
AEW Dynamite Results (5/25/22): CM Punk Confronts Hangman Page, Owen Hart Cup Continues + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite (5/25/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card as we’re just four days away from Double Or Nothing!


  • Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Toni Storm — Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Semifinals
  • Samoa Joe vs. Kyle O’Reilly — Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Semifinals
  • Wardlow vs. Shawn Spears — Steel Cage Match (MJF as Special Referee)
  • FTR (C) vs. Roppongi Vice — Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Championship
  • Swerve Strickland vs. Ricky Starks vs. Jungle Boy
  • Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston vs. Private Party
  • CM Punk and ‘Hangman’ Adam Page Come Face-to-Face
  • Thunder Rosa Interview with Tony Schiavone

Live Coverage

 The show begins and our commentary team of Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur welcome us to tonight’s show and it’s time for our opening contest of the evening.

Wardlow vs. Shawn Spears — Steel Cage Match (MJF as Special Referee)

MJF ‘struggles’ to find the key to Wardlow’s handcuffs and Spears uses the distraction to go on the attack. MJF joins Spears in the attack and launch Wardlow into the cage wall. Wardlow fights back and he breaks out of the handcuffs and fires Spears into the cage after walloping him with several clotheslines. Wardlow catches Spears, who tries to climb the cage and the big man cracks him into the cage. Wardlow nails Spears with a swanton bomb and goes for the cover but MJF refuses to count.

Wardlow lifts Spears for the Powerbomb Symphony but MJF hits him with a low blow and Spears follows up with a C4 Spike and goes for the cover, MJF fast counts but Wardlow still kicks out. Spears grabs a steel chair and swings it towards Wardlow but Wardlow ducks and Spears knocks out MJF with it on accident. Wardlow grabs Spears and wallops him with the Powerbomb Symphony and ends it with a final slam onto a steel chair and a new referee comes down and makes the 1-2-3!

Winner – Wardlow

After the match, Wardlow tries to attack MJF but MJF has security step in and make the save as he exits the cage. Wardlow rips through security, climbs the cage and stares down MJF from afar.

 We then see the Jericho Appreciation Society entering the arena. Jericho spots someone wearing a Jon Moxley shirt and Jericho hits them with a fireball and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and it’s time for AEW World Champion ‘Hangman’ Adam Page and his challenger for this Sunday’s Double Or Nothing pay-per-view, CM Punk to come face-to-face. Punk says the biggest moment of his career happened in Las Vegas and this Sunday, he will leave Double Or Nothing with the AEW World Championship. Page says there’s nothing Punk can do to take the title from him. Punk says he doesn’t understand why Page is taking this match so personally and to him [Punk], it’s just business. Page rips the microphone out of Tony Schiavone’s hands and tells Punk that he’s going to embarrass him [Punk]…and he doesn’t mean this Sunday, he means right here, right now. Page says he saw himself giving his own version of the infamous pipe-bomb promo. Page says he doesn’t hate Punk but he doesn’t have any respect for what he’s [Punk] done since he arrived in AEW. Page says Punk talks a big game when it comes to his peers but he’s done nothing but show the opposite since stepping foot in AEW. Page says AEW is home and at Double Or Nothing, he’s defending All Elite Wrestling from CM Punk, who says he gave Page the blueprint to do what he’s doing right now and offers his hand for Page to shake. Page refuses to shake hands, Punk shoves him and Page cracks him with a punch that drops Punk to the mat and the segment ends before we head to a commercial break.

Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

Moxley and Kingston attack Private Party during the latter’s entrance. Kingston and Moxley with the advantage early and often as they trade-off attacking Kassidy. Quen comes in and Private Party wallop Moxley with a double drop-kick. Moxley comes back and cracks Kassidy with a clothesline and Kassidy spills out of the ring. All four competitors brawl on the outside of the ring and Moxley gets Kassidy back in the ring and applies a leg lock. Kassidy fights out with some strikes and makes the tag to Quen, who knocks Moxley out of the ring with a leaping lariat. Both Quen and Kassidy take out Moxley and Kingston with simultaneous dives through the ropes and quickly toss Moxley back in the ring where they go for Silly String but Moxley evades and Kingston drills Quen with an elbow and Moxley plants Quen with the Paradigm Shifts for the three-count!

Winners – Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston

 After the mach, the Jericho Appreciation Society rush the ring and the brawl begins. Bryan Danielson and Santana and Ortiz make the save and the faces stand tall as we head to a commercial break.

FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) (C) vs. Roppongi Vice (Rocky Romero & Trent Beretta) — Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Championship

Cash and Rocky start this one off. A series of roll ups happen but no three-counts go down. Dax and Trent are both tagged in and they trade heavy strikes and Dax wallops Trent with a forearm before making the tag to Cash. Rocky’s tagged in and he and Trent double team Cash and Rocky goes for the cover but Cash kicks out. Cash plants Rocky with a back-body drop but Trent makes the self tag. Trent and Rocky nail Cash with a double suplex and Trent goes for the cover but Cash lifts the shoulders.

Cash makes the tag to Dax, who takes clears the ring but Trent gets momentum back and fires Dax into the corner and plants him with a German suplex, then another and the third before going for the cover but Rocky comes in and makes the save. A brawl ensues between all four competitors, Trent and Rocky hit Strong Zero on Dax and Trent goes for the cover but Dax kicks out at two and a half. NJPW’s Jeff Cob and Great-O-Khan come out of nowhere and attack both teams and cause the disqualification.

Winners – N/A (via DQ)

After the match, Cobb and Khan continue the attack and hoist the ROH Tag Titles above their heads and we head to a commercial break.

 Back from the break and we see Matt and Jeff Hardy backstage. Matt says he and Jeff have a few similarities to Matt and Nick Jackson and while they’re elite, they’re just Hardy Boyz cosplayers. Jeff says this is he and Matt’s clean slate and their final run will be their best run and says that The Young Bucks are just in their way on trying to become AEW World Tag Team Champions and this Sunday at Double Or Nothing, the Bucks will just be upset that they couldn’t ever beat their heroes.

Swerve Strickland vs. Ricky Starks vs. Jungle Boy

Starks escapes the ring right as the bell sounds and Swerve and Jungle Boy shake hands then exchange fast-paced offense. Starsk comes back in, Jungle Boy runs the ropes but Swerve tosses him in the air and catches him into a hurricanrana and sends him into Starks, who shoves Jungle Boy to the outside and follows him out there with a dive through the ropes. Swerve goes to the outside but Starks launches him into the barricade. All three competitors get back into the ring, Swerve clubs Starks with a back elbow then goes to the middle rope and dives on Starks. Swerve and Starks brawl, both are now on the apron and Jungle Boy comes out of nowhere and hits Starks with a hurricanrana into Swerve. Jungle Boy wallops Swerve with a back elbow then goes for the cover but Starks breaks it up. All three competitors go up top, Starks is tossed to the mat, Jungle Boy shoves Swerve down as well but Swerve lands on his feet, Jungle Boy gets down and super kicks are traded, Swerve tosses Jungle Boy in the air but Starks catches him in mid-air with a spear. Starks rakes Swerve’s eyes then plants him with Roshambo, Jungle Boy comes back in and applies the Snare Trap to Starks, Swerve breaks the hold and drills Jungle Boy with a super kick then hits Starks with the Swerve Stomp for the 1-2-3!

Winner – Swerve Strickland

After the match, Powerhouse Hobbs rushes the ring and attacks Swerve and Jungle Boy but Luchasaurus comes down to make the save, as does Keith Lee and everyone brawls, Lee stands tall and finishes the attack with a dive over the top rope to take out both Hobbs and Luchasaurus.

We then see a Dan Lambert backstage. Lambert says the news TNT Championship belt will be presented to Scorpio Sky, this Friday night on Rampage.

Back at the ringside area, Tony Schiavone is on the stage. AEW Women’s World Champion Thunder Rosa is introduced. Rosa says she’s worked for everything she has and she never complains because that’s just what champions do. Rosa says Deeb is not a champion and says that Deeb needs to look at herself in the mirror and blame herself instead of everyone else and this Sunday at Double Or Nothing, the war paint will be on and she’ll teach ‘The Professor’ about respect. We then head to a commercial break.

— Back from the break we see Red Velvet backstage. Red says she should’ve won her Owen Hart Cup match and Ruby Soho interrupts. Red gives Ruby a book that ‘has everything she needs’ to beat Kris Statlander but Ruby tosses the book aside but says she’ll keep some of it in mind.

Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Toni Storm — Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Semifinals

Storm applies an armlock to start. Baker rolls out of the ring, Storm follows her out and they brawl on the outside. Baker spears Storm into the ring apron then sends her face-first into the steel steps before sending her back into the ring. Storm fights back with some strikes, Baker lands a pump kick but Storm comes back with a tornado DDT. Jamie Hayter comes down to the ring and Baker talks to her but Storm comes up from behind Baker and rolls her up but the former AEW Women’s World Champion kicks out. Baker plants Storm with a neck-breaker but Storm fires back with a German suplex and they both spill to the outside. Storm lifts off the apron and wallops Baker with a tornado DDT, Hayter gets on the apron, Storm trips her off, everyone gets back into the ring, Storm goes for Storm Zero but Baker rolls out and slams Storm then rolls her up and holds onto the ropes and gets the three-count!

Winner – Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. (Advances To Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Final)

We then head to a commercial break ahead of our main event of the evening.

Samoa Joe vs. Kyle O’Reilly — Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Semifinals

O’Reilly tries to trip Joe to the mat but Joe shoves him aside and cracks him with a chop to the chest. Joe scoops and slams O’Reilly then nails him with a senton and a bevy of strikes. O’Reilly mounts some offense and slams Joe to the mat and looks for an armbar but Joe grabs the bottom rope to force the break. A back and forth ensues and Joe cracks O’Reilly with a big boot. O’Reilly comes back and applies a headlock, Joe powers out and a striking exchange goes down. Joe sweeps O’Reilly’s legs and trips him to the mat then hits a back-body drop and another senton before going for the cover but O’Reilly lifts the shoulders. Joe looks for the Muscle Buster but O’Reilly slides out and counters into an armbar but Joe crawls to the ropes and forces the break. Another striking exchange ensues, Joe rocks O’Reilly with a knee strike, O’Reilly bounces off the bottom rope and wallops Joe with a clothesline but Joe sends a Pele kick back in O’Reilly’s direction. Both competitors struggle to their feet, Joe looks for a slam, O’Reilly evades and rolls Joe up but Joe counters into the Coquina Clutch and O’Reilly has no choice but to tap!

Winner – Samoa Joe (Advances To Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Final)

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