
IMPACT Wrestling Results (3/3/22): Bullet Club Faces Violent By Design & G.O.D. + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for IMPACT Wrestling (3/3/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

The show begins, Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt welcome us to tonight’s broadcast, Eddie Edwards makes his way down to the ring and it’s time for our opening contest of the night.

Eddie Edwards vs. Steve Maclin

Maclin rushes the ring and Edwards takes him out and dunks him to the outside and they brawl right off the bat. Edwards launches Maclin into the barricade, Maclin shoved him back and they make their way back inside of the ring and the bell sounds to officially start this one off. Edwards with some strikes and Maclin immediately sends him flying to the outside with a dive, Maclin tosses Edwards back into the ring, goes for the cover but Edwards kicks out at two. Edwards fights back, headbutts Maclin and plants him with a slam, goes for a cover but Maclin lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Edwards starts yelling at and taunting the crowd and fires Maclin face-first into the middle turnbuckle. Edwards unloads some chops to the chest, Maclin gets angrier and angrier with each strike, Maclin shoves Edwards back and they launch themselves off of the ropes and lay each other out with mirror cross-body dives. Both men struggle to their feet, they start laying into each other with some strikes, Edwards gets the better of the exchange but Maclin drills Edwards with a back-breaker then a running clothesline before planting the former IMPACT World Champion with a slam. Maclin goes up top but Edwards drills him with a leaping boot to the face. Edwards follows Maclin to the top turnbuckle, Maclin trips him and wallops him with a diving shoulder-block that sends Edwards to the outside. Maclin goes out and plants Edwards with a slam into the apron, tosses Edwards back into the ring, Edwards slides himself right back out of the ring, Maclin chases and Edwards blasts him with a kendo stick and Edwards is disqualified!

Winner – Steve Maclin (via DQ)

After the match, Edwards continues the attack on Maclin with the kendo stick, Rich Swann, Willie Mack, Chris Sabin, Heath and Rhino of Team IMPACT make the save and Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, Vincent, PCO and Maria Kanellis of Honor No More make their way down. Maria grabs a mic and says the real reason Team IMPACT is so upset is because they’ve been brainwashed that the only thing that matters is IMPACT Wrestling and now that Eddie has ‘come back to reality’, they’re second guessing everything. Heath calls Maria delusional, Vincent says he knows a thing or two about delusional because he used to work for delusional people. Vincent says Heath’s the delusional one since he thinks he can become IMPACT World Champion, Heath challenges Vincent to a match, which he seemingly accepts and that match will happen after the break.

Heath (with Team IMPACT) vs. Vincent (with Honor No More)

Heath nails Vincent with a clothesline, Vincent returns fire with a shoulder block, Heath with an arm-drag, Vincent counters into a triangle choke, Heath slides out and they stare each other down in the center of the ring. Heath tosses Vincent into the corner, unloads some shots then starts drilling Vincent head-first into the top turnbuckle before walloping the ROH staple with an elbow across the forehead. Vincent with a clothesline then a neck-breaker, goes for the cover but Heath kicks out at two. Heath lays Vincent out with an inverted atomic drop, goes for the cover but Vincent’s able to kick out. Heath goes for a running clothesline, Taven trips him up, Vincent with a low-blow then a neck-breaker and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Vincent lays Heath with a leg sweep, goes for the cover but Heath kicks out. Vincent nails Heath with a suplex, then a flatliner, goes for another cover but Heath lifts the shoulders at two-and-a-half. Heath pushes back, puts Vincent on the top rope and dives on Heath, who catches him but Vincent counters into a guillotine until Heath powers out and plants Vincent with a slam. Heath goes for a corner splash, Vincent avoids, goes up top and drills Heath with The Red Rum then goes for a cover but Heath kicks out at two-and-a-half, Vincent runs off the ropes but Heath plants Vincent with The Wake Up Call for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner – Heath

After the match, Honor No More rushes the ring and attacks Heath, Team IMPACT makes the save, IMPACT World Champion Moose comes out of nowhere, goes after Heath but Heath is alert to the moment and plants the champion with The Wake Up Call and symbolically pins Moose, Rich Swann counts to three and Heath celebrates with the IMPACT Wrestling World Championship.

Masha Slamovich vs. Raychell Rose

Masha tosses Rose into the corner, delivers a pair of thunderous chops to the chest, Rose fights back with a knee, Masha sends one back in her direction, then a power-bomb and then The Russian Dip Device gets the three-count for the win.

Winner – Masha Slamovich

Backstage, we see ‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey stretching, Ace Austin and Madman Fulton approach. Ace says they’d make a great team and thinks the last few weeks have gone really well. Bailey says he agreed and thinks since he [Ace] and Fulton have failed, maybe it’s time for him [Bailey] and Ace to have a shot. Bailey walks off, Fulton is furious but Ace holds him back and we head back to the ring.

Madison Rayne (with Tenille Dashwood & Kaleb with a K) vs. Cassie Lee (with Jessie McKay)

Rayne attacks Lee right as the bell rings. Rayne with an elbow then mocks Lee’s entrance antics, Lee unloads strikes onto Rayne, who slides out of the ring to recover. Rayne gets back in the ring and Lee continues the assault. McKay flirts with Kaleb on the outside, Rayne gets distracted, Lee hits her finisher and gets the win!

Winner – Cassie Lee

IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion Mickie James makes her way to the ring and she’ll join commentary for our next matchup.

Tasha Steelz (with Savannah Evans) vs. Chelsea Green — IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Championship #1 Contenders Match

Green with a knee right as the bell sounds, goes for a cover but Steelz kicks out. Steelz fights back, lands a few strikes and then a code-breaker. Steelz continues the onslaught with a stomp, then some headbutts before shouting in James’ directions over on commentary. Chelsea comes roaring back, fires Steelz face-first into the bottom turnbuckle, goes for the cover but Steelz lifts the shoulders after a two-count, Green goes right back on the attack and lands a flatliner, then another cover but Steelz kicks out yet again. Steelz lands a running bulldog then distracts the referee, Evans takes out Green, Steelz goes up top and lands a frog splash for the win!

Winner – Tasha Steelz

Backstage we see IMPACT Wrestling Digital Media Champion Matt Cardona who’s entering the arena and goes ballistic when arena security asks for his ID.

JONAH vs. Johnny Swinger

Swinger attacks JONAH right as the bell sounds, Swinger takes the big man’s eyes but JONAH launches Swinger across the ring, plants him with a senton and then a top-rope splash for the 1-2-3!

Winner – JONAH

After the match, JONAH continues the attack on Swinger but PCO comes down to make the save. JONAH takes out PCO and lands a top-rope splash on him but PCO lifts right up and launched JONAH out of the ring.

Ring of Honor and Reina de Reinas Champion Deonna Purrazzo is backstage and Gisele Shaw interrupts and says Deonna is just living in her [Gisele’s] shadows. Deonna rolls her eyes and exits. Lady Frost then comes in and informs Shaw that they have a rematch during this weekend’s IMPACT: Sacrifice pre-show.

Bullet Club (Jay White, Chris Bey, Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs. G.O.D. (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) & Violence By Design (Joe Doering & Deaner) (with Eric Young)

All eight men brawl before the match officially begins, security runs down to calm things down and IMPACT Wrestling EVP Scott D’Amore comes down and makes this one a no disqualification match. We head to a break and this one will get underway.

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