
11/13/2019 AEW Dynamite Results: Tag Title Match, Wardlow Debuts & Hangman Page vs. Pac III

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts with highlights from AEW Full Gear.

– A video package airs highlighting the non-sanctioned bout between Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley at AEW Full Gear, followed by a look at the injuries Omega suffered in the match. The doctor tells Omega that he has to take a week off, while Moxley has been cleared for competition.

Jon Moxley vs. Michael Nakazawa

The match begins with Nakazawa tossing baby oil out of the ring before attacking Moxley with strikes, Moxley recovers and drops Nakazawa with a clothesline. Moxley corners Nakazawa before landing another clothesline, Nakazawa fights back and Moxley nails him with a Paradigm Shift for a three count.

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match, Jon Moxley grabs a microphone and he asks if that win counts and he tells everybody that he told everybody what would happen at AEW Full Gear. Moxley says that he has respect for Kenny Omega for having the balls to face him in a non-sanctioned match and to step in the ring with him. Moxley says he is on a pilgrimage to be the last man standing in AEW, Moxley asks who in AEW wants to test themselves and to let him know. Moxley issues a warning to whomever steps up to him before exiting the ring and heading into the crowd.

Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs. Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Marko Stunt)

The match begins with Uno tagging himself in and Stunt attacks him with strikes, Boy makes a blind tags as Stunt takes Uno down. Grayson tags in and Boy nails him with a rana followed by a drop kick, Stunt tags in and he takes Grayson down with a head scissors takedown. Boy tags in and he double teams Grayson with Stunt, Stunt tags back in and he nails the arm of Grayson with a top rope double stomp. Stunt gets Grayson in a headlock as Uno provides a distraction, Uno tags in and he kicks Stunt right in the head. Uno slams Stunt before landing a swanton bomb for a near fall, Grayson tags back in as Stunt is placed on the ring apron. Grayson then nails Stunt with a slingshot swanton bomb, Uno tags in and he nails Stunt with more chops. Grayson tags back in and he nails Stunt with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall, Stunt fights back and Grayson corners him before tagging Uno back in. Uno nails a cornered Stunt with an avalanche before tagging Grayson back in, Grayson grabs Stunt and he corners him. Uno tags back in and he double teams Stunt with Grayson for a near fall, Uno keeps Stunt down while raking his back.

Uno then nails Stunt with a fall away slam for another near fall, Stunt fights back and he nails Uno with a flat liner. Grayson interferes and Boy drops him on the arena floor, Boy tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Boy nails Uno with strike before landing a penalty kick for a near fall, Grayson hits the ring and Boy takes out both opponents. Stunt tags in and Uno takes both opponents out, Grayson tags in and he eats a double super kick. Uno comes back in and he gets double teamed as well, Stunt catches Grayson in a rana for a near fall. Uno and Grayson are dumped out of the ring before Boy goes for a suicide dive, Grayson and Uno take Boy out on the arena floor. Grayson then hits Stunt with the Nightfall, Dark Order then hit Stunt with Fatality for a three count.

Winners: Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson)

After the match, Dark Order grabs a microphone and Player Uno and he mocks Marko Stunt while saying that he can give Stunt purpose. Uno says that Stunt could be one with the Dark Order before offering him a mask, Jungle Boy intervenes before getting jumped by the creepers. Luchasaurus comes out and he makes the save for the Jurassic Express.

Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard vs. Peter Avalon w/Leva Bates vs. Darby Allin

The match begins with Avalon leaping off the top rope as Allin and Spears avoid him, Allin dumps Avalon out of the ring before getting jumped by Spears. Allin knocks Spears out of the ring with a springboard arm drag, Avalon returns and Allin drop kicks him back to the arena floor. Allin goes to the top rope and Spears shoves him off to the mat below, Spears then nails Allin with a face plant for a near fall. Spears corners Allin before choking and stomping away on him, Spears leaves the ring to drop Avalon back first on the ring apron. Joey Janela comes out and he brawls with Spears on the arena floor, Spears and Janela take their brawl into the crowd. Allin catches Avalon in a roll up before landing a stunner, Allin then hits Avalon with a Coffin drop for a three count.

Winner: Darby Allin

After the match, Darby Allin grabs a microphone and he calls out Jon Moxley to say he accepts the open challenge.

Nyla Rose vs. Dani Jordan

The match begins with Jordan attacking Rose with a few strikes before getting dropped, Rose lands a few more strikes. Rose goes for a choke slam and Jordan escapes to land a right, Rose gets angry and she hits Jordan with a clothesline followed by a hard Irish whip. Rose then nails Jordan with an avalanche followed by a Samoan drop, Rose hits Jordan with a Beast Bomb for a three count.

Winner: Nyla Rose

– The broadcast teams announce that the injured Dustin Rhodes is about three weeks away from being able to train again.

– Tony Schiavone interviews Allie, who says she came to AEW to show the world what she can do and she now wants to prove it on AEW Dynamite. The lights go out and Awesome Kong appears alongside Brandi Rhodes when they come back on, Allie goes after Kong and she is quickly laid out. Kong pulls out a knife and cuts some of Allie’s hair.

– AEW World Champion Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring, Jericho proclaims that he is still Le Champion. Jericho says he continues to prove that he is the greatest of all time, Jericho says he demands a thank you from every single member of the AEW roster and everybody else involved with the company. Jericho talks about all the people he has defeated in AEW, Jericho says that he proved that Cody was everything he said that he was. The lights go out and MJF comes out while doing Cody’s entrance, MJF wonders why the fans are upset with him. MJF says he saved Cody’s career by throwing in the towel at AEW Full Gear, MJF says Cody was the real villain the whole time. MJF says that Cody doesn’t care about the fans because he only cares about himself, MJF says he is the only person who knows the real Cody. MJF says that all Cody did was try to make him into his puppet, MJF says that Cody always wanted to keep him under his thumb. MJF proclaims himself as the new face of AEW because he is better than Cody, MJF says that Jericho wanted him to join the Inner Circle. Jericho says that he heard that MJF wanted to join the Inner Circle, MJF and Jericho continue going back and forth.

MJF says that Jericho may be drinking a bit too much to believe that MJF needs him, Jericho believes that MJF wants to be just like him. Jericho says MJF’s parents got horny while watching him wrestle, Jericho gives MJF another chance to be in the Inner Circle before they go back and forth again. They continue arguing before agreeing that Cody is the biggest ass in AEW and they embrace afterwards, Cody comes out on stage and security stops him from getting in the ring. Cody gets past them and he attacks Jericho and MJF, Wardlow comes out from the crowd and he attacks Cody. Wardlow nails Cody with a fireman’s carry throw, Wardlow takes off his tie and he chokes Cody with it before hanging him outside of the ring.

Pac vs. Hangman Page

The match begins with Pac sending a charging Page into the corner before landing an enzaguri, Pac briefly goes to the top rope before knocking Page out of the ring after landing some strikes. Pac then takes out Page with a suicide dive, Pac goes to the top rope and he nails Page with a moonsault. Pac gets Page back in the ring and he goes to the top rope before missing a shooting star press, Page corners Pac before knocking him out of the ring with a drop kick. Page then hits Pac with a suicide dive, Page gets Pac in the ring before landing a pop up power bomb for a near fall. Page and Pac have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Pac goes for a springboard move and Page counters with a boot to the upper body for a near fall. Page gets Pac up before attacking him with chops, Page places Pac on the top rope and he follows him up there. Pac fights back and he knocks Page off the ropes, Pac then cracks Page with a missile drop kick. Pac goes back to the top rope and he nails Page with a missile drop kick to the back for a near fall, Page rolls to the ring apron and Pac nails him with a few kicks.

Pac charges at Page and Page drops him back first on the ring apron, Page goes to the top rope and he nails Pac with a moonsault. Page gets Pac back in the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Page attacking Pac with forearm strikes. Page goes for a Buckshot Lariat and Pac counters with a super kick followed by a release German suplex, Page escapes a second German suplex attempt to nail Pac with a lariat. Pac and Page go back and forth until Pac nails Page with an enzaguri, Pac then rolls Page up for a near fall. Page gets up and he cracks Pac with a super kick that knocks him out of the ring, Page follows Pac out of the ring to land a brain buster on the arena floor. Page gets Pac back in the ring to land a Buckshot Lariat for a near fall, Pac fights back to hit Page with a few pump kicks. Pac continues stomping away on a downed Page before going to the top rope, Pac then hits Page with a Black Arrow before applying the Brutalizer and Page goes out cold.

Winner: Pac

– The Young Bucks and Proud N’ Powerful are shown brawling backstage and Ortiz is put through a table as Santana leaps off a crane onto a bunch of people, the brawl between both teams eventually spills into the crowd and to the ringside area. The Bucks lay out security with super kicks so they can keep brawling with Santana and Ortiz, Santana and Ortiz get their loaded socks to attack everybody with them. Ortiz traps the leg of Nick while Santana attacks it with the loaded socks, Santana and Ortiz double power bomb Matt through some staging. Brandon Cutler and Private Party come out to help The Young Bucks. 

AEW World Tag Team Championship
SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) (c) w/Christopher Daniels vs. The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara) w/Jake Hager

The match begins with Kazarian backing Jericho into the corner before letting him go free, Jericho backs Kazarian into the corner and Kazarian gets free to land some arm drags. Kazarian holds Jericho down while wrenching away on his arm, Jericho gets free and Kazarian nails him with a drop kick. Guevara tags in and Kazarian nails him with multiple arm drags, Sky tags in and he nails Guevara with a top rope axe handle smash. Sky then nails Guevara with a back breaker for a near fall, Kazarian tags in and he nails a downed Guevara with a slingshot leg drop for a near fall. Guevara fights back and he nails Kazarian with a few strikes, Kazarian recovers to double team Guevara with Sky. Jericho interferes and he gets taken out by SCU, Kazarian follows that up by nailing Guevara with a clothesline for a near fall. Jericho interferes and Kazarian knocks him to the arena floor, Jericho interferes again and trips up Kazarian so Guevara can land a standing shooting star press. 

Jericho tags in and he distracts the referee so Hager can attack Kazarian, Kazarian fights back and Jericho drops him with a knee lift. Guevara tags back in and he attacks a cornered Kazarian with a few strikes, Guevara then hits Kazarian with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Guevara misses a moonsault before nailing Kazarian with a drop kick, Guevara holds Kazarian down while applying a chin lock. Guevara releases the hold to hit Kazarian with a standing spanish fly, Guevara goes for a shooting star press and Kazarian gets out of the way. Sky tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Sky hits Guevara with a spine buster followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Guevara recovers and he nails Sky with a knee strike, Sky responds by hitting Guevara with a slingshot cutter for a near fall. Sky follows that up by getting Guevara in a dragon sleeper and Jericho breaks it up, SCU then double team Guevara until Hager interferes to take out Kazarian. Daniels interferes and Hager takes him out, Guevara then drops Sky with a hook kick before tagging Jericho in.

Sky quickly takes a charging Jericho down with a Thesz press followed by a double stomp, Sky then nails Jericho with a TKO for a near fall. Sky goes to the middle rope and he misses an elbow drop, Jericho goes for a Lionsault and Sky blocks it. Jericho then nails a leaping Sky with a code breaker for a three count. Sky shocks Jericho with a small package for a three count.

Winners: SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) w/Christopher Daniels, still the AEW World Tag Team Champions

After the match, an angry Chris Jericho destroys the ringside area.

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