WATCH: Evolve Mini-Doc: Catch Point Explodes!
At EVOLVE 39, Drew Gulak opened the event by discussing a wrestling philosophy that is now known as Catch Point . Drew Gulak, along with Tracy Williams, Fred Yehi and Matt Riddle, have continued to believe in this philosophy patterning their in-ring styles and direction in EVOLVE based on it; however, when Drew Gulak lost the Squared Circle of Survival EVOLVE Championship Match to Timothy Thatcher at EVOLVE 72, he said that Catch Point was a failure. Tracy Williams took exception to this statement countering that he and Fred Yehi winning the EVOLVE Tag Team Championship at EVOLVE 73 shows that Catch Point is alive and well. We hope that you enjoy this EVOLVE Mini-Doc by Documentarian Kenny Johnson featuring candid interviews with Drew Gulak and Tracy Williams culminating in the challenge to a match between the two at EVOLVE 75.