
AEW Dynamite Results For 12/8/21 The Young Bucks vs. Orange Cassidy and Rocky Romero and much more

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– The telecast starts with their regular opening. “It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means,” AEW Commentator Excalibur says. Excalibur then welcomes us to Long Island and that they are coming to us live from the UBS Arena at Belmont Park. Next, Excalibur welcomes his colleagues Tony Schiavone and Taz to the broadcast.

– MJF’s music hits, and instead of MJF, CM Punk is the one who comes out. CM Punk is getting cheered and jeered. Punk says, “that’s all they got?” Punk then tells the crowd, “he understands why NY. Islanders have not won a game in this building.” Punk is cutting a heel promo. Next, Punk reveals his shirt, a shirt of the four-pillar’s; however, Britt Baker is on the shirt instead of MJF. Punk continues his heel promo, ripping their New York Islanders Hockey team.

He does not understand why MJF had to get Baker involved. Punk says he has his eyes on next week’s AEW Championship match between Hangman and The Dragon. Punk wants to fight MJF, but MJF avoids him. Punk again challenges MJF; Punk says he does not want to mess with the other members of The Pinnacle. Punk also says that MJF is bringing Larry (CM Punk’s Dog) into their feud. Punk says, “Larry has more balls than MJF, and Larry’s neutered.” He tells the crowd that “if they are backing MJF, well, he thinks they’re all chicken-shit.”

– Excalibur and Tony Schiavone begin going over tonight’s card.

– After the commercial break, the MJF vignette begins, and the narrator goes over MJF’s accomplishments.

Dynamite Ring Battle Royal

The bell rings, and the competitors begin attacking each other. MJF is almost eliminated, but Shawn Spears saves him. Lee Moriarity gets eliminated by Wardlow almost right after the bell rings. Matt Sydal gets eliminated, Matt Hardy eliminates Jay Lethal after hitting him with Brass Knuckles. We then see Dante Martin eliminate Matt Hardy. Wardlow and Powerhouse Hobbs go at, Wardlow has Hobbs on the ropes, and Lio Rush comes over and eliminates him. We head out for another commercial break.

We return from the break; MJF eliminates Lio Rush, Lee Johnson, and Wardlow. Wardlow is upset, but Shawn Spears helps calm him down. Next, MJF eliminates Frankie Kazarian after ducking his clothesline. The three competitors left are MJF, Dante Martin, and Ricky Starks. Dante Martin grabs Ricky Starks and tosses him over the top rope.

The bell rings, and now Dante Martin will face MJF next week at AEW Dynamite: Winter is Coming. After the match, MJF walks away. Starks attacks Martin. MJF walks up the ramp and then runs back down to the ring, and he starts attacking Martin. CM Punk comes out to save Dante Martin, but MJF retreats. Dante Martin is back up, and he hits Starks with an enzuigiri and Punk, then hits him with the GTS. We go to a commercial break.

Winners: MJF and Dante Martin

Jurassic Express and Varsity Blondes (w/ Christian Cage and Julia Hart) vs. The Acclaimed and 2point0 (w/ Daniel Garcia)

The bell rings with Anthony Bowens and Jungle Boy; Jungle Boy takes Bowens down quickly. Bowen’s tags in Max Caster. Caster gets some shots in on Jungle Boy; however, he does not control the match as Jungle Boy sends him out of the ring. Jungle Boy tags in Brian Pillman Jr.

Pillman has the advantage over Caster, but Bowens helps Caster out by pushing Pillman off, and Pillman falls outside the ring. Matt Lee and Jeff Parker of 2point0 are double-teaming and controlling Pillman. Parker sends Pillman into the corner sternum first.

Parker continues to hit Pillman with multiple strikes. Now, Pillman escapes another attack, and Pillman makes it to Luchasaurus for the hot tag. Luchasaurus clears the ring quickly; Luchasaurus hits three of his four competitors with big corner splashes.

Luchasaurus hits Max Caster with a big chokeslam. Then, Jungle Boy gets tagged in and clears the ring. Eddie Kingston runs down the ramp, stops Daniel Garcia from getting involved, and sends Garcia into the steel steps. Caster goes for the mic drop, but Jungle Boy counters it and puts Caster in the Snare Trap. Caster has no choice but to tap out. After the match, 2point0 and Garcia go backstage and attack Eddie Kingston and Ortiz.

Winners: Jurassic Express and Varsity Blondes (w/ Christian Cage and Julia Hart)

– FTR cuts a backstage promo and challenges The Lucha Bros. on AEW Rampage for the AEW Tag-Team Champions.

The Young Bucks (w/ Adam Cole and Brandon Cutler) vs. Chaos (Chuck Taylor and Rocky Romero) (w/ Orange Cassidy)

Rocky Romero and Nick Jackson start it off; both men counter each other’s moves until Romero hits Nick with a dropkick. Romero takes Nick down again with a shoulder tackle and then hits Nick with a deep arm-drag. Chuck Taylor tags in, and Matt Jackson is now in after getting the blind tag.

Now, we see Rocky Romero hit Nick Jackson with a tope suicida. The Young Bucks begin to double-team Romero while AEW Referee Rick Knox is distracted. The Young Bucks work on keeping Romero in their corner; Matt goes for a Superkick; however, he avoids it and gets to Chuck Taylor for the hot tag. First, Taylor hits The Young Bucks with a tope con hilo. Then, The Young Bucks hit Taylor with a D.D.T./Flatliner combo on Chuck Taylor.

Now, Matt hits Taylor with a senton on the outside, and then Nick hits Chuck Taylor with flipping senton from the top rope. We go to another picture-in-picture commercial break with The Young Bucks controlling the action. During the break, The Young Bucks work the crowd a little bit.

Chuck Taylor is making a comeback, Matt Jackson was about to hit Rocky Romero outside, but Orange Cassidy stops him. Adam Cole runs over and takes out Orange Cassidy. Rocky Romero takes out The Young Bucks with a double hurricanrana; Romero gets hit with a facebuster by Nick Jackson. Brandon Cutler gets into the ring and sprays Matt Jackson with the cold spray.

Adam Cole enters the ring and will try and hit Rocky Romero with a Superkick, but he gets stopped by Orange Cassidy. Nick Jackson hits Cassidy with a Superkick; The Young Bucks take advantage and hit Romero with the Meltzer Driver. Matt Jackson pins Rocky Romero to get the win. After the match, The Young Bucks and Adam Cole continue to attack Chaos.

Wheeler Yuta comes out for the save; however, he gets taken out. Adam Cole hits Wheeler with the Panama Sunrise. The Best Friends music goes off, and we see Sue driving into the arena, and Trent is here. Trent comes out and takes out Brandon Cutler, and then he takes out each member of the SuperKliq. The Best Friends then all hug in the middle of the ring.

Winners: The Young Bucks (w/ Adam Cole and Brandon Cutler)

– Ruby Soho is backstage, and The Bunny and Penelope Ford tell Soho that they will have a match on Rampage. Soho says she doesn’t need to wait and begins fighting; Nyla Rose joins in on the attack. Tay Conti and Anna Jay run over to stop the attack.

– We now have Tony Schiavone interviewing Sammy Guevara about the TNT Championship Open Challenge. Cody Rhodes music goes off, and he comes out and tells Sammy that he is challenging Sammy for the title at AEW Holiday Bash. Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky cut a promo talking about how Rhodes gets a title shot, and it wasn’t fair. Page tells Sammy that Dan Lambert got him a title shot and that Lambert is coming back.

Riho vs. Jamie Hayter (w/ Rebel and Dr. Britt Baker DMD.)

The bell rings, and Riho attempts to take Jamie Hayter down with a shoulder tackle, but it does not work. Riho then hits Hayter with a dropkick, which doesn’t work either. Hayter distracts the referee, and Dr. Britt Baker attacks Riho. Riho recovers and hits Hayter with a crossbody. Hayter rolls to the outside of the ring to take a quick break.

Riho goes to the top turnbuckle and dives onto Hayter; Hayter drops her; however, she picks her up and rams Riho into the steel post. So we head out for another picture-in-picture commercial break with Jamie Hayter in control. We return from the break, and Hayter continues the attack; Hayter hits Riho with a neckbreaker and then follows it up with a backbreaker.

Hayter goes for the pin attempt, but Riho kicks out at two. Hayter has Riho in a single-leg crab; Riho gets out of it. Riho hits Hayter with the Code Red; Riho goes for the pin; however, Hayter kicks out. Riho hits Hayter with a diving foot stomp, Riho goes for the pin, but Hayter kicks out.

Hayter and Riho are on the top turnbuckle and begin to exchange strikes. Rebel starts throwing strikes at Riho, Riho knocks Hayter off the top rope, and Riho hits her with a crucifix bomb. Riho hits Hayter with double knees and gets the win.

After the match, Baker puts Riho in the Lockjaw.

Winner: Riho

– After the match, Excalibur announces matches for next week’s Winter is Coming. Taz reveals that Hook will make his debut on AEW Rampage this week. Excalibur tells us that AEW Revolution will be in Orlando this March.

– We get a promo package for next week’s Serena Deeb and Hikaru Shida match.

– Tony Schiavone is out to interview The Varsity Blondes. The lights go out, and we see Malakai Black when they come back on. Black spits the mist into the eyes of Julia Hart, and she screams in pain. We go to another commercial break.

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. John Silver

The Dark Order comes out with John Silver, but they do not go to ringside. The bell rings, and the crowd begins yelling, “Johnny Hungee.” Bryan Danielson and John Silver start with a tie-up; Danielson takes Silver out with a running shoulder tackle.

Silver takes Danielson down, and it surprises him, Danielson comes back at Silver, but Silver takes Danielson down with a kick to the sternum. Danielson rolls out of the ring; however, he’s not too far from it because he grabs Silver, pulls him halfway out of the ring and begins walloping Silver. We head out for our last picture-in-picture commercial break with Danielson controlling the match.

Danielson hits Silver down with a massive shotgun dropkick. Now, Danielson is punishing Silver with heavy kicks and chops. Danielson goes to the turnbuckle and jumps toward Silver. Silver counters it into a powerbomb. John Silver has Danielson in a heel hook, but Danielson makes it to the ropes. Silver attempts to hit Danielson with a German suplex; however, Danielson lands on his feet. Danielson again lays it on John Silver; Silver again comes back at Danielson.

John Silver hits Danielson with a German suplex; he goes for the pin attempt; however, Danielson kicks out at two. John Silver lifts Danielson for the Spin Doctor, Danielson gouges the eye of Silver, which takes him down. Danielson ends it when he hits Silver with the Gotch Piledriver and quickly puts on the LeBell Lock. John Silver is out, and the ref calls for the bell.

After the match, Danielson begins listing the names of everyone he has defeated since Full Gear, and he says that he has kicked everyone’s head in and he is going to do it again. He walks over to Silver and begins stomping on Silver’s head. “Hangman” Adam Page runs down and attacks Danielson, and Danielson retreats. “Hangman,” tells Danielson he will beat the Cowboy Shit out of him next week at Winter is Coming.” The show then goes off the air while Page and AEW trainers check on John Silver.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

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