Robbie Lawler To GSP: Do You Accept The Fight Or Not?

Ever since former UFC Welterweight Champion Georges St. Pierre was rumored to be returning from his retirement, a likely opponent was another former UFC Welterweight Champion in Robbie Lawler.

GSP, when appearing on The MMA Hour, talked about why the fight with a fellow former welterweight champion never came to be.

"I knew Robbie Lawler had pulled out of the New York card,” St-Pierre said. “I don't know the reason he pulled out, but I heard in an interview with [Lawler's teammate] he needed a long break. So, the next day, my lawyer told me, 'Georges, now you're a free agent.'"

Lawler was quick to issue a response to ESPN, both addressing his recent health issues and his rumored bout with GSP.

"He says he was offered a fight against me but I wasn't healthy or whatever,” Lawler said. “He's basically trying to read between the lines like other people, not knowing what's the matter with me. Nothing is the matter with me. Do you accept the fight or not? That's the real question, right? Because I'm ready to fight right now. Did you accept it or not? I'm guessing you didn't. Don't try to hide behind, 'I'm not healthy.' That's not the facts. I'm always ready to fight that guy,” he continued. “I've been training my whole life to fight a guy like him — and him, in particular. So don't use my name or try to hide behind something you think might be happening but is not. If he doesn't want the fight, shut up."

Lawler’s next fight in the UFC is not set yet and GSP is currently battling the UFC over his contractual status. GSP hasn’t issued a statement on what Lawler said to ESPN.

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