
AEW Dynamite 01/20/21 Results: Inner Circle 3-Way Tag Match, appearance from Sting, Omega, and more

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline

– We are welcome to AEW Dynamite by commentator Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone; they are coming to us live from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida.

– The show begins with The Dark Order coming out to celebrate Negative -1’s Birthday. They have a birthday cake on the entrance-way, and John Silver asks the crowd to sing Happy Birthday to Brodie Lee Jr.; Luther and Serpentico come out to cut a promo and says that AEW is turning into a daycare. Luther says the Chaos Project does not like children, and they are going to ruin his birthday. The Dark Order starts battling with Chaos Project and Hybrid2 before the bell rings. They are all over the place, and then Adam Page’s music hits, and he comes in with a flurry of strikes on his opponents.

Chaos Project & Hybrid2 vs. Adam Page & The Dark Order (John Silver, Alex Reynolds, and Colt Cabana)

The match begins with Jack Evans and John Silver; shortly after the match begins, everyone is in the ring, and they are all battling it out. Adam Page is now the legal man for his team. Adam Page now goes to the top rope and does a moonsault to the outside of the ring, and he hits both his partners and his opponents. Jack Evans hits a big 450 splash on Alex Reynolds. Hangman throws Jack Evans into the crowd. The camera’s show Luther near the birthday cake and -1 runs over, and he hits Luther with a Singapore cane. Back to the ring, Adam Page hits the Buckshot Lariat. Alex Reynolds then does the jackknife pin to get the win.

Winner: The Dark Order & Adam Page

– After the match, -1 hit Serpentico with the cane, and -1 then tells The Dark Order that his birthday was three days ago, you idiots. Then he rolls up the papers like his Dad used to do on BTE, and he throws the papers at Serpentico. The Dark Order then asks Adam Page if he will join The Dark Order, and he declines. He says he has done the group thing before, and it did not work out for him before.

– The commentators now send it backstage to Alex Marvez, Marvez is interviewing Chris Jericho and MJF, and they talk about their upcoming matchup.

– Sting and Darby Allin are having a segment, and Sting begins stating how he is there to congratulate Darby on still being the TNT Champion. Taz comes on screen and challenges Sting and Darby to a street match. Sting walks over to Darby and whispers something into Darby’s ear. Darby tells Taz, “you want to take it to the streets? Be careful about what you wish for, and they accept the challenge.

– We are back from commercial, and The Young Bucks are at Kenny Omega’s home. Michael Nakazawa lets them in. Matt and Nick are in the living room and notice a painting, and it is Don Callis and Kenny Omega. Callis says he had it commissioned and that he was sorry for the miscommunication last week.

The Young Bucks are upset about how they were cheated out of the match. They want to talk to Kenny, but Omega is not home. Callis is talking to The Young Bucks, and he gives them a check to try and makes things better. Callis tells The Young Bucks they are holding him back. The Young Bucks tells Callis that they worked for the company that those checks are from, and “they know for a fact those checks are not good.”

Cody Rhodes vs. Peter Avalon

The match begins with Cody Rhodes, and he hits Peter Avalon right away with a Cross Rhodes. Jade Cargill’s music starts to play, and she walks out. Cody is not paying attention to Avalon. Avalon hits him with a low blow, and then he began going after Cody Rhodes’ knee. Peter Avalon takes control for a few seconds and gets a few strikes in. The action goes to the outside, and now Rhodes is getting some offense in and giving Avalon some heavy strikes. Rhodes and Avalon are now down after they clothesline each other. Cody is struggling to get some offense in.

They now go to a picture-in-picture commercial, and Avalon is still controlling the match. Avalon is wearing down Cody with more strikes; however, Avalon does not let Cody get much in. Avalon hits Rhodes with a nice and rather stiff clothesline. We are now back, Avalon goes for a moonsault, but Cody moves. Cody goes to the outside, but Avalon gets a few punches in on Rhodes and gets Rhodes back into the ring.

Rhodes nails Avalon with a stunner and follows it up with a powerslam; Cody now goes for the figure-four, and he puts it on; he has it locked-in. He attempts to slap Avalon, and Avalon stops and shows that he does not want to get slapped, so he taps out instead.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

– They go back to FTR and Tully Blanchard in the back. Tully says the ratings just came out, and they need the tag-team titles. Jurassic Express interrupts, and they want to fight FTR. Jungle Boy challenges Dax Harwood for a match; Dax agrees and now has a singles match set for next week’s Dynamite.

Jon Moxley vs. Nick Comoroto

The match begins with Nick Comoroto shoving Jon Moxley, Moxley comes back with a headbutt. Comoroto is controlling the match; he slams Moxley in the middle of the ring. The commentators note that Comoroto is a student of Q.T. Marshall and Dustin Rhodes. Comoroto has Moxley up, then follows it up by hitting him with a backbreaker, and delivers some heavy strikes to Moxley’s upper body. Comoroto charges at Moxley and Moxley avoids him, and Comoroto goes sternum first, right into the turnbuckle. Comoroto comes back with some more strikes, but Moxley puts him in a sleeper hold, and the ref calls for the bell because Comoroto is out of it.

Winner: Jon Moxley

– After the match, Moxley asks for the microphone, and Moxley begins by saying anything can happen on Dynamite, and it’s getting crazy. Moxley says he does not know who’s in the Bullet Club now or who is apart of Impact Wrestling. He tells Omega he messed up because he is ready to go after him, and Moxley says all the roads in Pro Wrestling go straight to Jon Moxley.

– They go backstage with Dasha, and she announces that Eddie Kingston will face Lance Archer. She asks Kingston how he prepares for a match with Kingston, and he says, “he doesn’t,” and suddenly, Lance Archer interrupts and tells Archer that next week he will be coming at him and there is nothing Kingston can do. Jake Roberts challenges him to fight without The Butcher and The Blade being there. Archer and Roberts walk away with Kingston. The Butcher and The Blade, along with The Bunny, stand and watch them walk away.

Top Flight and Matt Sydal vs. Private Party and Matt Hardy

Before the match beginning, the commentators talk about Private Party’s win last night on Impact. The match begins with Dante and Marq Quen shaking hands; Dante gets the upper hand right away. Dante hits a big dropkick on Quen. Matt Hardy is yelling at Private Party and tells them to get it together. Private Party now starts going after Top Flight and Sydal, and they get some cheap shots in. Kassidy is beating down Darius Martin, and Quen joins in because the ref is being distracted.

Now, Quen and Kassidy are alone with Sydal. Sydal turns the tide and lands some good strikes in on both Quen and Kassidy. Matt Hardy is now the legal man, and he is controlling the match. Matt Hardy hits Dante with some heavy kicks and a few heavy strikes.

They now head to a picture-in-picture commercial, and Hardy Party is completely controlling the match through the entire break. Darius is now the legal man; Darius hits a nice Spanish fly. Darius Martin gets to Matt Hardy and hits him with a nice tope suicida. Private Party goes for the Silly String, but Top Flight stops it. Hardy is now the legal man; Hardy hits the side effect on all three of his opponents. Matt goes for the triple pin, but they all kick out. Dante hits a hurricanrana on Kassidy and goes for the pin, but it is broken up at two. Isiah Kassidy hits Dante in the ribs with a chair while Hardy distracts the ref. Marq Quen goes for and hits the shooting star press.

Winners: Private Party and Matt Hardy

– After the match, Hardy orders Private Party to attack Top Flight and Sydal. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Dante and Matt Sydal.

– They go to a backstage segment with MJF talking to the Inner Circle members minus Chris Jericho. MJF tells them that they need to get the match out of the way and put it past them to move on.

Penelope Ford (w/ Kip Sabian, Miro, and Chuck Taylor) vs. Leyla Hirsch

The match begins with a collar and elbow tie-up. Leyla Hirsch takes control of the match by grabbing the ankle of Penelope Ford and bringing her down. Hirsch has Ford in a headlock, but they get caught in the ropes. They both begin to run the ropes, and Chuck Taylor is told to trip up Hirsch, but he ends up tripping Ford instead. The action now goes to the outside, and Ford nails Hirsch with a pump kick outside the ring. Ford now tosses Hirsch into the guardrails, and Hirsch is down, and Ford is getting strikes in on Hirsch and is completely controlling the match.

Leyla hits a nice big running knee strike and then follows it up with a German suplex. Hirsch is not stopping the attack; she hits Ford with a double knee strike. Hirsch hits Ford with a big clubbing clothesline. Leyla sees an opening and dives onto Chuck Taylor and Kip Sabian. Hirsch gets back into the ring, and Ford nails Hirsch with a big knee strike and goes for the pin and gets the win from Kip Sabian’s help, who holds down Leyla’s leg.

Winner: Penelope Ford

– After the match, Miro makes Chuck Taylor get in the ring, and Miro makes Taylor tell Orange Cassidy, who is in the crowd, that his new best friend is Miro.

– After the match, they go backstage, and they show Anderson, Gallows, and Kenny Omega attacking Pentagon. They are beating him down, and Don Callis is just standing there smiling and watching.

Chris Jericho & MJF vs. Sammy Guevara & Jake Hager vs. Santana & Ortiz

Chris Jericho and MJF are the first ones out, Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager are out next, the commentators show a video of the singer Sammy Hagar telling the viewers they are his favorite tag-team now. Santana and Ortiz are the last ones out. Chris Jericho and Guevara begin the match with a collar and elbow tie-up. Jericho throws a stiff punch to Guevara, and Guevara returns with one as well. Jericho is sent out of the ring, Guevara acts like he will hit Jericho with a dive, but he fakes him out, making Jericho smile. He gets back in the ring and gets a few good strikes in on Guevara, Hager punches Jericho, and Jericho tags Ortiz as he is stumbling. Santana and Ortiz were hit with a sit-down senton.

They go to a picture-in-picture commercial, and during the entire break, Jericho is controlling the action. Hager is now the legal man, and he goes in and hits Santana and Ortiz with a clothesline. Sammy is now the legal man, and he is going on a tear; Sammy Guevara hits a reverse hurricanrana.

Jericho gets in the ring with his bat “Floyd,” but Hager kicks Jericho hard in the chest, and Jericho rolls out of the ring. Now, MJF gets his ring from Wardlow, but Hager is right there waiting, and he gives MJF a heavy right, and down goes MJF. Jericho hits the Codebreaker on Ortiz, Jericho goes for the pin, and Jericho kicks out. The action is all over the place, and everyone is in the ring. Guevara goes for GTH on MJF; however, Wardlow gets on top of the apron, and Guevara sees him, so he knocks him off by using MJF’s body to push him down. MJF now gets out of it and goes for the pin on Guevara; MJF gets the win by holding the tights.

Winners: Chris Jericho & MJF

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