
1/15/2020 AEW Dynamite Results: DDP Returns & A World Title Top Contenders Tournament Begins

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– A graphic airs for the late Rocky Johnson.

AEW World Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Match
Hangman Page & Kenny Omega vs. Proud N’ Powerful (Santana & Ortiz) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) w/Orange Cassidy

The match begins with Nick getting Trent in a headlock, Nick gets free and he tries dropping Trent with shoulder tackles. Trent responds by dropping Nick with a shoulder tackle, Nick fights back and he takes Trent down with an arm drag. Page tags in and Taylor gets a tag a short time later, Page gets Taylor in a headlock before landing a shoulder tackle. Page then nails Taylor with a fall away slam, Matt and Omega are tagged in by their respective partners. Santana and Ortiz hit the ring to attack everybody, Santana tags in and he attacks Omega with some strikes. Omega fires back as Nic tags into the match, Omega and Nick attack Santana with some double team moves. Ortiz tags in before getting double teamed by Nick and Omega, Matt tags in and he joins in on the attack against Ortiz. Trent tags in and he attacks Matt with some strikes, Nick tags in and The Buck double team Trent. Matt tags in and he nails Trent with some strikes, Matt then hits Trent with some northern lights suplexes.

Trent recovers and he nails Matt with a tornado DDT, Taylor tags in and he nails Matt with a belly to belly suplex. Both Bucks hit the ring and Taylor takes both of them out, Ortiz interferes and Taylor dumps him out of the ring. Trent tags in and he double teams Matt with Taylor, Santana interferes alongside Ortiz to attack everybody. Santana tags in and he double teams Matt alongside Ortiz, Santana nails Matt with a cutter followed by a double flapjack alongside Ortiz. Santana and Ortiz then attack their opponents with suicide dives, Ortiz stays in the ring and he rakes the back of Matt. Santana tags back in and he nails a downed Matt with a slingshot swanton bomb, Santana follows that up by nailing Matt with some suplexes. Ortiz tags in and he catches Matt in midair before landing a suplex, Santana tags in as Matt fights back against them both before nailing Santana with a spear. Matt follows that up by nailing Santana with a top rope stunner, Omega tags in and he attacks both Santana and Ortiz.

Omega then hits both Santana and Ortiz with snap dragon suplexes, Trent tags in and Omega nails him with a snap dragon suplex. Page and Omega nail Trent with a double team move before Page takes some people out with a dive, Ortiz returns and he drags Omega out of the ring. Santana then takes out multiple people with a suicide dive, Nick returns to land a dive alongside Taylor. Matt goes to the top rope and Trent meets him up there, Trent nails Matt with a superplex onto all the competitors on the arena floor. Trent gets up and he gets Omega back in the ring before landing a running knee strike, Taylor hits the ring alongside Page. The referee accidentally gets taken out before all the competitors get in the ring, Cassidy gets in the ring and he helps half the competitors quadruple suplex the other competitors. Taylor and Trent then hit Page and Omega with Gotch Style Pile Drivers, Best Friends nail Omega with a Strong Zero for a near fall.

Matt and Taylor tag themselves into the match before exchanging strikes, everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. Santana and Ortiz double team Trent before Nick attacks them both, Ortiz and Santana take out Nick before eating super kicks from Matt. The Bucks start attacking everybody with super kicks, Trent blocks the Meltzer Driver by knocking Nick to the arena floor. Page tags in as Taylor knocks Matt out of the ring, Page and Omega nail Taylor with a Buck Shot V Trigger for a three count.

Winners: Hangman Page & Kenny Omega

– DDP is shown doing some yoga backstage.

– Cody makes his way to the ring to answer the stipulations laid out by MJF, Cody says that Arn Anderson was right when he said that the audience wants him to face MJF. Cody says that MJF’s price for a potential bout is quite expensive, Cody says that Wardlow shouldn’t be carrying MJF’s bags and MJF should be carrying his. Cody says that being lashed by MJF won’t be the worst part of their feud, Cody says he lives rent free in MJF’s head. Cody talks about how MJF wanted to be a star for his entire life, Cody says that he accepts all of MJF’s stipulations. Cody says he will teach MJF one final lesson at AEW Revolution and he will give MJF his own scar at the event.

– Wardlow and MJF are shown walking around backstage.

– Darby Allin is shown warming up backstage.

– Pac is shown walking around backstage.

– Joey Janela talks about 2020 starting a new decade for him, Janela talks about getting low blowed two weeks ago by Penelope Ford. Janela says that the only way Ford can get herself over is with him, Janela dares Kip Sabian to fight him. Janela says he will face Rey Fenix next week, Janela admits that things need to start changing for him.

The Nightmare Collective (Brandi Rhodes & Mel) w/Luther vs. Kris Statlander & Hikaru Shida

The match begins with Luther blocking Shida during her entrance, Rhodes and Mel attack Statlander before Shida can fight everybody off. Mel attacks Shida from behind as the ref rings the bell, Mel grabs Shida and tosses her across the ring a few rimes. Shida fights back and she nails Mel with a hurricarana, Mel leaves the ring and Statlander nails her with a kick from the ring apron. Shida grabs a chair and she leaps off of it to hit Mel with a knee strike, Statlander gets Mel back in the ring before landing a double drop kick alongside Shida. Shida goes for a suplex and Mel defends before eating a kick, Rhodes distracts Shida so Mel can drop her with a boot to the face. Mel then nails a downed Shida with a leg drop before tagging Rhodes in, Rhodes decides to stomp away on a downed Shida. Rhodes traps Shida in the ropes while choking her, Rhodes and Mel double team Shida while Statlander argues with the ref.

Mel stays in the ring and she chokes Shida in the corner, Shida fights back and Mel quickly drops her. Mel traps Shida in the ropes as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Mel nailing Shida with another leg drop for a near fall. Mel looks for a suplex and Shida defends while landing a few strikes, Shida then nails a charging Mel with a knee strike. Rhodes and Statlander are tagged in by their respective partners, Statlander nails Rhodes with a head kick and spinning clothesline. Statlander then hits Rhodes with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Mel hits the ring and Shida nails her with a missile drop kick. Mel then throws Shioda into the barricade, Rhodes then hits Statlander with a spear for a near fall. Mel tags in and she nails Statlander with a uranage for a near fall, Mel goes to the middle rope and Shida returns to meet her up there. Shida then drops Mel with a superplex, Statlander then lands a knee strike and standing moonsault on Mel for a near fall. Mel recovers to drop both Statlander and Shida, Statlander recovers and she hits Mel with a Big Bang Theory for a three count.

Winners: Kris Statlander & Hikaru Shida

– A video package airs showing a Dark Order member talking about who they are trying to recruit.

AEW World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender Tournament Semi-Final
Sammy Guevara vs. Jon Moxley

The match begins with Guevara attacking Moxley with a drop kick followed by some strikes, Moxley fights back and he attacks Guevara with strikes of his own. Guevara gets cocky and Moxey nails him with a clothesline, Moxley drops Guevara before kicking him in the back and landing an elbow drop for a near fall. Moxley traps Guevara in the corner while choking him, Guevara fights back and he nails Moxley with a rope assisted enziguri. Guevara follows that up by nailing Moxley with a springboard cutter, Moxley exits the ring and Guevara nails him with a suicide dive. Guevara gets Moxley back in the ring and he mocks Moxley before getting slapped, Moxley gets angry and he nails Guevara with a knee strike followed by a release suplex. Moxley drags Guevara to the ring apron before attempting a Paradigm Shift, Guevara escapes and he knocks Moxley to the arena floor after landing a top rope double knee stomp.

Guevara grabs Moxley and he throws him into the barricade followed by the ring steps, Guevara gets Moxley back in the ring before landing a kick for a near fall. Guevara keeps Moxley down while applying a chin lock, Moxley gets free and Guevara chokes him on the middle rope. Guevara then nails Moxley with a slam before kicking him in the back, Guevara traps Moxley in the ropes next while attacking him with strikes. Guevara gets Moxley on the ring apron and he throws him into the ring post afterwards, Moxley fights back and Guevara sends him into the ring post. Guevara gets Moxley back in the ring before going to the top rope, Moxley crotches Guevara before landing a superplex. Moxley gets Guevara up before landing a few strikes. Moxley goes for a German suplex and Guevara lands on his feet before landing a standing shooting star press for a near fall, Guevara then rolls up Moxley for a near fall.

Moxley avoids some kicks from Guevara before landing a forward DDT for a near fall, Moxley drags Guevara to the top rope while looking for a super Paradigm Shift. Guevara gets free and he nails Moxley with a Spanish fly for a near fall, Guevara then hits Moxley with a Go To Sleep for a near fall. Guevara goes to the top rope and Moxley catches him in midair with a rear naked choke to force a tap out.

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match, the lights go out and the rest of The Inner Circle are in the ring when they come back in. The Inner Circle attack Jon Moxley, Jake Hager holds Moxley while Chris Jericho whips him with the AEW World Heavyweight Title belt. Hager follows that up by kicking Moxley in the balls, Jericho takes a spike from his jacket and he stabs Moxley in the eye area with it.

– The Inner Circle are interviewed backstage, Chris Jericho says what happened to Jon Moxley wasn’t his or The Inner Circle’s fault. Jericho says The Inner Circle will do the same thing to The Jurassic Express next week. 

MJF, The Butcher & The Blade w/The Bunny & Wardlow vs. Diamond Dallas Page, Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall

The match begins with MJF tagging Butcher into the match before jumping into the crowd, Marshall tags in and MJF tags himself back in. MJF kicks Marshall in the midsection before landing a shoulder tackle, Marshall fights back and MJF rakes his eyes. Blade tags in and he attacks Marshall with some strikes, Marshall recovers and he nails Blade with a springboard cross body block. Rhodes tags in and he nails Blade with an atomic drop, Blade tries cornering Rhodes and MJF nails him with a diamond ring. Blade dumps Rhodes out of the ring so Bunny and Wardlow can attack him, Rhodes is tossed back into the ring as Butcher tags in. Butcher and Blade attack Rhodes before Butcher lands a suplex for a near fall, Butcher corners Rhodes before landing a few strikes. Blade tags in and Rhodes fights back against him, Blade recovers to drop Rhodes and stomp away on him.

Blade traps Rhodes before choking him on the bottom rope, MJF tags in and he nails Rhodes with a few strikes. MJF holds Rhodes down while landing a knee drop to the back, Blade tags in and he nails a cornered Rhodes with some more strikes. MJF tags back in and he gets Rhodes in a modified camel clutch, Rhodes fights back and he nails a leaping MJF with some knees to the balls. Rhodes fights back again all three opponents before sending MJF out of the ring, Blade tags in as Butcher lays out Marshall. Rhodes nails Blade with a power slam before tagging DDP in, DDP quickly cleans house against the opposing team. DDP then nails Butcher with a spinning clothesline, Blade hits the ring and DDP nails him with a clothesline. DDP then nails Blade with a Diamond Cutter, DDP goes for another Diamond Cutter and MJF nails him with a low blow behind the refs back. 

Rhodes tags in and he nails MJF with a destroyer, DDP then hits MJF with a Diamond Cutter so Rhodes can get a near fall on him. Marshall tags in and he takes out some opponents with a suicide dive, Bunny interferes and DDP shoves her away before taking people out with a top rope dive. MJF shocks Marshall with a roll up from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winners: MJF, The Butcher & The Blade w/The Bunny & Wardlow

– Jenn Decker interviews SCU, Hangman Page quickly interrupts them and he has been drinking. Things start getting physical until Kenny Omega intervenes, Omega says he wants a gentleman’s contest between both teams next week. 

AEW World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender Tournament Semi-Final
Pac vs. Darby Allin

The match begins with Pac getting Allin in a headlock, Allin gets free and Pac drops him afterwards with a shoulder tackle. Allin recovers and he nails Pac with an arm drag followed by a drop kick, Pac responds by nailing a charging Allin with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Pac follows that up by tossing Allin across the ring, Allin avoids a charging Pac before nailing him with a shotgun drop kick. Pac leaves the ring and Allin nails him with a suicide dive, Allin gets Pac in the ring and Pac leaves before eating another suicide dive. Allin looks for a hurricarana and Pac counters by swinging him into the ring steps, Pac moves the ring steps before brings Allin on them. Pac nails Allin with a power bomb onto the top of the ring steps, Pac waits for Allin to get in the ring before applying a bulldog choke to him. Pac releases the hold and he throws Allin out of the ring, Pac follows Allin out there before throwing him into the barricade.

Pac gets Allin back in the ring before landing a missile drop kick for a near fall, Pac gets Allin on his shoulder and he climbs up the ropes. Allin fights back and he nails Pac with a super crucifix bomb, Pac leaves the ring and Allin nails him with Coffin Drop. Pac gets in the ring and Allin nails him with a stunner followed by a code red for a near fall, Pac leaves the ring and he traps a sliding Allin in the ring skirt before kicking him in the back. Pac gets Allin back in the ring and he levels him with a lariat for a near fall, Allin fights back and he exchanges roll ups with Pac for a few near falls. Pac recovers and he nails a leaping Allin with a release German suplex followed by a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Pac goes to the top rope and Allin meets him up there before getting knocked off. Pac then nails Allin with a Black Arrow for a three count.

Winner: Pac

After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews Pac and Pac declares himself the #1 contender to the AEW World Heavyweight Championship. Pac is interrupts as Jon Moxley is shown being taken away in an ambulance, Moxley gets out of the ambulance and he heads to the ramp. Moxley says that he will face Pac next week no matter what condition he is in.

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