
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 2/2/21 Madman Fulton vs Josh Alexander

The Madman takes on the Walking Weapon tonight at 8pm EST on AXS TV!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

– We open tonight’s show with a recap of Ken Shamrock attacking a referee at the end of last week’s show when Sami Callihan told him to after Sami lost his match.

Tasha Steelz (w/ Kiera Hogan) vs Havok (w/Nevaeh)

Havok shoves Tasha backwards when Tasha goes right at her with strikes before kicking her down and Tasha hits a chop block. Tasha kicks the legs of Havok to slow and chop her down for two before focusing on the now injured leg of Havok until Havok comes back. Havok hits a running boot in the corner and a spinning sit-out side slam for two before Kiera grabs her foot from ringside. Nevaeh then sweeps Tasha when Kiera is distracting Havok before Havok hits Tasha with a tombstone for the pin and the win.

Winner: Havok defeats Tasha Steelz via pinfall.

– We get a longer version of Ken Shamrock attacking a referee before laying out Sami and several security. We then go to Sami in Scott D’Amore’s office where Scott informs Sami that Ken has been suspended indefinitely. Sami agrees with Scott’s decision and says that he’s been holding Sami back before leaving the office.

– We get a run-down for the rest of tonight’s show before we go backstage to Tommy Dreamer talking to IMPACT World champion Rich Swann ahead of their tag match in tonight’s main event as we go to commercial.

– Backstage The Good Brothers have verbal spat with Chris Sabin and James Storm before TGB reject a match with the two since they’re main eventing Dynamite tomorrow night.

Madman Fulton (w/ Ace Austin) vs Josh Alexander

Fulton backs Josh into the corner and beats on him before Fulton scares the referee backwards when he’s stomping and choking Josh. Josh comes back with a missile dropkick into a release German suplex before Fulton counters an ankle lock and kicks Josh out of the ring. Fulton chokeslams Josh onto the edge of the apron before chokeslamming him back inside the ring for one before Josh hits a powerbomb into a rolling elbow. Josh then hits a Jay Driller for the pin and the win.

Winner: Josh Alexander defeats Madman Fulton via pinfall.

– Brian Myers comes out to the ring and insults Eddie Edwards before Eddie shows up and attacks Brian before Hernandez takes Eddie out. Matt Cardona then comes out to the ring and saves Eddie before sending Hernandez over the top rope and he and Brian leave as Matt and Eddie stand tall.

– We go to Fallah Bahh and Alisha gambling at Johnny Swinger’s poker table ran by John E. Bravo who is paid below minimum wage by Johnny as we go to commercial.

Crazzy Steve (w/ Rosemary) vs Larry D (w/ Acey Romero)

Steve uses his speed to stay one step ahead of Larry before biting him and Larry hits a belly to belly suplex for two before knocking Steve out when he goes for a springboard.

Winner: Larry D defeats Crazzy Steve via pinfall.

– Trey Miguel is interviewed backstage where he talks about how he’s going to show everyone that he can stand on his own two feet without Dez and Wentz. Sami Callihan then shows up and tells Trey to go home, look in the mirror and think about what he really wants to be and who he is as we go to commercial.

– Backstage Larry and Acey are interviewed backstage where Tenille Dashwood volunteers to face Larry for him at No Surrender.

Susan (w/ Deonna Purrazzo & Kimber Lee) vs Jordynne Grace (w/ Jazz)

Jordynne goes right after Susan and hits a running splash in the corner before Susan dumps Jordynne out of the ring and distracts the referee. Deonna and Kimber toss Jordynne back inside after attacking her from behind before Jordynne comes back with a back elbow and gets ripped back out of the ring. Jazz argues with the referee about what is happening behind his back before they toss Jordynne back inside and Jordynne comes back with a clothesline. Jordynne hits several scoop slams into a Driver for a near fall before hitting a sliding clothesline in the corner before Jazz takes out Deonna and Kimber at ringside. Jordynne then pins Susan with a Grace Driver for the win.

Winner: Jordynne Grace defeats Susan via pinfall.

– After the match Deonna and Kimber attack Jazz and Jordynne before they’re saved by ODB who clears the ring.

– Backstage Matt Hardy is with Private Party ahead of their AEW World Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Battle Royal match tomorrow night on Dynamite.

Rohit Raju vs TJP

TJP dodges Rohit repeatedly before Rohit catches TJP and drops him before TJP gets sent through the ropes and knocked off of the apron and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

Rohit whips TJP into the corner before hitting a jumping flat liner before hitting a running knee drop for two before hitting a back drop driver for yet another two count. TJP hits a tornado DDT before missing a Swanton Bomb before Rohit hits a cannonball in the corner before TJP gets his boots up when Rohit comes off of the top. Rohit counters the Detonation Kick and hits a jumping knee that sends TJP out of the ring before he disappears underneath the ring. TJP then comes out and is hit with a chokeslam onto the apron by the returning Mahabali Shera before Rohit finishes TJP for the win.

Winner: Rohit Raju defeats TJP via pinfall.

– We get a video package promo by Violent By Design who try to recruit Jake before we get a backstage interview with Jake where he says that he’ll answer on next week’s show.

– We get a graphic for the IMPACT World Tag Team Championship Match between The Good Brothers and Chris Sabin and James Storm on next week’s show.

Rich Swann & Tommy Dreamer vs Moose & Chris Bey

Moose and Chris isolate Rich in their corner before Rich gets one off of a back slide and dropkicks Chris before Tommy comes in and Rich hits a side slam into a diving elbow by Tommy. Tommy locks in an abdominal stretch with a claw to the ribs before he and Rich double up on Chris for two before Rich hits a PK to the spine. Rich gets kicked by Moose from the apron before Rich punches Moose and Moose snaps his arm across the top rope. Chris hits a jumping arm breaker before Moose comes in legally and rips and tears at the mouth and eyes of Rich before locking in an abdominal stretch. Tommy gets the hot tag and sends Moose out of the ring before he focuses on Chris and tags in Rich before Moose gets the blind tag.

Moose then spears Rich once he’s legal for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose and Chris Bey defeat Rich Swann and Tommy Dreamer via pinfall.

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