
WWE NXT 2.0 Results: Bron Breakker In Action, Mandy Rose vs Indi Hartwell + More

Results for the 5/24/2022 edition of NXT 2.0

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 5/24/2022 edition of NXT 2.0 live on USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– The broadcast began with Tony D’Angelo, Two Dimes & Stacks calling out Legado Del Fantasma, saying that they were going to smash the faces of Edris Enofe & Malik Blade. Vic Joseph & Wade Barrett welcomed the audience to the show. 

Troy “2 Dimes” Donovan & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo (w/ Tony D’Angelo) vs Edris Enofe & Malik Blade

The match began with Donovan & Lorenzo hitting a double elbow on Enofe, but Enofe kicked out. Donovan hit a bodyslam on Enofe for a near fall. Enofe hit a dropkick, followed by an arm drag on Lorenzo. Blake & Enofe hit a double-back suplex on Lorenzo for a near fall. Blade hit a dropkick on Lorenzo. Blade hit a leg-sweep/ low 619 combination on Lorenzo. Lorenzo hit a V-Trigger on Enofe, sending him to ringside. Donovan hit an Irish Whip on Enofe. Lorenzo got Enofe in a headlock on Enofe. Enofe and Lorenzo exchanged strikes before Enofe hit a running uppercut on Lorenzo. Blade hti a spring rope lariat, dropkicks on both Lorenzo and Donovan. Blade hit a top rope cross body on Lorenzo for a near fall. Blade hit a Sunset Flip on Lorenzo for a near fall. Lorenzo & Donovan hit a combination of double kicks and double punches on Blade for the pinfall win. Legado Del Fantasma & The Family brawled int he ring, before multiple WWE officials interfered to stop the brawl, including former WCW Wrestler Norman Smiley. 

Winners: Troy “2 Dimes” Donovan & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo (w/ Tony D’Angelo).

– Wes Lee was interviewed by Mckenzie Mitchell, saying that he had to prove himself by beatuig Sanga. Mitchell told Lee that Sanga may not have meant the disrespect, but Lee insisted that he needed to prove a point. 

Wes Lee vs Sanga.

Lee went for a kick, but Sanga pushed him. Sanga hit a headbutt to the back of Lee’s head, followed by stomping Lee’s chest. Sanga hit an elbow strike on Lee’s chest.Sanga hit a knee to Lee’s abdomen. Sanga got a waist lock on Lee, but Lee escaped by hitting elbow strikes on Sanga’s face. Lee hit a series of kicks, followed by a sommersault kick to send Sanga outside. Lee hit a double stomp on Sanga’s back, followed by a Missile Dropkick on Sanga onto the stairs. Sanga hit a lariat on Lee. Lee hit a double stomp on Sanga, but Sanga hit a lariat on Lee followed by a chokeslam for the pinfall win. After the match, Xyon Quinn came to the ring to confront Wes Lee. Sanga came in to make the save before Quinn left the ring. 

Winner: Sanga

– Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade reminisced about memories they had before Perez’s match against Lash Legend for the Women’s Breakout Tournament. Jade told Perez that she will watch the match between Alba Fyre and Elektra Lopez from the crowd. 

– Two NXT Wrestlers told NXT Champion, Bron Breakker, that two Gacy-druids were in his locker room. He got to the locker room and there was only a 20-year photo of him and his family, with Wade Barrett insinuatiing Joe Gacy was behind the picture placement.

Elektra Lopez vs Alba Fyre.

The two exchanged strikes before Fyre hit a leaping dropkick on Lopez. Fyre hit a rolling kick on Lopez for a near fall. Lopez slammed Fyre to the ground before slamming Fyre’s shoulder to the turnbuckle. Fyre hit an overhead chop, followed by a Superkick. Fyre went for the Gory Bmb, but Lopez slammed Fyre’s arm. Fyre hit another super kick on Lopez. Fyre hit a Swanton Bomb on Lopez for th pinfall win. After the match, Lopez smacked Cora Jade’s popcorn off her hand before leaving the arena. 

Winner: Alba Fyre.

– Damon Kemp informed Diamond Mine that Roderick Strong was not going to be available for his and Kemp’s match against the NXT Tag Team Champions, Pretty Deadly.

– Mckenzie Mitchell announced that Nikkita Lyons was withdrawing from the Women’s Breakout Tournament due to an injury she suffered, with Fallon Henley getting a buy. Tiffany Stratton challenged Henley to a match. 

Women’s Breakout Tournament Semifinal

Roxanne Perez vs Lash Legend

Perez went for a bulldog, but Legend tossed Perez. Perez went for an arm drag, but Legend reversed it with a Dragon suplex on Perez for a near fall. Legend went for a Gonzo Bomb, but Perez escaped. Legend hit an under-hook backbreaker for a near fall. Perez got Legend in a rear-naked choke, but Legend slammed Perez in the ring corner. Perez hit a series of kicks on Legend, followed up by Thesz Press on Legend. Perez hit a series of uppercuts on Perez, but Legend caught her with an inverted Russian Sweep. Legend went for a Powerbomb on Perez, but Perez reversed it with the Pop Rok for the pinfall win.

Winner & Advancing to the Women’s Breakout Tournament Final: Roxanne Perez.

– Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin, Jacy Jayne & Mandy Rose) were backstage cutting a promo ahead of Rose’s match against Indi Hartwell. Katana Chance & Kayden Carter attacked Jayne & Dolin, leaving Rose alone for her match against Hartwell. 

Mandy Rose vs Indi Hartwell.

Rose and Hartwell locked up, with Hartwell hitting a shoulder tackle and multiple wrist lock-tackles on Rose before Rose got a rope break. Rose hit an Irish Whip followed by a running kick on Hartwell for a near fall. Rose slammed Hartwell’s face to the turnbuckle, followed by side tackles on Hartwell. Hartwelll hit two Lariats and a side slam on Rose for a near fall. Rose rolled out of the ring. Rose went for an elbow drop on Hartwell, but Hartwell faked out before hitting a lariat in the turnbuckle on Rose. Rose got Hartwell in the body scissors, but Hartwell reversed with a pinfall attempt for a near fall. Rose hit a knee-drop on Hartwell’s abdomen. Rose hit a series of forearm strikes on Hartwell in the corner. Hartwell hit a suplex on Rose. Rose got Hartwell in a modified version of the octopus lock, but Hartwell reversed it with an arm drag. Rose hit an open palm strike on Hartwell for a near fall. Hartwell and Rose exchanged strikes, but Hartwell hit two clothelines and a faceslam on Rose. Hartwell went for a Death Valley Driver, but her back gave in. Rose hit a chin-breaker before getting Hartwell in La Casita for a near fall. Hartwell hit a Spine Buster on Rose for a near fall. Carter & Chance brawled out of the ring. Hartwell hit a big boot on Jayne, but Rose caught Hartwell with a V-Trigger for the pinfall win. After the match, Wendy Choo slapped Rose with a huge pillow, challenging Rose to a match for the NXT Women’s Championship.

Winner: Mandy Rose

– NXT Champion, Bron Breakker, was interviewed by Mckenzie Mitchell backstage. There was a video of Breakker running down the field, which was revealed to be from a game that Rick Steiner could not watch because he was in Japan. 

– NXT Tag Team Champions, Pretty Deadly, were backstage bragging about how Diamond Mine is falling apart, with them saying that they would beat The Creed Brothers on NXT 2.0: In Your House. 

Women’s Breakout Tournament Semifinal

Tiffany Stratton vs Fallon Henley (w/ Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs).

The two locked, but Stratton hit a backflip to evade Henley’s offense. Henley hit a shoulder tackle on Stratton. Stratton and Henley exchanged strikes before Henley hit a scissor kick on Stratton. Henley punched Stratton in the mouth. Stratton hit a hip attack on Henley, followed by a spring rope Swanton on Henley for a near fall. Stratton slammed Henley’s knee to the canvas, followed by a chop block on Henley’s left leg. Stratton hit a backflip elbow strike, followed by a running double stomp on Henley for a near fall. Stratton hit a half-figure four on Henley, which Henley broke up with a hand strike. Henley hit a series of lariats, forearm strikes and a lift-off n Stratton. Henley punched Stratton and went for a running knee, but Henley’s knee gave in. Stratton hit a double kick on Henley, followed by a corkscrew splash for the pinfall win, advancing to the Women’s Breakout Tournament Final. 

Winner: Tiffany Stratton.

– Kayden Carter and Katana Chance were interviewed by Mckenzie Mitchell, saying that they will not stop until they get what they want, which is a match for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Match. Wendy Choo came into the interview, saying that she enjoyed hitting Mandy Rose with her sack of balls. Choo challenged Rose to a match for the NXT Women’s Championship for In Your House. 

– The Hail revealed that her High School Graduation was graduating soon, saying that WWE allowed her to go to college while training to become a WWE Superstar. She said she will reveal where she will announce her college of choosing on the 5/31/2022 edition of NXT 2.0.

– Duke Hudson confronted Bron Breakker ahead of their match. Hudson told Breakker that he had nothing to lose and that he did not care Breakker had daddy issues. Breakker slammed 

Ikeman Jiro vs Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone)

Jiro hit a backflip elbow strike on Wagner. Wagner hit a powerbomb on Jiro. Wagner hit a powerslam on Jiro, followed by a series of elbow drops on Jiro’s back. Wagner hit a spinning back suplex on Jiro for a near fall. Jiro hit a low dropkick on Wagner’s leg. Wagner tossed Jiro off the top rope, before getting Jiro in a waist lock. Wagner did a takedown on Jiro. Jiro hit an inseguri kick, followed by a spring rope drop kick on Wagner. Jiro hit another inseguri on Wagner, followed by a leaping drop kick and a spring rope on Wagner outside. Jiro hit a tornado DDT on Wagner for a near fall. Wagner slammed Jiro to the ground before going for the Death Valley Driver for the pinfall win. Sofia Cromwell instructed Wagner to toss Jiro again, but Josh Briggs interfered to attack Wagner.

Winner: Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone)

– Tony D’Angelo challenged Legado Del Fantasma to a match on NXT: In Your House, with the offer to be negotiated with them in another sit-down meeting. 

– Mr. Stone warned Wagner to keep eyes in the back of his head, but Sofia Cromwell told Stone that he can deal with anything. 

– Toxic Attraction was backstage in the Toxic Lounge, with Mandy Rosesaying that the thought of Wendy Choo made her sick. Jayne stayed that Carter & Chance were small. Dolin said Chance & Carter were insecure, accepting their challenge. Rose called Wade Barrett honey, and Barrett marked out. 

– Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams were on the Barbershop with the staff before NXT North American Champion Cameron Grimes interrupted them. Grimes told Hayes that he wanted to see Hayes eye-to-eye, but Hayes told him that he is not the A-Champion. Grimes told him he used to be the A-Champion, but now he was just a champion. Grimes revealed to Hayes that he will be facing Nathan Frazier to a match for the 5/31/2022 edition of NXT 2.0.

– Before the match, Joe Gacy told the Gacy druids that they will make sure they break Bron Breakker. 

– There was a video package showcasing Giovani Vinci, who is coming soon.

Bron Breakker vs Duke Hudson

The match began with Hudson and Breakker locking up, with Joe Gacy and the Gacy Druids watching the match from the raven’s nest. Hudson continued to punch down Breakker before stomping Breakker’s arm. Breakker turned a guillotine choke into a suplex on Hudson. Hudson hit a lariat on Breakker on the outside of the ring. Hudson got a near fall on Breakker. Hudson hit an overhead suplex on Breakker. Hudson punched Breakker in the face. Breakker and Hudson exchanged punches before Hudson hit an Irish Whip on Breakker. Hudson hit a superplex on Breakker for a near fall. Hudson went fo another superplex, but Breakker took him down. Hudson striked Breakker, leaving him hanging in the top rope. Hudson slammed Breaker on the stairs. Hudson went for the Steiner Recliner on Breakker, but Breakker rolled out. Breakker went for a recliner of his own, but Huson touched Breakker’s throat to break the hold. Hudson went for Razor’s Edge, but Breakker lifted Hudson off his shoulders. Breakker hti a take-slam on Hudson, before clotheslining Hudson and himself out of the ring. Breakker attacked the Gacy Druids. Hudson went to hit Breakker with a steel chair, but Breakker kicked Hudson in the stomach. Breakker hit Hudson with the steel chair, giving Hudson the win via disqualification. Breakker looked stunned to end the show. 

Winner: Duke Hudson (via Disqualification).



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