
AEW Dynamite Results For 8/25/21 CM Punk Dynamite Debut, Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Hardy, and more

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline.

– AEW commentator Jim Ross welcomes the viewer to the AEW Dynamite and then says the signature opening line, “It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means.” AEW Dynamite is coming to us live from the UW–Milwaukee Panther Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

– We then see a highlight clip from CM Punk’s debut on AEW Rampage.

– Jim Ross, along with his colleagues Tony Schiavone and Excalibur, begin going over tonight’s card.

Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Hardy

The match begins with Orange Cassidy and Matt Hardy making their signature gestures to each other. Cassidy softly kicks Hardy, and Hardy gestures, “Delete The bell rings, and Cassidy goes for a tope suicida; however, Hardy catches him and hits him with the side effect. Hardy then grabs Orange Cassidy and pushes him into the ring post. Hardy has been in control of the entire match.

Hardy then mimics Orange Cassidy with the soft kicks. Hardy hits Cassidy with a back elbow after throwing him into the ropes. Hardy knees Cassidy in the back again and follows it up by throwing Cassidy into the corner turnbuckle multiple times. Finally, Orange Cassidy gets some offense in; it does not last long as Hardy can counter Orange Cassidy’s Beach Break..” Orange Cassidy strikes Hardy, and Hardy rolls to the outside. Cassidy hits Hardy with tope suicida; Cassidy gets back into the ring and slams Hardy down, and Hardy is busted open. Hardy is down and bleeding heavily now. Hardy hits Orange Cassidy with a Splash Mountain Power Bomb.

Orange Cassidy appears that he is going to go for the Twist of Fate; Hardy gets out of it and pushes Orange Cassidy into the corner. Cassidy gets a few strikes in on Hardy and finally hits the Twist of Fate on Hardy. Cassidy rolls up Hardy, and Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets as the ref counts the 1-2-3. Cassidy gets the victory.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

– Malakai Black tells Brock Anderson in a backstage vignette that he agrees with Arn Anderson. He says tonight that Brock will roll out of the ring when the bell rings, take a ten-count and walk away. Malakai Black will go after everyone from Arn Anderson, Cody Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes, and anyone connected to the American Nightmare Family if he does not go that route.

Chris Jericho comes out to talk about his future. He says this has been the biggest week, and everyone has been celebrating except for him. Jericho says he is bothered by the loss and has always strived to be at the top. Jericho says that he does it because he has to because it’s the way he is. He says it has been driving him crazy, knowing that he did not beat him. He tells MJF that he will continue to go after MJF, and he says he has a proposal for MJF. Jericho says he is proposing one more match at All Out and says that if he does not beat MJF that he does not deserve to be here (AEW) anymore. Jericho says, “if MJF beats him that he will never wrestle again in AEW.”

MJF comes out and says this is getting embarrassing. MJF says to Jericho, “that you may have all these idiots in Milwaukee fooled, but you did not fool me.” MJF says he promised himself after tapping out Jericho that he would never wrestle him (Jericho) again. MJF says, “to be the one to end Jericho’s career is legendary.” MJF accepts the challenge and will face Jericho at All Out. MJF says that he wants Jericho to think about it because he’s mopped the floor with him not once, twice, but three times.

– We get a short promo from The Varsity Blonds, and they talk about the know-how important this match is, but they are ready for it.

The Lucha Bros. (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. Varisty Blonds (w/ Julia Hart)

Before the match begins, The Young Bucks come out to the entrance ramp with The Good Brothers and Brandon Cutler to watch the match. The bell rings, and Griff Garrison and Rey Fenix begin the match. Garrison and Fenix both exchange multiple holds and counter each other’s moves.

Garrison and Fenix tag in their partners, Penta El Zero M and Brian Pillman Jr., now exchange strikes and punches, Lucha Bros. gets the advantage as Penta hits Pillman Jr. with a sling blade. We go to the first commercial picture-in-picture break with The Varsity Blonds starting to take control. The Varsity Blonds are constantly exchanging tags and go in and out and getting some offense in. Penta tags in Fenix, Fenix hits Pillman Jr. with a big cutter. Fenix goes for the cover; however, Garrison makes the save.

Pillman was trying to get the crowd behind him, and Fenix took advantage of the wasted, and he gets in the ring and hits the tope suicida. Penta hits Garrison with a superkick. The Lucha Bros hit Pillman Jr. with a double piledriver to get the victory. After the match, The Jurassic Express gets in the ring and is face-to-face with The Lucha Bros. The Young Bucks get in the ring and push both Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus into The Lucha Bros. Jungle Boy and Rey Fenix, then hit suicide dives after Luchasaurus and Penta knock The Young Bucks off the ring apron.

Winners: The Lucha Bros. (w/ Alex Abrahantes)

Jamie Hayter(w/ Britt Baker & Rebel) vs. Red Velvet

The match begins with Jamie Hayter getting a few strikes in on Red Velvet; Red Velvet makes a comeback and knocks Hayter outside the ring. Red Velvet capitalizes and hits Hayter with the tope suicida twice. We now go to a picture-in-picture commercial break, but right before Dr. Britt Baker attacks Red Velvet with Rebel’s crutch. Baker tosses Velvet back into the ring; during the entire break, Hayter controls the match.

We are back from the commercial break, and Red Velvet hits Hayter with a facebuster; Dr. Britt Baker gets on top of the ring canvas, and Red Velvet knocks Baker off. Velvet then goes for a standing moonsault press but completely botches it and misses. Hayter then capitalizes and takes out Red Velvet with a big lariat and then pins Red Velvet to get the win. After the match, Hayter and Baker attack Red Velvet. Kris Statlander makes the save, and then she and Baker have a quick staredown.

Winner: Jamie Hayter(w/ Britt Baker & Rebel)

– We get a backstage segment with The Dark Order having problems with each other. Alex Reynolds and Evil Uno have words, and Reynolds walks away. The other Dark Order members tell Evil Uno he was too harsh and give him a hard time.

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring to interview CM Punk; CM Punk makes his way to the ring with an as-expected thunderous reaction. Schiavone asks Punk, “what brought him back to the ring after all these years.” The crowd is chanting CM Punk, and Punk replies with a variety of younger AEW talent names. Punk says he is no longer the voice of the voiceless; he says that there are people in the back that hear them. Punk says he is here because of one person, and that is Darby Allin. He says he is there to prove he can still go but can he? The crowd starts chanting, “Yes, Yes, Yes,” and Punk stops them and says, “that is someone else’s schtick, and they need to be patient. Punk embraces the crowd; as he leaves, the Milwaukee crowd chants “CM Punk” as he walks through the AEW tunnel.

– We get a promo from Miro, and he says he forgives Fuego Del Sol, but there is another sinner, Eddie Kingston. So Miro says, “now, bring me the Mad King before I burn this place to the ground.”

Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston & Darby Allin (w/ Sting) vs. The Wingmen (Cezar Bononi, Ryan Nemeth & JD Drake) (w/ Peter Avalon)

JD Drake and Darby Allin begin; Drake takes a couple of swings at Allin but misses. Allin then jumps on the back of JD Drake, and Drake rolls out of the ring. Drake sees Allin coming at him and moves out of the way quickly to avoid him. Drake gets back into the ring and tags in Ryan Nemeth, Allin tags in Eddie Kingston. Nemeth chops Kingston, and it does nothing to him, and Kingston then returns the favor knocking Nemeth right down to the mat.

Nemeth gets up quickly and tags in Cezar Bononi, Kingston tags in Jon Moxley. Moxley enters the ring, takes down Bononi, and then hits Nemeth and Drake with a punch. We go to another picture-in-picture commercial break with Jon Moxley tagging in Kingston and Bononi tagging in Drake. Kingston is in, and he takes Drake down with an uranage. Allin is tagged in by Kingston, and Allin hits JD Drake with a Code Red; Allin hits Drake with a stunner and then hits Drake with the Coffin Drop. Allin then pins Drake to get the win. After the match, Daniel Garcia enters the ring and attacks Darby Allin.

Winners: Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston & Darby Allin (w/ Sting)

– We get a promo of Tay Conti talking to Alex Marvez about the upcoming Casino Battle Royale; she gets interrupted by The Bunny, and Conti rips a contract that The Bunny handed her, and The Bunny slaps her. They begin exchanging strikes as we go to a commercial break.

Kenny Omega is out with Don Callis with Michael Nakazawa and Brandon Cutler. Callis grabs the microphone from Schiavone and says they are going to finish Christian Cage. Cage interrupts Callis and shows a video featuring his past with Don Callis. Cage says this video proves one thing, and “that is Callis, is still a carny piece of shit

Callis gets in the face of Christian and says that his “actions make him just like Bill Watts, Eddie Graham, Vince McMahon, and Verne Gagne. Omega keeps telling Christian, “You think you know me? You think you know me?” Cage says that the only thing worse than Callis manipulating a ten-year-old is that an adult Kenny Omega still lets it happen.

Callis says to Cage, “You want to talk about family, at All Out, Christian will prove that he is second best.” Cage then gets attacked by Kenny Omega, Don Callis, Michael Nakazawa, and Brandon Cutler. Frankie Kazarian makes the save, and we go to a commercial.

– Jon Moxley has a promo in which he challenges Satoshi Kojima to a match at All Out.

The Nightmare Factory (QT Marshall, Nick Comoroto & Aaron Solo) vs. The Gunn Club( Austin, Billy & Colten)

The match begins with Nick Comoroto and Billy Gunn; Billy Gunn gets the upper hand first after many exchanges. Then, we go to a commercial break. We return from the break, and Colten Gunn is the legal man along with QT Marshall.

QT Marshall hits Colten Gunn with a flatliner; instead of pinning Colten, he gets up and motions to Paul Wight. Wight stands up at the commentary table, distracting QT Marshall, allowing Colten Gunn to roll up Marshall for the win. After the match, Marshall can’t believe he lost, and Paul Wight laughs and then celebrates with the Gunn Club.

Winners: The Gunn Club( Austin, Billy & Colten)

– Dan Lambert talks about getting through to the fans regarding this dumpster fire of a company. He blames the fans, Lambert takes some shots at Darby Allin and Orange Cassidy. He says the fans don’t want to see real men, guys like Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page.

– We have a promo with Arn Anderson, and he says he will back up his son no matter what

Malakai Black vs. Brock Anderson(w/ Arn Anderson)

The bell rings, and Brock Anderson goes right after Malakai Black and takes him down; he gets in a few strikes in. Black takes him down with a quick knee strike; Black sends Anderson into the corner and then gets a few heavy strikes in. Brock is busted open; Black then pulls Brock over to Arn Anderson, who is outside the ring is telling him not to. Anderson is hesitant but throws the towel down anyway.

Malakai Black hits Brock Anderson with the Black Mass and then pins Anderson for the win. After the match, Black exits the ring as Arn Anderson is getting into the ring. Malakai Black gets back into the ring, and now he goes to hit Arn Anderson with the Black Mass; however, Anderson blocks it. Black backs away and then returns to Anderson again and takes him down with a low blow. Black then hits Arn Anderson with Black Mass. Lee Johnson comes out, and Malakai Black leaves the ring; Johnson is watching Malakai Black walk up the ramp as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Malakai Black

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