
11/6/2019 AEW Dynamite Results: The Elite Battle The Inner Circle & A Bronze Medal Match

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Trent Berretta w/Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy vs. Pac

The match begins with Pac wrenching away on the arm of Berretta, Berretta gets free and does the same to Pac. Pac exits the ring to go face to face with Cassidy, Berretta chases Pac back in the ring before nailing him with a back elbow strike. Berretta backs Pac into the corner before landing a few strikes, Pac rolls to the ring apron and Berretta gets him back in the ring by landing a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Pac leaves the ring and Berretta follows him out there, Pac grabs Berretta and he throws him into the barricade a few times. Pac picks up Berretta and drops him onto the barricade before shoving him back first onto the entrance ramp, Pac gets back in the ring and he nails Berretta with a suicide dive. Pac gets Berretta back in the ring and he follows him in there before going to the top rope, Pac then hits Berretta with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Pac holds Berretta down while applying a headlock, Pac follows that up with a hard Irish whip followed by a German suplex for a near fall. Pac holds Berretta dow while applying a chin lock to him, Berretta fights back and Pac knocks him back to the arena floor.

Cassidy interferes to confront Pac as Taylor distracts the referee, Pac eventually lays out Cassidy with a pump kick. Berretta gets back in the ring and he nails Pac with multiple clotheslines, Berretta then knocks Pac out of the ring with a head and arm suplex. Berretta keeps the momentum going by taking out Pac with a suicide dive, Berretta then throws Pac into the barricade a few times. Pac fights back and Berretta lays him out with a spear on the arena floor, Berretta gets Pac back in the ring before landing a knee strike for a near fall. Berretta then nails Pac out with a tornado DDT for another near fall, Pac leaves the ring and he nails Berretta with a brain buster on the arena floor a short time later. Pac gets Berretta back in the ring before landing a Black Arrow, Pac gets Berretta in the Brutalizer and Berretta goes out cold.

Winner: Pac

After the match, Pac tells the fans to shut up and he tells Hangman Page that he’s going to make an example out of him again at AEW Full Gear.

– Cody makes his way to the ring for a big announcement, Cody says the arrival of The Inner Circle has been a surgical move by Chris Jericho. Cody talks about facing Jericho for the AEW World Heavyweight Title at AEW Full Gear, Cody mentions some of the greats that have been a part of the wrestling business over the years and that have been the best in the business. Cody talks about how proud he is of what AEW has become, Cody talks about the criticism he faces for being management and getting a title shot. Cody says that if he doesn’t defeat Jericho at AEW Full Gear, then he will never challenge for the AEW World Championship again. Cody talks about Jericho’s upbringing as the son of a famous hockey player, Cody says Jericho needs this generation more than it needs him. Cody says this match is everything for him and his family, Cody promises to eat Jericho alive at AEW Full Gear.

– SCU comes to the commentary table for the next match, while The Lucha Brothers join the spanish commentary team.

Bronze Medal Match
Winners Added To AEW World Tag Team Title Match At AEW Full Gear
Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs. Private Party (Marq Quen & Isaiah Kassidy)

The match begins with Grayson attacking Quen with shoulder tackles as the bell rings, Uno tags in and he double teams Quen with Grayson. Grayson tags back in as Quen fights back against them, Kassidy tags in and he double teams Grayson with Quen. Uno distracts Kassidy afterwards so Grayson can attack him from behind, Quen fights back and Grayson nails him with a uranage. Uno tags in and he nails Kassidy with a back breaker before choking him on the bottom rope, Uno tags in and Kassidy nails him with an enzaguri. Grayson stays in the ring and he nails Kassidy with a shoulder spear, Uno drops Kassidy on the ring apron before Grayson lands a slingshot swanton bomb as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Uno working over a downed Kassidy, Kassidy fights back and he nails Uno with a suplex. Grayson and Quen are tagged in by their respective partners, Uno quickly attacks Quen before double teaming him with Grayson. Dark Order go for their finisher and Quen breaks it up before knocking Grayson to the arena floor, Quen then knocks Uno to the arena floor.

Quen follows that up by taking the Dark Order out with a suicide dive, Quen gets Grayson back in the ring before nailing him with a springboard cross body block for a near fall. Kassidy tags in and Grayson nails both opponents with a double overhead kick, Uno tags in and he nails Kassidy with a modified neck breaker for a near fall. Grayson and Quen are tagged in by their partners, Dark Oder then decide to double team both opponents. Grayson hits Quen with a top rope 450 splash for a near fall, Uno tags in and Quen sends him into Grayson. Kassidy tags in and Grayson quickly lays him out, Grayson tags in and Quen crotches him on the top rope. Private Party then lay out Uno with the Silly String, Quen tags in and Private Party hit Grayson with Gin & Juice for a three count.

Winners: Private Party (Marq Quen & Isaiah Kassidy)

After the match, a face off takes place between the Private Party, SCU & The Lucha Brothers.

– A video airs showing Chrs Jericho and Sammy Guevara talking about which bubly to drink, Guevara says that its all over for Cody when he faces Jericho at AEW Full Gear. Soultrain Jones talks about just how driven Jericho is, Santana also echoes the sentiments of Jones. Ortiz and Jericho’s aunt also talk about Jericho’s drive as a professional MMA fighter, Jericho’s aunt says Jericho will defeat Cody at AEW Full Gear. Jake Hager continues staring at the camera without saying anything, various highlights of Jericho are interspersed throughout the video.

– Highlights are shown of Santana & Ortiz attacking The Rock N’ Roll Express and The Young Bucks from last weeks AEW Dynamite.

Jamie Hayter & Emi Sakura vs. Riho & Shanna

The match begins with Sakura and Riho doing some chain wrestling, Sakura backs Riho into the corner before landing a chop and snap mare. Sakura grabs Riho by the hair before tossing her across the ring, Hayter interferes and she attacks Riho. Riho fights back and she drops Sakura with a knee strike, Shanna tags in and she nails Sakura with a few strikes followed by arm drags. Shanna drops Sakura before landing a basement drop kick for a near fall, Shanna then hits Sakura with a flipping neck breaker for a near fall. Riho tags in and she double teams Sakura with Shanna, Riho hits Sakura with an assisted splash for a near fall. Sakura fights back and Riho sends her into the ropes, Sakura blocks a double knee strike before landing a rope assisted back breaker. Hayter tags in and she hits Riho with a series of suplexes, Sakura tags back in and she nails Riho with a drop kick. Sakura keeps Riho down while applying a surfboard stretch to her, Hayter tags back in and she gets Riho in a camel clutch.

Hayter releases the hold and she gets Riho in a chin lock, Hayter releases that hold before attacking Riho with elbow strikes. Hayter then nails a downed Riho with a plethora of slams, Hayter then reapplies the chin lock to Riho. Riho fights back and she drops Hayter with a head scissors takedown, Sakura interferes and Riho nails her with a double stomp. Shanna tags in and she cleans house against the opposing team, Shanna nails Hayter with a running forearm strike for a near fall. Shanna then nails Hayter with a stunner before eating a back breaker, Sakura tags in and she nails a cornered Shanna with a cross body block. Sakura goes for a Vader Bomb and Shanna gets her knees up, Riho looks for a tag and Hayter knocks her off the ring apron. Shanna then knocks Sakura out of the ring after landing a rana, Shanna goes to the top rope and she leaps off onto both opponents. Shanna gets Sakura in the ring and she lands a sliced bread, Shanna then hits Sakura with a double underhook DDT for a near fall.

Sakura fights back and she nails Shanna with a spinning neck breaker, Hayter tags in and she nails Shanna with a plethora of strikes. Hayter then hits Shanna with a knee strike followed by a falcon arrow for a near fall, Hayter then hits Shanna with a front suplex followed by a lariat for a near fall. Riho interferes and she is dumped out of the ring, Sakura tags in and she nails Shanna with a back breaker. Sakura then hits Shanna with a Vader Bomb for a near fall, Riho tags in and she exchanges pinning combinations with Sakura until Sakura gets a three count.

Winners: Jamie Hayter & Emi Sakura

– A video package airs showing the evolution of Brandi Rhodes, Rhodes says she has been dismissed because of her marriage to Cody. Rhodes says that she and Awesome Kong are a night terror, Rhodes says she doesn’t run the AEW women’s division and doesn’t want to. Rhodes says Kong cannot be stopped and she cannot be denied.

Brandon Cutler vs. Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard

The match begins with Spears taking Cutler down while wrenching away on his arm, Cutler gets free and works on the arm of Spears. Cutler corners Spears before attacking him with a few strikes, Cutler then nails Spears with a series of head kicks while standing on the ring apron. Cutler traps Spears in the ropes before nailing him with a slingshot leg drop, Spears recovers and he trips up Cutler before knocking him out of the ring. Spears grabs Cutler and he throws him into the barricade a few times, Spears then nails Cutler with a knee strike. Spears gets Cutler in the ring and he rakes his eyes, Spears traps Cutler in the corner while landing more strikes. Cutler fights back and he attacks Spears with some kicks, Cutler goes to the top rope and he leaps off before eating a pump kick. Spears then hits Cutler with a death valley driver for a three count.

Winner: Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard

After the match, Shawn Spears attacks Brandon Cutler until Joey Janela makes the save.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega.

The Elite (Kenny Omega & Hangman Page) vs. The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara) w/Jake Hager

The match begins with Jericho tagging into the match before tagging Guevara back in, Guevara scores a takedown on Omega and Omega gets up a few moments later. Omega gets Guevara down before applying a front headlock, Guevara gets free and he wrenches away on the arm of Omega. Omega gets free and he wrenches away on the arm of Guevara, Guevara fights back and Omega attacks him with chops. Omega corners Guevara before landing a back elbow strike and back suplex, Page tags in and he double teams Guevara with Omega for a near fall. Page picks up Guevara and he attacks him with a few strikes, Page then hits Guevara with a bridging slam for a near fall. Guevara fights back and he tags Jericho into the match, Page immediately drops a charging Jericho with a boot to the face. Jericho fights back and he nails Page with a missile drop kick followed by strikes, Jericho follows up by nailing Page with a suplex. Guevara tags in and he gets a near fall on a downed Page, Page fights back and he nails Guevara with a suplex.

Jericho tags in and he corners Page before landing more strikes, Page recovers and he drops Jericho with a clothesline. Omega and Guevara are tagged in by their respective partners, Omega quickly cleans house against the opposing team. Omega grabs Guevara and nails him with some chops followed by You Cannot Escape for a near fall, Guevara fights back and he nails Omega with a series of enzaguris. Guevara goes for a springboard move and Omega counters with a drop kick that knocks him out of the ring, Omega looks for a dive and Jericho attacks him. Omega fights back and he knocks Jericho out of the ring, Omega goes for a dive again and Hager interferes to prevent it. Jericho tags in and he corners Omega before landing strikes, Jericho also chokes Omega on the middle rope. Guevara tags back in and he nails Omega with a Samoan drop for a near fall, Guevara then drops Omega with a clothesline. Jericho tags back in and he drops Omega with a back elbow strike, Omega recovers and he tags Page into the match.

Page quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Page takes out Guevara with a dive before nailing Jericho with a clothesline. Jericho fights back and Page knocks him out of the ring, Guevara returns to knock Page out of the ring. Omega clears the ring before hitting Guevara and Hager with a suicide dive, Page follows up with a dive of his own before getting Jericho in the ring. Jericho distracts the ref so Pac can low blow Page, Jericho nails Page with a Judas Effect for a three count.

Winners: The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara) w/Jake Hager

After the match, The Inner Circle attack Hangman Page ad Kenny Omega until Cody hits the ring for the save. MJF comes out to attack Chris Jericho and Jake Hager with chair shots, Jericho is thrown in the ring and Cody nails him with Cross Rhodes. Jon Moxley comes out through the crowd and he comes face to face with Omega, Moxley has a barbed wire bat and Omega has a barbed wire broom. Santana and Ortiz hit the ring to attack Omega and Moxley, The Young Bucks makes the save and a super kick party breaks out. Everybody brawls all over the arena as various officials try breaking everything up, Nick Jackson leaps off the entrance stage and he takes everybody out with a dive.

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