
1/22/2020 AEW Dynamite Results: A Tag Team Title Match & An AEW World Title Challenger Is Determined

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

AEW World Tag Team Championships
SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) (c) vs. Kenny Omega & Hangman Page

The match begins with Page backing Kazarian into the ropes before letting him go free, Page then goes to work on the arm of Kazarian. Kazarian gets free and he chain wrestles with Page before getting him down with a headlock, Page gets free and Kazarian drops him with a shoulder tackle before applying another headlock. Page gets free and he nails Kazarian with a few strikes, Kazarian and Page exchange clotheslines until Kazarian drops him with a spinning clothesline. Sky tags in and he attacks Page with some strikes, Omega tags in and he wrenches away on the arm of Sky. Sky gets free and he attacks the shoulder of Omega, Omega responds by attacking the arm of Sky. Omega follows that up by dropping Sky with a shoulder tackle, Omega misses a charge in the corner and he still manages to hit Sky with a Kitaro Crusher for a near fall. Page tags in and he attacks Kazarian before nailing Sky with strikes, Page then hits Sky with a fall away slam.

Kazarian makes a blind tag so SCU can attack both Omega and Page, Kazarian slams Page before landing a springboard leg drop for a near fall. Sky tags in and SCU nails Page with a double shoulder tackle, Kazarian tags back in and he nails Page with a suplex for a near fall. Kazarian traps Page in the ropes before landing a release German suplex, Omega hits the ring and he brawls with SCU. Sky tags back in and he rakes the eyes of Page, Kazarian tags in as Page fights back against both opponents. Page then drops Kazarian with a clothesline, Sky then attacks Omega to prevent a tag from Page. Kazarian then hits Page with a back stabber followed by an unprettier for a near fall, Page recovers as he and Kazarian go down after a double clothesline. Omega and Sky are tagged in by their respective partners, Omega starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Omega nails Kazarian with a snap dragon suplex before nailing Sky with a fisherman buster suplex for a near fall, Omega and Page then hit Sky with a series of double team holds for a near fall.

Page then takes out Kazarian with a dive from the top rope into the crowd, Omega then hits Sky with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Sky avoids a V Trigger and Omega lands a second attempt, Sky escapes the One Winged Angel before nailing Omega with a super hurricarana. Omega escapes the grasp of Sky and Page accidentally hits him with a Buckshot Lariat, Sky then hits Omega with a TKO for a near fall. Kazarian returns and he nails Page with a slingshot cutter on the entrance ramp, Kazarian then hits Omega with a super tornado DDT for a near fall. SCU goes SCU Later and Page interferes to break it up, Omega then nails Sky with a V Trigger from out of nowhere. Kazarian and Page are tagged in by their respective partners, Page and Kazarian exchange strikes until Page lands a discus clothesline for a near fall. Kazarian fights back and he battles Page on the top rope, Page eventually nails Kazarian with a super fall away slam. Omega tags in and he attacks Sky before double teaming Kazarian with Page, Sky returns and Omega nails him with a snap dragon suplex.

Omega then hits Kazarian with a Tiger Driver 98 for a near fall, Page gets taken out and SCU nails Omega with SCU Later for a near fall. Page tags in and he attacks both members of SCU, Page then sends Sky out of the ring before nailing Kazarian with a spine buster. Page then hits Sky with a Buckshot Lariat on the entrance ramp, Page then hits Kazarian with a Buckshot Lariat for a three count.

Winners: Kenny Omega & Hangman Page, your new AEW World Tag Team Champions

After the match, The Young Bucks come out and celebrate with the new champs, but Hangman Page opts to celebrate in the crowd instead.

Dr. Britt Baker vs. Priscilla Kelly

The match begins with Baker wrenching away on the arm of Kelly before taking her down with a headlock, Kelly gets free and Baker rolls her up a few times for a few near falls. Baker then hits Kelly with a northern lights slam for a near fall, Kelly fights back and she wrenches away on the arm of Baker. Kelly gets Baker down before attacking her with a few kicks, Kelly keeps Baker down while applying a cravat. Kelly releases the hold before kicking Baker right in the back, Kelly gets Baker in the corner while attacking her with strikes. Kelly then traps Baker in the ropes while applying a modified camel clutch, Kelly gets Baker back in the corner while stomping away on her. Kelly traps Baker in the ropes again while landing a jump kick to the back, Baker fights back and she drops Kelly with a hair pull. Baker follows that up by nailing Kelly with a few clotheslines and a running knee strike, Baker then hits Kelly with a sling blade for a near fall.

Kelly fights back and she nails Baker with a pump kick followed by an STO for a near fall, Baker avoids a knee strike to hit Kelly with a super kick followed by a side Russian leg sweep. Baker applies the Lockjaw to Kelly and the tap out follows.

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker

After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews Dr. Britt Baker and she says that Schiavone shouldn’t question her character. Baker insults Schiavone and says everybody locks down on Schiavone while looking up to her, Baker says she is a role model and the hottest girl on the boat.

– Highlights are shown of Jungle Boy surviving ten minutes with Chris Jericho from a previous edition of AEW Dynamite.

The Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt & Jungle Boy) vs. The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Santana & Ortiz) w/Jake Hager

The match begins with Jericho slapping Boy and Boy responds by landing strikes of his own, Boy then drops Jericho with a drop kick. Ortiz tags in and he is nailed with a hurricarana from Boy, Boy goes for a drop kick and Ortiz gets out of the way. Boy fights back and he nails Ortiz with an arm drag followed by a drop kick for a near fall, Luchasaurus tags in and he double teams Ortiz with Boy. Stunt interferes and he nails a downed Ortiz with a top rope splash, Santana interferes and he gets hit with a tornado DDT from Stunt. Boy tags in and he corners Santana while landing a few chops, Luchasaurus tags in and he also attacks Santana with strikes. Santana tries fighting back and Luchasaurus drops him with a boot to the face for a near fall, Stunt tags in and he nails Santana with some strikes. Boy tags in and he drops Santana before kicking him in the back for a near fall, Santana fights back and Jericho attacks Boy as the ref was distracted.

Santana then hits Boy with a side Russian leg sweep from the middle rope for a near fall, Jericho tags in and he nails Boy with a series of slams. Ortiz tags in and he chokes Boy in the corner, Hager also interferes and he attacks Boy with a choke. Ortiz then hits Boy with a slam of his own for a near fall as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Jericho pulling on the arms of Boy. Boy fights back and Jericho cracks him with a few strikes, Boy goes for a roll up and Jericho escapes before landing a clothesline. Sanatana tags in and he pulls up on the arms of Boy, Sanatana then nails Boy with a back breaker. Jericho tags in and he misses a charge in the corner before Boy rolls him up for a near fall, Jericho places Boy on the top rope and he follows him up there. Boy fights back and he knocks Jericho off the top rope before landing a top rope cross body block for a near fall, Ortiz tags in and he double teams Boy with Santana.

Ortiz corners Boy while attacking him with some strikes, Boy fights back and he attacks Ortiz with strikes of his own. Boy then drops Ortiz with a reverse hurricarana, Luchasaurus and Jericho are tagged in by their respective partners. Luchasaurus quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Luchasaurus then drops Ortiz with a headbutt before nailing Sanatana with a Tail Whip. Luchasaurus then hits Jericho and Ortiz with a double chokeslam, Luchasaurus follows up by nailing Jericho with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Hager attacks Luchasaurus behind the refs back and they battle on the entrance ramp as Stunt tags in, Stunt nails Jericho with a 450 splash for a near fall. Stunt catches Jericho in a few roll ups before eating a Judas Effect for a three count.

Winners: The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Santana & Ortiz) w/Jake Hager

– A video package airs on the feud between MJF and Cody.

MJF vs. Joey Janela

The match begins with MJF shoving Janela to the mat, Janela gets up and MJF wrenches away on his arm. Janela gets free and he works over the arm of MJF, MJF and Janela get into a chain wrestling session for a short time. Janela angers MJF and MJF spits in his face, Janela gets angry and he attacks MJF with some strikes. MJF leaves the ring and walks down the entrance ramp, Janela follows and MJF rakes his eyes. Janela recovers and he back body drops a charging MJF into the ring, Janela goes to the top rope and MJF rolls to the opposite side of the ring. MJF uses a ref distraction to nail Janela with a forearm strike before throwing him shoulder first into the corner, MJF keeps Janela cornered while stomping away on him. MJF then hits Janela with a senton bomb for a near fall, MJF keeps Janela down while stomping away on him. Janela fights back and MJF holds him down with an inverted bear hug, Janela gets free and MJF nails him with a Shock Treatment for a near fall.

MJF keeps Janela down while holding him in a body scissors as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Janela with a superplex for a near fall. Janela goes back to the top rope as Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford make their way to the ring while making out, Janela then misses a top rope elbow drop attempt. MJF then hits Janela with a Double Cross for a three count.

Winner: MJF

After the match, MJF grabs a microphone to say that the people love him and Cody, MJF says he is the last chapter in Cody’s life. Cody interrupts and he makes his way to the ring, MJF says that Cody cannot touch him or their upcoming match will get canceled. MJF starts insulting Cody as they come face to face, MJF pretends to hand the microphone to Cody before kicking it away. MJF leaves the ring while giving Cody the finger, The Young Bucks come out and they hit MJF with a double super kick. The Bucks grab MJF and they throw him into the pool.

– Tony Schiavone interviews Hangman Page & Kenny Omega, Omega says he couldn’t see himself as a tag champion a year ago. Page goes to answer and Schiavone interrupts to ask Omega about Pac, Omega says he will have a rubber match with Pac. Omega says the tag team titles are a priority before getting interrupted by The Young Bucks, Page insults The Bucks before walking away.

AEW World Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Tournament Finals
Pac vs. Jon Moxley

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Moxley and Pac, Pac gets Moxley in a headlock and Moxley gets free to land a shoulder tackle. Moxley follows that up by attacking Pack with chops and a release German suplex, Pac escapes a bulldog attempt and he attacks the injured eye of Moxley. Pac traps Moxley in the corner while further attacking the injured eye, Pac holds Moxley down while removing the bandages from Moxley’s injured eye area. Pac then nails a downed Moxley with a knee drop to the eye, Moxley fights back and Pac sends him out of the ring. Pac exits the ring as well to send Moxley face first into the ring apron, Moxley fights back and he throws Pac over the barricade and into the crowd. Moxley goes into the crowd as well to brawl with Pac, Moxley and Pac battle up the steps and onto the second story of the boat. Moxley knocks Pac down the stairs as they continue brawling around the boat, Moxley and Pac brawl back to the ringside area.

Moxley gets back in the ring and Pac attacks his injured eye before landing a missile drop kick, Moxley recovers and he nails Pac with a clothesline. Moxley and Pac have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Moxley ends the exchange by nailing Pac with a release suplex for a near fall. Pac fights back and he nails Moxley with a headbutt to the injured eye, Pac gets Moxley on the top rope and he follows him up there. Pac looks for a superplex and Moxley fights back to knock Pac off the ropes, Moxley goes for a top rope elbow drop and Pac blocks it. Pac then nails a dazed Moxley with an enziguri, Pac then nails Moxley with kicks to the injured eye. Pac goes to the top rope and Moxley gets the knees up during a 450 splash attempt, Moxley then rolls up Pac for a near fall. Moxley gets Pac in a sleeper hold and Pac escapes to land a release German suplex, Pac goes for the Black Arrow and Moxley gets out of the way. Pac gets up and he nails Moxley with a super kick, Moxley fights back and he nails Pac with a Paradigm Shift for a near fall.

Pac leaves the ring and Moxley follows him out there before getting him back in the ring, Moxley goes to the top rope and Pac meets him up there to land a superplex. Pac quickly gets Moxley in the Brutalizer and Moxley gets to the ropes to break it, Pac rips the rest of the bandages off the eye of Moxley before attacking him with strikes. Moxley shocks Pac with a roll up before landing another Paradigm Shift, Moxley nails Pac with a third Paradigm Shift for a three count.

Winner: Jon Moxley

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