
AEW Rampage Results (6/24): Andrade El Idolo Faces Rey Fenix, HOOK In-Action, More

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Rampage (6/24/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.


  • Andrade El Idolo vs. Rey Fenix
  • Mercedes Martinez & Serena Deeb vs. TBA
  • Cash Wheeler vs. Jeff Cobb
  • HOOK vs. The DKC

Live Coverage

 The show begins and our commentary team of Excalibur, Taz and Chris Jericho welcome us to tonight’s show and it’s time for our opening contest of the evening.

Andrade El Idolo (with Jose The Assistant) vs. Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes)

Andrade with an arm drag then applies an armbar to start. Fenix slides himself to the ropes and shoves himself off and tries to kick Andrade on the way up but Andrade evades and both men separate. Fenix lands a hurricanrana, Andrade returns fire with one of his own, Fenix rushes Andrade but Andrade cracks him with a super kick. Andrade sends Fenix into the ropes, Fenix spins himself through the middle rope and clocks Andrade with a spinning back kick.

Fenix goes for a suplex but Andrade flips out of it and hits Three Amigos on Fenix but during the third suplex, Fenix slides out and hits his own Three Amigos on Andrade. Fenix goes up top, Andrade rolls out of the ring but Fenix dives down and hits a splash onto him anyway. Fenix tosses Andrade back into the ring and goes back up top but this time, Andrade moves out of the way of Fenix’s diving attempt but Fenix plants Andrade with a German suplex and goes for the cover but Andrade kicks out. Fenix goes back up top, Andrade shoves him out of the ring and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Andrade puts Fenix in the corner and goes for a super kick but Fenix drills him with a kick of his own then nails him with a double stomp then goes for a cutter but Andrade shoves him aside. Fenix springboards off the top rope and cracks Andrade with a missile drop kick then a pop-up cutter and goes for the cover but Andrade lifts the shoulders after a two-count. Fenix goes up top and goes for a splash but Andrade gets the knees up and rolls Fenix up but Fenix kicks out. Both competitors struggle to their feet and then start unloading strikes on one another. 

Andrade gets the better of the exchange and lands a massive chop to Fenix’s chest. Fenix shoves Andrade back and walks the top rope but Andrade trips him down and to the outside. Andrade follows Fenix out of the ring and launches him into the ring post and then the apron where he goes for running double knees but Fenix ducks and Andrade goes flying into the ring post and falls to the floor. Fenix goes up top and drills Andrade with a diving double stomp to the back and we head to another commercial break.

Back from the break and both men are slugging it out on the top turnbuckle. Fenix hits a diving Spanish Fly and goes for the cover but Jose puts Andrade’s foot on the bottom rope to force the break. Jose hands his tablet to Andrade but referee Aubrey Edwards sees it and tosses the tablet away. Andrade takes Fenix’s eyes and cracks him with a drop kick but Fenix comes right back and sends Andrade to the corner with a kick and Andrade falls to the outside. Fenix nails Andrade with a dive over the top rope and to the outside and Jose and Abrahantes are arguing in the ring. Rush comes out of nowhere and hits a low blow on Fenix and tosses Fenix back into the ring and Andrade plants Fenix with his patented DDT for the 1-2-3!

Winner – Andrade El Idolo

 After the match, Andrade and Rush pose in the ring and Rush takes off Fenix’s mask. Penta Oscuro rushes the ring with his shovel in-hand and Andrade and Rush retreat.

 We then see Eddie Kingston backstage. Kingston says while he’s excited for Forbidden Door, he has his eyes set on Blood & Guts and he won’t stop until he tastes Chris Jericho’s blood because he’s always wanted to ‘know how coward’s blood tastes’.

 Chris Jericho’s then shown on commentary and he says he’s disgusted by Kingston’s comments and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break, Ring Of Honor Women’s Champion, Mercedes Martinez and Serena Deeb make their way down to the ring and it’s time for our next matchup.

Mercedes Martinez & Serena Deeb vs. Sierra & Laynie Luck

Deeb and Sierra start this one off. Deeb drills Sierra with a thunderous chop to the chest then applies an armlock before making the tag to Martinez. Sierra makes the tag to Luck and Luck rolls up Martinez but Martinez kicks out and plants her with a spinebuster. Martinez stops an attacking Sierra and plants her with a choke slam on top of Luck and Martinez makes the tag to Deeb. Martinez and Deeb double team Sierra, then do the same to Luck and they apply simultaneous submissions to get both of their opponents to tap!

Winners – Mercedes Martinez & Serena Deeb

 After the match, Martinez and Deeb get into it briefly but they back off and they exit.

— We then see Tully Blanchard, backstage. Tully hypes up his new group and says they’re putting the AEW locker room on notice before heading to a commercial break.

Back from the break and 

 Lexy Nair is backstage with Ring of Honor World Champion, Jonathan Gresham, who’s with Lee Moriarty. Tully Blanchard comes in and Gresham proposes he and Moriarty against Tully’s new group and Tully accepts.

— Back at the ringside area, it’s time for our next matchup.

HOOK vs. The DKC

HOOK trips DKC to the mat to start. HOOK tosses DKC to the corner and unloads a bevy of strikes. HOOK lights DKC up with some chops to the chest and plants him with a suplex. HOOK locks up Red Rum and DKC taps!

Winner – HOOK

 It’s then announced that QT Marshall & Aaron Solo will face Hirooki Goto and Yoshi-Hashi at Forbidden Door during the Buy-In, this Sunday night.

 Caprice Coleman joins commentary and Mark Henry does the tri-box interview with Jeff Cobb and Cash Wheeler and we head to a commercial break ahead of our main event of the evening

Jeff Cobb vs. Cash Wheeler

A lock up to start. Cobb cracks Wheeler with a few shots, Wheeler goes for a shoulder tackle but Cobb holds firm. Wheeler hits Cobb with a drop kick to the legs then applies a head lock. Cobb counters and applies a headlock of his own. Wheeler fights out but Cobb trips Wheeler to the mat and locks the headlock right back up and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Wheeler’s working over Cobb in the middle of the ring. Wheeler goes for a tornado DDT but Cobb evaded and goes for Tour of The Islands but Wheeler rolls Cobb up but Cobb kicks out. Cobb goes for a slam but Wheeler rolls him up once again but Cobb kicks out. Cobb scoops Wheeler up and plants him with Tour of The Islands for the 1-2-3!

Winner – Jeff Cobb

 After the match, Great-O-Khan rushes the ring and the brawl ensues. Dax Harwood comes down, Will Ospreay and Aussie Open then join the fray and Orange Cassidy, Roppongi Vice and Eddie Kingston all rush down to join the brawl. Kingston leaves the fight and goes to commentary to attack Chris Jericho and Jericho escapes through the crowd as Kingston chases him throughout the arena. Back in the ring, FTR, Orange Cassidy and Roppongi Vice stand tall as Jericho and Kingston continue their chase as the show goes off the air!

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