
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 10/2/20 Roman Reigns to Be Crowned Tribal Chief

The Universal champion will officially become the Tribal Chief tonight at 8pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to tonight’s edition of Smackdown on FOX!

– We open tonight’s show with a recap of the Universal Championship match from Clash of Champions in which Roman Reigns retained with a decisive and brutalized victory over Jey Uso.

– We open in the arena with the music for the Universal champion before Roman and Paul Heyman make their way out to the ring. Paul gets on the mic and says that he’s nervous because he’s known Roman since he was born and that they are there to declare Roman the Tribal Chief of the WWE Universe. Roman says that he doesn’t want anyone to acknowledge him as Tribal Chief because Jey didn’t acknowledge him last Sunday. Roman calls Jey out to the ring before Jey comes out and gets in the ring and says that he doesn’t know this version of Roman. Jey says that they both showed their true colors at COC and that he would have won the belt if Jimmy hadn’t thrown the towel in.

Roman says that their match was the worst night of his career and his life before saying that he just wanted to help Jey and his family. Roman says that he has earned the title of Tribal Chief and that he wanted to represent their family to the fullest. Roman says that Jey disrespected him and embarrassed him, his family and their legacy. Roman offers Jey a rematch at Hell in the Cell before saying that it will be the highest staked match in WWE history. Roman then drops the mic and leaves up the ramp before Jey accepts.

– AJ Styles comes out to the ring and tells Jey that he matters to AJ and that he doesn’t want to see him take another beating like Sunday. AJ then mocks Jey before Jey tackles him and sends him out of the ring before hitting a cross body over the top as we go to commercial.

AJ Styles vs Jey Uso

Jey rocks AJ with a right hand before AJ dodges a splash in the corner and Jey counters a Styles Clash before clotheslining AJ over the top rope. AJ then stops Jey from hitting a suicide dive and AJ suplexes Jey onto the announce table as we go to commercial.

We come back to AJ in control, having Jey in a rear chin lock before Jey gets to his feet and AJ misses a jumping splash in the corner. Jey rocks AJ before AJ catches him coming in with a boot and Jey catches AJ coming out of the corner with a pop up Samoan drop. Jey hits a neck breaker for two before AJ dodges a superkick and hits a Pele kick into an ushigoroshi before Jey sends AJ out of the ring. Jey knocks AJ off of the apron before hitting a suicide dive and tossing AJ back inside before AJ gets his boots up when Jey goes for a diving splash. Jey then kicks AJ when he goes for a Phenomenal Forearm before superkicking AJ and hitting a diving splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jey Uso defeats AJ Styles via pinfall.

– We get a graphic for Alexa Bliss joining the KO Show.

– We get this week’s Progressive Match Flo recapping Sami Zayn defeating Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles in a triple threat ladder match at Clash of Champions.

– Backstage Sami Zayn cuts a promo about winning the aforementioned match and becoming the undisputed Intercontinental champion. Sami then throws Jeff’s version of the title in a trash can as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a recap of two weeks ago when Otis stripped and embarrassed The Miz before Miz sued him.

John Morrison vs Otis

John uses his superior speed to be one step ahead of Otis until Otis knocks him down and steps on him. Otis drops John repeatedly before flap jacking him and hitting an overhead belly to belly. Otis hits the Caterpillar before going up top and hitting a Vader Bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Otis defeats John Morrison via pinfall.

– We go backstage to see Sasha Banks before we’re told that she has a message for the Smackdown Women’s champion Bayley later tonight as we go to commercial.

Sheamus vs Chad Gable

Chad ducks a Brogue Kick and rolls Sheamus up for an early near fall before Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick. Sheamus then finishes Chad with a second Brogue Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sheamus defeats Chad Gable via pinfall.

– Backstage Kevin gets his cue cards for the KO Show before he looks at them and we see the logo for the Firefly Fun House and The Fiend flickering on the monitor behind him as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the ring for tonight’s edition of the KO Show with special guest Alexa Bliss. Kevin asks Alexa what happened to her before Alexa tells Kevin that people change sometimes. Alexa asks Kevin if he wants to be better before Kevin says that he’s done things to change. Kevin says that tonight is about Alexa changing and that he wants to try to understand her change to help him understand Aleister Black. Alexa speaks about The Fiend with an almost cult like enthusiasm before Kevin accuses her of being brainwashed.

Alexa says that she’s been cleansed by him before Kevin asks if he’s there and she says that he’s everywhere. The lights go out before they come back on and The Fiend incapacitates Kevin with the mandible claw. The Fiend then turns to Alexa and they stare at each other until he offers her his hand and she takes it before smiling at the camera as we go to commercial.

Baron Corbin, Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura vs Matt Riddle & Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado)

Shin and Lince start things off as Kalisto makes his way down to ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back to Corbin in control of Metalik before sending him into the corner and he and Shin and Cesaro isolate him. Shin knocks Lince off of the apron before Metalik hits a tornado DDT and Matt gets the hot tag. Matt suplexes Corbin and hits a PK for a two count that Shinsuke breaks up before Corbin is sent out of the ring and Metalik hits a suicide dive. Cesaro then counters a Golden Rewind before Kalisto accidentally takes out Lince and Matt hits Cesaro with a Final Flash into the Bro-Derek for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Riddle, Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado defeat Cesaro, Shinsuke Nakamura and Baron Corbin via pinfall.

– After the match we get a recap of Bayley’s second attack on Sasha and her disqualification loss to Asuka at COC before we see that Sasha attacked Bayley with a chair and a kendo stick after the match. Sasha then comes out to the ring as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video package promo for the imminent return of Carmella before we go back to the ring.

– Sasha talks about how Bayley should have learned something from her after using her for years. Sasha calls Bayley a coward and afraid of her. Sasha then says that she’ll defeat Bayley for her title next week before taking off her neck brace and throwing the mic down.

– Intercontinental champion Sami Zayn comes out to the ring for his non-title match against Jeff Hardy up next as we go to commercial.

Kevin Owens versus The Fiend and Sheamus versus Big-E is announced for next week’s show.

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

Sami Zayn (c) vs Jeff Hardy

Sami goes right after Jeff and beats him down before Jeff comes back with strikes and drops Sami with a shoulder block. Jeff focuses on the taped ribs of Sami before Sami rolls out of the ring and Jeff tosses him back inside. Sami kicks Jeff in the midsection and goes to smash his face into a top turnbuckle which is missing the pad. Jeff sends Sami out of the ring before hitting a baseball slide that sends Sami into the announce table. Sami then sends Jeff into the barricade as we go to commercial.

We come back to Sami in control, having Jeff grounded as we see that Sami had removed the top turnbuckle pad. Sami dumps Jeff out of the ring before driving him into the barricade and tossing him back inside for two. Sami hits a jumping elbow off of the second rope for two before slamming Jeff and taking his time getting up to the top. Jeff knocks Sami down and superplexes him before they exchange strikes and Jeff hits an inverted atomic drop into a basement dropkick and a splash for a near fall. Sami counters the Twist of Fate into a back slide for a near fall before Jeff counters a blue thunderbomb for a near fall.

Sami hits an exploder suplex into the corner before Jeff rocks him with a mule kick. Sami hits a blue thunderbomb for a near fall before setting Jeff on the top rope. Jeff knocks Sami down with a headbutt before Sami gets his knees up when Jeff goes for a Swanton Bomb. Jeff then dodges a Helluva Kick before Sami rips Jeff down from the top rope, sending him face first across the exposed turnbuckle. Sami then covers an unconscious Jeff for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sami Zayn retains his Intercontinental championship by defeating Jeff Hardy via pinfall.

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