
Shane McMahon Kayfabed Pete Gas About His Return

Two time WWE Hardcore champion Pete Gas says Shane McMahon is not always up front about the goings-on at WWE.

Gas was interviewed by Main Event Radio and spoke about his current relationship with life-long friend McMahon.

“I actually called Shane the day he returned to WWE to catch up with him. He was delivering a guitar to his son’s school. Didn’t think much of it, got off the phone with him and about 4 hours later he’s on the first segment of Monday Night Raw. I called him and told him he kayfabed me and we had a good laugh about it. He told me that he didn’t kayfabe me; that he just didn’t tell me where he was going next,I didn’t ask him. He and I live our lives by the kayfabe, but he’s annoying about it. It’s been like that since we were kids. It just never ends with him” said Gas.

Gas and The Mean Street Posse left WWE in 2001, but he would appear on WWE television in 2007. He also talked about the possibility of coming back to WWE again.

“I highly doubt that. I’m 46 years old. I’m in better shape now than when I first started wrestling. I don’t see it happening but you never say never in this business. When I got let go, I went to his office a couple of days later. I thanked him for the best 3 years of my life and I told him if he ever needed me back he wouldn’t even have to ask; that the answer is yes. There are a lot of great young talents right now so they don’t need me but if they call me I’ll be there. For the 15th anniversary of Raw, I had 8 tickets that were given to me by Shane to sit in the crowd with my softball buddies. I wasn’t in ring shape back then and he calls the day of the show and says ‘You wanna work?’ So anything can happen with Shane” said Gas.

Gas has appeared recently on the WWE network in three episodes of The Edge and Christian Show. Gas currently works for W.B. Mason selling office supplies.

411mania.com has more of the interview transcribed.

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