
AEW Rampage Results (7/8/2022): Kingston vs Takeshita, Orange Cassidy, Jonathan Gresham In Action + More

Results for the 7/8/2022 edition of AEW Rampage, live from Rochester, New York.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 7/8/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card

– Konosuke Takeshita vs Eddie Kingston.

– Jonathan Gresham & Lee Moriarty vs Gates of Agony.

– Serena Deeb & Mercedes Martinez In Tag Team Action.

– Orange Cassidy vs Tony Nese (w/ Mark Sterling).

Live Coverage

– Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone welcomed the audience to the broadcast, quickly transitioning into the opening match between Konosuke Takeshita and “The Mad King” Eddie Kingston.

Konosuke Takeshita vs Eddie Kingston

Takeshita and Kingston locked uwhichat ended in a stale mate. Kingston got two headlocks, but Takeshita broke the holds with two consecutive leg-scissors locks. Kingston and Takeshita got in Greccoco-roman lock up before Kingston got Takeshita in a back-stretch. Takeshita rolled out of it and got Kingston in a back-stretch of his own. Kingston rolled out of the move again before Takeshita and Kingston leaned into the ropes. Takeshita hit a forearm strike on Kingston’s abdomen, but Kingston got him with a gut-wrench suplex. Kingston and Takeshita exchanged strikes in the middle of the ring before Kingston hit the machine gun chops on Takeshita. Takeshita hit Machine Gun Elbow strikes on Kingston, to which Kingston responded with a headbutt. Kingston got Takeshita in a headlock before hitting him with a chop. Takeshita hit a lightning-quick lariat on Kingston. Kingston hit a corner lariat, to which Takeshita responded with a leaping lariat and a blue Thunderbomb for a near fall. Takeshita got Kingston in a waist lock, but Kingston broke the hold with back-elbow strikes. Kingston hit a Saito Suplex on Takeshita, but Takeshita responded with a German Suplex. Kingston hit an enziguri kick on Takeshita, but Takeshita responded with a running knee for the delayed near fall. On the apron, Takeshita and Kingston exchanged elbow strikes and chops. Kingston tried to hit an exploder suplex, but Takeshita hit a German Suplex on Kingston onto the apron. Takeshita tried to hit a German Suplex outside of the ring, but Kingston escaped the hold and hit Takeshita with an Exploder Suplex onto the floor outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Takeshita and Kingston exchanged strikes before Kingston hit a lariat on Takeshita for a 1-count kick out, to which Kingston furiously responded with a Liger Bomb for a near fall. Takeshita hit three rolling elbows before hitting a brainbuster for a near fall. Kingston and Takeshita exchanged strikes before Kingston collapsed on Takeshita. Kingston hit a half-and-half suplex on Takeshita, but Takeshita jumped back up and went for a jumping knee. Kingston hit a back-fist before Takeshita hit a knee-strike, but Kingston responded with a second back fist on Takeshita for the pinfall win.

Winner: Eddie Kingston.

– Kris Statlander and Athena cut a promo vignette backstage where they slandered TBS Champion Jade Cargill for evading them.

– There was a video vignette highlighting Hook.

Jonathan Gresham & Lee Moriarty vs Gates of Agony (Toa Liona & Kaun) (w/ Tully Blanchard).

Liona and Kaun attacked Gresham and Moriarty, with Kaun hitting a senton on Moriarty for a near fall. Liona hit a shoulder tackle on Moriarty. Liona choked Moriarty on the middle rope before tagging in Kaun. Liona hit a big boot before Kaun hit a spring rope Swanton bomb on Moriarty for a near fall. Moriarty went for the tag, but Gresham got distracted by Blanchard, with Liona hitting a Samoan Drop on Moriarty for a near fall. Liona got Moriarty in a nerve hold before hitting a Toss German Suplex. Kaun tagged in and hit a snap suplex on Moriarty for a near fall. Liona and Kaun launched strikes on Moriarty before Liona hit a running back elbow on Moriarty. Liona hit a double-sledge strike on Moriarty. Liona got Moriarty in a wrist lock, which Moriarty broke by hitting two elbow strikes on Liona. Moriarty hit a dropkick on Kaun and low-bridged Liona out of the ring. Moriarty went for the tag to Gresham, but Gresham moved his hand before walking out of the match. While Moriarty was trying to survive the onslaught of Gates of Agony, Gresham hugged Tully Blanchard on the ramp. Liona hit a lariat on Moriarty, which Kaun took advantage of with a pop-up rib breaker on Moriarty for the pinfall win.

Winner: Gates of Agony (Toa Liona & Kaun) (w/ Tully Blanchard).

– Eddie Kingston cut a promo backstage challenging Chris Jericho t a match with barbed wire everywhere. Kingston said that when he makes Chris Jericho bleed, the last drop of blood would be dedicated to Ruby Soho.

Mercedes Martinez & Serena Deeb vs. Kayla Sparks & Christina Marie

Deeb hit an elbow strike and a gut-wrench suplex on Marie. Deeb hit a running lariat on Marie before slamming the back of her head on the corner. Deeb catapulted Marie on the bottom rope. Martinez tagged in and hit a sliding knee strike on Marie. Deeb and Martinez hit a Camel Clutch/running kick combination on Marie. Martinez hit the Execution Forearm before Deeb took advantage to lock in Marie in the Serenity Lock for the submission win. Deeb maintained the hold for too long, which Martinez took offense to and pushed Deeb off the hold. Deeb hit a lariat on Martinez before locking her partner in the Serenety Lock.

Winners: Mercedes Martinez & Serena Deeb.

– Tony Schiavone interviewed Tully Blanchard & ROH Champion Jonathan Gresham, who revealed that he signed a contract with AEW back in March (as originally reported by Fightful Select). Gresham revealed that Blanchard’s plan was too good to turn down before he and Blanchard shook hands.

– Mark Henry interviewed Tony Nese and Orange Cassidy, with Mark Sterling that if Nese wins the match, Cassidy would have to sign the contract to remove Swerve from the AEW Roster. Cassidy said he did not care.

– Serena Deeb v. Anna Jay, Lucha Bros vs & Jonathan Gresham vs. Lee Moriarty for the ROH Championship announced for AEW Fyter Fest Week One, while Eddie Kingston vs. Chris Jericho in a Barbed Wire Death Match was announced for AEW Fyter Fest Week Two.

– Matt Sydal was interviewed backstage by Lexy Nair, saying that what Gresham did to Moriarty was dishonorable.

Orange Cassidy (w/ Danhausen, Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor) vs Tony Nese (w/ Mark Sterling).

The match began with Nese charging in, but Cassidy rolled under Nese. Nese got Cassidy in a side headlock before hitting a side headlock on Cassidy. Nese went for two leg drops, but Cassidy roll out of the move. Cassidy hit a shotgun dropkick on Nese before doing a kick-up. Nese hit a running back elbow on Cassidy. Cassidy got a roll-up, followed by a backslide before getting Nese in an arm drag/ crucifix pin for a near fall. Cassidy went to the top rope, but Nese hit a Hammer Uppercut before hitting a Gut Buster on Cassidy for a near fall. Nese tossed Cassidy out of the ring before Sterling stomped down Cassidy outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Nese hit Cassidy with an Irish Whip into the turnbuckle. Nese went for a suplex on Cassidy from the apron to the ring, but Cassidy lifted him up twice. Cassidy went for a Sunset flip, but Nese held on to the middle rope before kicking Cassidy in the head. Nese went for a Moonsault Press on Cassidy, but Cassidy rolled out of the way to make Nese hit the mat. Nese hit a short Jab on Cassidy before hitting a whiplash on Cassidy into the top rope. Nese hit the Moonsault Press on Cassidy for a near fall, quickly transitioning into the body scissors. Nese it another Irish Whip on Cassidy into the corner. Nese went for a third Irish Whip, but Cassidy went over the top rope to stop the hit. Cassidy went for a Head-Scissors DDT, but Nese caught him and hit a Northern Lights Suplex on Cassidy for a near fall. Nese hit Cassidy with a series of punches before placing him on the top rope. Nese tried to hit Cassidy with a Super-plex, but Cassidy hit a series of punches to drop Nese onto the mat. Sterling got on the apron to distract Sterling, but Danhausen dropped Sterling off the apron. Cassidy hit a cross body, a flipping stunner, and a Michinoku Driver on Nese for a near fall. Cassidy went for the Orange Punch, but Nese hit two punches and a German Suplex for a near fall, to which Nese quickly reacted with a spinning heel kick on Cassidy for a near fall. Cassidy went for a Pump handle Driver, but Cassidy reversed it with two Scissors DDTs on Nese. Cassidy hit a Diving DDT on Nese from the top rope for a near fall. Sterling got on the apron, but Cassidy hit the Cassidy kicks. Sterling pretended to be injured, which led to Nese hitting the Pump Handle Gonzo bomb on Cassidy for a near fall. Nese went for the running knee, but Cassidy evaded the move and causing Nese to hit the bottom turnbuckle. Sterling tried to attack Cassidy from behind, but Danhausen punched Sterling in the groin. Danhausen cursed Nese before Cassidy hit Nese with the Orange Punch for the pinfall win. Cassidy and Danhausen posed for the hard camera to end the show.

Winner: Orange Cassidy (w/ Danhausen, Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor).

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