
WWE RAW Results (4/11/22): Cody Rhodes Faces The Miz, Omos Joins MVP’s VIP Lounge + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for Monday Night RAW (4/11/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

The show begins and our commentary team of Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton and filling in for Corey Graves, WWE Hall of Famer, Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler welcome us to tonight’s show which emanates from Detroit, Michigan. The Miz makes his way down to the ring and it’s time for Miz TV. Miz says it’ll be interesting to see if Cody Rhodes can lift himself a level above what he did at WrestleMania when he beat Seth Rollins…and that’s beat him, tonight. The crowd cheers, Miz tells them their opinion doesn’t matter because they cheer for the Lions and Miz welcomes Cody out and ‘The American Nightmare’ makes his way down to the ring. Miz asks Cody if he’s trying to upstage him by using all of the company’s pyro budget and making a 45-minute entrance. Cody says it’s been a long-time coming that he’s been in front of a crowd like this. Cody interrupts Miz and tells the crowd to keep cheering. Miz is finally able to get a word in and asks Cody about his promo from last week’s show, saying he wants to make his father Dusty proud. Miz says the reality is, if it weren’t for his family name, he would just be a plumber. Cody says Miz’s joke was clever and tells Miz that it’d be good to be a plumber right about now because Miz is full of…and stops himself but asks the crowd if they knew what he meant, to which they chant ‘yes!’. Cody says Miz hasn’t changed since he last saw him and calls him ‘reliable Mike’. Cody asks Miz if he still looks the same and says he know has ‘crystal clear clarity’ on what he ‘needs’ to do and that’s win the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. Miz says that Cody’s good because if you beat Seth Rollins at WrestleMania, you have to be good and that he’s heard that Cody will fight Rollins again at Backlash, which doesn’t fair well for Cody because Rollins is the architect. Miz tells Cody he doesn’t like his chances at Backlash and ge also doesn’t like his chances tonight. Miz tells the crowd when his hand goes up, their mouths go shut as they chant Cody’s name. Miz says he single-handily beat Rey and Dominik Mysterio and then took out one of Hollywood’s biggest stars in Logan Paul. Miz tells Cody that he knows where he’s been for the past six years but this is HIS show and he doesn’t get embarrassed in HIS show. Cody says he respects Miz and his accomplishments and he thinks all of this hostility is because Miz is threatened by him. Cody says he has no issues with Rollins and if he wants a rematch at Backlash, he’s more than happy to oblige but Miz is starting to make it personal and while he’s ‘enjoyed’ their chat, he’s looking forward to his first match on Monday Night RAW in six years. Cody says ‘let the best man win’. Cody drops the mic and his music hits, Miz goes for the cheap shot but Cody’s ready for it and dumps Miz out of the ring. Miz retreats up the entrance ramp and commentary hypes up the rest of tonight’s show and takes a look back at last Friday’s episode of SmackDown where Roman Reigns said he wants Jimmy and Jey Uso to bring him the RAW Tag Team Titles. Dominik Mysterio makes his way down to the ring and head to a commercial break before his match against Veer Mahan.

Veer Mahan vs. Dominik Mysterio

Dominik avoids a corner splash from Veer but the big man wallops Dominik with a clubbing hook. Veer tosses Dominik to the mat, sends him off the ropes and drills him with a double front-senton. Dominik clips Veer with a kick to the mid-section and sends him to the outside before diving over the top rope but Veer catches him and fires him into the barricade on the outside. Veer lines up Dominik and drills him with a clothesline before tossing him back into the ring. Veer wallops Dominik with another clothesline, then a double-stomp and locks-in the inverted Camel Clutch and gets the tap!

Winner – Veer Mahan

After the match, Veer reapplies the clutch until WWE officials come down to make the save but Veer shoved them aside and continues the attack until Dominik is just about out cold. Medical personnel rush down to the ring and set Dominik up on a stretcher and Veer exits and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and we see medical personnel loading Dominik Mysterio into an ambulance. Kevin Patrick’s shown backstage with Veer, who says he did this because his goal is to strike fear into everyone in WWE. We then see the ambulance leaving the arena and we cut back to the ringside area before cutting back to video package highlighting the feud between Edge, Damian Priest and AJ Styles. We then see what happened earlier today where AJ Styles says once you talk about his family, all bets are off and he sneak attacks Damian Priest in the parking lot before WWE officials broke it up. It’s then announced that Styles will face Damian Priest, after the break.

AJ Styles vs. Damian Priest

AJ tosses Damian to the corner, Damian fights out with strikes but AJ dumps Damian to the outside and drills him with a kick and then a dive and Damian’s sent into the barricade. AJ bounces Damian’s head off the announce table and the apron before getting back into the ring but AJ launches himself right back out with a dive over the top rope and sends Damian into the barricade once again and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Damian’s working over AJ back in the ring. AJ fights out of the corner with a back-elbow and spring-boards himself off the top rope, Damian catches him but AJ counters into an inverted DDT. Both competitors exchange strikes, AJ hits his patented combo that ends with a Pele kick, AJ drills Damian with a super-kick then neck-breaker before going for the cover but Damian lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Damian eats a kick from AJ, then avoids a middle rope dive, hits the double-slap and slams AJ face-first into the mat before going for the cover but AJ kicks out. Damian nails AJ with a bevy of kicks to the chest, then some to the back as he yells at the future Hall of Famer. Damian lifts AJ and looks for The Reckoning but AJ slides out and lands a Pele kick. AJ goes for a corner splash, Damian sends him over the top rope, AJ kicks him back, looks for the Phenomenal Forearm but Damian drills him with a kick that sends AJ spilling out of the ring. Damian kneels down in the center of the ring, the lights go out and a blue light shines down on him. The lights go back out and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and we see a replay of what happened before the break and it appears as if this match is over…

Winner – N/A

We then see AJ Styles backstage with Sarah Schreiber. Sarah says AJ must have even more questions than ever after what just happened. AJ says he doesn’t really care about what just happened and nothing will stop him from getting to Edge. Back to the ringside area and The Miz is making his way down to the ring and it’s time for our next contest of the evening.

Cody Rhodes vs. The Miz

As soon as the bell rings, Seth Rollins’ music hits and out comes ‘The Visionary’. Rollins tells Cody and Miz to start their match and Rollins makes his way to commentary. Miz kicks Cody to start, Cody comes back with a slam then a spring-board kick that knocks Miz out of the ring. Cody goes for a dive to the outside, Miz avoids, Cody follows Miz out of the ring, both get back in, Cody goes for another spring-board, Miz catches him and goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, Cody rolls out and suplexes Miz before going for the cover but Miz kicks out. Miz rakes Cody’s face, Cody sends him face-first into the top turnbuckle, then nails the former WWE Champion with some punches but Miz drops Cody to the mat and kicks him in the face. Miz with some knees to the back, then another kick and starts shouting at Cody. Miz with a double-stomp, then rakes the face again before applying a head-lock, Cody powers out but Miz kicks Cody out of the ring and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Miz has control in the center of the ring. Cody urges Miz to keep hitting him then slams Miz down and goes for the cover but Miz kicks out after a count of two. Miz rolls out of the ring, Cody dives through the ropes and lays Miz out before tossing him back into the ring. Cody goes up top, dives down, Miz avoids and drills Cody in the leg with a drop-kick. Miz locks-up the figure-four, Cody struggles to get to the ropes, Miz readjusts and scoots back to the middle of the ring, both competitors keep slapping each other, Cody turns over and reverses the pressure but Miz crawls to the bottom rope and forces the break. Cody slaps Miz then plants him with a spring-board cutter from the middle rope and wallops Miz with the Cross Rhodes for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner – Cody Rhodes

After the match, Seth Rollins gets into the ring. Seth startles Cody with a fake attack but he has a microphone and says he heard all the kind things that he had to say about him on Miz TV, earlier tonight…including the word rematch. Seth says Cody had every advantage heading into WrestleMania since he was a surprise opponent. Seth challenges Cody to a rematch at Backlash. Cody says ‘yes! Absolutely yes!’. Rollins dances around the ring while laughing maniacally as the crowd sings his theme song and we see a video package of Kevin Owens’ confrontation with ‘Ezekiel’, AKA Elias, last week. We then see Kevin Patrick, backstage who’s with Tommaso Ciampa…who’s approached by ‘Ezekiel’, who introduces Ciampa to Monday Night RAW. Kevin Owens comes in and says that’s not Ezekiel, it’s Elias. Owens says he hates liars, Ezekiel says Owens is mistaken, Ezekiel leaves, Ciampa tells Owens that it’s Elias’ younger brother, Ezekiel. Owens tells Ciampa to grow up and storms off and we head back to the ring where Liv Morgan’s making her way down to the ring and she’ll face Naomi, after the break.

Naomi (with Sasha Banks) vs. Naomi

Naomi with a trip to start. Naomi flips over Liv, who avoids a pair of kicks from Naomi but Naomi drills her with a third kick attempt. Naomi hits Liv in the corner, Liv trips Naomi to the mat but Naomi drills her with a kick before going for the cover but Liv kicks out. Liv rolls Naomi up, Naomi kicks out, Liv goes for a clothesline, Naomi slides under and both hit each other with simultaneous kicks. Both competitors struggle to their feet, Liv looks for Oblivion, Naomi shoves her to the mat, Liv goes to the middle rope and looks for a hurricanrana but Naomi catches her bad plants her with a power-bomb and looks for the cover but Liv kicks out, then they trade a series of roll-ups and Naomi gets the three-count for the win!

Winner – Naomi

We then see a replay of the confrontation between Omos and Bobby Lashley, from last weeks show where MVP turned on Lashley. ‘The Almighty’ then makes his way down to the ring and we’ll hear from the former WWE Champion, after the break. Back from the break and Lashley says he wasnt invited to the VIP Lounge, this week but because of what Omos and MVP did to him, last week, he decided to invited himself. Lashley says last week should’ve been a celebration of his win against Omos at WrestleMania, Lashley says he respects Omos for beating the hell out of him at WrestleMania but last week, MVP turning his back on him hurt even more. Lashley calls MVP’s ‘punk ass’ out to the ring. Lashley says since MVP won’t come down to the ring, he’s gonna make the VIP Lounge a little more fit for ‘The Almighty’ but out comes Omos, alongside MVP. The former United States Champion says if Lashley destroys any of his property, he’ll be hearing from his lawyers. Lashley tells MVP to shove the bills form his lawyers up his ass and calls out Omos. MVP says while he’d love to see Omos wreck Lashley once again, Omos will fight Lashley when the time [and money] are right. MVP says Lashley should be thanking him and says since Lashley wants an explanation, he’ll give him one because Lashley deserves one. MVP says Lashley let some losers direct his career and despite all of his potential, MVP was the one to truly unlock it and after all he did for Lashley, him [Lashley] didn’t want to share his WrestleMania spotlight with him, he turned on him. MVP says he made Bobby Lashley into ‘The Almighty’. Lashley says MVP came back for his farewell tour and he’s [Lashley] the one who made him [MVP] stay relevant and now he’s [MVP] just looking for his next meal ticket. MVP says that’s the past and now it’s on to the future. MVP says Omos is smart enough to admit that he needs him [MVP] and Lashley barely survived his first match against Omos and he won’t survive the next one. Lashley says he’s going to take out Omos and after he does that, he’s coming after MVP. Lashley destroys the VIP Lounge and we see a video package of the last few week’s of 24/7 Championship carnage. We then see R-Truth, Akira Tozawa and a few random guys exiting Tozawa’s ‘bachelor party’. Reggie pops up and says it was the best bachelor party ever. Reggie says Dana Brooke and Tamina are having a double bachelorette party, R-Truth says Reggie can’t leave Dana and the 24/7 Title behind at a bachelorette party. Truth, Reggie and Tozawa run off and are heading to ‘crash’ Dana and Tamina’s bachelorette party. Back to the ringside area and RAW Women’s Champion Bianca Belair is making her way down to the ring and The EST. of WWE will face Queen Zelina, after the break. Back from the break, Austin Theory is with Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville. Theory says Vince McMahon promised him a United States Championship Match and tells Pearce and Sonya that he and Vince decided that the ‘Austin’ wasn’t necessary anymore, so he’s now just going by Theory. Pearce tells Theory that he’ll get his US Title match, next week. Kevin Owens comes in and calls Theory an idiot as Theory exits and Owens asks Pearce and Sonya what kind of show they’re running. Owens asks them what’s going on with the Ezekiel/Elias situation and he asks Pearce for Ezekiel’s personnel file. Owens asks Pearce and Sonya if he can put Ezekiel through a lie detector test, next week, which they accept. Owens exits and Sonya says she’s made a deal for Bianca Belair’s first RAW Women’s Championship defense. Sonya doesn’t reveal who it is and we head back to the ring where we see a replay of the break-up the Queen Zelina and Carmella tag team from last week.

Bianca Belair vs. Queen Zelina

Zelina trips Bianca to the mat and locks-in a choke. Bianca powers out and tosses Zelina to the mat with a fallaway slam. Bianca tosses Zelina to the corner and lifts her with a military press slam and drops Zelina to the mat. Bianca plants Zelina with the K.O.D. and gets the 1-2-3 for the win!

Winner – Bianca Belair

After the match, Sonya Deville makes her way down to the ring and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Sonya congratulates Bianca for beating Becky Lynch at WrestleMania. Sonya turns her attention to Bianca’s first challenger for the RAW Women’s Championship. Sonya runs down the likes of Becky Lynch, Rhea Ripley, Liv Morgan, Carmella, Alexa Bliss, Doudrop and Dana Brooke and says the options are endless. Bianca says she’d be happy to get in the ring with any of the women Sonya just named but no matter who she faces, she’s going to walk out as the RAW Women’s Champion, just like she did at WrestleMania because she’s the best. Sonya says she has an open contract for the RAW Women’s Championship and Bianca should sign the contract to prove that she’s the best. Bianca signs it and Sonya introduces Bianca’s opponent…Bianca turns to the stage and Sonya attacks from behind. Sonya plants Bianca with her finisher, grabs the microphone and says Bianca’s next opponent is…Sonya Deville. Sonya signs the contract and celebrates with the RAW Women’s Title. Adam Pearce rushes down to the ring and checks on Bianca as Sonya exits. We then see another 24/7 segment, this time it’s the bachelorette party with Dana Brooke and Tamina. Dana thanks Tamina for agreeing to a truce so they can enjoy their night. Tamina says after their honeymoons, it’s open season. Angel Garza and Humberto interrupt. Garza and Humberto kiss Dana and Tamina on the cheek, Nikki A.S.H. comes in and has male strippers distract Tamina and Dana, Tamina reveals one of the strippers is a referee, Nikki rolls up Dana, Tamina breaks up the pin and R-Truth, Reggie and Akira Tozawa break everything up. Truth says nobody loves the 24/7 Title more than him and it shouldn’t be about the title…it should be about love. R-Truth says he orders all attacks on Dana Brooke to be stopped until he officiates the double wedding with Reggie and Dana Brooke as well as Akira Tozawa and Tamina, next week. The party starts and we cut back to the ringside area where Randy Orton and Riddle of RK-Bro make their way down to the ring and the RAW Tag Team Champions will face Chad Gable and Otis of Alpha Academy in a non-title match, after the break. After the break, Adam Pearce is backstage with Sonya Deville. Pearce says Sonya putting herself in a RAW Women’s Championship match against Bianca Belair is an abuse of power, Sonya says there’s kthimg Pearce can do and says Pearce needs to stop being jealous that she’s still in her prime. Sonya walks off and we head back to the ring for our next matchup.

RK-Bro (Randy Orton & Riddle) vs. Alpha Academy (Chad Gable & Otis)

Gable and Riddle start this one off. Gable with a quick takedown and plants Riddle with a German suplex as Otis makes the self-tag. Otis launches Riddle out of the ring and follows him out to toss him back inside. Otis sends Riddle off the ropes and wallops Riddle with a clothesline before we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Gable’s working over Riddle inside of the ring. Riddle fights off Gable but Gable wallops Riddle with a back-suplex then makes the tag to Otis, who drills Riddle with a splash before going for the cover but Riddle lifts the shoulders after a two-count. Otis makes the tag to Gable, Riddle shoves Otis into the corner and drills Gable with a knee. Riddle crawls to his corner, Otis pulls him back, Riddle shoved him off, Gable tries to hold him back but he’s also shoved aside and Riddle makes the tag to Orton, who clears house! Orton puts Gable through the middle rope and plants him with his patented DDT before smacking the mat, calling for the RKO. Gable spins out of the RKO and rolls Orton up with a back-slide, Orton slides out and plants Gable with an RKO and gets the three-count for the win!

Winners – RK-Bro

After the match, we see a truck pulling up backstage and it’s the SmackDown Tag Team Champions, Jimmy and Jey Uso. RK-Bro watch-on from the ring on the big tron and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and The Usos make their way down to the ring. Jimmy and Jey officially challenge RK-Bro to a unification tag title match. Orton says it looks like the Big Dog let his ‘bitches’ off the leash. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins of the Street Profits interrupt and say that they’re owed a RAW Tag Team Championship match. Montez says once they beat RK-Bro, the Profits and The Usos can have a title unification match themselves. Orton tells everyone to ‘shut the hell up’. Orton says the Street Profits can Usos can have a match and the winners can face them [RK-Bro] for the RAW Tag Team Titles. All three teams bicker and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and we see a replay of Veer Mahan’s win over Dominik Mysterio, earlier tonight as well as the post-match attack. Commentary says Dominik is being treated at a local medical facility and they’ll provide updates on Dominik’s condition as they get them and they run down next week’s card, which includes Finn Balor defending the United States Championship against Theory as well as Sasha Banks & Naomi defending the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles against Rhea Ripley & Liv Morgan. RK-Bro are seated at commentary and it’s time for our main event of the evening.

Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) vs. The Usos (Jimmy & Jey)

Montez and Jimmy start this one off. Jimmy with an arm-drag, Ford spins out, Jimmy with a shoulder block and he and Jey throw the 1s up in the air and stare-down RK-Bro. Ford drills Jimmy with a drop-kick, then a chop to the chest as Dawkins makes the self-tag. Dawkins with a shoulder tackle then he slams Ford onto Jimmy before going for the cover but Jimmy kicks out. Jimmy tosses Dawkins face-first into the corner, Dawkind comes back and tosses Jimmy into the corner and lands a splash before going for another cover but Jimmy lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Jimmy shoves Dawkins to the corner and makes the tag to Jey. Dawkins drop-kicks Jey then goes for a cover but Jey kicks out. Jey makes the blind-tag to Jimmy and The Usos plant Dawkins with a double-slam. Jimmy chokes Dawkins against the bottom rope, Jey cheap shots Dawkins and Jimmy makes the tag to Jey, who comes crashing down on Dawkins with a chop to the throat. Jey locks-in a head-lock, Dawkins tries to power out but Jey knocks him back with a strike. Jey makes the tag to Jimmy, The Usos double-team Dawkins with a double-kick and Jimmy starts yelling at Dawkins before drilling him with a right hook, then a chop to the chest. Dawkins fights back but Jimmy wallops him with a drop-kick before going for the cover but Dawkins kicks out. Jey’s tagged-in and clocks Dawkins with a strike. Dawkins knocks Jimmy off the apron and tosses Jey to the outside but Jey drags Dawkins out and The Usos double-team him. Jey drives Dawkins right into RK-Bro and The Usos taunt them on the outside but Ford comes flying over the top rope and take out both Jimmy and Jey before dancing in Orton and Riddle’s face, RK-Bro claps for Ford and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Jimmy’s working over Dawkins back in the ring with a head-lock. Dawkins fights out with some elbows, Jimmy lifts him but Dawkins counters into a DDT. Both competitors struggle to their respective corners but both make the tag. Ford goes up top and drills Jey with a cross-body then knocks Jimmy off the apron. Jimmy comes back in but eats a series of kicks from Ford, Jey tosses him in the corner, Ford cartwheels out and plants Jey with a blockbuster before going for the cover but Jey kicks out! Ford tosses Jey to the corner, Jey reverses and tosses Ford to the corner and drills Ford with a neck-breaker and then a cover but Ford kicks out. Jey makes the tag to Jimmy, they go for a double-team on Ford but Dawkins drags Jey to the outside, Dawkins makes the blind-tag and the Street Profits hit a double-team move from the top rope, Dawkins goes for the cover but Jimmy kicks out! Dawkins tries to dive through the ropes on Jimmy but Jimmy clocks him back with a clubbing forearm, Jey goes up top for a splash, Dawkins gets the knees up, makes the tag to Ford, who hits a splash on Jey and goes for the cover but Jimmy makes the save at two-and-a-half! The ‘this is awesome!’ chants ring throughout the arena. All four competitors struggle to their feet, Jey shoves Dawkins shoulder-first into the ring post, Ford tosses Jimmy out of the ring, Jey makes the tag to Jimmy and The Usos hit Ford with their finisher for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winners – The Usos

After the match, RK-Bro get in the ring, they and The Usos hold their respective titles above their heads, The Usos leave the ring, Dawkins attacks from behind and he and Riddle go tumbling over the top rope and to the outside, Orton RKO’s Ford, The Usos comeback and drill Orton with a double super-kick and Jimmy and Jey celebrate with both the RAW and SmackDown Tag Team Titles over a motionless Randy Orton and the show goes off-the-air.

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