
WWE NXT Results For 1/18/22 WALTER vs. Roderick Strong, Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic Begins

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– The show begins will LA Knight arriving at the PC. WWE NXT Announcer Vic Joseph welcomes the viewer to NXT.

– LA Knight heads to the ring to cut a promo. He calls out Grayson Waller and says to “bring his scrawny ass to the ring.” The crowd is chanting, “Grayson sucks.” Next, LA Knight goes over the brief history going back to October’s Halloween Havoc. Finally, Grayson Waller arrives and shows everyone a restraining order. Grayson serves him the restraining order, and Knight says “that you might have a restraining order against me, but you don’t have one against him.”

Dexter Lumis’s music hits, and he appears behind Waller. Lumis lift Waller, but before we go to a commercial break, LA Knight says, “you can drop the restraining order, or Lumis will drop you.” So they head out for a commercial break.

Grayson Waller vs. Dexter Lumis

We return from the commercial break with the match already in progress. Grayson Waller controls the match as he works on the left arm of Dexter Lumis. Lumis hits Waller with a lifting uppercut and then hits two neck breakers.

The crowd chants for another neck breaker, and Lumis obliges and hits him with a third neck breaker. Now, Waller gets some offense in and sends Lumis outside the ring. Waller then slides under the bottom rope and his Waller with a clothesline.

We go to our first picture-in-picture commercial break with Waller in control. Waller has an armbar submission hold on Lumis; however, Lumis gets out. We return from the break with Lumis hitting Waller with multiple strikes. Next, Lumis hits a belly-to-back suplex. Lumis almost gets The Silence locked in; however, Waller escapes and crawls out of the ring. Lumis chases after Waller, but Waller pushes Lumis into the barricade.

The referee is distracted by Grayson Waller, and a mystery man (Saurav) appears and attacks Lumis. Lumis enters the ring and hits Lumis with a rolling stunner. Waller then pins Lumis to get the win.

Winner: Grayson Waller

– We get the backstage video of WALTER confronting Malcolm Bivens from this past weekend. Roderick Strong appears and tells WALTER to put him down.

– We get a video package of the teams that will be in the Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic.

– We see MSK cutting a backstage promo about the Classic, and they want to repeat this year. Legado del Fantasma appears and talks trash to MSK and says they will MSK in the semi-finals.

Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic
First Round
The Creed Brothers ( w/ Malcolm Bivens) vs. Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen

Brutus Creed and Brooks Jensen begin the match, and Brooks controls the match right away. Briggs and Jensen are double-teaming Brutus. Finally, The Creed Brothers get into the match after sending Jensen over the top rope.

Brutus tags in his brother Julius Creed; Brutus lifts Julius and throws him on Briggs. Brutus Creed gets the blind tag and delivers a powerful slam to Briggs. He follows it up with a devastating clothesline, and he pins Briggs to advance to The Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic Semi-Finals.

Winners: The Creed Brothers ( w/ Malcolm Bivens)

– We get a video package featuring the return of Dante Chen.

– Imperium is backstage and in their locker room, and WALTER tells Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner he is proud that they are the NXT Tag-Team Champions.

Dante Chen vs. Guru Raaj

The match begins with Guru Raaj gaining control of the match. Chen recovers and sends Raaj out of the ring.

Chen hits Raaj with a tope suicida. The next thing we see is Duke Hudson attacking Dante Chen. The referee calls for the bell. Hudson attacks both Chen and Guru Raaj.

Winner by Disqualification: Dante Chen

– We see Joe Gacy and Harland walking backstage and talking about The Dusty Rhodes Classic, which is a chance for them to grow and get more opportunities. Odyssey Jones approaches and tells Gacy and Harland and tells them he will be back soon.

– Bron Breakker is getting interviewed, and Breakker says he has been chasing the NXT title since he’s started, and now he has it. Elektra Lopez approaches Breakker, and Breakker says to Lopez “to stop because he doesn’t want to buy whatever she is selling.”

Santos Escobar shows up and tells Breakker that he will be going after the NXT World title.

– Tony D’Angelo is having a memorial for Pete Dunne. D’Angelo then says that he has his eyes set on NXT North American title. Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams appear, going back and forth with D’Angelo. They tell D’Angelo if he goes after Hayes, he will also have a closed casket funeral.

Cameron Grimes walks out and tells Tony D’Angelo he needs to get in line. Grimes challenges Hayes and Williams to matches. D’Angelo attempts to attack Grimes is ready for him, and he smashes a canvas over D’Angelo’s head.

– Brooks and Jensen are sitting in the locker room and talking about their loss, but they are optimistic that they will get better. Then, Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro appear and tell them to go out and have drinks with them. Then, Wendy Choo is on top of the lockers and tells Briggs that Carter likes him.

– There is a video package of Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz talking about their young careers in NXT. They then get interviewed, but Dakota Kai interrupts them. Kai challenges Feroz to a match later on in the night.

Kay Lee Ray vs. Ivy Nile ( w/ Malcolm Bivens)

The match begins with a collar and elbow tie-up. Then, Kay Lee hits Ivy Nile with a hip toss, Nile is back up, and she takes down Kay Lee after blocking Kay Lee’s suplex attempt. Next, Nile hits Kay Lee with an enzuigiri; she attempts to pin Kay Lee but only gets a two count.

Kay Lee Ray hits Nile with multiple clotheslines and drills her with a slam. Kay Lee goes for the pin; however, Ivy kicks out. Nile then hits Kay Lee Ray with a DDT using her leg. Kay Lee Ray attempts to go for the KLR Bomb; however, Mandy Rose appears, and Kay Lee drops Ivy Nile. Kay Lee Ray turns around and tries to hit Ivy Nile with the KLR Bomb, but Nile counters it and pins her to win.

After the match, Rose attacks Kay Lee Ray. Toxic Attraction joins in one the attack, and finally, we see Persia Pirotta and Indi Hartwell save Kay Lee Ray.

Winner: Ivy Nile ( w/ Malcolm Bivens)

-They go backstage, and we see that Odyssey Jones was attacked.

– We get a vignette featuring Sarray, and she has a new look. Sarray says she will be returning to NXT from Japan.

Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic
First Round
Legado del Fantasma ( w/ Elektra Lopez and Santos Escobar) vs. Malik Blade and Edris Enofe

The match begins with Joaquin Wilde and Malik Blade starting; Blade gets the upper hand first. Next, Malik Blade tags in his partner Edris Enofe; Edris gets some shots in, but Wilde makes it over to his partner for the tag, and they take over.

Malik Blade slams Mendoza, he goes to the ropes, and Santos Escobar trips him. The referee sees it, and he ejects Santos Escobar. Escobar gets on top of the ring canvas, and he causes a distraction, but it does not go as planned for Wilde or Mendoza. Bron Breakker appears and sweeps Escobar’s leg, and Escobar hits the canvas face first. Breakker carries Escobar to the back, which causes a distraction, and Malik Blade rolls up Wilde to victory.

Winners: Malik Blade and Edris Enofe

– Malcolm Bivens cuts a promo backstage and says tonight Diamond Mine are two for two, and they will go three for three after Roderick Strong defeats WALTER. But, Bivens says, “the mat is a revenue generator, not something sacred, and it belongs to Diamond Mine.”

– We see a Solo Sikoa promo

Dakota Kai vs. Yulisa Leon ( w/ Valentina Feroz)

The match begins with Dakota Kai having the upper hand. But soon, Yulisa starts to get in some offense. Dakota Kai will quickly gain control. Dakota Kai gets into the face of Valentina Feroz, who is on the outside of the ring, and that costs Kai as Yulisa Leon gains the upper hand again.

Leon hits Kai with a fall-away slam and pin combo attempt. Kai kicks out at two, and Kai sends Leon to the corner after a kick to the head. Kai then hits Feroz with a running kick. Kai then pins Leon for the win. After the match, Kai attacks Valentina Feroz.

Winner: Dakota Kai

– Raquel Gonzalez is getting interviewed, and she says that she will be going after Mandy Rose and the NXT Women’s Championship soon. Cora Jade tells Gonzalez that they should team up and win The Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Tournament. Gonzalez tells Jade that she likes her, but she needs to stay out of her way.

Roderick Strong ( w/ Malcolm Bivens) vs. WALTER

The match begins with WALTER throwing Roderick Strong like a rag doll. WALTER is working Strong with a wrist lock. Then, Roderick Strong and WALTER start exchanging heavy strikes. The crowd begins to chant “holy shit” and “this is awesome.”

Strong hits WALTER with a forearm, and WALTER comes back with a massive chop. WALTER goes after Malcolm Bivens, and he grabs hold of him, but Strong is there to break it up. Then, they head out to a commercial break. WALTER slams Strong onto the ring canvas on the outside of the ring. We go to a commercial break with WALTER still hitting Strong with heavy chops. Strong hits WALTER with a superplex; Strong goes for the pin, but WALTER kicks out at two.

Strong runs the ropes and hits WALTER with a dropkick. Then, Strong goes for the pin, but WALTER kicks out again. WALTER goes for a powerbomb; Strong gets out of it; however, WALTER backs Strong into the corner. WALTER hits Strong with the powerbomb and then pins Strong for the victory. After the match, the ring announcer is about to announce WALTER as the winner, however, WALTER grabs the microphone and said, “the winner of this match is Gunther.”

We then see Imperium’s Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner in the ring and begin to attack Roderick Strong. The Creed Brothers run down to the ring to stop the attack on Strong. All six men are fighting as we go off the air.

Winner: WALTER

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