
AEW Dynamite 12/30/20 Results: Brodie Lee Celebration of Life 1979-2020 Tribute Show

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The show begins with Brodie Lee’s Family and all of the AEW Wrestlers, Producers, and other staff.

Jon Moxley is first with the video tribute, and he says he cannot find the words to say, but he talks about how he loves Brodie Lee and how far they go back. Moxley then says, “Wrestling is not just a sport. It’s a community of people”. Moxley says, “I love you, Brodie, and I’ll never forget you.”

The Young Bucks & Colt Cabana vs. Matt Hardy & Private Party

The match starts with Colt Cabana, and Isiah Kassidy starts the match. Cabana gets the first strikes in, and Cassidy now rolls to his partner and tags Marq Quen, and Cabana tags Matt Jackson. Cabana and both of The Young Bucks are in the ring, and all three do a dropkick and take out their opponents. They now each do their own dives to Private Party and Matt Hardy, outside the ring. The Young Bucks are double-teaming and yet taking their time with Private Party with multiple punches and strikes. The Hardy Party is in control of the match now, and each man is getting multiple strikes in on Nick Jackson in their corner. They now are getting elbow strikes, and they go for the pin, but Nick kicks out with ease. The Hardy Party has been controlling the match for a few minutes. They are now hitting multiple lariats on Nick, Nick; however, he starts getting some momentum, but Hardy still takes over. Nick makes the hot tag to Cabana. Cabana is in, and he is now in control, and he takes out both members of the Private Party. Kassidy takes down Cabana and has him in a guillotine and then pin attempt. Nick is not the legal man, but he hits a hurricanrana on Marq Quen. Nick Jackson is now the legal man, Private Party hits Gin & Juice on Nick Jackson, and it is followed up with a Twist of Fate by Hardy, and now Marq Quen goes for the pin, but Cabana stops the count. The referee is distracted, and Hardy tells Marq Quen he wants to hit him with a chair, but Marq Quen says “no,” and Cabana takes out Hardy right after. The Young Bucks take out Kennedy with a blind superkick, and that allows Cabana to hit the Chicago Skyline, and then he follows it up by getting the pin and the victory.

Winner: The Young Bucks and Colt Cabana

– They return from commercial, and Darby begins talking about Brodie. Allin says he was so happy when he came to AEW. He says Brodie did not have an ego, and he was there to elevate everyone, and he wishes he could have wrestled him.

Eddie Kingston, The Butcher & The Blade vs. Lance Archer, Evil Uno, & Stu Grayson

Eddie Kingston is out and says that he love Brodie and he misses him. The match begins with Evil Uno taking a cheap shot at Kingston, and now all the competitors are in the ring. Stu Grayson and The Blade are now the legal men, and they start getting their strikes in. The Blade is sent to the ropes, but Jake Roberts trips him up. The Blade loses focus, and Grayson hits The Blade with a big Brodie Bossman Slam. They now go to a commercial break. They come back with Kingston, and Evil Uno is in the ring, and they are exchanging slaps and then punches. Uno is knocked down with a big punch, and now Uno gets the hot tag, and Lance Archer is in. He is now going at it with The Blade, who just tagged in. Archer does a moonsault on the top rope on The Butcher. The Dark Order hits Fatality on The Butcher for the win.

Winner: Lance Archer, Stu Grayson, and Evil Uno

After the match, Dark Order and Archer get some strikes in, and then Kingston is pushed into Jake Roberts, and Roberts hits him a big clothesline.

– They now go to a tribute video with Dax Harwood, and he says how much he loved his family. They cut to Colt Cabana, and he says that Brodie would. They now talk to Bryce Remsberg, and he says that they weren’t “working together for a long time, but when he came back it was like nothing changed,” and Remsberg finished by saying, “if there were a Mount Rushmore of Dads in Pro Wrestling, Brodie would be on there.”

Inner Circle (MJF, Santana, and Ortiz) vs. Hangman Page, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds

The match is about to begin, but John Silver and Alex Reynolds throw papers at Santana and Ortiz, a tribute to Brodie from BTE. The match has now started with MJF and Adam Page. They go around, but nothing happens until Page hits MJF with a big punch, and MJF is out of the ring. MJF walks over to Brodie Lee Jr. and gets in his face, and is yelling at him. Santana and Oritz are controlling the match in their corner while getting multiple strikes in on Alex Reynolds. Santana moves the action to the middle of the ring, but he takes out John Silver with a cheap shot, but that allows Alex Reynolds to tag in Page for the hot tag. They go to a commercial picture-in-picture, and during it, The Inner Circle is controlling the match and beating down Reynolds. Reynolds tags in Page, but MJF stops Page from getting any punches in. Page a short time later tags in Silver, and Silver is taking out Inner Circle on his own. Silver hits a cannonball on MJF and then returns in the ring, and Silver goes into a cutter. Ortiz hits a spinebuster on Silver, and MJF hits a heatseeker on Silver and goes for the pin. During the match, Wardlow attacks Reynolds, and Wardlow is attacking Reynolds, but suddenly, Erik Rowan appears, and he starts attacking Wardlow. The crowd is going nuts. MJF takes the mask off Brodie Lee Jr., and he turns his back, and he comes back, and Lee Jr. hits him with the cane. Silver lands Brodie’s discuss forearm and then goes for the pin to get the win. After the match, Silver, Page, and Reynolds are emotional, and exchange hugs and are tearing up, and now Rowan is in the ring, and he holds up a sign that says “Goodbye my Brother.”

Winner: Adam Page and The Dark Order

– After the match, Eddie Kingston is now talking to the camera and says how much he will miss Brodie. He says Brodie is not gone as long as you remember him. He tells Brodie’s kids how much he loved them.

Anna Jay & Tay Conti vs. Dr. Britt Baker w/Rebel & Penelope Ford w/Kip Sabian

The match begins with Dr. Britt Baker and Tay Conti; Baker starts with controlling the match. Baker is getting some strikes in, but Conti uses her experience and gets out of a hold from Baker. Conti now tags in Anna Jay, and Baker tags in Penelope Ford. Ford hits Jay hits a forearm, and she rolls out. Rebel hit Anna Jay with a cheap shot when the ref was not paying attention. They go commercial picture-in-picture with Jay and Conti are controlling the match in the commercial. Jay is now controlling the match. She hits a neckbreaker on Baker. Baker recovers and hits Jay with a fisherman’s neckbreaker. Baker goes for the pin, and Jay kicks out, and Baker is rather shocked. Baker sends Jay into the turnbuckle, and Ford hits her with a neckbreaker. Jay recovers, and she can get Ford with the Queen Slayer, and Conti stops both Baker and Rebel from saving Ford. Ford ends up tapping out, Jay and Tay Conti win.

Winner: Anna Jay and Tay Conti

After the match, Baker calls Tony Schiavone to the ring, and she says that there is a conspiracy and that she basically says she should not have lost. Thunder Rosa makes a run in and attacks Britt Baker.

Chris Jericho starts talking about how he wrestled Luke Harper 27 times. He then tells a story about Brodie, and he says that he and Brodie were on tour in Saudi Arabia, and Jericho says he says he sees an arrow in his hotel room. He tells Brodie to look at this arrow on the wall, and Brodie tells him it is pointed to Mecca, and Jericho says, “how do you know that?” He says that’s the way Brodie was, smart and a great person. He finishes the tribute by saying they will take care of him and his family, and he promises it.

Brodie Lee Jr. Dream Match
Cody Rhodes, Orange Cassidy, and Dark Order’s 10 vs. Team Taz (Brian Cage, Powerhouse Hobbs, and Ricky Starks)

The match begins with Cody Rhodes and Powerhouse Hobbs, and Hobbs takes Rhodes down with a big shoulder. Hobbs tags in Ricky Starks, and Starks does not get any strikes because Rhodes starts hitting him with chops. Cody tags in 10, and the crowd is now chanting for 10. Ricky Starks is getting some strikes now, but it does not do anything because 10 throws Stark into the ropes and hits the German suplex. 10 tags in Orange Cassidy, Cassidy rolls into the ring. He and Hobbs have a staredown, and Hobbs does not sell anything to Cassidy and hits him with a big right. They now go to a commercial picture-in-picture; Cassidy is getting pummeled, and now Brian Cage is tagged, and he nails Cassidy with a power slam. Cage and Hobbs keep exchanging tags, and Cage has Cassidy up for a delayed vertical suplex. They now tag in Starks, and Starks is attempting to do his own vertical suplex, but Cassidy gets out of it. Cassidy makes the hot tag to Cody Rhodes. Cody lands multiple strikes and hits a clothesline on Stark. Rhodes is by the ropes, and Cage hits Rhodes in the back. This allows Starks to take Rhodes down. Rhodes recovers and tags in 10, 10 clear the ring, but Hobbs hit hard. Now, Rhodes and Cassidy are in the ring with Cage and Hobbs. Ten is the legal man, and now Starks hits a DDT. They show Taz grabbing a chair, and he goes toward the ring, but now Arn Anderson has a chair. Taz holds back and does not do anything; Rhodes could hit the Cross Rhodes, but he pushes him to 10, and 10 hits Starks with a spinebuster. Ten go to pin Starks, and they get the one, two, and three. Rhodes, Ten, and Cassidy win.

Winner: Cody Rhodes, Orange Cassidy, and Ten from The Dark Order

– After the match, Team Taz, including Hook, start attacking Rhodes, Ten, and Cassidy. Just a short time later, the lights go out, and it’s Darby Allin. Darby is standing in one of the walkways, and while he is watching Team Taz, Sting’s music starts, and he now appears. Sting and Allin walk to the ring, now Team Taz is staring down Rhodes, Allin, Ten, Sting, and Allin.

– They come back from a commercial with Cody Rhodes standing in the ring by himself; Rhodes talks about how Brodie Lee was such a great person. Rhodes talks about how nobody has ever been respected and well-liked like Brodie Lee has no matter what company he works for. Cody then introduces Brodie Lee Jr. to the ring, Brodie comes out with his Mom, and they lay Brodie’s boots in the middle of the ring. Tony Khan is in the ring, and he presents Brodie Lee Jr. with the TNT championship belt, and he says he will be the TNT champion forever. Tony Khan then goes to a video montage of Brodie Lee and shows the past footage from his Indy days and family photos. They show many different photos and videos; they include photos of both WWE and AEW wrestlers. They end the show with a tribute photo of Brodie Lee.

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