
All Elite Wrestling Presents AEW Revolution Results Kenny Omega Retains His AEW World Championship

The AEW World Championship is on the line in an Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage All Elite Wrestling’s Revolution pay-per-view event!

The Buy In

– We open tonight’s pre-show with a video package for Sting and Darby Allin versus Team Tazz in a Street Fight on tonight’s main card.

– We get a video package for the AEW Women’s Championship Match between the champion Hikaru Shida and the challenger Ryo Mizunami.

– We get a video package for the AEW World Tag Team Championship Match between the champions The Young Bucks and Chris Jericho and MJF.

– We get a video package for the Big Money Match between Adam Page and Matt Hardy with their first quarter earnings on the line.

– We get a video package for the TNT Championship Number One Contender Ladder Match where the winner will get to challenge Darby Allin at a future date.

– We get a video package for the AEW World Championship Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match between the champion Kenny Omega and former champion Jon Moxley.

Riho & Thunder Rosa vs Britt Baker & Maki itoh

Maki Itoh comes out to the ring before the match to replace Rebel before Riho and Britt start the match off before Maki and Rosa come in. They try to knock each other over with shoulder tackles before exchanging strikes until Rosa runs over Maki and Maki hits a running back elbow in the corner. Maki plays to the crowd and gets hit with a snake eyes before dragging her to the corner where she suplexes Maki before slamming Riho onto Maki for two. Riho hits a 619 for two before Rosa locks in a camel clutch and Riho knocks Britt off of the apron before hitting a running dropkick for two. Maki and Riho exchange strikes until Britt trips Riho and drags her out of the ring before tossing her back inside and Maki misses a falling headbutt.

Britt knees Riho in the face and stomps it before hitting a butterfly suplex for two and choking Riho in the ropes before Riho gets the hot tag to Rosa. Rosa drops Britt and hits a running clothesline in the corner into a meteora before hitting a running dropkick and a butterfly suplex into a running senton for two. Maki and Britt double team Rosa before Maki hits a falling headbutt for two and Rosa comes back with a stunner before Riho comes in and everyone hits a move until Maki goes up top and misses a diving headbutt. Maki locks in a half crab before Riho gets to the ropes for the break before they exchange strikes until Britt hits a air raid crash for a near fall that Rosa breaks up. Rosa and Britt exchange pin attempts until Rebel distracts Rosa and Britt accidentally hits Rebel before Rosa hits a DVD for a near fall that Maki breaks up.

Rebel then hits Rosa with her crutch when Britt sends Rosa into him and he gets out of the way for the pin and the win.

Winner: Britt Baker and Maki Itoh defeat Thunder Rosa and Riho via pinfall.

Main Show

– We get a graphic for the passing of Jim Crockett Jr.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match
Young Bucks (c) vs Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & MJF (w/ Wardlow)

The four brawl at ringside as soon as the match starts before Chris and MJF briefly take control and send the Bucks into the ring before the Bucks hit stereo suicide dives. The Bucks lock in stereo sharpshooters before Chris gets to the ropes for the break before Chris and MJF hit a flap jack and mock the Bucks before Matt comes in and drops Chris. Matt lays into MJF with strikes and hits a DDT before Wardlow low bridges him and sends him out of the ring before Chris suplexes him onto the floor. Back in the ring Chris and MJF cut the ring in half until Matt hits a double DDT and gets the hot tag to Nick who takes out both Chris and MJF. Nick hits a sit-out face buster into a moonsault and a Destroyer for a deep two count before hitting a cheeky nandos into a Doomsday Device for two before clotheslining Chris.

Matt gets two off of an inside cradle before superkicking Chris when he goes for the Judas Effect before Chris locks in a Boston crab and Matt flips him away. MJF gets two off of a back slide before hitting a sit-out powerbomb for two and gets two off of a clutch as Chris hits Nick with a Code Breaker. Wardlow distracts the referee before Chris hits Matt with a bat and MJF hits the Heat Seeker for a near fall before Nick accidentally hits Matt with an enzuigiri. The Bucks then win with the Meltzer Driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Young Bucks retain their AEW World Tag Team titles by defeating MJF and Chris Jericho via pinfall.

Casino Tag Team Royale

Dark Order’s Five and Ten start things off with Natural Nightmares before Santana and Ortiz come in next and QT eliminates Five before Matt and Mike Sydal come in next and more Dark Order members come in with Stu Grayson and Evil Uno. Mike is eliminated before the Gunn Club enter next and Matt is eliminated as the Sydal Brothers are now eliminated before the Varsity Blondes come out next. The Gunn Club are next to be eliminated by QT before QT eliminates himself and Bear Country come out next and eliminate Stu. The Jurassic Express come out next and Jungle eliminates Ortiz before Santana is next to be eliminated before Uno is eliminated. The Butcher and the Blade come out next and eliminate the Varsity Blondes and the Dark Order before Bunny helps B&B eliminate Dustin and the Natural Nightmares.

Private Party come out next before SCU come out and Lucha and Bear Country are eliminated before the Death Triangle come out next and eliminate Blade and Quen. The third Dark Order team of Reynolds and Silver come out and eliminate Kassidy and Private Party before Butcher is eliminated. Daniels is eliminated by Fenix before Reynolds is sent out and Kaz next before Silver is eliminated and it’s down to Death Triangle and Jungle Boy before PAC is eliminated. Rey then sends Jungle out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive and Jungle superkicks him before turning him inside out and Rey superkicks Jungle over the top rope and down onto the floor for the elimination and the win.

Winner: The Death Triangle win after Rey Fenix last eliminates Jungle Boy to earn a shot at the AEW World Tag Team Championships.

– We go backstage to Paul Wight being interviewed where he gives a hint on the talent signing with AEW.

AEW Women’s Championship Match
Hikaru Shida (c) vs Ryo Mizunami

They shake hands before the match before they lock up and exchange standing switches and side headlocks before Ryo drops Hikaru with a shoulder block. Ryo hits a running forearm before they exchange chops in the corner until Ryo starts pulling herself around the ring like a mime. They end up at ringside where Ryo powerbombs Hikaru over the barricade and onto the crowd before tossing her back inside and hitting a jumping leg drop. Ryo locks in a rear chin lock and stomps Hikaru before Hikaru comes back with a reverse piledriver onto the stage and a dive off of the top for a deep two count. Ryo repeatedly headbutts Hikaru before clotheslining her and slamming her into the mat for a near fall before Hikaru hits a shining wizard.

The two exchange strikes until Ryo hits a Saito suplex and a spear into a dive for a near fall before Hikaru counters a falcon arrow. Hikaru hits an enzuigiri into a dragon suplex before Ryo hits a lariat from behind and Hikaru a falcon arrow before hitting a flurry of strikes into a falcon arrow for a near fall. Ryo clotheslines Hikaru when she goes for a finisher before Hikaru hits a running knee lift and the two exchange near falls before Hikaru hits a shining wizard m for a near fall. Hikaru then pins Ryo with a whirlwind kick for the win.

Winner: Hikaru Shida defeats Ryo Mizunami to retain her AEW Women’s Championship.

– After the match Nyla Rose comes out and attacks both of them before Britt and Maki join in on the beat down and Britt and Nyla face off before Thunder Rosa comes out and saves Hikaru and Ryo.

Miro & Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford) vs Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy

Miro and Kip attack Orange and Chuck before the match backstage before Miro drags Chuck to the ring and brutalizes him as the match starts. Once the match starts Chuck is double teamed until he gets the tag to Orange who has made his way down to the ring before he sends Kip out of the ring. Orange hits a suicide dive into a diving cross body for two before Kip comes back with a series of knees and a Driver for two before Chuck gets the blind tag. Chuck hits Kip with a piledriver for a near fall that Miro breaks up before Orange hits a flurry and Penelope gets onto the apron. Miro then sends Orange into Penelope and knocks her off of the ring and into the barricade before Miro hits Chuck with kicks and locks in a camel clutch for the tap and the win.

Winner: Miro and Kip Sabian defeat Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy via pinfall.

Big Money Match
Matt Hardy vs Hangman Page

Page takes control early before Matt gets out of the ring to regroup and Page sends Matt over the barricade and hits a dive off of the stairs before tossing him back inside the ring. Matt immediately rolls back out and Page gives chase before Matt sends him into the post and the steps before kicking his hand against the steps. Matt brings Page back into the ring and focuses on his how injured hand while bending and biting his fingers before whipping him into the corner. Adam comes back with a clothesline and a sunset flip before sending Matt out onto the apron and clotheslining him off and onto the floor. Matt nearly wins via count out before choking Page in the ropes and hitting a German suplex for two before they run the ropes and clothesline each other.

They spill to the outside where Page hits a moonsault and tosses Matt back inside before hitting a diving cross body off of the top for two. Adam hits a snap mare into a sliding clothesline before Matt hits a Razors Edge sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Adam hits Last Rites before Private Party get on the apron and distract the referee. Page then takes out both members of PP before Matt hits a Side Effect into a Twist of Fate for a near fall before the Dark Order come out and help Page before he hits the Buckshot Lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hangman Page defeats Matt Hardy via pinfall.

– After the match Page celebrates with the entirety of the Dark Order.

TNT Championship Number One Contender Ladder Match
Scorpio Sky vs Cody vs Penta El Zero Miedo vs Lance Archer vs Max Caster vs Ethan Page

The action spills to the outside quickly as Max and Sky exchange in the ring before Lance takes them out with a ladder and Sky hits Penta with a German. Max clears the ring before Cody takes him out on the ramp and Cody and Ethan take out Lance by sending him into a ladder set up in the ring. Penta launches himself off of a ladder propped against the ropes and takes out everyone at ringside before Ethan hits Lance with a cutter onto the ladder. Ethan traps Lance in the ladder before Penta hits a back stabber and Cody knocks him off of the ladder before Cody is injured and helped to the back. Max nearly grabs the literal brass ring and gets knocked down before he exchanges with Scorpio on opposite sides of two ladders.

Scorpio hits Penta with a diving neckbreaker off of the ladder before Max stops Ethan from grabbing the ring and hits a sunset bomb off of the ladder. Scorpio throws Max into a ladder before slamming him onto it and hitting a frog splash onto Max onto the ladder. Lance sends Scorpio off of the top and crashing onto a ladder propped up on the apron and barricade which bends in half. Penta and Ethan exchange on top of the ladder before Cody comes back out and whips everyone with his belt before hitting Ethan with Cross Rhodes. Lance hits a superplex off of the ladder before Max hits a diving elbow drop and brings a taller ladder into the ring before exchanging with Penta.

Lance slams Max onto a ladder before Ethan low blows him and hits a Razors Edge before he’s sent out of the ring by Jake who is superkicked by Penta. Penta hits Cody with a chair and shoves him off of the ladder before Scorpio hits him with a chair and Cody and Scorpio exchange on top of opposite sides of a ladder. Scorpio then knocks Cody off of the ladder and grabs the brass ring for the win.

Winner: Scorpio Sky wins by climbing the ladder and grabbing the brass ring.

– Christian Cage is revealed to be the latest signing by Paul Wight.

Street Fight Match
Darby Allin & Sting vs Team Tazz (Brian Cage & Ricky Starks)

Brian and Ricky drive to the warehouse where the fight is to take place before they get into a ring set up in the middle of the building. Sting and Darby come in next with Sting driving and Darby riding his skateboard to the fight before Darby grabs onto the back of the truck and they arrive together. Darby and Sting and their army come to the ring and get inside as the army surround the ring before they pair off and brawl. Darby gets tossed out of the ring before Sting is double teamed and Cage takes out several of the army before Brian sends Darby into the post. Sting comes back and drops Ricky repeatedly before hitting a Stinger Splash into a snake eyes as Brian throws Darby through a doorway.

Sting chases Ricky with a bat before throwing the bat and beating on him against the wall before Brian slams Darby onto a trash can. Sting and Darby double up on Brian before Ricky shows up and evens the odds and Brian accidentally hits Ricky before Brian fights off both Sting and Darby. Sting sprays Brian with a fire extinguisher before Darby hits him with a bottle and they temporarily take out Brian as Ricky comes back. The other two members of Team Tazz show up and lay out Darby before Brian and Will sling Darby through a window pane against the wall. Brian hits Sting with a shovel before Darby tosses him a bat and Sting takes out Brian by breaking it over his back and hitting him with a shovel.

Darby dives off of a platform and through a crash pad before we go back to Sting and Ricky in the ring where Ricky spears Sting for a near fall. Sting then hits Ricky with the Scorpion Death Drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sting and Darby Allin defeat Team Tazz via pinfall.

– We get the announcement of Double or Nothing for May 30th.

AEW World Championship Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match
Kenny Omega (c) vs Jon Moxley

Kenny and Jon try to push each other’s faces into the barbed wire before they exchange strikes until Kenny locks in and holds onto a side headlock. They both nearly go into the barbed wire before going toe to toe and brawling before Jon clotheslines Kenny over the top rope and onto the stage. Jon hits a side Russian leg sweep with a barbed wire bat onto the stage before hitting him with a kendo stick and Kenny gets back into the ring. Kenny throws powder in the eyes of Jon before throwing Jon into the barbed wire ropes that explode on contact before hitting him with a kendo stick. Kenny sends Jon into a trash can and locks in a Figure Four before Jon grabs a barbed wire chair and saws away at the legs of Kenny to get free.

Kenny sends Jon through a barbed wire board in the corner before hitting a moonsault for two before hitting him with a kendo stick. Jon sends Kenny into the exploding barbed wire ropes several times before hitting a Saito suplex into one into a barbed wire board in the corner. They counter each other’s finishers before Jon hits a side slam onto a chair covered in barbed wire before wrapping barbed wire around his arm. Jon turns Kenny inside out with a lariat before Kenny hits a snap dragon onto a trash can and a V-Trigger before Jon clotheslines him. Kenny sends Jon into the ropes before the referee checks on the eyes of Kenny and Jon and Kenny exchange on the apron.

Jon hits a Paradigm Shift off of the apron and onto exploding barbed wire boards before Jon hits Kenny with barbed wire and follows up with a piledriver for two. Kenny hits a powerbomb for two before hitting a V-Trigger and a One Winged Angel that the exploding barbed wire ropes break up. The Good Brothers come out and get attacked by Jon with a bat before Kenny hits Jon with an exploding barbed wire bat for a near fall. Kenny then hits a One Winged Angel onto a chair for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kenny Omega retains his AEW World Championship by defeating Jon Moxley via pinfall.

– After the match Kenny, Karl, and Doc attack Jon before handcuffing him and ripping his forehead open with a barbed wire bat as the timer reaches two minutes. The alarm sounds and the timer goes down under one minute before they leave Jon in the ring with thirty seconds to go before Eddie Kingston comes out to save Jon. Eddie then covers Jon as the ring explodes in homage to the exploding ring match involving Atsushi Onita in his FMW promotion.

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