
AEW Dynamite Results For 7/7/21 AEW Road Rager Young Bucks vs. Eddie Kingston and Penta Street Fight

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline.

– AEW commentator Jim Ross begins the show with, “It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means. Ross then welcomes the viewer to the James L. Knight Center in Miami, Florida, for their first show on the road in over a year.

South Beach Strap Match
“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson) vs. QT Marshall

The referee Paul Turner is trying to get the straps on each wrestler, QT Marshall rolls out of the ring, and Cody Rhodes is frustrated and hits a tope suicida. Cody then gets Marshall back in the ring. The match begins with both men getting a few strikes in until Rhodes hits a quick powerslam. Rhodes begins hitting Marshall with the strap on the back. Rhodes touches the first three ropes and then gets hit by Aaron Solow; Dustin Rhodes makes his way out and goes right for Solow. Dustin Rhodes gets some strikes in and begins chasing Solow. Nick Comoroto begins going after them also. Marshall hits Rhodes with a low blow using the strap. They both begin tagging the corners again; Marshall is busted open. The lights go off, and the announcers tell the viewers that they have had weather issues in Miami.

QT hits Rhodes with a backbreaker and then starts choking Rhodes; Rhodes gets away then starts choking out Marshall. Rhodes goes for the hurricanrana; however, Marshall counters it into a powerbomb. Marshall is back up and begins going to each turnbuckle. Marshall has Rhodes on the top rope and hits the Diamond Cutter. Marshall touches three of the four top turnbuckles. Marshall begins hitting Rhodes with the straps, and Cody tells him to bring it. Rhodes gets a ton of momentum and goes for the Cody Cutter and hits it. Rhodes hits three of the four turnbuckles. Marshall stops him, and Marshall spits on Rhodes, and Rhodes hits Marshall with three Cross-Rhodes. Rhodes then touches all four of the turnbuckles to get the win.

Winner: Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson)

– After the match, we get a promo from Shawn Spears, and he tells viewers that he is done with Sammy Guevara, and all of a sudden, a chair comes flying through and hits Spears in the head. Guevara tells Spears, “he’s not done with him, bitch.”

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring to interview AEW World Heavyweight Champion Kenny Omega, and Don Callis is with him. Don Callis takes the microphone away from Tony Schiavone and tells him to go the corner and be the Tommy Bahama model that he wants to be. The crowd begins chanting at Callis that “he got fired,” which is about leaving Impact Wrestling. Callis tells the crowd that they get to see the best wrestler in the world. Callis says that nobody is left for Omega; the crowd starts chanting, “we want Hangman.”

The Dark Order’s music goes off, and Evil Uno comes out and asks Kenny Omega why he is ignoring the crowd? He also asks Omega why he is afraid of his friend Hangman. The crowd begins chanting, “Cowboy Shit Omega asks Uno, “what’s the capital of Thailand” and then he low blows Uno. Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, and Michael Nakazawa begin attacking The Dark Order. “Hangman” Adam Page makes the save and clears the ring. He then gets in the face of Omega, and they have words. Omega leaves when Hangman is distracted.

– Jim Ross has a sitdown with Ethan Page and Darby Allin. He tells both men that he is disgusted with them because they want to end their careers. Allin says it took him one year to get, and it took Page twelve years. Allin tells him that he gave up everything to be in AEW, and it’s not his fault that Page left to stay home, get married, and have kids. Page says he’s not wrong, but he made Allin and that Allin is nothing without Ethan Page..”

The Pinnacle (Wardlow and FTR) (w/ Tully Blanchard) vs. The Inner Circle (Proud & Powerful and Jake Hager) (w/ Konnan)

The match begins with Santana and Dax Harwood throwing punches at each other; Harwood sends Santana to the corner, and Santana comes back with a big clothesline and a big German suplex. Santana tags in Ortiz; Ortiz hits Dax with a Northern Lights suplex. Dax tags in Cash Wheeler and Wheeler comes in and hits Ortiz with a big European uppercut. Wardlow is tagged in, and he takes multiple shots at Ortiz and then tags Dax back in. Ortiz hits Harwood with a Liger Bomb; Hager is tagged in, and he clears the ring. We have our first picture-in-picture commercial break.

The Pinnacle is now controlling the match, with Wardlow and FTR exchanging multiple tags and staying on top of Santana. Santana hits Cash Wheeler with a big cutter, and Santana gets to Ortiz for the hot tag. Wheeler gets hit by Hager with a big bodyslam; Ortiz goes for the pin; however, Wardlow breaks up the pin. Now, The Pinnacle is triple-teaming up on Ortiz. Ortiz is back up and hits Cash Wheeler with a spinebuster.

Ortiz makes it to Hager for the tag, and soon Wardlow is in after Hager tells Dax he wants Hager. Hager and Wardlow throw multiple strikes at each other. Hager has Wardlow in an ankle lock, and FTR makes the save. FTR hits The Big Rig on Hager and then pin him to get the win. Konnan gets in the ring and hits Wardlow in the back, and before Wardlow gets him, Tully Blanchard takes the leg out of Konnan, and The Pinnacle leaves the ring.

Winners: The Pinnacle (Wardlow and FTR) (w/ Tully Blanchard)

– We get a promo “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson challenging IWGP U.S. Champion Jon Moxley on next weeks AEW Dynamite

– They now MJF and Chris Jericho showdown. The crowd is signing, and during the singing, a fan jumps in the ring, and after he is taken out, MJF says that he dares any fat bastard to come out and fight him. MJF insults Jericho, and the crowd starts chanting “Y2J,” and he stops the crowd and says, “that Y2J died a long time ago, but he should have let that fat bastard beat his ass”.

Jericho says that he will do whatever it takes to get in the ring with MJF, and even if that means he has to sleep with MJF’s Mom… again. MJF says that his challenge is to go through four matches, with the MJF picking the stipulation for each match. Jericho tells MJF “that he is The God of War Jericho signs the contract and throws it at MJF, and MJF stops Jericho and tells him that a deal is not made handshake is done. Jericho obliges and shakes the hand of MJF; MJF tries to let go of Jericho; however, Jericho hits him with the Judas Effect, and we go to a commercial break..”

– They go to a backstage segment with Dr. Britt Baker, and she is mad that she had to wrestle when she didn’t want to. She tells Tony Khan that she has made him millions; she then takes some shots at Nyla Rose, and she says that “you can have your blood money, maybe run a show next week in Saudi Arabia.”

Matt Sydal vs. Andrade El Idolo (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

The match begins with a tie-up; both men reverse holds. Andrade hits Sydal with a twisting backbreaker; Andrade goes for the moonsault press and misses but then hits one immediately. Now, Sydal gets some offense in and takes down Andrade with multiple shots and moonsault press of his own. We go to another picture-in-picture commercial break.

During the commercial break, Andrade is in complete control. First, Andrade goes for a big running knee; however, he misses, and now he and Sydal exchange multiple strikes and pin attempts. First, Andrade hit Matt Sydal with a big lariat; Andrade goes for the diving foot stomp but misses. Next, Andrade hits Sydal with a big driving knee into the corner. Finally, Andrade ends it by hitting his finisher and then gets the pin. After the match, he restrains Sydal and ties him up for a submission hold. He then leaves the ring and hugs Vickie Guerrero.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

– We get a promo talking about the history of Matt Hardy and Christian Cage for next week’s Night 1 of Fyter Fest.

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring with Arn Anderson to cut a promo. Unfortunately, the lights go out right away, and it’s Malaki Black (WWE’s Aleister Black/Tommy End), and he takes out both Arn Anderson and Cody Rhodes each with the Black Mass.

– They come back to do a recap of what just happened with Malaki Black.

– We go to a promo recorded earlier with Ricky Starks talking about his new security, and Taz tells him that it is embarrassing and that he needs to knock it off; Starks then takes some shots at Brian Cage’s wife. Cage comes out takes out Stark’s new security guards.

Mix Tag-Team Match
Orange Cassidy and Kris Statlander vs. The Blade and The Bunny

Before the match begins, Orange Cassidy asks the referee Aubrey Edwards to check The Blade for the brass knuckles. She finds them, and The Blade is upset; The Blade gets in the face of Orange Cassidy. The match begins with The Blade getting some strikes in until Cassidy hits the Slumdog Millionaire. Next, Cassidy tags in Statlander, and now she and The Bunny are legal competitors.

The Bunny takes a shot at the back of the head of Statlander after Statlander is distracted by The Blade. Then, we have another picture-in-picture commercial break with The Bunny in control after hitting a swinging neckbreaker. We come back from the break, and Statlander slams down The Bunny and goes for the pin but only a two-count. The Blade hits Cassidy with the brass knuckles; he goes back to hand The Bunny the brass knuckles. Statlander reaches Cassidy and tags herself in. She hits The Blade with the Aerial 451; she follows that up by hitting The Bunny with the Big Bang Theory and then pinning The Bunny to get the win.

Winners: Orange Cassidy and Kris Statlander

– Dan Lambert of American Top Team has the microphone and talks about how wrestling has sucked since the late ’90s and talks about Florida Championship Wrestling. He keeps cutting a promo and cutting down AEW and their fans. Finally, Lance Archer comes out and takes him out.

AEW Tag-Team World Championship
Eddie Kingston and Penta (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. The Young Bucks (w/ Don Callis and Brandon Cutler)

The Young Bucks in the ring, and streamers go off. The bell rings, and Eddie Kingston hits Nick Jackson with a trash can. The action goes to the outside the ring, Michael Nakazawa holds back Kingston and Penta. The Young Bucks go for a superkick on both Penta and Kingston, but they duck and hit Nakazawa. The action goes back to the ring.

Kingston holds down Nick Jackson, and Penta jumps on the groin area. Kingston and Penta grab two tables, Penta hits Matt Jackson with a destroyer, and they go through a table. Nick Jackson hits a running powerbomb on Kingston. Kingston lands on a table that was lying on the canvas and not set up. They go to their last picture-in-picture commercial break with The Young Bucks in control.

The Young Bucks are destroying Kingston and throwing him around. Nick Jackson beats down Kingston with a trash can; Nick hits a senton. He goes for the pin, but Kingston kicks out; Penta comes in and hits Matt and Nick Jackson with sling blades. Kingston hits the half and half on Matt Jackson. Kingston has Matt Jackson in a rear-naked chokehold. Nick hits a 450 splash on the referee Rick Knox to break the hold. The ref is down; Matt taps, but the ref is out.

The Good Brother come out and attack Kingston; they go for the Fear Factor and hits it. Kingston goes for the pin, and another referee comes out, and he does the count, but he gets pulled out of the ring. Frankie Kazarian comes out and puts Brandon Cutler through a table. The Good Brothers hit the Kazarian with The Magic Killer.

Kingston empties a bag of thumbtacks, and both teams avoid the thumbtacks until Penta is hit with a hurricanrana and lands on the thumbtacks. The Young Bucks then shove some thumbtacks into the mouth of Eddie Kingston, and Matt superkicks Kingston and gets the pin. The Young Bucks get the victory and retain.

Winners: The Young Bucks (w/ Don Callis and Brandon Cutler)

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