
11/25/2019 WWE Raw Results: A Town Hall Meeting & A United States Championship Match

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The entire Raw locker room surrounds the ring as Seth Rollins is holding a town hall, Rollins says that CM Punk doesn’t want to be here tonight and would rather sit behind a desk. Rollins admits that NXT mopped the floor with Raw at WWE Survivor Series 2019, Rollins says that he hates that Raw lost last night. Rollins says it breaks his heart to see what Raw has become, Rollins says everybody sucked last night at WWE Survivor Series 2019. Rollins says that everybody dropped the ball and it needs to be fixed, Rollins says he wants everybody to make Raw great again. Rollins looks at Randy Orton and calls him the weak link from last night, Orton heads backstage and says nothing. Rollins then brings up Charlotte Flair and how she failed to lead the women’s Survivor Series team last night, Flair gets angry and heads backstage while saying nothing. Rollins talks about how AOP wasn’t even at the show last night and they head backstage, Rollins then talks about how Rey Mysterio let everybody down last night by failing to beat Brock Lesnar and Mysterio heads backstage as Rollins calls his son stupid. The rest of the Raw locker room heads backstage as Rollins bickers on the microphone, Kevin Owens remains and he gets into the ring.

Rollins talks about how Owens competed at NXT Takeover War Games before calling him Mr. NXT, Rollins talks about everything he does for WWE Raw. Rollins calls Owens a lazy piece of crap, Rollins says that Owens will never be Seth Rollins and he will never have his spot. Owens starts to speak and instead decides to hit Rollins with a stunner before heading backstage.

– An angry Seth Rollins is approached by Charly Caruso backstage, Rollins says that he didn’t accomplish what he wanted because Kevin Owens stunned him. Rollins challenges Owens to a match tonight.

Bobby Lashley w/Lana vs. Titus O’Neil

The match begins with Lashley backing O’Neil into the corner before missing a right, O’Neil returns fire and he nails Lashley with a few strikes. Lashley recovers and he nails O’Neil with some strikes, O’Neil fights back and Lashley nails him with a spine buster. Rusev comes out of the crowd and he attacks Lashley.

Winner: Bobby Lashley w/Lana, by DQ

After the match, Rusev continues attacking Bobby Lashley before throwing him into the ring steps and barricade. Lashley fights back and he brawl with Rusev until Rusev drops him with a clothesline, Rusev then throws Lashley into the LED screens and announce table. Security eventually comes out and they arrest Rusev, a handcuffed Rusev still manages to knock Lashley off the stage and through a table before kicking a lighting truss onto him.

AOP (Rezar & Akam) vs. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder

The match begins with Rezar dropping a swinging Hawkins before landing a few strikes, Akam tags in and AOP nail Hawkins with the Last Chapter. Ryder hits the ring and Akam assaults him with strikes, Rezar tags in and AOP nails both opponents with double death valley drivers into the corners. AOP nail Hawkins and Ryder with a Super Collider, AOP then hit Hawkins with their finisher for a three count.

Winners: AOP (Rezar & Akam) 

Akira Tozawa vs. Andrade w/Zelina Vega 

The match begins with Tozawa giving Andrade a shove, Andrade gets angry and he nails Tozawa with a power bomb followed by stomps. Andrade follows Tozawa around the ring while landing more strikes, Andrade holds Tozawa down while wrenching away on his arm. Andrade follows that up by nailing Tozawa with a suplex, Tozawa fights back and he nails Andrade with a rana followed by a release German suplex. Tozawa goes to the top rope and Andrade crotches him before knocking him to the mat below, Andrade then hits Tozawa with a running double knee strike. Andrade then hits Tozawa with a hammerlock DDT for a three count.

Winner: Andrade w/Zelina Vega 

– Aleister Black is shown backstage and he tells Buddy Murphy that there will be repercussions for his actions after Murphy knocked on his door last week, Murphy has a match tonight and Black says he will collect when the time is right.

Matt Hardy vs. Buddy Murphy

The match begins with Murphy backing Hardy into the corner before landing a bunch of strikes, Hardy fights back and he smashes Murphy’s face into the turnbuckle a few times. Hardy mounts Murphy in the corner before landing a few strikes, Murphy escapes and he nails Hardy with a super kick. Murphy grabs a dazed Hardy and throws him into the ring post, Hardy falls to the arena floor and Murphy follows him out there before throwing him into the barricade a few times. Murphy gets Hardy back in the ring before going to the top rope, Murphy misses his leap and Hardy nails him with a Side Effect a few moments later. Hardy then cracks Murphy with a corner clothesline, Murphy avoids a bulldog and Hardy drops him before landing a middle rope elbow strike. Hardy goes for a Twist Of Fate and Murphy escapes to land a few knee strikes for a three count.

Winner: Buddy Murphy

After the match, Buddy Murphy grabs the microphone and he calls out Aleister Black and he says that he has come to pick a fight with him. Black interrupts and makes his way to the ring, Black and Murphy gets into a brawl in the ring and Black knocks Murphy out of the ring after landing a knee strike. 

– Charly Caruso interviews Charlotte Flair, who says she never said that she was a team player, but was the only person qualified to lead Team Raw. Flair talks about all of the success that she has had in the past against Asuka, Flair says she will remind Asuka just who she is tonight. 

– Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows attack Humberto Carrillo during his entrance for the title shot against WWE United States Champion AJ Styles, Carrillo fights back before eating a choke slam from Gallows. Anderson then throws Carrillo into the ring steps, Anderson and Gallows then hit Carrillo with a Magic Killer on the ring steps. Ricochet eventually comes out to check on the fallen Carrillo, Styles grabs the microphone and says that Carrillo is not cleared for action tonight. The OC then mock Ricochet for not coming out earlier to save Carrillo, Ricochet grabs a microphone and he asks Styles what became of him. Ricochet then challenges Styles for the WWE United States Title and Styles turns it down, Randy Orton interrupts and he comes out with a microphone. Orton says he is available to compete tonight as well and he challenges Styles to a title bout, Styles turns him down because he has nothing to prove tonight. Drew McIntyre interrupts and he says that he has a solution and that would be for him to challenge for the title tonight, Styles says he is sore and seemingly turns the bout down before Rey Mysterio comes out.

Mysterio says he is also banged up after his match with Brock Lesnar at WWE Survivor Series 2019, Mysterio says the people won’t get cheated out of a title match tonight before challenging Styles. Styles eventually declines the challenge from Mysterio, Ricochet proposes a fatal four way and the winner gets a title shot tonight. Styles tries turning it down until the rest of The OC say its a good idea, Styles accepts and says the winner gets a title shot against him tonight.

WWE United States Championship #1 Contenders Match
Ricochet vs. Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Rey Mysterio

The match begins with McIntyre immediately knocked out of the ring, Ricochet and Mysterio work together to knock Orton out of the ring. McIntyre returns and Mysterio dumps him back out of the ring, Ricochet then hits Orton with a dive. Orton returns before eating a double drop kick from Ricochet and Mysterio, Ricochet nails Mysterio with an enzaguri. Ricochet leaps at McIntyre and McIntyre catches him before slamming him on the arena floor, Orton dumps Mysterio out of the ring and he falls on top of Ricochet. Ricochet is tossed back in the ring before getting worked over by Orton and McIntyre, Mysterio gets back in the ring and McIntyre attacks him. McIntyre goes back to double teaming Ricochet alongside Orton, Mysterio returns and quickly gets dumped back out of the ring. Ricochet fights back against both Orton and McIntyre, Ricochet nails McIntyre with a rolling drop kick. 

Ricochet misses a springboard move and Orton nails him with a power slam, Mysterio returns to take out Orton and McIntyre. Mysterio nails Ricochet with a few strikes as Ricochet was on the ring apron, Mysterio grabs Ricochet and drags him to the top rope. Ricochet knocks Mysterio to the ring apron before McIntyre meets him at the top rope, Ricochet crotches McIntyre and Mysterio attacks Ricochet. Orton returns and he knocks Ricochet to the arena floor, Orton climbs to the top rope and McIntyre recovers to knock them both off the ropes. The OC make their way back to the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Orton battling Mysterio on the arena floor while McIntyre battles Ricochet in the ring. Ricochet eventually drops McIntyre with a rebound kick and then he nails Orton with an enzaguri, Orton recovers and he nails Ricochet with an elevated DDT for a near fall. 

McIntyre and Orton then have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Orton ends the exchange by poking McIntyre in the eyes before landing more strikes. McIntyre recovers and he drops Orton with a Glasgow Kiss, Ricochet returns and he nails McIntyre with a springboard clothesline followed by a standing shooting star press. Ricochet looks for a rana and he winds up catching McIntyre in a roll up for a near fall, McIntyre recovers and he drops Ricochet before landing a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Orton returns and he nails McIntyre with an RKO, Orton goes for a pin and he gets attacked by The OC. Mysterio returns and Ricochet blocks his rana attempt, Mysterio shocks Ricochet with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

WWE United States Championship
AJ Styles (c) w/Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows vs. Rey Mysterio

The match begins with Styles immediately attacking Mysterio after the bell sounded, Styles smashes the face of Mysterio into the top turnbuckle a few times. Mysterio fights back and Styles nails him with a back breaker, Styles follows that up by attacking Mysterio with a back breaker. Mysterio exits the ring and Styles follows him out there to send Mysterio into the barricade, Styles works over Mysterio more before getting him back in the ring. Mysterio fights back and he goes to the top rope, Styles nails Mysterio with a chop block before hanging him upside down in the corner. Styles then hits Mysterio with a basement drop kick for a near fall, Styles keeps Mysterio down while applying a chin lock. Styles releases the hold before choking Mysterio on the middle rope, Styles then slingshots Mysterio into the middle rope. Mysterio fights back again and he attacks Styles with some knee strikes, Mysterio’s knee gives out on him and Styles attacks it.

Mysterio goes for a middle rope moonsault and Styles catches him, Styles goes for a lawn dart and Mysterio escapes to shove him into the ring post. Mysterio follows that up by nailing Styles with an enzaguri, Mysterio sets up for a 619 and Anderson interferes. The referee then decides to send Anderson and Gallows backstage as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Styles dropping Mysterio with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Styles places Mysterio on the top rope and he follows him up there, Mysterio fights back and Styles attacks his injured back. Styles hangs Mysterio upside down in the corner while stomping away on him, Styles goes for a basement drop kick and Mysterio moves out of the way to send Styles balls first into the ring post. Mysterio then hits Styles with a top rope seated senton and a head scissors takedown, Mysterio mounts Styles in the corner while landing some strikes. 

Mysterio then hits Styles with a middle rope bulldog for a near fall, Mysterio goes back to the top rope and Styles attacks him with a few strikes. Styles meets Mysterio on the top rope and Mysterio attacks Styles to knock him off the ropes, Styles gets Mysterio off the ropes before landing a ushigoroshi for a near fall. Styles then goes for a Styles Clash and Mysterio escapes to land a code red for a near fall, Mysterio knocks Styles into the ropes before landing a 619 that sends Styles into the ref. Anderson and Gallows return to attack Mysterio, Randy Orton comes out to brawl with Gallows and Anderson. Orton distracts Styles so Mysterio can land a 619, Orton then hits Styles with an RKO and Mysterio lands a top rope frog splash for a three count.

Winner: Rey Mysterio, your new WWE United States Champion

After the match, Rey Mysterio celebrates with his son.

– Charly Caruso interviews Kevin Owens, who takes the microphone before telling Seth Rollins that he thinks he may be making Raw better, but Owens says he knows who he was from the moment he became a pro wrestler. Owens says he never tried to be something that he is not, Owens says he is perfectly fine being Owens. Owens says that all that Rollins accomplished is to turn himself into a prick, Owens says another stunner is coming Rollins way tonight.

Charlotte Flair vs. Asuka w/Kairi Sane

The match begins with Flair attacking Asuka with some strikes, Flair scores a takedown on Asuka while landing more strikes. Asuka leaves the ring and Flair follows her out there to throw her into the barricade, Flair gets Asuka back in the ring before attacking an interfering Sane. Asuka tries fighting back and Flair tosses her into the bottom rope, Flair corners Asuka before stomping away on her. Asuka recovers and smashes the face of Flair into the top turnbuckle, Flair recovers and does the same to Asuka. Flair goes for an exploder suplex and Asuka escapes to drop her with a hair pull, Asuka and Flair have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Flair attacks Asuka with some elbow strikes and Asuka briefly goes down, Asuka looks for an arm bar and Flair escapes. Flair looks for a figure eight and Asuka kicks her way free, Sane interferes again and the distraction allows Asuka to nail Flair with a hip attack for a near fall. Asuka holds Flair down while wrenching away on her arm, Asuka keeps Flair down while stomping away on her.

Flair gets free and Asuka attacks her with a few kicks to the face, Asuka and Flair have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Asuka gets up and she attacks Flair with some kicks, Flair fights back and she kicks a charging Asuka in the face for a near fall. Asuka exits the ring and Flair follows her out there a short time later, Flair then chases Sane into the crowd as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Flair dumping Asuka back to the outside of the ring, Flair then nails Asuka with a baseball slide drop kick. Flair gets Asuka back in the ring and Asuka immediately goes for an arm bar, Asuka transitions into a triangle choke and Flair gets free by landing a few strikes. Flair traps herself in the ropes and Asuka nails her with a kick, Asuka goes for a hip attack and Flair counters with a kick of her own. Flair gets back in the ring and Asuka nails her with a release German suplex, Asuka then attacks Flair with some kicks to the face.

Flair catches Asuka in a few roll ups for a few near falls, Asuka and Flair have another striking exchange. Flair ends that by nailing Asuka with a back breaker followed by a clothesline, Flair then attacks Asuka with some chops. Flair follows that up by nailing Asuka with a fall away slam, Flair goes to the top rope and she lands on her feet during a moonsault attempt. Flair then hits Asuka with a cannonball for a near fall, Asuka goes for a hip attack and she winds up rolling up Flair for a near fall. Asuka looks for a headlock and Flair counters with a back suplex, Flair keeps Asuka corned before attacking her with a forearm strike. Asuka recovers and nails a charging Flair with a code breaker for a near fall, Asuka goes to the top rope and she misses a missile drop kick attempt. Flair goes for a Natural Selection and Asuka counters with a triangle choke, Flair gets free and she gets Asuka in a Boston crab. Asuka eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Flair looks for the figure eight and she opts to kick Asuka in the face.

Flair traps the leg of Asuka in the ropes before nailing her with a knee drop, Flair then nails Asuka with a spear for a near fall. Flair looks for the figure eight again as Sane returns to ringside, Flair goes after Sane and she throws her into the ring post. Flair goes back after Asuka and Asuka mists her while the ref was distracted, Asuka catches a blinded Flair in a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Asuka w/Kairi Sane

Erick Rowan vs. Kyle Roberts

The match begins with Roberts exiting the ring to take a peak at Rowan’s pet, Rowan immediately attacks Roberts and he throws him into the ring steps. Rowan picks up Roberts and power bombs him into the ring post, Rowan gets Roberts back into the ring and he lands a few claw slams afterwards for a three count.

Winner: Erick Rowan

– The IIconics are doing a Black Friday commercial and R-Truth interrupts, R-Truth grabs the WWE 24/7 Title and runs from The IIconics. 

– Sarah Schreiber tries interviewing AJ Styles, who is too upset to answer any questions before saying Randy Orton’s name and storming off. 

– Charly Caruso interviews Lana, who says that Rusev is a danger to himself and society, Lana says that Rusev is obsessed with her. Lana says that the WWE should fire Rusev and send him back to Bulgaria, Lana says she will be OK after everything that has happened tonight.

Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens

The match begins with Owens immediately attempting a stunner against Rollins, Rollins escapes to the arena floor and Owens follows him out there. Owens attacks Rollins with strikes and he also throws him into the ring post, Owens gets Rollins back in the ring and he prevents a suicide dive a short time later. Owens gets back in the ring and he nails Rollins with a missile drop kick followed by a senton bomb, Owens goes for a cannonball and Rollins sends him into the middle turnbuckle before landing a dragon screw leg whip. Rollins keeps Owens down while applying a single leg crab, Owens gets free and he attacks Rollins with a chop. Rollins fights back and he drops Owens with a sling blade, Rollins then uses a knee strike to knock Owens out of the ring. Rollins follows that up by attacking Owens with a multiple suicide dives, Rollins gets Owens back in the ring before missing s pringboard knee strike. Owens then hits Rollins with a super kick that knocks him out of the ring, Rollins grabs a chair as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Owens knocking Rollins off the ropes to the mat below, Owens goes for a swanton bomb and Rollins gets his knees up. Rollins mounts a downed Owens to attack him with strikes, Rollins then applies a camel clutch to a downed Owens. Rollins releases the hold to attack Owens with some stomps, Owens fights back and Rollins nails him with some more strikes. Owens recovers and he nails a ducking Rollins with a DDT, Owens then corners Rollins before landing a cannonball. Owens goes back to the top rope and Rollins rolls to the arena floor, Owens nails Rollins with a swanton bomb from the ring apron. Owens gets Rollins back in the ring before landing a top rope frog splash for a near fall, Owens goes for a pop up power bomb and Rollins escapes. Rollins looks for a pedigree and he winds up nailing Owens with a blockbuster for a near fall, Rollins then hits Owens with a falcon arrow for a near fall.

Rollins looks for a stomp and Owens escapes to look for a stunner, Owens then hits Rollins with a pop up power bomb for a near fall. Rollins recovers and he exchanges super kicks with Owens, Rollins gains control and he nails Owens with a thrust kick. Owens recovers and he nails Rollins with a stunner from out of nowhere, AOP hit the ring and Owens slaps one of them before getting jumped by both of them.

Winner: Kevin Owens, by DQ

After the match, AOP continues attacking Kevin Owens and they ram him into the ring post multiple times. AOP then lay out Owens with an elevated knee strike to the face, Seth Rollins gets up and AOP leave the ring before doing anything else. Rollins then decides to attack a downed Owens with a few stomps. 

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