
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 10/7/21 Austin & Fulton vs Alexander & Cage

The IMPACT World champion and former X-Division champion team up to take on the Ace and the Madman!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

Bullet Club (El Phantasmo, Chris Bey & Hikuleo) vs FinJuice & Chris Sabin

David dropkicks Hikuleo before Hikuleo catches him coming off of the top and drops David with a boot after knocking Sabin off of the apron before David takes out Phantasmo with a backbreaker. Sabin hits a double diving cross body before hitting Phantasmo with a tornado DDT and FinJuice and Sabin hit a triple suicide dive before triple teaming Bey back in the ring for a near fall that Phantasmo breaks up. Hikuleo chokeslams David before Phantasmo hits a diving splash for a near fall before Sabin counters Bey and hits an enzuigiri and Phantasmo low blows Sabin when Hikuleo distracts the referee. Bey then hits Sabin with the Art of Finesse for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bullet Club defeats Chris Sabin and FinJuice via pinfall.

– We get a backstage interview with Josh Alexander ahead of his teaming up with IMPACT World champion Christian Cage to take on Ace Austin and Madman Fulton ahead of their title match at Bound for Glory.

– Heath comes out to the ring to address his absence due to injury after he was attacked by Violent By Design last year before he has Rhino come out to the ring, but Violent By Design come out instead and surround the ring. Eric says that Rhino belongs to him and the Rhino Heath knows is dead and gone forever before telling Heath to leave the ring and never come back. Eric then tells Heath to leave or else before Heath attacks Joe and VBD overwhelm Heath and beat him down before they lay him out and drape the flag over him.

Lady Frost, Brandi Lauren & Kimber Lee vs Savannah Evans & Mercedes Martinez & Tasha Steelz

Brandi and Savannah start the match off with Savannah being too much for Brandi as she woman handles her and is in complete control as we go to commercial. We come back from the break to Tasha and company in control before Brandi gets the hot tag to Kimber who drops Tasha repeatedly and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Savannah comes back in and knocks Lady off of the apron before Brandi jumps on her back and locks in a sleeper before sending Savannah out of the ring as Mercedes comes in snd suplexes Kimber. The referee then rejects the pin attempt by Mercedes before Tasha comes back in and rolls Kimber up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tasha Steelz, Savannah Evans, and Mercedes Martinez defeat Kimber Lee, Brandi Lauren, and Lady Frost.

– After the match Alisha comes out and attacks Brandi and Kimber with a kendo stick before she’s carried off by security as we go to commercial.

– We get a taped promo by W.Morrissey and Moose who announce their intentions to enter the Call Your Shot Gauntlet match at Bound for Glory.

X-Division Championship Tournament Match

Black Taurus vs Petey Williams vs Steve Maclin

Petey takes control early as he sends Steve out of the ring before he and Black go back and forth before Petey hits a tope and tosses Steve back inside before countering an attempted powerbomb by Black. Back in the ring Steve hits an Olympic slam before suplexing Black before hitting Petey with a backbreaker and Black hits an arm breaker before suplexing Steve for two. Petey hits Black with a side Russian leg sweep into a crucifix pin for two before hitting Steve with a German and running knee before the three exchange strikes until Petey hits a Code Breaker. Black counters a Destroyer before hitting a dive and sets Petey backwards on the top rope and Petey is trapped in the tree of woe and Steve hits Petey with a spear before Black spears Steve. Petey then hits Black with a Destroyer before Steve pins Petey with Mayhem for All for the win.

Winner: Steve Maclin defeats Petey Williams, and Black Taurus via pinfall to advance to the X-Division Championship match at Bound for Glory.

– Backstage Christian is interviewed ahead of his teaming with Josh before he has a face off with Christopher Daniels who has set his sights on the IMPACT World title as we go to commercial.

The Learning Tree (Zicky Dice & Manny Lemons) vs Rich Swann & Willie Mack​​​​​

Willie and Rich double up on Zicky for two before Zicky flees and tags in Manny who gets chopped in the corner as soon as he comes in before Rich kicks him in the chest and the four brawl. Rich and Willie dispatch of Zicky before Rich and Willie hit a diving twisting neckbreaker combo for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann and Willie Mack defeat The Learning Tree via pinfall.

– After the match Brian and Sam come out and TLT take out Rich and Willie.

Mickie James attacks Deonna Purrazzo before Scott makes a no contact clause for their match where Scott says that Deonna will stripped of the title if she lays her hands on Mickie before the match. Gail Kim then makes their match a Pick Your Poison.

Ace Austin & Madman Fulton vs Christian Cage & Josh Alexander

Cage and Fulton start the match off before Fulton hits Cage and Alexander with a double clothesline before Ace comes in and lays into Josh with strikes in the corner before Josh hits a high back body drop. Josh hits a delayed suplex for two before Fulton distracts Josh and Ace kicks the legs out from underneath Josh and sends him face first into the apron. Back in the ring Ace and Josh then exchange strikes until Ace drops Josh with an enzuigiri for two as we go to commercial.

Back from the break Ace is in control of Josh before he gets the hot tag to Christian who drops Ace and chokes him in the ropes before hitting mounted punches in the corner. Christian hits a reverse DDT before knocking Fulton off of the apron and Ace hits a gator roll before Fulton comes in and drops Christian before hitting a falling headbutt. Ace and Fulton double up on Christian before he gets the hot tag to Josh who suplexes Fulton before Christian sends Fulton into the steps and Ace counters Josh. Ace then kicks away an ankle lock before Christian gets the blind tag and Josh hits Ace with Chaos Theory before Christian hits a Killswitch for the pin and the win.

Winner: Christian Cage and Josh Alexander defeat Ace Austin and Madman Fulton via pinfall.

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