and he goes to the top rope. Guevara goes for a shooting star press and he eats a double super kick from The Bucks, Guevara in then hit with super kicks from the opposition. The Inner Circle is taken out with a triple team maneuver before Nick gets the pin on Guevara.

Winners: Dustin Rhodes & The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

Trent Berretta w/Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy vs. Rey Fenix

The match begins with Berretta scoring a takedown on Fenix and he gets him in a front headlock, Fenix gets up and Berretta drops him with a shoulder tackle. Fenix gets up and he quickly nails Berretta with a drop kick, Berretta goes to the top rope and Fenix nails him with an enziguri. Berretta recovers and Fenix rolls him up for a near fall, Berretta and Fenix exchange some strikes in the ring. Fenix misses a 619 and Berretta goes to the top rope, Fenix knocks Berretta down after a 619 leg sweep. Fenix holds Berretta down while wrenching away in his arm, Berretta gets up and Fenix nails him with a drop kick. Fenix goes back to work on the arm of Berretta while nailing him with strikes, Fenix briefly goes to the top rope before dropping Berretta with a right. Berretta fights back and Fenix attacks him with some chops, Berretta fights back again and he knocks Fenix to the arena floor.

Fenix recovers to trap Berretta in the ropes and land a drop kick, Fenix then nails Berretta with a rolling splash for a near fall. Fenix goes for a top rope spinning cross body block and Berretta counters with a drop kick, Berretta then nails Fenix with a half and half suplex that knocks him out of the ring. Berretta goes out of the ring as well and Fenix sends him into the barricade, Berretta quickly recovers and he nails Fenix with a spear. Berretta gets Fenix back in the ring to land a tornado DDT for a near fall, Fenix recovers and he nails Berretta with a power bomb for a near fall. Fenix then nails a cornered Berretta with a running forearm strike before trapping him in the ropes, Fenix then nails Berretta with a top rope penalty kick. Berretta recovers and he nails a charging Fenix with a lariat for a near fall, Berretta and Fenix take their battle to the ring apron while exchanging strikes.

Fenix ends that by nailing Berretta with a top rope double stomp that sends both crashing to the arena floor, Fenix gets Berretta back in the ring and he goes to the top rope. Fenix goes for a splash and Berretta gets his knees up, Berretta then nails Fenix with a running knee strike and pile driver for a near fall. Berretta looks for another knee strike and Fenix counters with a cutter followed by a head kick, Fenix then nails Berretta with a spinning muscle buster for a three count.

Winner: Rey Fenix

After the match, an angry Trent Berretta attacks Rey Fenix.

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring and he is joined by Cody, Cody says his scar is a reminder of his failure to capture the AEW World Championship. Cody talks about getting beaten up by The Butcher & The Blade last week, Cody says all of his friends are occupied and nobody was around to help him last week. Cody also talks about MJF turning on him at AEW Full Gear, Cody says The Butcher & The Blade could’ve just asked for a match instead of attacking him last week. Cody says he is ready to face The Butcher & The Blade anytime, Cody says they can even pick his partner for that tag match. Cody says that he needs to wrestle MJF after what he did at AEW Full Gear, Cody even calls MJF a bush league version of Chris Jericho. Cody says that he knew MJF was a bad guy the whole time, but he was his bad guy before he turned on him. Cody starts offering a bunch of things to MJF in an attempt to get a match with him, Cody even has Justin Roberts give a fan some of the money in the briefcase. Cody says that MJF needs to just name his price so they can have the match.

– Alex Marvez interviews Joey Janela, who says that he wants to make a new for himself and he feels that he has been put on the backburner. Janela wants Jon Moxley to remember the hell they went through this past June, Janela says Moxley will have to kill him to win this time. Moxley appears and he says “kids” before walking away.

– A man is shown typing something on a computer and then he is shown surrounded by fire while also being surrounded by the Dark Order, another man is brought in and he says he wants to join the Dark Order to make friends. The Dark Order decides to beat the guy up.

Nyla Rose vs. Leva Bates w/Peter Avalon

The match begins with Rose dropping Bates with a boot to the face, Rose then places Bates on the top rope before landing a top rope knee strike. Avalon tries interfering and Rose tries breaking his hand, Bates tries attacking Rose with a book. Rose nails Bates and Avalon with a double choke slam, Rose then hits Bates with a Beast Bomb for a three count.

Winner: Nyla Rose

After the match, Nyla Rose hits Leva Bates with another Beast Bomb, Shanna comes out and she nails Rose with a top rope cross body block followed by a bunch of strikes. Rose recovers and she nails Shanna with a power slam, Rose finds a table and she brings it in the ring. Rose looks to put Shanna through it and the referee prevents it, Rose puts the ref through the table before power bombing Shanna onto him.

– AEW World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho and Jake Hager make their way to the ring, Jericho quickly starts mocking the people. Jericho grabs a bottle of his bubbly and talks about its success, Jericho reveals that he is contractually obligated to have one more match this year. Jericho says that final match will happen on December 18 and he has the option to choose the opponent, Jericho starts naming everybody he refuses to wrestle for the rest of the year. The Jurassic Express interrupt and make their way to the ring, Luchasaurus grabs a microphone and he growls at Jericho before talking. Luchasaurus talks about how dinosaurs have been marginalized for years now, Luchasaurus says Marko Stunt is more man than Jericho will ever be. Jungle Boy steps up to challenge Jericho and Jericho mocks him before saying that Boy couldn’t last ten minutes with him, Boy takes the microphone and he says that he can last ten minutes with him before slapping Jericho in the face. A brawl breaks out between everybody in the ring, The Jurassic Express eventually clear the ring.

Kris Statlander vs. Hikaru Shida

The match begins with Statlander getting Shida in a headlock, Shida gets free and she briefly gets Statlander in a head scissors. Shida gains control and she wrenches away on the arm of Statlander, Statlander gets free before exchanging strikes with Shida. Shida trips up Statlander before landing a basement drop kick, Statlander recovers and she knocks Shida to the arena floor. Statlander goes for a moonsault from the ring apron and Shida avoids it before dropping her with a few strikes, Shida grabs a chair and she sets it up on the arena floor. Statlander catches a leaping Shida and she throws her into the barricade, Statlander gets Shida back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Statlander then hits Shida with a handstand leg drop and senton bomb for a near fall, Shida fights back and Statlander corners her before landing a face wash. Statlander then catches Shida in a roll up for a near fall, Statlander goes to the top rope and Shida knocks her to the ring apron.

Shida looks for a superplex and Statlander drags her to the ring apron, Statlander picks Shida up and Shida gets free to knock Statlander to the arena floor with an enziguri. Shida then hits Statlander with a knee strike from the ring apron, Shida gets Statlander back in the ring before landing a missile drop kick for a near fall. Statlander recovers and she nails a charging Shida with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker, Shida quickly recovers and she gets Statlander in an arm bar until Statlander gets to the ropes. Statlander goes to the ring apron and Shida climbs the ropes, Shida then nails Statlander with a superplex for a near fall. Statlander blocks a knee strike and she exchanges enziguris with Shida, Statlander then hits Shida with a lariat and electric chair drop. Statlander follows up with a scissors kick on Shida for a near fall, Statlander goes for a falcon arrow and Shida rolls her up before landing a knee strike for a near fall. 

Statlander fights back and she nails Shida with a head kick, Statlander then hits Shida with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Statlander then nails Shida with a Big Bang Theory for a three count.

Winner: Kris Statlander

After the match, Awesome Kong and Brandi Rhodes make their way to the entrance ramp, Rhodes has a microphone and says people don’t love what they can’t understand. Rhodes and Kong get into the ring as Rhodes calls themselves the Nightmare Collective, Rhodes asks Kris Statlander to be a part of the Nightmare Collective and Kong pulls out her knife. A fan comes to ringside says she’ll pledge to be a part of the group and Kong cuts her hair off.

Christoper Daniels vs. Pentagon Jr. 

The match begins with Daniels nailing Pentagon Jr with a top rope dive during his entrance, Daniels attacks Pentagon Jr with strikes and a clothesline on the ramp. Daniels looks for a pile driver and Pentagon Jr counters with a back body drop, Pentagon Jr then nails a downed Daniels with a thrust kick to the side of the head. Pentagon Jr follows that up by clotheslining Daniels into the ring as the ref rings the bell, Pentagon Jr follows that up by nailing Daniels with a leg kick. Daniels fights back to nail Pentagon Jr with a spear followed by strikes, Daniels then nails Pentagon Jr with a back suplex. Daniels gets Pentagon Jr on the top rope and he follows him up there, Pentagon Jr escapes to super kick Daniels’ leg before landing a top rope double stomp. Pentagon Jr traps Daniels in the ropes while landing a few strikes, Pentagon Jr drops Daniels before kicking him in the back of the head. Daniels fights back and Pentagon Jr levels him with a super kick, Daniels gets up and a striking exchange breaks out until Daniels goes down.

Pentagon Jr follows that up by cornering Daniels and landing a clothesline, Pentagon Jr also continues kicking the injured leg of Daniels. Pentagon Jr keeps Daniels cornered before landing an enziguri, Pentagon Jr leaps off the middle rope and Daniels catches him before landing a flat liner. Daniels then hits Pentagon Jr with a clothesline followed by an exploder suplex, Daniels also nails Pentagon Jr with a blue thunder bomb for a near fall. Daniels looks for a uranage and Pentagon Jr escapes to land a sling blade for a near fall, Pentagon Jr goes to the top rope and he misses a double stomp. Pentagon Jr still manages to land a back stabber a short time later for a near fall, Daniels recovers to hit Pentagon Jr with a falling lariat. Daniels goes to the ring apron and Pentagon Jr nails him with a few strikes, Daniels avoids a destroyer attempt and Pentagon Jr gets him back in the ring. Pentagon Jr charges at Daniels from the entrance ramp and Daniels nails him with a drop kick, Daniels messes up and split legged moonsault and he crashes to the entrance ramp.

Pentagon Jr gets Daniels back in the ring and Daniels nails him with the Angel’s Wings, Rey Fenix comes out and Daniels nails him. Pentagon Jr tries attacking Daniels with the mic stand and Daniels drops him with an STO, Fenix distracted the ref and Pentagon Jr kicks Daniels low. Pentagon Jr then hits Daniels with a package pile driver for a three count.

Winner: Pentagon Jr.

– A video package airs for The Butcher, The Blade & The Bunny, The Bunny says they are here to cut the head off of the snake, which is Cody.

Jon Moxley vs. Joey Janela

The match begins with Moxley scoring a takedown on Janela before getting a one count on a pin attempt, Janela recovers and he gets Moxley in a headlock. Moxley escapes and he takes Janela down with a headlock of his own, Janela gets free and Moxley drops him with a shoulder tackle. Janela recovers and he drops Moxley with a back elbow strike, Moxley gets up and a chopping exchange breaks out between the two. Moxley corners Janela before landing a clothesline, Janela recovers and he sends Moxley out of the ring. Janela then hits Moxley with a top rope axe handle smash, Moxley gets back up and he nails Janela with a clothesline on the entrance ramp. Moxley gets Janela back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Moxley then nails Janela with an elbow drop for a near fall. Moxley keeps Janela down while pulling back on his arms, Moxley releases the hold to stomp away on a downed Janela. Moxley keeps Janela down while applying an STF, Janela gets free and he sends Moxley to the arena floor. Janela follows Moxley out of the ring and he sends him into the barricade, Janela grabs Moxley and he gets him to the entrance area. 

Moxley gets back in the ring and he attacks Janela with a release suplex as he gets back in the ring, Moxley drags Janela to the entrance ramp and Janela escapes his grasp to get in the ring. Janela then hits Moxley with a tornado DDT on the ramp, Moxley rolls back in the ring and  he avoids a top rope move from Janela. Moxley exits the ring and Janela nails him with a suicide dive, Janela gets Moxley back in the ring and they battle on the top rope a short time later. Janela then hits Moxley with a sunset bomb for a near fall, Moxley recovers and he exchanges strikes with Janela. Janela then nails a charging Moxley with a super kick before eating a lariat, Janela then sends Moxley head first into the bottom turnbuckle. Janela does a dive and he puts Moxley through the time keepers table, Janela gets Moxley back in the ring before landing a top rope elbow drop for a near fall. Moxley rolls to the ring apron and he attacks Janela as he goes to the top rope, Moxley nails Janela with a Paradigm Shift on the top turnbuckle. Moxley nails Janela with a second Paradigm Shift for a three count.

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match, The Inner Circle come out from the crowd as Chris Jericho has a staredown with Jon Moxley. 

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