
WWE RAW Results for 12/21/20 Huge Six Man Tag Team Holiday Street Fight Match

Witness the fallout from last night’s TLC event tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE RAW on USA Network!

– We open tonight’s show with the newly crowned WWE Women’s Tag Team champions, Asuka and Charlotte Flair. Charlotte talks about coming back and how Asuka asked her and she accepted her offer since there was something in it for her. Charlotte then introduces Asuka before the two hug and Asuka cuts an excited promo in Japanese before saying that she’s a double champion again. Asuka says that Nia and Shayna weren’t ready for her and Charlotte before Charlotte alludes to getting a RAW Women’s Championship match before they’re interrupted by Nia and Shayna. Charlotte and Nia then exchange insults before Dana and Mandy Rose come out and Charlotte and Asuka leave the ring for the tag match between Brooke and Rose and Jax and Baszler as we go to commercial.

Shayna Baszler & Nia Jax vs Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose

Asuka and Charlotte are at ringside as Shayna and Mandy grapple on the mat before Mandy drops Shayna with a knee for two. Mandy drags Shayna to the corner and tags in Dana as Nia gets the tag on the other side and headbutts Dana before choking her in the corner. Nia tosses Dana across the ring and hits a running splash in the corner before missing a second one and Dana hits a hand spring back elbow into a head scissors. Mandy then comes in and chops Nia down and sends her out of the ring before Mandy and Dana clear the ring before Nia sends Mandy into the barricade as we go to commercial.

We come back to Shayna in control of Mandy on the mat before Nia comes in and beats on Mandy before missing a running leg drop and Shayna knocks Dana off of the apron. Mandy drops Shayna repeatedly and suplexes her before hitting a knee and Dana hits a cartwheel splash for two before hitting a Swanton Bomb for a near fall that Nia breaks up. Dana then takes out Nia and gets hit with a kick from Shayna before Dana tries to roll Shayna up and Shayna submits her for the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax defeat Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose via submission.

– Dana and Mandy clear the ring after the match when Nia and Shayna turn their attention to Asuka and Charlotte.

– We get a recap of the RAW Tag Team Championship match from last night at TLC where The Hurt Business defeated New Day to become the new champions. THB then bully someone backstage and rip off the guy’s New Day shirt and put a Hurt Business shirt on him as they make their way out to the ring for the VIP Lounge as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to The Hurt Business coming out and into the ring to celebrate Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin defeating New Day and bringing more accolades to THB. R-Truth photo bombs the group photo of THB before being chased to the back and Jeff Hardy and Matt Riddle make their way out to the stage. Riddle cuts a promo about Joe Rogan and Dave Chapelle before saying that they’re all citizens of the planet before Jeff says that they’re going to live by their faith rather than money.

– We get a graphic for Randy Orton addressing what he did to The Fiend last night at TLC later tonight as we go to commercial.

– Angel Garza is interviewed backstage ahead of his match against Drew Gulak where he flirts with the interviewer and gives her a rose.

Angel Garza vs Drew Gulak

Drew backs Angel into the corner before Garza takes his pants off and throws them at Gulak before taking him down. Garza locks in an abdominal stretch before hitting a hip toss for two and Gulak comes back with right hands before Garza superkicks him. Garza then hits the Wing Clipper for the pin and the win.

Winner: Angel Garza defeats Drew Gulak via pinfall.

– We get a recap of the WWE Championship TLC Triple Threat Match from last in which Drew McIntyre retained against AJ Styles and The Miz before we get a brief interview with AJ as he and Omos are coming out to the ring as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the arena for tonight’s edition of Miz TV with special guest AJ Styles where the two discuss the match last night and how AJ’s bodyguard Omos stopped Miz from getting the title after cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase. Miz says that he capitalized on an opportunity before AJ calls Miz stupid and incompetent before Miz says that he thought that he’d have gained respect he’s wanted so badly. Miz apologies to AJ and offers to put AJ in the next Marine film before John and AJ nearly come to blows. Omos makes note that Miz didn’t cash in, John did it for him before they’re interrupted by the WWE champion Drew McIntyre. Drew, Sheamus and Keith then surround the ring before reciting a poem and clear the ring before AJ sends Lee into Sheamus and Drew has to keep them from fighting.

– We get a video package recapping the feud between Ricochet and Retribution ahead of Ricochet facing T-Bar up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Sheamus and Keith arguing backstage before Drew gets in their way and has Sheamus leave before telling Keith that they need to get on the same page and let him worry about Sheamus.

Ricochet vs T-Bar w/Retribution

Ricochet goes right after T-Bar and uses his speed before T-Bar drops him and throws Ricochet across the ring before beating him in the corner. T-Bar turns Ricochet inside out with a lariat for a near fall before Ricochet sends T-Bar put of the ring and takes out Slapjack and Mace at ringside. T-Bar then pins Ricochet with Feast Your Eyes once they’re back in the ring.

Winner: T-Bar defeats Ricochet via pinfall.

– Earlier today New Day were interviewed about their defeat in The Hurt Business and losing the RAW Tag Team titles last night.

The Hurt Business (Bobby Lashley & MVP) vs Jeff Hardy & Riddle

Jeff attacks Bobby from behind before he and Riddle double up on Lashley and Bobby rips Riddle off of his back before MVP lays into Riddle with punches to the midsection. Lashley hits a neckbreaker before Riddle comes back with a flurry of strikes and gets the hot tag to Jeff who hits a leg drop into a basement dropkick and a splash for one. Jeff and Riddle then hit Broetry in Motion before clearing the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back to Jeff and Bobby in th ring where Bobby pushes Jeff off of the top and crashing down onto the floor before Jeff barely gets back in before being counted out. Lashley goes right after the now injured arm of Jeff before MVP comes in and grounds the high flier before Jeff gets the hot tag to Riddle. Riddle comes in and hits a bridging fisherman’s suplex for a near fall that Bobby breaks up before Riddle drops Bobby and Jeff misses a Swanton Bomb. Jeff then counters a spear before Bobby counters a Twist of Fate and Jeff is forced to tap when Bobby locks in the Hurt Lock.

Winner: Bobby Lashley and MVP defeat Jeff Hardy and Riddle via submission.

– Backstage The Miz and John Morrison argue with AJ and Omos before AJ and Omos leave as we go to commercial.

– We go to the ring to Elias and Jaxson Ryker in the ring where Elias goes to perform a song and is interrupted by Lucha House Party.

Jaxson Ryker vs Gran Metalik

Ryker runs Gran over as Elias plays a song and sings before Metalik hits Elias with a frankensteiner and Ryker finishes Metalik with a choke bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jaxson Ryker defeats Gran Metalik via pinfall.

– We get a recap of last night’s Firefly Inferno Match in which Randy Orton burnt The Fiend to a crisp as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to Randy Orton making his way out to the ring and addresses his setting The Fiend on fire in the center of the ring. The lights go out and come back on with Alexa on a swing set in the center of the ring where she’s swinging with an open seat on the set beside her. Randy slowly gets back into the ring and Alexa jokes about what happened to The Fiend before saying that when The Fiend comes back it will be unlike anything Randy has seen before before the lights go back out.

– We get a recap of Asuka and Charlotte defeating Shayna and Nia last night for the WWE Women’s Tag Team titles ahead of the new champs having a tag match up next as we go to commercial.

Asuka & Charlotte vs Peyton Royce & Lacey Evans

Asuka drops Peyton before locking in the Asuka Lock when Lacey gets the blind tag before Asuka knocks Lacey off of the apron as we see Shayna and Nia looking on from backstage as we go to commercial.

We come back to Lacey in control of Asuka in the corner before she and Peyton argue and keep tagging themselves in before Asuka gets the hot tag to Charlotte. Charlotte clotheslines Peyton and hits Lacey with a back suplex before chopping Peyton and hitting a backbreaker into a boot. Charlotte hits Lacey with a fall away slam before Peyton counters a Figure Four and locks in a half crab before Asuka breaks up the submission. Asuka then takes out Lacey at ringside before Peyton gets two and Charlotte locks in the Figure Eight for the tap and the win.

Winner: Charlotte Flair and Asuka defeat Peyton Royce and Lacey Evans via submission.

– Backstage Drew gets ready with Sheamus and Keith as we go to commercial.

-We get a recap of earlier tonight where Drew, Sheamus and Keith cleared the ring after Miz TV and the subsequent drama between Sheamus and Keith when AJ dropkicked Keith into Sheamus.

Six-Man Tag Team Holiday Street Fight Match

Sheamus and John kick things off for their respective teams by exchanging strikes before John grape vines the leg of Sheamus and tags in Miz. Miz stomps Sheamus before AJ comes in and gets clotheslined before AJ backs Sheamus into the corner and Sheamus fights out of the corner. Sheamus drags John to the corner and he and Drew double team John before John focuses on the taped up left knee of Drew before Drew headbutts him. Keith comes in and he and Drew hit a double release suplex that sends John across the ring before Lee reluctantly tags Sheamus in. Sheamus and Keith then drop John before they take out both John and AJ and start chopping each other before Drew gets between them as we go to commercial.

We come back to Sheamus in control of AJ on the mat until Sheamus brings Miz into the ring and Drew and Sheamus club Miz and Morrison in the ropes. Keith drives Miz and Morrison into the barricade before tossing Morrison and Miz into Christmas presents and the tree at ringside. Back in the ring Sheamus locks in a rear chin lock before clubbing him and hitting several knee drops and Morrison throws a present into the ring. Sheamus goes shoulder first into the post before he and John double up on Sheamus and Keith and Drew send Miz out of the ring before Sheamus hits a rolling senton. AJ distracts Sheamus before John sends Sheamus off of the top and through a table at ringside before rolling him back inside.

John gets two before M&M double up on Sheamus before AJ comes back in and drops Sheamus with an enzuigiri before cheap shotting Keith. Sheamus hits White Noise and gets the hot tag to the WWE champion who runs over Miz and AJ before tossing Miz and Morrison across the ring. Drew slams AJ onto Miz before Miz counters the Future Shock DDT and Drew hits a spine buster for a near fall that AJ breaks up before everyone hits a move until AJ attacks Drew with a candy cane. Drew powerbombs AJ through a table before Sheamus tags himself in and Keith tags himself in before Omos catches John at ringside when Keith knocks him off of the apron. Omos then puts Morrison through a table before Keith pins Miz with the Spirit Bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Keith Lee, Drew McIntyre and Sheamus defeat The Miz, John Morrison and AJ Styles via pinfall.

– Sheamus immediately takes out Keith with a Brogue Kick after the match before he starts arguing with Drew as we go off the air.

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