
WWE SmackDown Results (7/8/2022): Maximum Male Models Tennis Collection, Roman Reigns Returns + More

Results for 7/8/2022 edition of SmackDown live on FOX.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 7/8/2023edition of SmackDown on FOX. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– There was a video package highlighting the proceedings of WWE Money In The Bank 2022, including Theory losing the United States Championship and winning the Money In The Bank Ladder Match to become Mr. MITB (full results for the show here).

– Michael Cole and Corey Graves (filling in for Pat McAfee) welcomed the audience to the broadcast, airing live from Forth Worth, Texas. 

– Kicking off the show, Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions The Usos & Paul Heyman made their way to the ring to cut a promo. Theory was stalking Reigns before the commercial break. Reigns asked Forth Worth to acknowledge him, to which the audience obliged, saying that business picks up when he is around. Reigns recalled how his day went before saying that Heyman looking concerned ruined his mood. Heyman, trembling with nervousness, said that he loves Reigns and The Usos but that they had a problem named Brock Lesnar. Heyman called him the GOAT but emphasized that when Lesnar is cornered, he is at his most dangerous. Heyman said that he was scared because we would now need Reigns to go savage, saying that he needs to become the most diabolical version of himself on SummerSlam. The crowd stood to their feet from Heyman’s passionate promo before Heyman kneeled to Reigns. Mr. Money In The Bank, Theory made his way to the ring and ran around the ringside area, reminding Reigns who may spoil the party on SummerSlam.

The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs Jinder Mahal & Shanky.

Shanky teased Mahal with the dancing. Mahal, unamused, tagged Shanky off the match. Ivar and Erick launched strikes on Mahal before Erik got Mahal in an arm-lock. Shanky was dancing ringside, which cost Mahal the chance to tag in. Erik hit a forearm strike on Shanky, sending him off the apron. The Viking Raiders with a Double-Powerbomb on Mahal for the pinfall win.

Winners; The Viking Raiders (Erick & Ivar).

– The New Day (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston) came to the ramp to cut a promo, saying that their butts were still there meaning that The Viking Raiders did not do their job correctly. The New Day revealed they had “Ass Beating Tickers” for The Viking Raiders before running to the ring. They got their ass beat, with Erik hitting a spine buster on Kofi and a knee strike on Woods. Ivar hit a Super Powerslam on Kofi before walking out of the ring.

– There was a video package from WWE Money In The Bank 2022 that showed Happy Corbin attacking Pat McAfee. Corbin took over as color commentator after the video.

– Ludwig Kaiser and WWE Intercontinental Champion Gunther cut a promo in the ring, with Kaiser that no one in the locker room and attendance deserved to see Gunther compete. Gunther said that anyone who invites an open challenge is a fool, correctly stating that anyone who wants to fight for the title should deserve it. Shinsuke Nakamura came to the ring, all while Happy Corbin and Corey Graves danced to his music. Nakamura said that Gunther could keep the title for now before challenging Ludwig Kaiser to a match. Kaiser accepted.

Ludwig Kaiser (w/ Gunther) vs Shinsuke Nakamura.

Nakamura and Kaiser exchanged strikes before the commercial break. Back from the commercial break. Kaiser went for a Fireman’s Carry, but Nakamura hit a leaping kick. Nakamura hit a kick on Kaiser’s chest before hitting an enziguri kick on Kaiser. Nakamura hit a running knee on Kaiser’s abdomen for a near fall. Kaiser hit an enziguri kick n Nakamura before hitting a double-under hook suplex on Nakamura. Nakamura hit a spinning kick on Kaiser before laying the Kinshasa on Kaiser for the pinfall win. Gunther told Kaiser to stand up after the match in German before hitting him with three vicious chops to the chest while some members of the crowd chanted “WALTER”. 

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura.

– There was a video highlighting the trials and tribulations of Liv Morgan from Money In The Bank 2022, who won the Money In The Bank briefcase and the SmackDown Women’s Championship off Ronda Rousey.

– Michael Cole interviewed the newly crowned SmackDown Women’s Champion Liv Morgan, who was serenaded with “You deserve it” chants from the crowd. Cole asked Morgan if a title defense was coming for SummerSlam 2022, to which Morgan said “bring it”, continuing to say that she was going to get better. Getting emotional, Morgan told Cole that the title meant everything to her because she thought she would never be here, quoting John Cena by telling them to “Never Give Up”. Natalya interrupted the promo by saying that she can dream for Morgan to shut up, saying that she was the reason Morgan was the SmackDown Women’s Champion. Ronda Rousey came to the ring to interrupt Natalya and congratulate Morgan. Rousey told Morgan to savor the moment because it is a lot easier to challenge for the title than it is to defend it. Natalya attacked Rousey before Morgan tossed her out of the ring.

Natalya vs Ronda Rousey

Rousey and Natalya locked up with Rousey leg-sweeping Natalya. Rousey hit elbow strikes on Natalya’s left leg. Outside of the ring, Rousey slammed Natalya’s knee on the apron. Natalya rolled out of the ring, but Rousey kicked her in the back of the leg before hitting Natalya with Piper’s Pit on the apron. Rousey got Natalya in an ankle lock on the apron. Back in the ring, Rousey got Natalya with another ankle lock, which she transitioned with a Fisherman’s Suplex. Rousey got Natalya in a third Ankle Lock to make Natalya tap out. Rousey won the match via submission,

Winner: Ronda Rousey.

– Drew McIntyre was interviewed by Megan Morant, saying that he was coming for whoever gets the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. McIntyre said that he did not care about whoever is with Sheamus in the main event, he was going to count to three for the Claymore. 

Maximum Male Models Tennis Sportswear Collection Walkway.

After the success of the debut of Maximum Male Models, Max Dupri was in the ring to introduce a captivating treat to introduce the Tennis Collection. Maçé was the first person to join the walkway, wearing a University Blue and a combination of white shoes and shorts. Dupri pointed out the 20-inch muscles of Maçé. Dupri introduced Månsôör, who induced the scents of the game. Månsôör̃ wore a white shirt with blue sleeves with white shorts. Dupri said that only the most penetrating looks can represent Maximus Male Models. Dupri revealed that the brand had a website (you can check it out here). Dupri closed the segment by saying Maximum Male Models was here to “Tiltilate The Juices Of Your Guilty Pleasures”. ̃

– Kayla Braxton interviewed Mr. MITB, Theory. Theory said that he would become a two-time WWE United States Champion and said that he would also walk out as the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion. Madcap Moss came to the scene, teasing a possible feud between him and Theory.

Lacey Evans did her entrance thrice for her with Aliyah against Shayna Baszler & Shotzi. After getting a mild response from the crowd before the match. Evans got a microphone, to which the crowd reacted with loud boos. Evans said she was disgusted with the reaction from the crowd. She told the crowd that they were jealous because they cannot be half the person she is. Evans said, as far as she was concerned everyone in the crowd can go to hell. Evans hit a Woman’s Right on Aliyah before leaving the ring, canceling the scheduled match. 

The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) vs. Los Lotharios (Angel & Humberto).

Humberto got Jimmy in a wrist lock before tossing Jimmy into Angel’s kick. Humberto and Angel hit a double kick on Jey Uso. Angel took his pants off before tossing them to Jey’s head. Humberto hit an arm-drag on Jimmy. The Usos hit a pop-up Samoan Drop on Humberto. Jimmy hit a super kick on Angel outside the ring. Humberto went for a Spanish Fly, but Jey evaded and hit a super kick on Humberto. The Usos hit 1D on Humberto for Jimmy Uso to get the pinfall win. 

Winners: The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso)

– Kayla Braxton interviewed The Usos after the match, asking them if they got away with cheating. Jimmy Uso said that if beating The Street Profits in the middle of the ring was cheating, then they sure as hell did cheat. Braxton revealed that there will be a special guest referee for the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championship Rematch on SummerSlam 2022. 

– SMackDown Women’s Champion Liv Morgan vs Natalya & Madcap Moss vs Theory are matches scheduled for the 7/15/2022 edition of SmackDown.

– Sheamus cut a promo before the match, which he stumbled himself with a serious cough. Sheamus said that it could be the COVIDs, saying that he cannot compete. Sheamus revealed that Butch would be the replacement. 

Drew McIntyre vs Butch (w/ Sheamus & Ridge Holland).

Butch launched forearm strikes on McIntyre, but McIntyre hit a belly-To-Belly suplex on Butch. Butch hit a top rope pump kick on McIntyre. Butch got McIntyre in an arm-lock/ guillotine choke, but McIntyre reversed it with a Belly to Belly Suplex.  Ridge Holland distracted McIntyre, which Butch took advantage by hitting an enziguri kick on McIntyre. McIntyre hit Butch with a neck breaker. McIntyre hit the Claymore kick on Sheamus for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Drew McIntyre

– McIntyre hit a Future Shock DDT on Holland before getting his sword and slicing the top rope. McIntyre stood tall to end the show.


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