
10/7/2019 WWE Raw Results: Tyson Fury Confronts Braun Strowman & A Champions Showcase Match

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– The show starts off with highlights from last weeks Raw, when Lana and Bobby Lashley made out in front of Rusev.

– We then see Randy Orton and King Corbin working over Rusev in the ring, Rusev fights them off before Bobby Lashley appears on the big screen wearing Rusev’s robe at Rusev’s house. Lashley says that he is in Rusev’s bedroom and he gets into Rusev’s bed, Lana appears next and she gets into the bed with Lashley. Lana says she owns everything now and their joint checking account is just her’s now, the video ends as Orton and Corbin laugh at Rusev. Rusev gets angry before attacking Orton and Corbin on the arena floor, Rusev grabs Corbin and throws him into the ring steps. Rusev then hits Orton with a fall away slam into the barricade, Rusev follows that up by smashing Corbin’s head onto the ring steps. Rusev grabs the ring steps to attack Orton and Corbin, Rusev then throws Orton into the ring post. Rusev also nails Corbin and Orton with Machka Kicks, Rusev angrily throws the ring steps before heading backstage.

– Lacey Evans grabs the microphone before the next match, Evans says that she is at the end of the road with Natalya and the trash is going to be taken out tonight. Evans says she will be left standing in the Last Woman Standing Match.

Last Women Standing Match
Natalya vs. Lacey Evans

The match begins with Natalya backing Evans into the corner before landing a few strikes, Natalya then drops Evans with a clothesline before throwing her out of the ring. Natalya follows Evans out of the ring before throwing her into the barricade a few times, Natalya gets Evans back in the ring and Evans immediately gets out of it. Natalya then nails a charging Evans with a back body drop on the arena floor, Natalya follows that up by nailing Evans with a suplex. Natalya gets Evans back in the ring to hit her with a spinning clothesline, Natalya gets Evans in the sharp shooter and she releases it a while later to stomp away on Evans. Evans fights back and she shoves Natalya to the mat below, Natalya beats the count and she drops Evans before kicking her in the midsection. Natalya then hits Evans with a suplex and kick to the midsection, Evans leaves the ring and she catches a drop kicking Natalya to swing her into the barricade. Natalya beats the count and Evans drops her before pretending to get a table from under the ring, Natalya beats the count and Evans throws her into the ring steps as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Evans throwing Natalya into the time keepers area, Natalya beats the count and Evans attacks her with a kendo stick. Natalya beats the count again and Evans sends her into the ring post, Natalya beats the count and Evans traps her in a chair before knocking her over. Natalya starts getting up and Evans attacks her with the kendo stick, Natalya fights back and she nails Evans with a monkey flip on the arena floor. Natalya grabs the kendo stick and she attacks Evans with it, Evans recovers and she drops Natalya. Natalya beats the count and Evans gets her back in the ring, Evans gets in the ring with a kendo stick and she attacks Natalya with it. Natalya leaves the ring and Evans nails her with a neck breaker on the arena floor, Natalya gets up and Evans nails her with a trash can. Evans climbs up the barricade and she does a moonsault onto Natalya, Natalya gets up and Evans drags her up the entrance ramp before nailing her with a suplex. Evans picks up Natalya and she throws Natalya into the LED screens by the entrance, Evans then throws Natalya into the announce table.

Evans clears the announce table and then she gets Natalya on it, Evans follows that up by nailing Natalya with a suplex on the announce table. Natalya beats the count and Evans throws her into the LED screen again, Evans looks for another supex and Natalya nails her with one on the entrance ramp. Natalya power bombs Evans off the entrance ramp and through a table, Evans doesn’t beat the count and the match ends.

Winner: Natalya

Tyson Fury and his family are shown backstage.

– Aleister Black appears and he talks about the competition and tradition on WWE Raw, Black says he requires to be in battle. Black says he is as unforgiving as fire and is cold as death, Black challenges anybody to knock on his door.

– The Street profits are backstage and they talk about what we have seen on Raw, they also talk about the upcoming WWE Draft. The Street Profit then do some scouting reports for various WWE stars, then they talk about Tyson Fury appearing tonight.

– Charly Caruso interviews Tyson Fury, who says that he wasn’t provoking Braun Strowman on WWE Smackdown. Fury says that it was Strowman who provoked him and he wants an apology.

Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode vs. The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

The match begins with Erik briefly getting Ziggler in the ropes, Erik trips up Ziggler and both get back up. Erik backs Ziggler into the ropes and Ziggler attacks him with a few strikes afterwards, Erik gets free and he slams Ziggler. Ivar tags in and Erik slams him onto a downed Ziggler, Roode tags in and Ivar takes him down. Ivar looks for a slam and Roode gets free to nail him with a chop block, Roode then attacks Ivar with a plethora of strikes. Ivar gets angry and he drops Roode with a shoulder tackle, Erik tags in and he double teams Roode with Ivar. Erik picks up Roode and he slams him onto a cornered Roode, Roode and Ziggler leave the ring before getting attacked by their opponents. Erik gets Roode in the ring and he wrenches away on his arm, Roode gets free and he attacks Erik with a few strikes. Erik recovers and he levels Roode with a knee strike, Ziggler drags Roode out of the ring to give him a rest. Roode gets back in the ring and Erik nails him with an overhead release suplex, Erik knocks Roode back out of the ring as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Erik attacking Roode with more strikes, Roode fights back and he nails Erik with a knee strike. Roode gets Erik to the ring apron and Ziggler trips him up to knock him to the arena floor, Roode then throws Erik into the barricade. Ziggler follows up with a DDT on the arena floor before getting Erik back in the ring, Roode mounts Erik and attacks him with strikes. Ziggler tags in and he works with Roode to hit Erik with a wishbone, Ziggler holds Erik down while applying a modified chin lock. Erik gets free and Ziggler nails him with a neck breaker for a near fall, Roode tags in and he stomps away on a downed Erik. Roode then nails Erik with a suplex for a near fall, Roode keeps Erik down by holding him in a chin lock. Ziggler tags in and Erik takes them both out a short time later, Ivar tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Ziggler recovers and he nails Ivar with a fame asser for a near fall, Ivar blocks a super kick to nail Ziggler with a leg lariat. Erik tags in and he double teams Ziggler with Ivar for a near fall, Roode interferes and he gets tosses out of the ring alongside Ivar. Erik misses a charge in the corner and Ziggler rolls him up for a near fall, Roode tags in and Erik fights back against both opponents.

Roode and Ziggler nail Erik with a spine buster Zig Zag for another near fall, Roode looks for a Glorious DDT and Erik counters with a forearm strike. Ziggler tags in and Ivar gets a tag a few moments later, The Viking Raiders hit Ziggler with The Viking Experience for a three count.

Winners: The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

– Aleister Black is shown again and he says he will head to the ring to see who wants to pick a fight with him.

– The Singh Brothers (Sunil & Samir) are in the ring and they call themselves 205 Live’s greatest tag team, they say that they are going to make a statement tonight to prove they should be the top draft picks in the WWE Draft. The Singh Brothers then challenge Aleister Black to a match.

Aleister Black vs. The Singh Brothers (Sunil & Samir)

The match begins with Black dropping one of the Singh Brothers with a Black Mass, Black then levels the other brother with a jumping knee strike. Black gets jumped from behind and he kicks the Singh Brother in the head again, Black gets the other Singh Brother in a modified dragon sleeper and a tap out follows.

Winner: Aleister Black

– Highlights are shown from the Smackdown debut on Fox.

– Braun Strowman is shown talking to somebody backstage.

– Charly Caruso interviews Braun Strowman, who says he was just having some fun with Tyson Fury on WWE Smackdown. Strowman says that he throws a mean punch and if Fury asks nicely, then he may get the apology or these hands.

– Highlights are shown of Brock Lesnar winning the WWE Championship last week on Smackdown, followed by the WWE debut of Cain Velasquez.

– Charly Caruso interviews Rey Mysterio, who thanks the fans and superstars for supporting him and his son after Brock Lesnar’s violent attack last week on WWE Raw. Mysterio talks about how hard it was to watch Lesnar attack his son, Mysterio says that he feels that he has let his family down. Mysterio says Cain Velasquez visited Dominick in the hospital, Mysterio says that Velasquez will avenge what happened to him and his son.

– The AOP cut another promo talking about their past and that they have the will to bring the violence to the WWE.

The OC (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. The Lucha House Party (Kalisto, Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik)

The match begins with Styles backing Kalisto into the corner before letting him go free, Kalisto trips up Styles afterwards before landing a few kicks. Kalisto then hits Styles with arm drags and drop kicks, Anderson tags in and Kalisto drops him before tagging Dorado in. Dorado takes Anderson down before wrenching away on his arm, Anderson gets free and he attacks Dorado with a few kicks. Dorado recovers and he attacks Anderson with a springboard rana, Metalik tags in and he nails Anderson with an assisted splash for a near fall. Metalik holds Anderson down while applying a chin lock, Anderson backs Metalik into the corner before tagging Gallows in. Gallows keeps Metalik cornered while landing a bunch of strikes, Anderson tags back in and he slams Metalik before landing an elbow drop for a near fall. Metalik fights back and he drops both Anderson and Styles with ranas, Gallows interferes and he gets taken out by the opposition. The Lucha House Party attack The OC with stereo moonsaults to the arena floor as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Anderson holding Dorado in a chin lock.

Dorado gets free and Anderson nails him with a spine buster for a near fall, Anderson traps Dorado in the corner while landing a few strikes. Anderson gets Dorado on the top rope and he follows him up there, Dorado fights back and he knocks Anderson off the ropes. Dorado then hits Anderson with a top rope cross body block, Styles tags in and Kalisto gets the tag a short time later. Kalisto quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Kalisto nails Styles with a rana for a near fall. Metalik then hits Anderson with a springboard drop kick, Kalisto then sends a charging Gallows out of the ring. Kalisto goes for his finisher and Styles counters with an overhead kick, Styles hits Kalisto with a Phenomenal Forearm for a three count.

Winners: The OC (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

After the match, The OC attack The Lucha House Party some more.

– Highlights are shown from the Becky Lynch/Sasha Banks match at WWE Hell In A Cell.

– The Miz makes his way to the ring for another edition of Miz TV, with tonight’s guests being Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair. Lynch makes her way to the ring first and Flair comes down next, Miz congratulates both of their wins at WWE Hell In A Cell. Miz talks about all of the accomplishments by Lynch, Lynch admits that she is banged up after WWE Hell In A Cell. Miz then talks about Flair winning her tenth WWE women’s championship, Miz talks about how the WWE Draft could change things up for both champions in the next week. Lynch says she would like revenge on Asuka for beating her this year at the WWE Royal Rumble event, Lynch and Flair start taking some shots at each other before getting interrupted by the Kabuki Warriors. Asuka says some stuff in Japanese and Kairi Sane soon joins in, Lynch says they can have the match right now and a brawl between both teams erupts in the ring.

Champions Showcase
Charlotte Flair (Smackdown Women’s Champion) & Becky Lynch (Raw Women’s Champion) vs. The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane) (WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

The match begins with Asuka getting Lynch in a headlock, Lynch gets free and Asuka drops her with a shoulder tackle. Asuka backs Lynch into the corner before slapping her, Lynch gets angry and she attacks Asuka with a ton of strikes. Lynch then nails Asuka with a few kicks before getting sent to the ring apron, Asuka attacks a distracted Lynch with a hip attack to knock her to the arena floor. Asuka goes out of the ring and she gets Lynch back in it, Sane tags in and she double teams Lynch alongside Asuka. Sane follows that up by nailing Lynch with a double stomp for a near fall, Lynch fights back and Sane responds with strikes of her own. Sane goes to the middle rope and she misses the clothesline attempt, Lynch recovers and drops Sane with a leg lariat. Asuka and Flair are tagged in by their respective partners, Flair takes over by attacking Asuka with chops. Flair then hits a swinging Asuka with a back suplex, Flair misses a charge in the corner before still managing to hit Asuka with a Natural Selection. Asuka rolls out of the ring and Flair goes to the top rope to hit both opponents with a top rope moonsault, Flair gets Asuka back in the ring and Sane prevents a Figure Eight attempt.

Asuka rolls out of the ring and she kicks Flair during a dive attempt as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Sane working over Flair. Sane goes to the top rope and Flair catches her as she leaps off, Flair then hits Sane with an exploder suplex. Lynch tags in and she cleans house against the opposing team, Lynch goes to the top rope and she hits Asuka with a missile drop kick. Sane then nails Lynch with a spinning back fist, Sane goes to the top rope and Lynch gets up to nail her with strikes. Lynch then throws Sane off the top rope before landing a guillotine leg drop for a near fall, Flair gets in the ring and she attacks Asuka. Sane then hits Flair with a chop block before rolling up Lynch for a near fall, Lynch gets Sane in the Disarmer and Asuka sprays Lynch with the mist. Sane rolls up the misted Lynch for a three count.

Winners: The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane) (WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

After the match, Charlotte Flair attacks The Kabuki Warriors until The Kabuki Warriors take over, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross come out to attack The Kabuki Warriors.

– Charly Caruso interviews Apollo Crews, who says that he and Ricochet have a long history together, Crews says the WWE Draft is his opportunity.

– The Viking Raiders speak to address Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode, they say that they will win the Raw Tag Team Titles next week.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Ricochet, who says tonight could be his final Raw appearance after the WWE Draft and he says the match tonight with Apollo Crews isn’t personal.

Ricochet vs. Apollo Crews

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Crews and Ricochet, Crews takes Ricochet down and Ricochet gets back up. Ricochet takes Crews down with an arm drag, Crews gets free and Ricochet tries getting him back down with a head scissors takedown. Crews responds by knocking Ricochet out of the ring with a shoulder tackle, both fail at dive attempts before getting back in the ring. Crews nails Ricochet with a drop kick for a near fall, Crews follows that up by nailing Ricochet with a delayed vertical suplex. Ricochet fights back and he kicks Crews in the face before landing a springboard clothesline, Ricochet then hits Crews with a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Ricochet goes to the top rope and Crews avoids his leap off, Crews hits Ricochet with an enzaguri and standing moonsault for a near fall. Crews gets Ricochet up and Ricochet escapes to land the Recoil for a three count.

Winner: Ricochet

– Highlights are shown from the Seth Rollins/Bray Wyatt match at WWE Hell In A Cell.

– Tyson Fury is shown backstage shaking hands with various WWE stars.

– Jerry Lawler is in the ring that is surrounded by security and he brings out Tyson Fury, Fury says he was minding his own business at WWE Smackdown and Bruan Strowman made him look like a fool. Fury demands an apology and Braun Strowman interrupts by making his way to the ring, Strowman says he was just trying to have some fun with him on Smackdown. Strowman didn’t like the way Fury looked at him at Smackdown and that made him angry, Strowman says that he will eat Fury for lunch. Fury says he would’ve knocked Strowman out if security didn’t get involved last week, Strowman insults Fury and Fury questions how many titles that Strowman has won. The two come face to face and a brawl breaks out, which is quickly broken up by security. Fury briefly breaks through security to get after Strowman, Fury drops most of the security and  dStrowmanoes the same thing. Strowman gets back in the ring and another brawl breaks out until various WWE stars come out to separate them, Strowman gets free and he goes after Fury. Fury gets free as well and another brief brawl breaks out with Strowman, both Strowman and Fury keep trying to get after each other before finally getting separated. 

– Charly Caruso interviews Braun Strowman backstage, Strowman says Tyson Fury will get these hands and promises to get revenge on Fury. Strowman goes back to the ring and he has another pull apart with Fury as the show ends. 

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