
MLW Fusion Results for 2/10/21 Interpromotional Title Match

The AAA Cruiserweight and the MLW World Middleweight titles are on the line tonight at 7pm EST!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of MLW Fusion headlined by a cross promotional title versus title match!

– We open tonight’s show with a breakdown of tonight’s show including an update on the Baklei Brawl that ended last week’s show.

ACH vs Brian Pillman Jr.

Team Filthy come out onto the stage as the two exchange wrist locks and chops before Brian gets two off of a small package before kicking ACH in the spine for one as Team Filthy look on. Brian locks in a body scissors before ACH turns it into a surfboard stretch before Brian gets to the ropes for the break before hitting a powerslam for two. ACH then knocks Brian off of the top and pins him with a brain buster.

Winner: ACH defeats Brian Pillman Jr. via pinfall.

– After the match Team Filthy attack ACH before he’s saved by the Von Erichs and all six men brawl before ACH and the Von Erichs clear the ring.

– Savio Vega responds to Salina de la Renta’s offer to buy IWA Puerto Rico, Savio giving Salina an emphatic no.

Zenshi vs Calvin Tankman

Calvin tosses Zenshi away when he tries to take him down before Zenshi hits a head scissors into a dropkick in the corner before Calvin dropkicks Zenshi and hits a spine buster for two. Calvin throws Zenshi across the ring for two before missing a standing shooting star before Calvin counters a poison rana off of the apron. Back in the ring Calvin runs Zenshi over before hitting a running clothesline in the corner into a back elbow before hitting a backbreaker into a clothesline for a near fall. Calvin then finishes Zenshi with the Tankman Driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Calvin Tankman defeats Zenshi via pinfall.

– We get a video package promo by Josef Samael of Contra Unit who talks about how Mads Krügger took out Alex Hammerstone and Contra will take out Injustice later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We get a satellite interview with the Caribbean champion Richard Holliday who addresses the accusations of him paying off the referee in the strap match.

– We get this week’s PWI top ten with Lio Rush at four, Low Ki at three, Tom Lawlor at number two, and Alex Hammerstone at number one, respectively.

Contra Unit (Daivari & Simon Gotch) vs Injustice

The four men brawl at ringside before the match when Jacob Fatu comes out and Contra Unit attack Injustice before Injustice come back and Daivari and Simon flee for the count out.

Winner: Injustice defeat Contra Unit via count out.

– An Aztec Jungle Fight between Mil Muertes and Savio Vega next week as well as King Mo versus Low Ki is announced for next week’s Filthy Island.

AAA Cruiserweight Championship /MLW World Middleweight Championship 

Inter-promotional Unification Title Match

Laredo Kid (c) vs Lio Rush (c)

The two try to take each other down to the mat before Lio ducks out of the ring when Laredo matches him move for move before getting back inside where the two run the ropes. They dropkick each other before Lio rolls back out of the ring and Laredo chases Lio around ringside before they get back in and Laredo hits a sidewalk slam for two. Lio clotheslines Laredo and headbutts him in the midsection before hitting a float over suplex for two before Laredo rolls Lio up for a near fall before Lio drops him with an enzuigiri. Laredo hits a Driver into a series of moonsaults for a near fall before going after the leg of Lio and locking in an Indian Death Lock before Lio gets to the ropes for the break and Laredo hits a neckbreaker. Lio then hits a rebound stunner into The Final Hour for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lio Rush defeats Laredo Kid via pinfall to become the new AAA Cruiserweight champion. 

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