
WWE NXT Results for 11/11/20 NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Breezango look to reclaim their titles and Xia Li looks to end her losing streak!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT!

– We open tonight’s show with a video package paying respect to the United States armed forces past and present on Veteran’s Day.

– We open in the CWC with North American champion Johnny Gargano in the ring with his “wheel of challengers” before Johnny talks about his ongoing inability to defend a title once he’s won it. Johnny then spins the wheel before it lands on Leon Ruff before introducing Leon for their match.

NXT North American Championship Match

Johnny Gargano (c) vs Leon Ruff

Leon trips when his boot isn’t tied before Johnny tells him to tie it and kicks him when Leon goes to fix his boot. Johnny throws Leon into the air and crashing down onto the mat before chopping him in the corner. Leon comes back with a running forearm in the corner before Johnny sends him into post and the barricade. Johnny looks up and sees Damian Priest in the crowd before mocking him and Priest goes around the plexiglass and chain link fencing. A startled Johnny runs back into the ring and is nearly beaten with a roll up for a near fall out of nowhere. Leon then pins Johnny with a crucifix bomb, upsetting the champion for the pin and the win.

Winner: Leon Ruff defeats Johnny Gargano via pinfall to become the new NXT North American champion.

– After the match Priest comes out and celebrates with Leon before Johnny has a tantrum in the middle of the ring as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the new North American champion being interviewed backstage before Priest gives Ruff the keys to his car and tells him to run before Johnny comes after him. Johnny then shows up and nearly comes to blows with Priest before they’re separated by officials.

NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match

Santos Escobar (c) w/Legado Del Fantasma (Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza) vs Jake Atlas

Santos beats Jake down and elbows and knees him in the midsection and hits a side Russian leg sweep. Santos locks in a submission before chopping Jake and countering a head scissors that sends Jake face first into the mat. Santos punches and stomps Jake in the corner before locking in a rear chin lock with a short arm scissors. Jake comes back with right hands and chops before dropping the champion with a stiff forearm. Jake then takes out both members of LDF at ringside before hitting a springboard blockbuster for two as we go to commercial.

We come back to Raul and Joaquin being ejected from ringside before Santos hits a frankensteiner into a frog splash for two. Jake comes back with a roundhouse kick before hitting Santos with open hand palm strikes and goes up top for diving arm drag, but Santos shoves him off and into the announce table. Santos sends Jake into the steps before playing to the crowd and Jake snaps his neck across the top rope. Jake throws himself out of the ring and onto Santos before rolling him back inside and getting two off of a sunset flip. Jake gets a near fall off of an inside cradle before Santos drops him with a superkick for two before Jake hits a rolling senton. Jake then follows up with a standing moonsault for two before Santos counters the Rainbow DDT into Legado for the pin and the win.

Winner: Santos Escobar retains his NXT Cruiserweight Championship by defeating Jake Atlas via pinfall.

– We come back from the break to a video package promo by Shotzi Blackheart who vows revenge on Candice LeRae for destroying her tank.

– Raquel is in the ring for her match against Xia Li before BOA comes out to the ring instead of Xia and gets laid out by Raquel before he receives a letter by an unknown man before receiving a mark on his wrist in ink as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a backstage interview with August Grey where he’s asked why he attacked Timothy Thatcher last week before Thatcher attacks him and inadvertently destroys the painting that Dexter Lumis made.

Toni Storm vs Candice LeRae

LeRae locks in a standing side headlock before Toni takes her down with a side headlock take over. Candice gets to her feet and gets taken back down with a straight armbar before they exchange wrist locks. Candice beats Toni down after slamming her to the mat by her hair and Toni comes back with a basement dropkick. Toni then drops Candice with a boot and sends her out of the ring before missing a running hip attack and going right into the steps as we go to commercial.

We come back to Toni collapsing after dropping Candice with a headbutt before Toni hits a German suplex into a running hip attack in the corner. Toni clotheslines Candice and hits a sliding clothesline before following up with a fisherman’s suplex. Toni gets caught on the top turnbuckle before knocking Candice down and missing a diving leg drop. Candice then gets two before pinning Toni with a leverage pin with the ropes.

Winner: Candice LeRae defeats Toni Storm via pinfall.

– Ghostface shows up and attacks Toni after the match before Shotzi comes out and she’s dispatched by Candice and Ghostface who is revealed as Indi Hartwell.

– Backstage Fandango get ready to reclaim the NXT Tag Team titles later tonight as we go to commercial.

Timothy Thatcher vs Dexter Lumis

Lumis immediately hits a Thesz press and sends Tim out of the ring with a right hand before Tim takes Dexter down once he’s back in the ring. Dexter takes Tim down to the mat before they grapple on the mat and Tim hits a release belly to belly suplex. Tim locks in a front face lock before cranking on a cravat and dropping Dexter with a knee to the midsection. Tim locks in a bow and arrow before Dexter breaks the grip of Tim and hits a spine buster before dropkicking Tim. Dexter then tosses Tim over the top rope and down onto the floor before they brawl at ringside and Tim sends Dexter into the post as we go to commercial.

We come back to Tim in control before Dexter comes back with a back suplex into a jumping elbow drop. Dexter rocks Tim with right hands and a running clothesline in the corner into a bulldog out of the corner. Dexter goes up top before Tim rocks him and gets shoved off before Dexter hits a Swanton Bomb. Dexter then sends Tim into Cameron Grimes who gets up on the apron before Tim takes him down and goes for an armbar, but Dexter counters before Tim pins him with a crucifix.

Winner: Timothy Thatcher defeats Dexter Lumis via pinfall.

– Cameron attacks Dexter after the match before blinding him with a bag over his head and beating him down. Dexter then blindingly swings a chair at Cameron before Cameron sets him on the chair and hits a running Cave In.

– Backstage Johnny Gargano is outside of NXT General Manager William Regal’s office who tells Regal to reverse the decision of his North American Championship match. Regal then tells Johnny that the decision stands even though Johnny admits that he rigged the wheel earlier tonight.

– We get a graphic for Prime Target featuring the NXT Women’s champion Io Shirai and Rhea Ripley up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a backstage promo by Tommaso Ciampa in a darkened room where he talks about how people get rewarded by complaining and how their actions don’t have any consequences. Ciampa then reiterates what he said two weeks ago about how he’s going to change the culture of the NXT locker room.

– We get an extended video package for the NXT Women’s Championship match between champion Io Shirai and the challenger for her title Rhea Ripley ahead of their match on next week’s show.

– We get an update on the condition of Killian Dain after the attack by Pat McAfee and company as we see Pat, Pete, Danny and Oney in the ring as we go to commercial ahead of Lorcan and Burch defending their tag titles.

– We go backstage to Cameron Grimes who explains his attack on Dexter Lumis before we get a graphic for NXT champion Finn Bälor addressing the NXT Universe next week.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch (c) vs Breezango

The four brawl in the ring and at ringside before it’s Fandango and Danny in the ring and Tyler comes in and stomps Danny. Tyler hits a float over suplex before Oney comes in and gets dropped with an uppercut by Fandango. Breezango double up on Danny before Oney takes out Fandango at ringside and Tyler sends Danny into Pete Dunne at the commentary table as we go to commercial.

We come back from Fandango getting the hot tag and turning Oney inside out with a lariat before hitting a falcon arrow for a near fall that Danny breaks up. Fandango hits a tope that takes out Lorcan and Burch before Oney crotches Fandango on the top rope. Pat gets on the apron and distracts the referee before Drake Maverick helps Fandango who hits a top rope powerbomb into a diving leg drop for a near fall. Pete then takes out Drake before taking out Tyler on the apron and Oney and Danny hit their elevated DDT finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan retain their NXT Tag Team titles by defeating Breezango via pinfall.

– Drake Maverick attacks Pat and company after the match before he’s beaten down and Pete hits an x-plex onto the announce table. Oney, Danny and Pete then beat down Breezango before Pat hits an assisted punt kick to Tyler draped over the announce table and held up by Pete as we go off the air.

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